public async void onCExportClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { IAddContactsInfo addContacts = DependencyService.Get <IAddContactsInfo>(); //get the selected contact list List <cItem> selectedList = new List <cItem>(); bool hasChecked = false; foreach (cItem c in clist) { Debug.WriteLine(c.cChecked); if (c.cChecked == true) { selectedList.Add(c); hasChecked = true; //export data QContact qc = qcdb.GetQContact(c.cId); addContacts.AddContacts(qc); } } if (hasChecked) { await DisplayAlert("Confirm", "The contact information has been sucessfully exported", "OK"); var qcs = qcdb.GetQContacts(fbId); ShowContacts((List <QContact>)qcs); cMultiSelect.IsToggled = false; } else { await DisplayAlert("Alert", "No items selected", "OK"); } }
public ProfilePage() { InitializeComponent(); QContactDB qcdb = new QContactDB(); var pItems = new List <pItem>(); string fbId = Helpers.Settings.UserId; string keyId = fbId + "," + fbId; QContact qc = qcdb.GetQContact(keyId); if (qc == null) { qc = new QContact(); } var type = qc.GetType(); var properties = type.GetRuntimeProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in properties) { if (!prop.Name.Equals("myIdfriendId")) { pItem p = new pItem(); // Add space if (!prop.Name.Equals("LinkedIn")) { p.pName = Regex.Replace(prop.Name, "([a-z])_?([A-Z])", "$1 $2"); } else { p.pName = prop.Name; } if (p.pName.Equals("Birthday")) { if (prop.GetValue(qc, null) != null) { p.pValue = ((DateTime)prop.GetValue(qc, null)).ToLocalTime().ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } } else if (p.pName.Equals("LastModified")) { p.pValue = (((DateTime)prop.GetValue(qc, null)).ToString() + " UTC"); } else { p.pValue = prop.GetValue(qc, null) != null?prop.GetValue(qc, null).ToString() : ""; } pItems.Add(p); } } pListView.ItemsSource = pItems; pImage.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri("" + fbId + "/picture?type=small")); }
public ProfileEditPage() { InitializeComponent(); QContactDB qcdb = new QContactDB(); QContact qc = qcdb.GetQContact(fbId + "," + fbId); if (qc != null) { showUsrData(qc); } }
private async void fbLoggedin(object sender, WebNavigatedEventArgs e) { FacebookOAuthResult oauthResult; System.Uri tmpUrl = new System.Uri(e.Url); if (fb.TryParseOAuthCallbackUrl(tmpUrl, out oauthResult)) { if (oauthResult.IsSuccess) { fb.AccessToken = oauthResult.AccessToken; var tmp = await fb.GetTaskAsync("me"); var result = (IDictionary <string, object>)tmp; string fbId = result["id"].ToString(); string name = result["name"].ToString(); App app = Application.Current as App; //store user info Helpers.Settings.UserName = name; Helpers.Settings.UserId = fbId; app.FbId = fbId; app.Name = name; app.AccessToken = fb.AccessToken; //save user data into database QContactDB qcdb = new QContactDB(); QContact qc = new QContact(); if (!qcdb.ExistQContact(fbId + "," + fbId)) { qc.myIdfriendId = fbId + "," + fbId; string[] names = name.Split(' '); if (names.Length > 1) { qc.FirstName = names[0]; qc.LastName = names[1]; } qc.LastModified = System.DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(); qcdb.AddQContact(qc); //for test testAddContacts(fbId); } MainPage nextPage = new MainPage(name + "," + fbId); await Navigation.PushModalAsync(nextPage); } } }
//produce user data's json private string CreateUserJson(QContact qc) { string jsonStr = string.Empty; if (qc != null) { jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(qc); } else { QContact emptyQc = new QContact(); jsonStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(emptyQc); } Debug.WriteLine("myJson:" + jsonStr); return(jsonStr); }
private string AddToDB(string json) { qc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <QContact>(json); QContactDB qcdb = new QContactDB(); string[] friendId = qc.myIdfriendId.Split(','); qc.myIdfriendId = Helpers.Settings.UserId + "," + friendId[0]; qc.LastModified = System.DateTime.Now; if (qcdb.ExistQContact(qc.myIdfriendId)) { qcdb.UpdateQContact(qc); } else { qcdb.AddQContact(qc); } return(qc.FirstName + " " + qc.LastName); }
public async void onCdExportClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { // export data to mobile contacts // export data to contacts IAddContactsInfo addContacts = DependencyService.Get <IAddContactsInfo>(); QContactDB qcdb = new QContactDB(); QContact qc = qcdb.GetQContact(keyId); Debug.WriteLine(qc.FirstName); bool exResult = addContacts.AddContacts(qc); if (exResult) { await DisplayAlert("Confirm", "The contact information has been sucessfully exported", "OK"); } else { await DisplayAlert("ERROR", "Exporting Fail", "OK"); } await Navigation.PopAsync(); }
public void onPeOkClicked(object sender, EventArgs args) { QContact qc = new QContact(); QContactDB qcdb = new QContactDB(); qc.myIdfriendId = fbId + "," + fbId; qc.FirstName = peFirstName.Text; qc.LastName = peLastName.Text; qc.Company = peCompany.Text; qc.Mobile = peMobile.Text; qc.HomePhone = peHomePhone.Text; qc.WorkPhone = peWorkFax.Text; qc.HomeFax = peHomeFax.Text; qc.WorkFax = peWorkFax.Text; qc.Addr = peAddr.Text; qc.Email = peEmail.Text; qc.Birthday = peBirthday.Date; qc.URL = peURL.Text; qc.Skype = peSkype.Text; qc.Facebook = peFacebook.Text; qc.LinkedIn = peLinkedIn.Text; qc.Twitter = peTwitter.Text; qc.Instagram = peInstagram.Text; qc.LastModified = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime(); Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString()); if (qcdb.ExistQContact(qc.myIdfriendId)) { qcdb.UpdateQContact(qc); } else { qcdb.AddQContact(qc); } Application.Current.MainPage = new MainPage(); }
public ContactDetailPage(string keyId) { InitializeComponent(); QContactDB qcdb = new QContactDB(); var cdItems = new List <cdItem>(); this.keyId = keyId; QContact qc = qcdb.GetQContact(keyId); if (qc == null) { qc = new QContact(); } var type = qc.GetType(); var properties = type.GetRuntimeProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in properties) { if (!prop.Name.Equals("myIdfriendId")) { if (prop.Name.Equals("FirstName")) { cdLabel.Text += prop.GetValue(qc, null) != null?prop.GetValue(qc, null).ToString() : ""; cdLabel.Text += " "; } else if (prop.Name.Equals("LastName")) { cdLabel.Text += prop.GetValue(qc, null) != null?prop.GetValue(qc, null).ToString() : ""; } else { cdItem cd = new cdItem(); // Add space if (!prop.Name.Equals("LinkedIn")) { cd.cdName = Regex.Replace(prop.Name, "([a-z])_?([A-Z])", "$1 $2"); } else { cd.cdName = prop.Name; } // Not show the time, only show date if (cd.cdName.Equals("Birthday")) { if (prop.GetValue(qc, null) != null) { cd.cdValue = ((DateTime)prop.GetValue(qc, null)).ToLocalTime().ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } } else if (cd.cdName.Equals("LastModified")) { cd.cdValue = ((DateTime)prop.GetValue(qc, null)).ToString() + "UTC"; } else { cd.cdValue = prop.GetValue(qc, null) != null?prop.GetValue(qc, null).ToString() : ""; } cdItems.Add(cd); } } } cdListView.ItemsSource = cdItems; cdImage.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri("" + qc.myIdfriendId.Split(',')[1] + "/picture?type=small")); }
//Update QContact to DB public void UpdateQContact(QContact qcontact) { _sqlconnection.Update(qcontact); }
//Add new QContact to DB public void AddQContact(QContact qcontact) { _sqlconnection.Insert(qcontact); }
public void showUsrData(QContact qc) { if (qc.FirstName != null) { peFirstName.Text = qc.FirstName; } if (qc.LastName != null) { peLastName.Text = qc.LastName; } if (qc.Company != null) { peCompany.Text = qc.Company; } if (qc.Mobile != null) { peMobile.Text = qc.Mobile; } if (qc.HomePhone != null) { peHomePhone.Text = qc.HomePhone; } if (qc.WorkPhone != null) { peWorkPhone.Text = qc.WorkPhone; } if (qc.HomeFax != null) { peHomeFax.Text = qc.HomeFax; } if (qc.WorkFax != null) { peWorkFax.Text = qc.WorkFax; } if (qc.Addr != null) { peAddr.Text = qc.Addr; } if (qc.Email != null) { peEmail.Text = qc.Email; } if (qc.Birthday != null) { peBirthday.Date = qc.Birthday; } if (qc.URL != null) { peURL.Text = qc.URL; } if (qc.Skype != null) { peSkype.Text = qc.Skype; } if (qc.Facebook != null) { peFacebook.Text = qc.Facebook; } if (qc.LinkedIn != null) { peLinkedIn.Text = qc.LinkedIn; } if (qc.Twitter != null) { peTwitter.Text = qc.Twitter; } if (qc.Instagram != null) { peInstagram.Text = qc.Instagram; } }