public ActionResult PaywallRefundOrder(DisplayInvoice invoice) { try { bool isSuccess = false; var sg = new Paywall(); PaymentGateway pg = new PaymentGateway(); var f = pg.StartInvoiceWizard().Initalize(invoice.Merchant.MerchantId, "USD", invoice.PaymentProvider, PaymentMode.Live, ChargeTypeEnum.Refund_Paywall) .SetInvoiceId(invoice.InvoiceId) .SetRefundAmount(invoice.RefundAmount) .SetNotes(null, invoice.AdminNote); var response = f.FinalizeInvoice(); if (response.Status == InvoiceStatus.Refunded) isSuccess = true; if (isSuccess) return Redirect(Url.Content("~/paywall/order/" + invoice.Merchant.PrivateManagerId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "/" + invoice.Merchant.MerchantId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "/" + invoice.InvoiceId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "?u=" +; else return Redirect(Url.Content("~/paywall/order/" + invoice.Merchant.PrivateManagerId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "/" + invoice.Merchant.MerchantId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "/" + invoice.InvoiceId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
public ActionResult PaywallOrder(DisplayInvoice invoice) { try { var sg = new Paywall(); sg.UpdatePaywallOrder(invoice); return Redirect(Url.Content("~/paywall/order/" + invoice.Merchant.PrivateManagerId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "/" + invoice.Merchant.MerchantId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "/" + invoice.InvoiceId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.s)); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
public bool UpdateCurrentlyViewing(long paywallId, string password) { if (instance.Paywalls == null) instance.Paywalls = new List<Paywall>(); var wall = instance.Paywalls.Where(x => x.PaywallId == paywallId && x.PasswordForPaywall == password).FirstOrDefault(); if (wall != null) { wall.LastViewedPaywall = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2); } else { Paywall w = new Paywall(); w.PaywallId = paywallId; w.PasswordForPaywall = password; w.LastViewedPaywall = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2); instance.Paywalls.Add(w); } return true; }
public ActionResult ViewTournament(string pid, string id) { try { NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.Url.Query); string u = nameValueCollection["u"]; if (u == SiteMessagesEnum.s.ToString()) { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Success; message.Message = "Successfully Updated Tournament."; this.AddMessage(message); } if (u == SiteMessagesEnum.sup.ToString()) { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Success; message.Message = "Successfully Updated Logo."; this.AddMessage(message); } Guid memId = RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId(); var tourny = Tournament.GetTournamentToManage(new Guid(id), new Guid(pid)); Paywall pw = new Paywall(); var pws = pw.GetPaywalls(memId); Dictionary<int, string> countries = LocationFactory.GetCountriesDictionary(); var counTemp = countries.Select(item => new SelectListItem { Text = item.Value, Value = item.Key.ToString() }).ToList(); //ViewData["TournamentClass"] = tourny.TournamentClass.ToSelectListDropDown(); //var list = Enum.GetValues(typeof(TournamentTypeEnum)).Cast<TournamentTypeEnum>().ToList(); MerchantGateway mg = new MerchantGateway(); tourny.AvailableShops = mg.GetPublicMerchants(); ViewBag.Countries = new SelectList(counTemp, "Value", "Text", tourny.CountryId); ViewBag.PayWalls = new SelectList(pws.Paywalls, "PaywallId", "DescriptionOfPaywall", tourny.PaywallId); return View(tourny); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
public ActionResult Index(GameOutModel crap) { try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(crap.Paywall.PasswordForPaywall)) crap.Paywall.PasswordForPaywall = crap.Paywall.PasswordForPaywall.Trim(); GameOutModel game = new GameOutModel(); game.Game = GameServerViewModel.GetGameFromCache(crap.Game.GameId); Paywall wall = new Paywall(); game.Paywall = wall.GetPaywall(game.Game.PaywallId); if (game.Paywall == null) game.Paywall = new Paywall(); bool isPaid = GameServerViewModel.CheckGamePaywallIsPaid(game.Game.GameId, crap.Paywall.PasswordForPaywall); game.Paywall.IsPaid = isPaid; if (PaywallViewers.Instance.Paywalls == null) PaywallViewers.Instance.Paywalls = new List<Paywall>(); bool isCurrentlyViewing = PaywallViewers.Instance.IsCurrentlyViewingPaywall(crap.Paywall.PaywallId, crap.Paywall.PasswordForPaywall); if (isCurrentlyViewing) { game.Paywall.IsPaid = false; SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Warning; message.Message = "You are currently viewing this from another device. You can only view this from one device at a time."; this.AddMessage(message); } ViewData["merchantId"] = game.Game.SelectedShop; game.StripeKey = "Stripe.setPublishableKey('" + ServerConfig.STRIPE_LIVE_KEY + "');"; if (game != null) return View(game); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
// GET: /Game/ public ActionResult Index(string id, string gameName, string team1, string team2) { try { NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.Url.Query); string u = nameValueCollection["u"]; if (u == SiteMessagesEnum.sww.ToString()) { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Error; message.Message = "Something Went Wrong, Problem Sent to the Developers."; this.AddMessage(message); } GameOutModel game = new GameOutModel(); game.Game = GameServerViewModel.GetGameFromCache(new Guid(id)); Paywall wall = new Paywall(); game.Paywall = wall.GetPaywall(game.Game.PaywallId); if (game.Paywall == null) game.Paywall = new Paywall(); ViewData["merchantId"] = game.Game.SelectedShop; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Paywall.StripePublishableKey)) game.StripeKey = "Stripe.setPublishableKey('" + game.Paywall.StripePublishableKey + "');"; else game.StripeKey = "Stripe.setPublishableKey('" + ServerConfig.STRIPE_LIVE_KEY + "');"; if (game != null) return View(game); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/roller-derby-games?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.dex)); }
public Paywall UpdatePaywall(Paywall pw) { try { ManagementContext dc = new ManagementContext(); var npw = dc.Paywalls.Where(x => x.PaywallId == pw.PaywallId).FirstOrDefault(); if (npw.Merchant.InternalReference == RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId()) { npw.DailyPrice = pw.DailyPrice; npw.DescriptionOfPaywall = pw.DescriptionOfPaywall; npw.EndDate = pw.EndDate; npw.IsEnabled = pw.IsEnabled; npw.StartDate = pw.StartDate; npw.TimespanPrice = pw.TimespanPrice; npw.PaywallId = pw.PaywallId; dc.SaveChanges(); return pw; } } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return null; }
private static Paywall DisplayPaywall(DataModels.PaymentGateway.Paywall.Paywall pw) { Paywall npw = new Paywall(); try { npw.DailyPrice = pw.DailyPrice; npw.DescriptionOfPaywall = pw.DescriptionOfPaywall; npw.EndDate = pw.EndDate; if (npw.EndDate.HasValue) npw.EndDateDisplay = pw.EndDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); npw.IsEnabled = pw.IsEnabled; npw.StartDate = pw.StartDate; if (npw.StartDate.HasValue) npw.StartDateDisplay = pw.StartDate.Value.ToShortDateString(); npw.TimespanPrice = pw.TimespanPrice; npw.PaywallId = pw.PaywallId; npw.AcceptPaypal = pw.Merchant.AcceptPaymentsViaPaypal; npw.AcceptStripe = pw.Merchant.AcceptPaymentsViaStripe; npw.StripePublishableKey = pw.Merchant.StripePublishableKey; npw.MerchantId = pw.Merchant.MerchantId; Guid memId = RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId(); foreach (var wall in pw.PaywallInvoices) { if (wall.MemberPaidId == memId) if (wall.Invoice.InvoiceStatus == (byte)InvoiceStatus.Payment_Successful || wall.Invoice.InvoiceStatus == (byte)InvoiceStatus.Pending_Payment_From_Paypal) { npw.IsPaid = true; break; } } foreach (var voice in pw.Merchant.Invoices.Where(x => x.Items.Count > 0).OrderByDescending(x => x.Created)) { DisplayInvoice v = DisplayInvoice(voice); npw.Invoices.Add(v); } var dc = new ManagementContext(); foreach (var game in pw.Games) { npw.Games.Add(Game.GameManager.DisplayGame(game)); } } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return npw; }
public Paywall AddPaywall(Paywall pw) { try { ManagementContext dc = new ManagementContext(); DataModels.PaymentGateway.Paywall.Paywall npw = new DataModels.PaymentGateway.Paywall.Paywall(); npw.DailyPrice = pw.DailyPrice; npw.DescriptionOfPaywall = pw.DescriptionOfPaywall; npw.EndDate = pw.EndDate; npw.IsEnabled = pw.IsEnabled; npw.Merchant = dc.Merchants.Where(x => x.InternalReference == pw.OwnerId).FirstOrDefault(); npw.StartDate = pw.StartDate; npw.TimespanPrice = pw.TimespanPrice; dc.Paywalls.Add(npw); dc.SaveChanges(); pw.PaywallId = npw.PaywallId; } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return pw; }
public ActionResult Manage(string pid, string id) { try { NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.Url.Query); string u = nameValueCollection["u"]; if (u == SiteMessagesEnum.s.ToString()) { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Success; message.Message = "Successfully Updated Game."; this.AddMessage(message); } var memId = RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId(); var game = GameManager.GetGameForManagement(new Guid(id), new Guid(pid), memId); Paywall pw = new Paywall(); var pws = pw.GetPaywalls(memId); game.Paywalls = pws.Paywalls; MerchantGateway mg = new MerchantGateway(); game.AvailableShops = mg.GetPublicMerchants(); ViewBag.PayWalls = new SelectList(game.Paywalls, "PaywallId", "DescriptionOfPaywall", game.SelectedPaywall); if (game != null) return View(game); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" +; }
public ActionResult AddPaywall() { try { Paywall pw = new Paywall(); return View(pw); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
public ActionResult Paywalls() { try { NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.Url.Query); string u = nameValueCollection["u"]; if (u == SiteMessagesEnum.s.ToString()) { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Success; message.Message = "Successfully Added New Paywall."; this.AddMessage(message); } if (u == { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Success; message.Message = "Successfully Updated Paywall."; this.AddMessage(message); } if (u == SiteMessagesEnum.sus.ToString()) { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Success; message.Message = "Successfully Updated Settings."; this.AddMessage(message); } //DisplayPaywall pw = new DisplayPaywall(); Paywall pw = new Paywall(); Guid ownerId = RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId(); DisplayPaywall dpw = pw.GetPaywalls(ownerId); dpw.InternalReference = ownerId; if (!dpw.AcceptPaymentsViaPaypal && !dpw.AcceptPaymentsViaStripe) { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Info; message.Message = "Please setup a payment processor under Merchant Settings."; this.AddMessage(message); } dpw.ReturnUrl = Url.Encode(Request.RawUrl); return View(dpw); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
public Tournament() { Owners = new List<MemberDisplayBasic>(); Paywall = new Paywall(); Games = new List<Game>(); AssistLeaders = new List<AssistViewModel>(); BlockLeaders = new List<BlockViewModel>(); PenaltyLeaders = new List<PenaltyViewModel>(); AllSkaters = new List<TeamMembersViewModel>(); Photos = new List<PhotoItem>(); TeamsForTournament = new List<TeamViewModel>(); TournamentRounds = new List<TournamentRoundsClass>(); Rankings = new List<TournamentApi.TournamentRanking>(); TeamsForTournamentApi = new List<TournamentApi.TournamentTeam>(); TournamentRoundsApi = new List<TournamentApi.TournamentRound>(); RankingsForSeededRounds = new List<TournamentApi.TournamentRanking>(); TournamentRoundsForSeedingGameplay = new List<TournamentRoundsClass>(); TournamentRoundsApiForSeeding = new List<TournamentApi.TournamentRound>(); }
public ActionResult EditPaywall(Paywall pw) { try { string priceDaily = HttpContext.Request.Form["Price"]; string priceFull = HttpContext.Request.Form["FullPrice"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(priceDaily)) pw.DailyPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(priceDaily); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(priceFull)) pw.TimespanPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(priceFull); pw.OwnerId = RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId(); DateTime sd = new DateTime(); bool successsd = DateTime.TryParse(pw.StartDateDisplay, out sd); if (successsd) pw.StartDate = sd; else pw.StartDate = null; DateTime ed = new DateTime(); bool successed = DateTime.TryParse(pw.EndDateDisplay, out ed); if (successed) pw.EndDate = ed; else pw.EndDate = null; var wall = pw.UpdatePaywall(pw); if (wall == null) return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" +; return Redirect(Url.Content("~/paywall/all?u=" +; } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
public ActionResult EditPaywall(string paywallid) { try { Paywall pw = new Paywall(); var wall = pw.GetOwnedPaywall(Convert.ToInt64(paywallid)); if (wall == null) return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" +; return View(wall); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
public ActionResult AddPaywall(Paywall pw) { try { string priceDaily = HttpContext.Request.Form["Price"]; string priceFull = HttpContext.Request.Form["FullPrice"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(priceDaily)) pw.DailyPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(priceDaily); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(priceFull)) pw.TimespanPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(priceFull); pw.OwnerId = RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId(); pw.AddPaywall(pw); return Redirect(Url.Content("~/paywall/all?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.s)); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
public ActionResult MakePaywallPayment(GameOutModel crap) { var memId = RDN.Library.Classes.Account.User.GetMemberId(); GameOutModel game = new GameOutModel(); game.Game = GameServerViewModel.GetGameFromCache(crap.Game.GameId); Paywall wall = new Paywall(); game.Paywall = wall.GetPaywall(game.Game.PaywallId); try { string paymentProvider = Request.Form["PaymentType"].ToString(); string stripeToken = "none"; PaymentProvider provider = PaymentProvider.None; if (paymentProvider == PaymentProvider.Stripe.ToString()) { provider = PaymentProvider.Stripe; stripeToken = Request.Form["stripeToken"].ToString(); } else if (paymentProvider == PaymentProvider.Paypal.ToString()) { provider = PaymentProvider.Paypal; } string subType = Request.Form["PaymentCost"].ToString(); PaywallPriceTypeEnum sub = (PaywallPriceTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(PaywallPriceTypeEnum), subType); decimal price = .99M; DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; DateTime validTill = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); if (sub == PaywallPriceTypeEnum.Daily_Payment) { validTill = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(1); } else if (sub == PaywallPriceTypeEnum.Full_Payment) { validTill = game.Paywall.EndDate.Value.AddDays(1); } PaymentGateway pg = new PaymentGateway(); var f = pg.StartInvoiceWizard().Initalize(game.Paywall.MerchantId, "USD", provider, PaymentMode.Live, ChargeTypeEnum.Paywall) .SetInvoiceId(Guid.NewGuid()) .SetPaywall(new InvoicePaywall { ValidUntil = validTill, PaywallId = game.Paywall.PaywallId, PriceType = sub, Description = "Paid For " + game.Game.GameName + " with a " + RDN.Utilities.Enums.EnumExt.ToFreindlyName(sub) + " Pass", Name = "Game Streaming Paid", Price = price, InternalObject = game.Game.GameId, MemberPaidId = memId, PaywallLocation = ServerConfig.WEBSITE_DEFAULT_LOCATION + "/roller-derby-game/" + game.Game.GameId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "/" + RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(game.Game.GameName) + "/" + RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(game.Game.Team1.TeamName) + "/" + RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(game.Game.Team2.TeamName) }) .SetInvoiceContactData(new InvoiceContactInfo { Email = crap.Paywall.EmailAddress, Phone = crap.Paywall.PhoneNumber, }); if (provider == PaymentProvider.Stripe) f.SetStripeTokenId(stripeToken); var response = f.FinalizeInvoice(); //succesfully charged. if (response.Status == InvoiceStatus.Payment_Successful) return Redirect(ServerConfig.PAYWALL_RECEIPT_URL + response.InvoiceId.ToString().Replace("-", "")); else if (response.Status == InvoiceStatus.Pending_Payment_From_Paypal) return Redirect(response.RedirectLink); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return Redirect(Url.Content("~/roller-derby-game/" + game.Game.GameId.ToString().Replace("-", "") + "/" + RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(game.Game.GameName) + "/" + RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(game.Game.Team1.TeamName) + "/" + RDN.Utilities.Strings.StringExt.ToSearchEngineFriendly(game.Game.Team2.TeamName) + "?u=" + SiteMessagesEnum.sww)); }
public ActionResult PaywallOrder(Guid privId, Guid storeId, Guid invoiceId) { DisplayInvoice invoice = null; try { NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(Request.Url.Query); string updated = nameValueCollection["u"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updated) && updated == SiteMessagesEnum.s.ToString()) { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Success; message.Message = "Successfully Updated."; this.AddMessage(message); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updated) && updated == { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Success; message.Message = "Refunded Order."; this.AddMessage(message); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(updated) && updated == SiteMessagesEnum.sww.ToString()) { SiteMessage message = new SiteMessage(); message.MessageType = SiteMessageType.Error; message.Message = "Order Not Refunded. Error Sent to Developers."; this.AddMessage(message); } var sg = new Paywall(); invoice = sg.GetInvoiceForManager(storeId, privId, invoiceId); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return View(invoice); }
private void HandleStripePayments(CreateInvoiceReturn output) { if (invoice.ChargeType == ChargeTypeEnum.Refund_Paywall) { invoice.InvoiceStatus = InvoiceStatus.Refund_Started; // Create the Stripe Request and get the data back. var response = PerformStripeRefund(); // If it was successful we will now have a redirect link if (response != null) { // Try to save the data to our database if (response.AmountInCentsRefunded.HasValue && response.AmountInCentsRefunded.Value > 0) { PaymentGateway pg = new PaymentGateway(); var voice = pg.GetDisplayInvoice(invoice.InvoiceId); if (voice.Refunds.Sum(x => x.RefundAmount) + invoice.FinancialData.RefundAmount == voice.TotalIncludingTax) pg.UpdateInvoiceForRefund(invoice.InvoiceId, InvoiceStatus.Refunded, invoice.FinancialData.RefundAmount, invoice.AdminNote); else pg.UpdateInvoiceForRefund(invoice.InvoiceId, InvoiceStatus.Partially_Refunded, invoice.FinancialData.RefundAmount, invoice.AdminNote); voice.RefundAmount = invoice.FinancialData.RefundAmount; Paywall.Paywall pw = new Paywall.Paywall(); pw.HandlePaywallRefund(voice); output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Refunded; } else { // Could not save to our database output.Error = "Failed to save to RDN database"; output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Failed; } } else output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Failed; } else if (invoice.ChargeType == ChargeTypeEnum.Subscription) { CompleteNewStripeSubscription(output); } else if (invoice.ChargeType == ChargeTypeEnum.Paywall) { CalculateRDNationFeesForPaywallPurchasesStripe(); // Create the Stripe Request and get the data back. var response = PerformStripePaywallPurchaseCheckout(); // If it was successful we will now have a redirect link if (response != null) { // Try to save the data to our database var result = AddInvoiceToDatabase(); if (result) { output.InvoiceId = invoice.InvoiceId; output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Payment_Successful; PaymentGateway pg = new PaymentGateway(); var voice = pg.GetDisplayInvoice(invoice.InvoiceId); Paywall.Paywall pw = new Paywall.Paywall(); pw.HandlePaywallPayments(voice); } else { // Could not save to our database output.Error = "Failed to save to RDN database"; output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Failed; } } else output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Failed; } else if (invoice.ChargeType == ChargeTypeEnum.Cancel_Subscription) { CancelStripeSubscription(output); } else if (invoice.ChargeType == ChargeTypeEnum.SubscriptionUpdated) { CompleteStripeSubscriptionUpdated(output); } else if (invoice.ChargeType == ChargeTypeEnum.InStorePurchase) { CalculateRDNationFeesForInStorePurchasesStripe(); // Create the Stripe Request and get the data back. var response = PerformStripeInStorePurchaseCheckout(); // If it was successful we will now have a redirect link if (response != null) { // Try to save the data to our database var result = AddInvoiceToDatabase(); if (result) { output.InvoiceId = invoice.InvoiceId; output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Payment_Successful; PaymentGateway pg = new PaymentGateway(); var voice = pg.GetDisplayInvoice(invoice.InvoiceId); Store.StoreGateway sg = new Store.StoreGateway(); sg.HandleStoreItemPayments(voice); } else { // Could not save to our database output.Error = "Failed to save to RDN database"; output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Failed; } } else { // Could not create a google link //output.Error = response.Error; output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Failed; } } else if (invoice.ChargeType == ChargeTypeEnum.Stripe_Checkout) { // Create the Stripe Request and get the data back. var response = ChargeStripeCheckoutPayment(); // If it was successful we will now have a redirect link if (response != null) { // Try to save the data to our database var result = AddInvoiceToDatabase(); if (result) { output.InvoiceId = invoice.InvoiceId; output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Payment_Successful; var emailData = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Why: ", invoice.Note }, { "invoiceId",invoice.InvoiceId.ToString().Replace("-","") }, { "Paid",invoice.FinancialData.TotalIncludingTax.ToString("N2")} }; EmailServer.EmailServer.SendEmail(ServerConfig.DEFAULT_EMAIL, ServerConfig.DEFAULT_EMAIL_FROM_NAME, ServerConfig.DEFAULT_ADMIN_EMAIL_ADMIN, EmailServer.EmailServer.DEFAULT_SUBJECT + " Receipt For League Subscription", emailData, EmailServer.EmailServerLayoutsEnum.Default); EmailServer.EmailServer.SendEmail(ServerConfig.DEFAULT_EMAIL, ServerConfig.DEFAULT_EMAIL_FROM_NAME, ServerConfig.DEFAULT_KRIS_WORLIDGE_EMAIL_ADMIN, EmailServer.EmailServer.DEFAULT_SUBJECT + " New Payment Made", emailData, EmailServer.EmailServerLayoutsEnum.Default); } else { // Could not save to our database output.Error = "Failed to save to RDN database"; output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Failed; } } else { // Could not create a google link //output.Error = response.Error; output.Status = InvoiceStatus.Failed; } } }
public ActionResult PaywallPayments(Guid privId, Guid storeId) { List<DisplayInvoice> invoices = null; try { Paywall pw = new Paywall(); invoices = pw.GetPaywallInvoices(privId, storeId); } catch (Exception exception) { ErrorDatabaseManager.AddException(exception, exception.GetType()); } return View(invoices); }