public static void MultiplayerGame(Player player, GameSettings gs) { QuestionDisplay qD = new QuestionDisplay(); MatchRequest request = new MatchRequest(gs); qD.displayStart(8, "Waiting for match..."); ClientSend.Servercall(request.IP + gs.amountOfQuestions); string matchID = ClientReceive.ReceiveMessage(); while (matchID.Equals("no")) { matchID = ClientReceive.ReceiveMessage(); Thread.Sleep(3000); } ModeSolo.SoloGame(player, gs); ClientSend.Servercall(request.IP + matchID + player.Score); int opponentScore = Int32.Parse(ClientReceive.ReceiveMessage()); while (opponentScore == 0) { opponentScore = Int32.Parse(ClientReceive.ReceiveMessage()); Thread.Sleep(3000); } if (opponentScore < player.Score) { qD.displayStart(8, "You won the game! " + player.Score + " to " + opponentScore); player.WonGames = player.WonGames + 1; player.UpdatePlayerStats(player); } else if (opponentScore > player.Score) { qD.displayStart(8, "Your opponent won the game, with " + opponentScore + " points"); Thread.Sleep(2000); } }
static void Main() { QuestionSeperater qS = new QuestionSeperater(); QuestionDisplay qD = new QuestionDisplay(); ModeProfile profil = new ModeProfile(); ModeGameSettings mgs = new ModeGameSettings(); Boolean menuMode = true; Boolean gameOn = false; char answer; qD.displayStart(15, "Please enter you name."); String username = Console.ReadLine(); //Creates a player object Player player = new Player { Name = username }; //creates a player in the database with username Player.GetPlayerStats(player); //Creates the default game settings GameSettings gS = new GameSettings(10, "any", "any"); qD.displayStart(8, "Welcome"); Thread.Sleep(1500); while (menuMode) { qD.GameDisplayMode(player.Name, "What do you want to do?", "Play solo.", "Find match", "Go to Profile", "Edit game settings", "Press X to exit"); //await answer input answer = char.ToLower(Console.ReadKey().KeyChar); if (qS.IsValidAnswerMultiple(answer)) { switch (answer) { case 'a': ModeSolo.SoloGame(player, gS); qD.gameDisplayMultiple(player.Name, player.Score, "Thanks for playing! Here are your stats:", "Correct answers: " + player.CorrectAnswers, "Total answered questions: " + player.AnsweredQuestions, "Highscore: " + player.Highscore, "" ); Thread.Sleep(2000); player.Score = 0; break; case 'b': ModeMulti.MultiplayerGame(player, gS); qD.gameDisplayMultiple(player.Name, player.Score, "Thanks for playing! Here are your stats:", "Correct answers: " + player.CorrectAnswers, "Total answered questions: " + player.AnsweredQuestions, "Highscore: " + player.Highscore, "Won Games: " + player.WonGames ); Thread.Sleep(2000); player.Score = 0; break; case 'c': profil.ProfilePage(player); break; case 'd': mgs.GameSettings(player, gS); break; case 'x': menuMode = false; break; } } while (gameOn) { gameOn = false; } } }