コード例 #1
        protected virtual string HtmlToHtml(string text)
            // TODO: Refactor regions into methods

            #region Attributes

            // TODO: More precise and universal regex for attr match
            // get match collections, attrs @title, @alt, @summary going first
            var attrs = Regex.Matches(text, @"(title|alt|summary)=[""'](.*?)[""']", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);

            // calculate real matches count, without empty and non-successful
            var attrsCount = CountValidMatches(attrs, 2);

            // make an array of MatchGroups to store new attribute values
            var attrGroups = new MatchGroup [attrsCount];
            CopyValidMatches(attrs, attrGroups, 2);

            // pass all matched values to cleanup
            foreach (var group in attrGroups)
                group.NewValue = TextToTextProcessing.Process(group.Value);

            // now, we need to apply changes back to original text, before proceed with tags and values
            text = ApplyMatchGroups(text, attrGroups);


            #region Tag values

            // get values
            var values      = Regex.Matches(text, ">(.*?)<", RegexOptions.Singleline);
            var valuesCount = CountValidMatches(values, 1);

            var valueGroups = new MatchGroup [valuesCount];
            CopyValidMatches(values, valueGroups, 1);

            foreach (var group in valueGroups)
                group.NewValue = TextToTextProcessing.Process(group.Value);

            text = ApplyMatchGroups(text, valueGroups);


コード例 #2
        private void CopyValidMatches(MatchCollection matches, MatchGroup [] matchArray, int groupNum)
            var matchIndex = 0;

            foreach (Match match in matches)
                if (match.Success && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match.Groups [groupNum].Value))
                    matchArray [matchIndex]        = new MatchGroup();
                    matchArray [matchIndex].Index  = match.Groups [groupNum].Index;
                    matchArray [matchIndex].Length = match.Groups [groupNum].Length;
                    matchArray [matchIndex].Value  = match.Groups [groupNum].Value;