public List <Questions> GetQuestion_directly(QuizRTTemplate template) { List <Questions> g_question_notable = new List <Questions>(); Task <string> id = Gettopic_id("" + template.TopicName + "&language=en&format=json"); string f_id = id.Result; string sparQL = "SELECT ?personLabel WHERE { ?person wdt:P106 wd:" + f_id + " . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . } }"; Task <List <string> > questions = GetQuestionData(sparQL); List <string> all_questions_without_tables = questions.Result; Task <List <string> > options = GetOptionData("SELECT ?cid ?options WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:Q28640. OPTIONAL {?cid rdfs:label ?options filter (lang(?options) = 'en') . }}Limit 100"); List <string> all_options = options.Result; for (int i = 0; i < all_questions_without_tables.Count; i++) { Questions s_object = new Questions(); s_object.QuestionGiven = "What is " + all_questions_without_tables[i] + " Occupation ?"; List <Options> mut_options_single_q = randomizeOptions(all_options, template.TopicName); s_object.QuestionOptions = mut_options_single_q; g_question_notable.Add(s_object); } return(g_question_notable); // Console.WriteLine(all_options+"opopop"); // Console.WriteLine(all_questions_without_tables+"qqqqq"); }
public async Task <bool> InsertQuestionsAndOptions(QuestionGeneration q, ObjectId currentTemplateId) { var otherOptionsList = GenerateOtherOptions(q.CategoryName); string sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:" + q.TopicId + ".?cid wdt:" + q.CategoryId + " ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}LIMIT " + NumberOfQuestions + ""; // string sparQL2 = $@"SELECT ?personLabel WHERE {{ ?person wdt:{q.Topic} wd:{q.Categ} . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . } }LIMIT "+NumberOfQuestions+""; // Nishant Task <List <universal_object> > subjectForQuestion = System.Threading.Tasks.Task <string> .Run(() => GetSubjectsForQuestion(sparQL).Result); List <universal_object> listOfSubjectForQuestion = subjectForQuestion.Result; List <Questions> questionsList = new List <Questions>(); string replacementStrSubject = '[' + GetBetween(q.Text, "[", "]") + ']'; string replacementStrObject = '(' + GetBetween(q.Text, "(", ")") + ')'; for (int i = 0; i < listOfSubjectForQuestion.Count; i++) { if (!(listOfSubjectForQuestion[i].mainobject[0] == 'Q' && IsDigitsOnly(listOfSubjectForQuestion[i].mainobject.Substring(1)))) { string questionText = q.Text; questionText = questionText.Replace(replacementStrObject, q.CategoryName); questionText = questionText.Replace(replacementStrSubject, listOfSubjectForQuestion[i].mainobject); List <OtherOptions> listOfOtherOptions = new List <OtherOptions>(); // int iteratorForListOfOptions = 0; int increaser = 0; // otherOptionsList = otherOptionsList.GetRange(1, otherOptionsList.Count).Append(otherOptionsList.First()).ToList(); for (int j = 0; j < 3 + increaser; j++) { if (otherOptionsList[j] != "" && !(otherOptionsList[j][0] == 'Q' && IsDigitsOnly(otherOptionsList[j].Substring(1)))) { OtherOptions otherOptionObject = new OtherOptions(); otherOptionObject.Option = otherOptionsList[j]; listOfOtherOptions.Add(otherOptionObject); // if(iteratorForListOfOptions+3 < otherOptionsList.Count) // iteratorForListOfOptions++; // else // iteratorForListOfOptions = 0; } else { increaser++; } } otherOptionsList = Shift(otherOptionsList); Questions questionObject = new Questions(); questionObject.Question = questionText; questionObject.CorrectOption = listOfSubjectForQuestion[i].predicate; questionObject.OtherOptionsList = listOfOtherOptions; questionsList.Add(questionObject); } } QuestionGeneration questionGeneratedObject = new QuestionGeneration(); questionGeneratedObject.Id = currentTemplateId; questionGeneratedObject.Text = q.Text; questionGeneratedObject.CategoryId = q.CategoryId; questionGeneratedObject.CategoryName = q.CategoryName; questionGeneratedObject.TopicId = q.TopicId; questionGeneratedObject.TopicName = q.TopicName; questionGeneratedObject.QuestionsList = questionsList; ReplaceOneResult updateResult = await context.QuestionGenerationCollection. ReplaceOneAsync(filter : g => g.Id == questionGeneratedObject.Id, replacement : questionGeneratedObject); return(updateResult.IsAcknowledged && updateResult.ModifiedCount > 0); }
// ------------------------ public bool GenerateQuestion(QuizRTTemplate q) { Console.WriteLine("---Inside-GenerateQuestion---"); if (q.TopicName == "Occupation") { sparQL = "SELECT ?personLabel WHERE { ?person wdt:" + q.Topic + " wd:" + q.Categ + " . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . } }LIMIT " + NumberOfQuestions + ""; Task <List <string> > dataReturns = System.Threading.Tasks.Task <string> .Run(() => GetQuestionData(sparQL).Result); List <string> quesReviewList = dataReturns.Result; List <Questions> qL = new List <Questions>(); for (int i = 0; i < quesReviewList.Count; i++) { Questions ques = new Questions(); ques.QuestionGiven = "What is " + quesReviewList[i] + " " + q.TopicName + "?"; ques.Topic = q.TopicName; ques.Categ = q.CategName; qL.Add(ques); } context.QuestionsT.AddRange(qL); context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } else if (q.TopicName != "Occupation") { //List<string> other_options = new List<string>(); Task <string> id = Gettopic_id("" + q.TopicName + "&language=en&format=json"); string f_id = id.Result; if (q.TopicName == "Book") { sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:" + f_id + ".?cid wdt:P50 ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}Limit 10"; } else if (q.TopicName == "princely state of the British Raj") { sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:Q1336152 . ?cid wdt:P17 ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}Limit 10"; Console.WriteLine("rajjjjj"); } else if (q.TopicName == "state of the United States") { sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:" + q.Topic + ".?cid wdt:P138 ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}Limit 10"; } else if (q.TopicName == "business") { sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:" + q.Topic + ".?cid wdt:P571 ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}Limit 10"; } else if (q.TopicName != "princely state of the British Raj") { sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:" + q.Topic + ".?cid wdt:P17 ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}Limit 10"; } else if (q.TopicName != "princely state of the British Raj") { sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:" + q.Topic + ".?cid wdt:P17 ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}Limit 10"; } else if (q.TopicName != "princely state of the British Raj") { sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:" + q.Topic + ".?cid wdt:P17 ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}Limit 10"; } else if (q.TopicName != "princely state of the British Raj") { sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:" + q.Topic + ".?cid wdt:P17 ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}Limit 10"; } else if (q.TopicName != "princely state of the British Raj") { sparQL = "SELECT ?cidLabel ?authortitleLabel WHERE {?cid wdt:P31 wd:" + q.Topic + ".?cid wdt:P17 ?authortitle .SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . }}Limit 10"; } Task <List <universal_object> > dataReturns = System.Threading.Tasks.Task <string> .Run(() => GetQuestionData_others(sparQL).Result); List <universal_object> quesReviewList = dataReturns.Result; Console.WriteLine(quesReviewList.Count + "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"); List <Questions> qL = new List <Questions>(); List <string> books_etc_options = GenerateOptions1(q); for (int i = 0; i < quesReviewList.Count; i++) { Questions ques = new Questions(); if (q.TopicName == "Book") { ques.QuestionGiven = "Who is the author of " + quesReviewList[i].mainobject + "?"; } else if (q.TopicName == "princely state of the British Raj") { ques.QuestionGiven = " " + quesReviewList[i].mainobject + " belongs to which country ?"; Console.WriteLine("qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"); } else if (q.TopicName == "state of the United States") { ques.QuestionGiven = " " + quesReviewList[i].mainobject + " is named after ?"; } else if (q.TopicName == "business") { Console.WriteLine("qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"); ques.QuestionGiven = "When was " + quesReviewList[i].mainobject + " established ?"; } ques.Topic = q.TopicName; ques.Categ = q.CategName; //qL.Add(ques); context.QuestionsT.Add(ques); Options op = new Options(); op.IsCorrect = true; op.QuestionsId = ques.QuestionsId; op.OptionGiven = quesReviewList[i].predicate; context.OptionsT.Add(op); List <int> randomNumber = getRandonNumber(0, books_etc_options.Count - 1, optionNumber + 2); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Options op1 = new Options(); op1.IsCorrect = false; op1.QuestionsId = ques.QuestionsId; // if(books_etc_options[randomNumber[k]]!=op.OptionGiven) // { op1.OptionGiven = books_etc_options[randomNumber[j]]; // j++; context.OptionsT.Add(op1); //} // k++; } } //context.QuestionsT.AddRange(qL); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("quyuqywuqywuqyw"); return(true); } return(false); }