private static void ReproIssue169(REngine engine) { engine.Evaluate("library(mirt)"); engine.Evaluate("x=mirt(Science,1)"); S4Object obj111 = engine.GetSymbol("x").AsS4(); engine.Evaluate("ff=fscores(x, response.pattern=c(1,0,0,0))"); GenericVector dataset111 = engine.GetSymbol("ff").AsList(); NumericVector v = dataset111[0].AsNumeric(); double firstval = v[0]; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> static void stackoverflow_27597542_2752565 (REngine engine) { var createModel = @" set.seed(0) x <- ts(rnorm(100)) library(forecast) blah <- ets(x) # str(blah) "; engine.Evaluate (createModel); var m = engine.GetSymbol ("blah").AsList (); var components = m ["components"].AsCharacter ().ToArray (); for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine ("m$components[{0}] = {1}", i + 1, components [i]); } }
static void TestOptimCsharp(REngine engine) { var rand = new Random(0); int n = 10000; double x, y, r, xb, yb, rb; rb = double.MaxValue; xb = yb = double.MaxValue; engine.Evaluate("rosen <- function(x, y) { (1-x)**2 + 100*(y-x*x)**2 }"); Console.WriteLine("*** Try a basic way to call the function in R ***"); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { x = -1 + rand.NextDouble() * (3 - (-1)); y = -1 + rand.NextDouble() * (3 - (-1)); r = engine.Evaluate(string.Format("rosen({0}, {1})", x, y)).AsNumeric().ToArray()[0]; if (r < rb) { rb = r; xb = x; yb = y; } } Console.WriteLine("The best score r={0} is for x={1}, y={2}", rb, xb, yb); Console.WriteLine("*** Try an R function 'pointer' with a vectorized function call. Faster, if you can do it this way***"); var f = engine.GetSymbol("rosen").AsFunction(); double[] xa = new double[n], ya = new double[n]; rand = new Random(0); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { xa[i] = -1 + rand.NextDouble() * (3 - (-1)); ya[i] = -1 + rand.NextDouble() * (3 - (-1)); } double[] ra = f.Invoke(new[] { engine.CreateNumericVector(xa), engine.CreateNumericVector(ya) }) .AsNumeric().ToArray(); rb = ra.Min(); int indBest = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ra.Length; i++) { // no which.min in C#. Should call R here too... if (ra[i] <= rb) indBest = i; } Console.WriteLine("The best score r={0} is for x={1}, y={2}", rb, xa[indBest], ya[indBest]); }
/// <summary> /// Create an R data frame from managed arrays and objects. /// </summary> /// <param name="engine">R engine</param> /// <param name="columns">The columns with the values for the data frame. These must be array of supported types (double, string, bool, integer, byte)</param> /// <param name="columnNames">Column names. default: null.</param> /// <param name="rowNames">Row names. Default null.</param> /// <param name="checkRows">Check rows. See data.frame R documentation</param> /// <param name="checkNames">See data.frame R documentation</param> /// <param name="stringsAsFactors">Should columns of strings be considered as factors (categories). See data.frame R documentation</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataFrame CreateDataFrame(this REngine engine, IEnumerable[] columns, string[] columnNames = null, string[] rowNames = null, bool checkRows = false, bool checkNames = true, bool stringsAsFactors = true) { var df = engine.GetSymbol("data.frame").AsFunction(); SymbolicExpression[] colVectors = ToVectors(engine, columns); Tuple <string, SymbolicExpression>[] namedColArgs = CreateNamedArgs(colVectors, columnNames); var args = new List <Tuple <string, SymbolicExpression> >(namedColArgs); if (rowNames != null) { args.Add(Tuple.Create("row.names", (SymbolicExpression)engine.CreateCharacterVector(rowNames))); } args.Add(Tuple.Create("check.rows", (SymbolicExpression)engine.CreateLogical(checkRows))); args.Add(Tuple.Create("check.names", (SymbolicExpression)engine.CreateLogical(checkNames))); args.Add(Tuple.Create("stringsAsFactors", (SymbolicExpression)engine.CreateLogical(stringsAsFactors))); var result = df.InvokeNamed(args.ToArray()).AsDataFrame(); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="symbolname"></param> /// <returns></returns> public SymbolicExpression GetSymbol(string symbolname) { // Exception handling ? return((engine == null) ? null : engine.GetSymbol(symbolname)); }
private static void TestMultiThreads(REngine engine) { engine.Evaluate("x <- rnorm(10000)"); var blah = engine.GetSymbol("x").AsNumeric().ToArray(); double[][] res = new double[2][]; // Can two threads access in parallel the same Parallel.For(0, 2, i => readNumericX(i, res, engine)); engine.Evaluate("x <- list()"); engine.Evaluate("x[[1]] <- rnorm(10000)"); engine.Evaluate("x[[2]] <- rnorm(10000)"); // Can two threads access in parallel the same list // Usually bombs, though passes sometimes. // The console output would report the following: //Error: unprotect_ptr: pointer not found //Error: R_Reprotect: only 3 protected items, can't reprotect index 9 //Error: unprotect_ptr: pointer not found //Parallel.For(0, 2, i => readNumericList(i, res, engine)); // And in seqence, but from other threads - seems to work consistently Parallel.For(0, 1, i => readNumericList(i, res, engine)); Parallel.For(1, 2, i => readNumericList(i, res, engine)); Console.WriteLine(res[1][1]); }
private static void ReproDiscussion532760(REngine engine) { // //> x <- data.frame(1:1e6, row.names=format(1:1e6)) //> object.size(x) //60000672 bytes //> object.size(rownames(x)) //56000040 bytes engine.Evaluate("x <- data.frame(1:1e6, row.names=format(1:1e6))"); var x = engine.GetSymbol("x").AsDataFrame(); engine.ForceGarbageCollection(); engine.ForceGarbageCollection(); var memoryInitial = engine.Evaluate("memory.size()").AsNumeric().First(); var netMemBefore = GC.GetTotalMemory(true); var blah = x.RowNames; //var blah = engine.Evaluate("rownames(x)").AsCharacter().ToArray(); blah = null; GC.Collect(); engine.ForceGarbageCollection(); engine.ForceGarbageCollection(); var memoryAfterAlloc = engine.Evaluate("memory.size()").AsNumeric().First(); var netMemAfter = GC.GetTotalMemory(false); }
private static void ReproDiscussion528955(REngine engine) { engine.Evaluate("a <- 1"); engine.Evaluate("a <- a+1"); NumericVector v1 = engine.GetSymbol("a").AsNumeric(); bool eq = 2.0 == v1[0]; engine.Evaluate("a <- a+1"); NumericVector v2 = engine.GetSymbol("a").AsNumeric(); eq = 3.0 == v2[0]; }
private static void readNumericX(long i, double[][] res, REngine engine) { res[i] = engine.GetSymbol("x").AsNumeric().ToArray(); }
private static void ReproStackOverflow_34355201(REngine engine) { engine.AutoPrint = true; //samples taken from ?fscores man page in package mirt engine.Evaluate("library(mirt)"); // 'Science' is a prepackage sample data in mirt; you can use 'engine.CreateDataFrame' in C# to create your own if need be. engine.Evaluate("mod <- mirt(Science, 1)"); engine.Evaluate("class(mod)"); S4Object modcs = engine.GetSymbol("mod").AsS4(); // TODO - noticed 2015-12 that R.NET 1.6.5, HasSlot causes a stack imbalance warning. To unit test. // Normally should do: // if (modcs.HasSlot("Fit")) IDictionary<string, string> slotTypes = modcs.GetSlotTypes(); if (slotTypes.Keys.Contains("Fit")) { GenericVector fit = modcs["Fit"].AsList(); // should check logLik in fit.Names; double logLik = fit["logLik"].AsNumeric()[0]; } engine.Evaluate("tabscores <- fscores(mod, full.scores = FALSE)"); engine.Evaluate("head(tabscores)"); engine.Evaluate("class(tabscores)"); NumericMatrix tabscorescs = engine.GetSymbol("tabscores").AsNumericMatrix(); }