public KmlPropertySelectorDialog(KmlProperties properties) { InitializeComponent(); Properties = properties; }
private KmlProperties GetPropertiesFromControls() { var controlProperties = new KmlProperties { MapType = (includeMap.Checked ? KmlExportMapType.Map : KmlExportMapType.None) }; if (includeRoute.Checked && routeLineStyle.SelectedIndex == 0) controlProperties.MapType = KmlExportMapType.MapAndRoute; if (!includeRoute.Checked) { controlProperties.RouteType = KmlExportRouteType.None; } else { switch (routeLineStyle.SelectedIndex) { case 1: controlProperties.RouteType = KmlExportRouteType.Monochrome; break; case 2: controlProperties.RouteType = KmlExportRouteType.ColorCoded; break; default: controlProperties.RouteType = KmlExportRouteType.None; break; } } controlProperties.RouteAdaptionStyle = includeMap.Checked && adaptRouteToMapImage.Checked ? KmlRouteAdaptationStyle.AdaptToSessionMapImage : KmlRouteAdaptationStyle.NoAdaption; if (!includeReplay.Checked) { controlProperties.ReplayType = KmlExportReplayType.None; } else { switch (replayMarkerStyle.SelectedIndex) { case 0: controlProperties.ReplayType = KmlExportReplayType.Monochrome; break; case 1: controlProperties.ReplayType = KmlExportReplayType.ColorCoded; break; default: controlProperties.ReplayType = KmlExportReplayType.None; break; } double timeInterval = 1; double.TryParse(replayTimeInterval.Text, out timeInterval); timeInterval = Math.Max(0.1, Math.Min(3600, timeInterval)); controlProperties.ReplayTimeInterval = new TimeSpan((long)(timeInterval * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond)); var tails = new List<KmlReplayTail>(); if (replayTailVisible.Checked) { var tail = new KmlReplayTail() { StartVisible = new TimeSpan(0) }; double tailDurationSeconds = 0; if (double.TryParse(replayTailDuration.Text, out tailDurationSeconds)) { tailDurationSeconds = Math.Max(0.1, Math.Min(3600, tailDurationSeconds)); tail.EndVisible = new TimeSpan((long)(tailDurationSeconds * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond)); } else { tail.EndVisible = null; // infinite } tails.Add(tail); } controlProperties.ReplayTails = tails; } return controlProperties; }
private void SetPropertiesToControls(KmlProperties value) { includeMap.Checked = (value.MapType != KmlExportMapType.None); includeRoute.Checked = (value.RouteType != KmlExportRouteType.None || value.MapType == KmlExportMapType.MapAndRoute); if (value.MapType == KmlExportMapType.MapAndRoute) routeLineStyle.SelectedIndex = 0; else { switch (value.RouteType) { case KmlExportRouteType.Monochrome: routeLineStyle.SelectedIndex = 1; break; case KmlExportRouteType.ColorCoded: routeLineStyle.SelectedIndex = 2; break; default: routeLineStyle.SelectedIndex = 0; break; } } adaptRouteToMapImage.Checked = (value.RouteAdaptionStyle != KmlRouteAdaptationStyle.NoAdaption); adaptReplayToMapImage.Checked = (value.RouteAdaptionStyle != KmlRouteAdaptationStyle.NoAdaption); includeReplay.Checked = (value.ReplayType != KmlExportReplayType.None); switch (value.ReplayType) { case KmlExportReplayType.Monochrome: replayMarkerStyle.SelectedIndex = 0; break; case KmlExportReplayType.ColorCoded: replayMarkerStyle.SelectedIndex = 1; break; default: replayMarkerStyle.SelectedIndex = 0; break; } replayTimeInterval.Text = value.ReplayTimeInterval.TotalSeconds.ToString(); replayTailVisible.Checked = value.HasReplayTails; if (value.HasReplayTails) { replayTailDuration.Text = (value.ReplayTails[0].EndVisible.HasValue ? value.ReplayTails[0].EndVisible.Value.TotalSeconds.ToString() : Strings.Infinite); } else { replayTailDuration.Text = ""; } }
private void CreateKmz(IEnumerable<string> documentFileNames, Stream stream, KmlProperties kmlProperties) { var imageExporterProperties = new ImageExporterProperties() { ColorCodingAttribute = SelectedColorCodingAttribute, SecondaryColorCodingAttribute = SelectedSecondaryColorCodingAttribute, ColorRangeProperties = GetCurrentColorRangeProperties(), SessionSettings = new SessionSettings() }; var kmlExporter = new KmlExporter( documentFileNames, imageExporterProperties, stream) { KmlProperties = kmlProperties }; kmlExporter.ExportKmz(CommonUtil.GetTempFileName() + @"\"); }
private void CreateKmz(Document document, Stream stream, KmlProperties kmlProperties, WaypointAttribute colorCodingAttribute, WaypointAttribute? secondaryColorCodingAttribute, ColorRangeProperties colorRangeProperties) { var imageExporterProperties = new ImageExporterProperties() { ColorCodingAttribute = colorCodingAttribute, SecondaryColorCodingAttribute = secondaryColorCodingAttribute, ColorRangeProperties = colorRangeProperties }; var imageExporter = new ImageExporter(document) { Properties = imageExporterProperties }; var kmlExporter = new KmlExporter(document, imageExporter, stream) { KmlProperties = kmlProperties }; kmlExporter.ExportKmz(CommonUtil.GetTempFileName() + @"\"); }
public object Clone() { var clone = new KmlProperties { MapType = MapType, RouteType = RouteType, ReplayType = ReplayType, RouteLineStyle = RouteLineStyle.Clone() as KmlLineStyle, ReplayMarkerStyle = ReplayMarkerStyle.Clone() as KmlMarkerStyle, ReplayTimeInterval = ReplayTimeInterval, ReplayTails = new List<KmlReplayTail>(), RouteAdaptionStyle = RouteAdaptionStyle }; foreach (var tail in ReplayTails) { clone.ReplayTails.Add(tail.Clone() as KmlReplayTail); } return clone; }
public KmlMultipleFilesExporter(IEnumerable<string> fileNames, KmlMultipleFileExporterProperties multipleFileProperties) { MultipleFileExporterProperties = multipleFileProperties; KmlProperties = new KmlProperties() { MapType = KmlExportMapType.Map, RouteType = (multipleFileProperties.IncludeRoutes ? KmlExportRouteType.Monochrome : KmlExportRouteType.None), ReplayType = (multipleFileProperties.IncludeReplay ? KmlExportReplayType.Monochrome : KmlExportReplayType.None), ReplayTimeInterval = multipleFileProperties.ReplayTimeInterval, ReplayTails = multipleFileProperties.ReplayTails, RouteLineStyle = new KmlLineStyle() { Width = multipleFileProperties.RouteLineWidth }, ReplayMarkerStyle = new KmlMarkerStyle() { Size = 3 * multipleFileProperties.RouteLineWidth } }; var massStartTime = DateTime.MaxValue; var allMapsHaveTheSameSize = true; Sessions = new SessionCollection(); InvalidFileNames = new List<string>(); foreach (var fileName in fileNames) { var d = Document.Open(fileName); if (d != null) { if (Document == null) { // first file name sets document Document = d; } if (d.Map.Image.Size != Document.Map.Image.Size) allMapsHaveTheSameSize = false; var s = d.Sessions[0]; if (multipleFileProperties.IncludeReplay && s.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time < massStartTime) massStartTime = s.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time; Sessions.Add(s); } else { InvalidFileNames.Add(fileName); } } // if all map images have the same size, then assume that the very same map image is used and adjust the route to the document map // otherwise, adjust the route to the individual session map // todo: make it possible to choose KmlRouteAdaptationStyle.NoAdjustment in the GUI KmlProperties.RouteAdaptionStyle = (allMapsHaveTheSameSize ? KmlRouteAdaptationStyle.AdaptToDocumentMapImage : KmlRouteAdaptationStyle.AdaptToSessionMapImage); if (multipleFileProperties.IncludeReplay && multipleFileProperties.MassStart) { // adjust to mass start foreach (var s in Sessions) { s.AddTimeOffset(massStartTime.Subtract(s.Route.FirstWaypoint.Time)); } // adjust routes to restart after each lap if necessary if (multipleFileProperties.ReplayRestartAfterEachLap) { var maxTimeDurations = GetMaxLapTimeDurations(Sessions); foreach (var s in Sessions) { Lap previousLap = null; var count = 0; // 1. Caclulate the durations and place in separate variable (since the session will be altered as time passes by) var durations = new List<TimeSpan>(); foreach (var lap in s.Laps) { if (previousLap != null && (lap.LapType == LapType.Lap || lap.LapType == LapType.Stop)) { durations.Add(lap.Time - previousLap.Time); count++; } previousLap = lap; } // 2. Add idle time previousLap = null; count = 0; foreach (var lap in s.Laps) { if (previousLap != null && (lap.LapType == LapType.Lap || lap.LapType == LapType.Stop)) { if (durations[count] < maxTimeDurations[count]) { var timeToAdd = maxTimeDurations[count] - durations[count]; s.InsertIdleTime(lap.Time, timeToAdd); } count++; } previousLap = lap; } } } } }