コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: gartdan/QuickTimer
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var timer = new QuickTimer();
            timer.QuitEvent +=  (o, e) => Console.Clear();
            timer.ResetEvent += (o, e) => Console.Clear();
            timer.TickEvent += (o, e) => Console.Write($"\r{timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToSeconds()}");
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to {0}. {3}Instructions: {3}Press any key to begin or pause. {3}Press '{1}' to reset. {3}Press '{2}' to quit.",
                AppName, ResetChar, QuitChar, NewLine);

            //2: Example of new string interpolation. Insert the values where they're suppsoed to go in the string literal
            Console.WriteLine($@"Welcome to {AppName}. {NewLine}
                    Instructions: {NewLine}
                    Press any key to begin or pause. {NewLine}
                    Press '{ResetChar}' to reset. {NewLine}
                    Press '{QuitChar} to quit.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: gartdan/vs2015demos
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var timer = new QuickTimer();

            timer.QuitEvent  += (o, e) => Console.Clear();
            timer.ResetEvent += (o, e) => Console.Clear();
            timer.TickEvent  += (o, e) => Write($"\r{timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToSeconds()}");

            if (DateTime.Now.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || Now.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                Console.WriteLine("I dont work on the weekend.");

            WriteLine("Welcome to {0}. {3}Instructions: {3}Press any key to begin or pause. {3}Press '{1}' to reset. {3}Press '{2}' to quit.",
                      AppName, ResetChar, QuitChar, NewLine);

            var name     = "Dan";
            var localStr = "Hi {0}";
            var s        = string.Format(localStr, name);
            FormattableString formattedString = $"Hi {name}";

            #region C#6 String Interpolation
            //TODO 2: Example of new string interpolation. Insert the values where they're suppsoed to go in the string literal
            WriteLine(@"Welcome to {0}. {1}
                    Instructions: {1}
                    Press any key to begin or pause. {1}
                    Press '{2}' to reset. {1}
                    Press '{2} to  quit.", AppName, NewLine, ResetChar, QuitChar);

            WriteLine($@"Welcome to {Localize(AppName)}. {NewLine}
                    Instructions: {NewLine}
                    Press any key to begin or pause. {NewLine}
                    Press '{ResetChar}' to reset. {Environment.NewLine}
                    Press '{QuitChar} to  quit.");

コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: gartdan/vs2015demos
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var timer = new QuickTimer();
            timer.QuitEvent +=  (o, e) => Console.Clear();
            timer.ResetEvent += (o, e) => Console.Clear();
            timer.TickEvent += (o, e) => Write($"\r{timer.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToSeconds()}");

            if(DateTime.Now.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || Now.Date.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                Console.WriteLine("I dont work on the weekend.");

            WriteLine("Welcome to {0}. {3}Instructions: {3}Press any key to begin or pause. {3}Press '{1}' to reset. {3}Press '{2}' to quit.",
                AppName, ResetChar, QuitChar, NewLine);

            var name = "Dan";
            var localStr = "Hi {0}";
            var s = string.Format(localStr, name);
            FormattableString formattedString = $"Hi {name}";

            #region C#6 String Interpolation
            //TODO 2: Example of new string interpolation. Insert the values where they're suppsoed to go in the string literal
            WriteLine(@"Welcome to {0}. {1}
                    Instructions: {1}
                    Press any key to begin or pause. {1}
                    Press '{2}' to reset. {1}
                    Press '{2} to  quit.", AppName, NewLine, ResetChar, QuitChar);

            WriteLine($@"Welcome to {Localize(AppName)}. {NewLine}
                    Instructions: {NewLine}
                    Press any key to begin or pause. {NewLine}
                    Press '{ResetChar}' to reset. {Environment.NewLine}
                    Press '{QuitChar} to  quit.");
