コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Robustly determines the SVN status of a path using the output of the SVN status command.
        /// Handles both files and directories, in the case of a directory the status of the directory only, and not all the file-system entries within it.
        /// Handles warnings by turning them into into the associated <see cref="ItemStatus"/> value.
        /// Resolves the ambiguous <see cref="ItemStatus.NotFound"/> item status by walking up the path hierarchy until an items status is found.
        /// </summary>
        public static SvnStringPathStatus StatusRobust(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path)
            var nonDirectoryIndicatedPath = PathUtilities.EnsurePathIsNotDirectoryIndicated(path.Value).AsAbsolutePath();

            var status = svnCommand.StatusRobust_Internal(nonDirectoryIndicatedPath);

            if (status.ItemStatus != ItemStatus.NotFound)

            // Determine whether the item is in 1) an ignored directory or 2) an unversioned directory by walking up the path hierarchy until
            var parentItemStatus = ItemStatus.None;
            var parentPath       = path;

                parentPath = PathUtilities.GetParentDirectoryPath(parentPath);

                var parentStatus = svnCommand.StatusRobust_Internal(parentPath);

                parentItemStatus = parentStatus.ItemStatus;
            }while (parentItemStatus == ItemStatus.NotFound);

            var output = new SvnStringPathStatus {
                Path = path.Value, ItemStatus = parentItemStatus

コード例 #2
        public static bool HasUncommittedChanges(this SvnCommand svnCommand, DirectoryPath directoryPath, out IEnumerable <SvnStringPathStatus> uncommittedChanges)
            uncommittedChanges = svnCommand.GetUncommittedChanges(directoryPath);

            var output = uncommittedChanges.Count() > 1;

コード例 #3
        public static int Update(this SvnCommand svnCommand, string path)
            var absolutePath = path.AsAbsolutePath();

            var output = svnCommand.Update(absolutePath);

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Many SVN properties have values that are lists of new-line separated strings.
        /// This method tests if a list property has a given value as an element.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool HasListPropertyValue(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path, string propertyName, string value)
            var propertyValues = svnCommand.GetPropertyValues(path, propertyName);

            var output = propertyValues.Contains(value);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if a path is under source control.
        /// Note: non-existent paths are NOT under source control.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsUnderSourceControl(this SvnCommand svnCommand, string path)
            var absolutePath = path.AsAbsolutePath();

            var output = svnCommand.IsUnderSourceControl(absolutePath);

コード例 #6
        public static SvnStringPathStatus[] Statuses(this SvnCommand svnCommand, IArgumentsBuilder argumentsBuilder)
            svnCommand.Logger.LogDebug($"Getting all SVN status results...");

            var statuses = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetStatuses(svnCommand.SvnExecutableFilePath, argumentsBuilder);

            svnCommand.Logger.LogInformation($"Got all SVN status results ({statuses.Count()} results).");

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the value of an SVN property.
        /// If the property does not exist, the <see cref="SvnCommand.NonValue"/> is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetPropertyValueIfExists(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path, string propertyName)
            if (!svnCommand.HasSvnIgnoreProperty(path))

            var output = svnCommand.GetPropertyValue(path, propertyName);

コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Many SVN properties have values that are sets of new-line separated strings.
        /// This method adds a value to that set.
        /// This method will not add the same value twice, as it checks if the value is already present in the set of values.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddPropertyValue(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path, string propertyName, string value)
            var values = new List <string>(svnCommand.GetPropertyValues(path, propertyName));

            // Only add the value once.
            if (!values.Contains(value))

                svnCommand.SetPropertyValues(path, propertyName, values.ToArray());
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the SVN status results for a file or directory.
        /// If the specified path is a file, a single result will be returned.
        /// If the specified path is a directory, possibly many results will be returned.
        /// If the path does not exist, zero results will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        public static SvnStringPathStatus[] Statuses(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path)
            svnCommand.Logger.LogDebug($"Getting all SVN status results for path {path}...");

            var arguments = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetStatusVerbose(path);

            var statuses = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetStatuses(svnCommand.SvnExecutableFilePath, arguments);

            svnCommand.Logger.LogInformation($"Got all SVN status results for path {path} ({statuses.Count()} results).");

コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets SVN status values for all directory contents recursively, disregarding any SVN ignore properties and the global SVN ignore values.
        /// </summary>
        public static SvnStringPathStatus[] StatusesInfinityNoIgnore(this SvnCommand svnCommand, DirectoryPath directoryPath)
            svnCommand.Logger.LogDebug($"Getting all SVN status results for directory path {directoryPath}...");

            var arguments = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetStatusVerboseDepthInfinityNoIgnore(directoryPath);

            var statuses = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetStatuses(svnCommand.SvnExecutableFilePath, arguments);

            svnCommand.Logger.LogInformation($"Got all SVN status results for directroy path {directoryPath} ({statuses.Count()} results).");

コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Many SVN properties have values that are sets of new-line separated strings.
        /// This method gets the values in the property value set.
        /// </summary>
        public static string[] GetPropertyValues(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path, string propertyName)
            var value = svnCommand.GetPropertyValueIfExists(path, propertyName);

            if (SvnCommand.IsValue(value))
                var output = value.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                return(Array.Empty <string>());
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Any directory contents with an <see cref="ItemStatus"/> other than <see cref="ItemStatus.NoModifications"/> is an uncommited change.
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable <SvnStringPathStatus> GetAllUncommittedChanges(this SvnCommand svnCommand, DirectoryPath directoryPath)
            var statuses = svnCommand.StatusesDefault(directoryPath);

            foreach (var status in statuses)
                // Anything with an SVN status other than no-modifications is an uncommitted change.
                var anythingOtherThanNoModifications = status.ItemStatus != ItemStatus.NoModifications;
                if (anythingOtherThanNoModifications)
                    yield return(status);
コード例 #13
        private static SvnStringPathStatus StatusRobust_Internal(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath absolutePath)
            var arguments = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetStatusVerboseForInstanceOnly(absolutePath)
                            .AddXml(); // Get XML.

            var outputCollector = SvnCommandServicesProvider.Run(svnCommand.SvnExecutableFilePath, arguments, false);

            if (outputCollector.AnyError)
                var errorText = outputCollector.GetErrorText().Trim();

                var notWorkingCopyText = $"svn: warning: W155007: '{absolutePath}' is not a working copy";
                if (errorText == notWorkingCopyText)
                    var output = new SvnStringPathStatus {
                        Path = absolutePath.Value, ItemStatus = ItemStatus.NotWorkingCopy

                var notFoundText = $"svn: warning: W155010: The node '{absolutePath}' was not found.";
                if (errorText == notFoundText)
                    var output = new SvnStringPathStatus {
                        Path = absolutePath.Value, ItemStatus = ItemStatus.NotFound

                throw new Exception($"Unknown SVN error:\n{errorText}");

            var xmlText = outputCollector.GetOutputText();

            using (var stream = StreamHelper.FromString(xmlText))
                var xmlStatusType = XmlStreamSerializer.Deserialize <StatusType>(stream, SvnXml.DefaultNamespace);

                var statuses = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetStatuses(xmlStatusType);

                var status = statuses.Count() < 1
                    ? new SvnStringPathStatus {
                    Path = absolutePath.Value, ItemStatus = ItemStatus.None
                    : statuses.Single() // Should be only 1.

コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Many SVN properties have values that are sets of new-line separated strings.
        /// This method removes a value from that set.
        /// Idempotent, can be called mulitple times.
        /// If, after removing the specified value, no values remain, the property will be deleted.
        /// </summary>
        public static void RemovePropertyValue(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path, string propertyName, string value)
            var values = new List <string>(svnCommand.GetSvnIgnoreValues(path));


            if (values.IsEmpty())
                svnCommand.DeleteProperty(path, propertyName);
                svnCommand.SetSvnIgnoreValues(path, values.ToArray());
コード例 #15
        public static CheckoutResult Checkout(this SvnCommand svnCommand, string repositoryUrl, string localDirectoryPath)
            svnCommand.Logger.LogDebug($"SVN checkout of '{repositoryUrl}' to '{localDirectoryPath}'...");

            // Need to ensure the local directory path is NOT directory indicated (does NOT end with a directory separator).
            var correctedLocalDirectoryPath = PathUtilities.EnsureFilePathNotDirectoryIndicated(localDirectoryPath);

            var arguments = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetCheckoutArguments(repositoryUrl, correctedLocalDirectoryPath);

            var commandOutput = SvnCommandServicesProvider.Run(svnCommand.SvnExecutableFilePath, arguments);

            var lines = commandOutput.GetOutputLines().ToList();

            var lastLine            = lines.Last();
            var lastLineTokens      = lastLine.Split(' ');
            var revisionNumberToken = lastLineTokens.Last().TrimEnd('.');
            var revisionNumber      = Int32.Parse(revisionNumberToken);

            var entryUpdateLines = lines.ExceptLast();
            var statuses         = new List <EntryUpdateStatus>();

            foreach (var line in entryUpdateLines)
                var lineTokens = line.Split(new[] { " " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                var statusToken  = lineTokens[0];
                var relativePath = lineTokens[1];

                var updateStatus = statusToken.ToUpdateStatus();

                var status = new EntryUpdateStatus
                    UpdateStatus = updateStatus,
                    RelativePath = relativePath,

            var result = new CheckoutResult
                RevisionNumber = revisionNumber,
                Statuses       = statuses.ToArray(),

            svnCommand.Logger.LogInformation($"SVN checkout of '{repositoryUrl}' to '{localDirectoryPath}' complete.");

コード例 #16
        /// <summary>s
        /// Get only the SVN status of a specific directory, and not its children.
        /// If the directory path does not exist, returns a result with status <see cref="ItemStatus.None"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public static SvnStringPathStatus Status(this SvnCommand svnCommand, DirectoryPath directoryPath)
            svnCommand.Logger.LogDebug($"Getting SVN status of directory path {directoryPath}...");

            var arguments = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetStatusVerboseForInstanceOnly(directoryPath);

            var statuses = SvnCommandServicesProvider.GetStatuses(svnCommand.SvnExecutableFilePath, arguments);

            var status = statuses.Count() < 1
                ? new SvnStringPathStatus {
                Path = directoryPath.Value, ItemStatus = ItemStatus.None
                : statuses.Single() // Should be only 1.

            svnCommand.Logger.LogDebug($"Got SVN status of directory path {directoryPath}.");

コード例 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Get only the SVN status of a specific file or directory (and for directories, only the SVN status of the directory itself, and not its children).
        /// If the path does not exist, returns a result with status <see cref="ItemStatus.None"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public static SvnPathStatus Status(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path)
            // Allow for possibility that the path is a directory path. Find the entry matching the input path.
            var statuses = svnCommand.Statuses(path);

            if (statuses.Count() < 1)
                var output = new SvnPathStatus {
                    Path = new GeneralAbsolutePath(path.Value), ItemStatus = ItemStatus.None

            var status = statuses.Where(x => x.Path == path.Value).Select(x => new SvnPathStatus {
                Path = new GeneralAbsolutePath(x.Path), ItemStatus = x.ItemStatus
            }).Single();                                                                                                                                                          // There should be at least one result.

コード例 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if a path is under source control.
        /// Note: non-existent paths are NOT under source control.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool IsUnderSourceControl(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path)
            var status = svnCommand.StatusRobust(path);

            switch (status.ItemStatus)
            case ItemStatus.NotFound:
                throw new Exception("Ambigous status found. (Should never happen with use of robust status method.)");

            case ItemStatus.None:     // Non-existent path.
            case ItemStatus.Ignored:
            case ItemStatus.NotWorkingCopy:
            case ItemStatus.Unversioned:

コード例 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// The SVN ignore property value is a set of new-line separated strings.
 /// This method allows removing one of those strings while keeping the rest.
 /// </summary>
 public static void RemoveSvnIgnoreValue(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path, string value)
     svnCommand.RemovePropertyValue(path, SvnCommand.SvnIgnorePropertyName, value);
コード例 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// The SVN ignore property value is a set of new-line separated strings.
        /// Gets the set of values of the SVN ignore property.
        /// </summary>
        public static string[] GetSvnIgnoreValues(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path)
            var output = svnCommand.GetPropertyValues(path, SvnCommand.SvnIgnorePropertyName);

コード例 #21
        /// <summary>
        /// The SVN ignore property value is a set of new-line separated strings.
        /// This method tests if the set of SVN ignore values containes the specified value.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool HasSvnIgnoreValue(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path, string value)
            var output = svnCommand.HasListPropertyValue(path, SvnCommand.SvnIgnorePropertyName, value);

コード例 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Deletes the SVN ignore property.
 /// Idempotent.
 /// </summary>
 public static void DeleteSvnIgnore(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path)
     svnCommand.DeleteProperty(path, SvnCommand.SvnIgnorePropertyName);
コード例 #23
 public static void SetSvnIgnoreValues(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path, params string[] values)
     svnCommand.SetPropertyValues(path, SvnCommand.SvnIgnorePropertyName, values);
コード例 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the whole value of the SVN ignore property.
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetSvnIgnoreValue(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path, string value)
     SvnCommandServicesProvider.SetPropertyValue(svnCommand.SvnExecutableFilePath, path, SvnCommand.SvnIgnorePropertyName, value, svnCommand.Logger);
コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the whole value of the SVN ignore property, or <see cref="SvnCommand.NonValue"/> if not.
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetSvnIgnoreValue(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path)
            var value = svnCommand.GetPropertyValueIfExists(path, SvnCommand.SvnIgnorePropertyName);

コード例 #26
        public static bool HasSvnIgnoreProperty(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path)
            var output = svnCommand.HasProperty(path, SvnCommand.SvnIgnorePropertyName);

コード例 #27
        public static ProcessOutputCollector Run(this SvnCommand svnCommand, IArgumentsBuilder arguments, bool throwIfAnyError = true)
            var output = SvnCommandServicesProvider.Run(svnCommand.SvnExecutableFilePath, arguments, throwIfAnyError);

コード例 #28
 public static void Add(this SvnCommand svnCommand, AbsolutePath path)
     SvnCommandServicesProvider.Add(svnCommand.SvnExecutableFilePath, path, svnCommand.Logger);
コード例 #29
        /// <summary>
        /// GitHub does not allow empty directories to be checked in (nor directories that only contain empty directories, i.e. recursively-empty directories).
        /// Thus many times there are recursively empty unversioned diretories that will be flagged as an uncommitted change, but should not be considered as uncommitted simply because they can't be committed!
        /// </summary>
        public static IEnumerable <SvnStringPathStatus> GetUncommittedChangesWithGitHubExceptions(this SvnCommand svnCommand, DirectoryPath directoryPath)
            var allUncommittedStatuses = svnCommand.GetAllUncommittedChanges(directoryPath);

            foreach (var uncommittedStatus in allUncommittedStatuses)
                // Unless it's an unversioned, recursively empty directory!
                var isUnversioned = uncommittedStatus.ItemStatus == ItemStatus.Unversioned;
                if (isUnversioned)
                    // Is the path a directory?
                    var isDirectory = PathUtilities.IsDirectory(uncommittedStatus.Path);
                    if (isDirectory)
                        // Is the directory recursively empty?
                        var isDirectoryRecursivelyEmpty = PathUtilities.IsDirectoryRecursivelyEmpty(uncommittedStatus.Path);
                        if (isDirectoryRecursivelyEmpty)
                            continue; // Nothing to see here.

                yield return(uncommittedStatus);
コード例 #30
        /// <summary>
        /// The default method to get uncommitted changes in a directory.
        /// Note: uses the <see cref="GetUncommittedChangesWithGitHubExceptions(SvnCommand, DirectoryPath)"/> method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <SvnStringPathStatus> GetUncommittedChanges(this SvnCommand svnCommand, DirectoryPath directoryPath)
            var uncommittedChangesWithGitHubExceptions = svnCommand.GetUncommittedChangesWithGitHubExceptions(directoryPath);
