public static void ProcessFailedOrder(Order order) { var rep = new Repository(); var failure = new FailedOrder() { Imported = false, OrderID = order.OrderID, DateAdded = DateTime.Now, ClientID = rep.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).ClientID ?? 0 }; order.Reported = true; rep.Add(failure); rep.Save(); var hostUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetComponents(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.Unescaped); hostUrl = ""; var importUrl = hostUrl + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Account/Unprocessed-Invoices"); var modifyUrl = hostUrl + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Account/Inventory"); var body = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); body.AppendLine("Someone has made a purchase on your website which was not possible to import through the Web Connector and is ready for manual import."); body.AppendLine("Please view the order that failed and create the invoice manually here: " + importUrl); body.AppendLine(order.Receipt); var user = rep.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId); var email = user.Client.EmailRecipient != null ? user.Client.EmailRecipient : WebSecurity.CurrentUserName; WebMail.Send(email, "Quickbooks Web Connector Failed Invoice Attempt", body.ToString(), cc: "*****@*****.**", isBodyHtml: false); }
public static void ProcessFailedOrder(int requestID, string xmlMessage) { var rep = new Repository(); var failure = new FailedOrder() { Imported = false, RequestID = requestID, OrderID = rep.GetQuickBooksOrderByRequestID(requestID).OrderID, DateAdded = DateTime.Now, ClientID = rep.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).ClientID ?? 0 }; var order = rep.GetQuickBooksOrderByRequestID(requestID); order.ResponseXML = xmlMessage; rep.Add(failure); rep.Save(); var hostUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.GetComponents(UriComponents.SchemeAndServer, UriFormat.Unescaped); hostUrl = ""; var importUrl = hostUrl + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Account/Unprocessed-Invoices"); var modifyUrl = hostUrl + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/Account/Inventory"); var body = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); body.AppendLine("There was an error processing a website sale with Quickbooks"); body.AppendLine("The most likely cause was that an item on the order was not found in your quickbooks inventory."); body.AppendLine("Please view the order that failed and create the invoice manually here: " + importUrl); body.AppendLine("You can modify your inventory naming schema here: " + modifyUrl); body.AppendLine(order.Receipt); body.AppendLine(xmlMessage); var user = rep.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId); var email = user.Client.EmailRecipient != null ? user.Client.EmailRecipient : WebSecurity.CurrentUserName; WebMail.Send(email, "Quickbooks Web Connector Failed Invoice Attempt", body.ToString(), cc: "*****@*****.**", isBodyHtml: false); }
public static void InventoryQuery(string response) { var rep = new Repository(); var doc = XDocument.Parse(response); var itemInventoryQueryRs = doc.Document.Root.Descendants("QBXMLMsgsRs").FirstOrDefault().Descendants("ItemInventoryQueryRs").FirstOrDefault(); var msg = itemInventoryQueryRs.Attribute("statusMessage").Value; var requestID = Convert.ToInt32(itemInventoryQueryRs.Attribute("requestID").Value); if (msg == "A query request did not find a matching object in QuickBooks") { Error.ProcessFailedOrder(requestID,response); } else { var order = rep.GetQuickBooksOrderByRequestID(requestID); var quickbooksItem = new QuickbooksInventory(){ ClientID = order.ClientID, FullName = itemInventoryQueryRs.Element("ItemInventoryRet").Element("FullName").Value, ListID = itemInventoryQueryRs.Element("ItemInventoryRet").Element("ListID").Value, }; rep.Add(quickbooksItem); rep.Save(); var shopInventory = rep.GetShopInventoryItems(order.ClientID).Where(i => i.Name == itemInventoryQueryRs.Element("ItemInventoryRet").Element("FullName").Value).SingleOrDefault(); if (shopInventory == null) { rep.Add(new ShopInventory(){ ClientID = order.ClientID, Name = itemInventoryQueryRs.Element("ItemInventoryRet").Element("FullName").Value, QuickbooksInventoryID = quickbooksItem.QuickbooksInventoryID }); } else { shopInventory.QuickbooksInventoryID = quickbooksItem.QuickbooksInventoryID; } order.Reported = false; rep.Save(); } }
public static void GetCeInventory(webpages_Membership user) { var rep = new Repository(); var infomediainventory = rep.GetCeInventoryItems(user.Client.ContentEditsClientID); var items = from inv in infomediainventory select new ShopInventory() { ClientID = user.ClientID ?? 0, Name = inv.title }; foreach (var item in items) { if (rep.GetShopInventory(user.ClientID ?? 0, item.Name) == null) rep.Add(item); } rep.Save(); }
public static void ItemSalesTaxGroupQueryRs(string response) { var rep = new Repository(); var client = rep.GetClient(rep.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).ClientID ?? 0); var db = Database.Open("Quickbooks"); var taxCodes = XDocument.Parse(response).Document.Root.Descendants("QBXMLMsgsRs").Descendants("ItemSalesTaxGroupQueryRs").FirstOrDefault().Descendants("ItemSalesTaxGroupRet"); var clientID = rep.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).ClientID; foreach (var item in taxCodes) { var taxCode = rep.GetSalesTaxCode(rep.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).ClientID ?? 0, item.Descendants("Name").FirstOrDefault().Value); var taxCodeExists = taxCode != null; var name = item.Descendants("Name").FirstOrDefault().Value; var listID = item.Descendants("ListID").FirstOrDefault().Value; decimal rate = 0; foreach(var rat in item.Descendants("ItemSalesTaxRef")) { rate += rep.GetSalesTaxCode(clientID ?? 0,rat.Descendants("FullName").FirstOrDefault().Value).Rate; } var taxRate = rate; if (!taxCodeExists) { var taxcode = new SalesTaxCode() { ClientID = clientID ?? 0, QuickbooksFullName = name, Rate = taxRate }; rep.Add(taxcode); } rep.Save(); } }
private static void ParseItemQuery(string retType,string itemNode,string response) { var rep = new Repository(); var clientID = rep.GetUser(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId).ClientID ?? 0; var items = XDocument.Parse(response).Document.Root.Descendants("QBXMLMsgsRs").Descendants(retType).FirstOrDefault().Descendants(itemNode); List<QuickbooksInventory> inventoryList = new List<QuickbooksInventory>(); foreach(var item in items) { var DatabaseItem = rep.GetQuickbooksInventoryItem(clientID,item.Descendants("ListID").FirstOrDefault().Value); if (DatabaseItem != null) { DatabaseItem.FullName = item.Descendants("FullName").FirstOrDefault().Value; } else { inventoryList.Add(new QuickbooksInventory(){ ClientID = clientID, ListID = item.Descendants("ListID").FirstOrDefault().Value, FullName = item.Descendants("FullName").FirstOrDefault().Value }); } } rep.Add(inventoryList); rep.Save(); }