public string SingerData(string singerkey, string column, DateTime data) { MVCSingers target = null; MVCSingers targetreference = null; foreach (MVCSingers q in singers) { if (q.SingerKey == singerkey) { target = q; break; } } foreach (MVCSingers q in singersref) { if (q.SingerKey == singerkey) { targetreference = q; break; } } //if (target != null) //{ // return datestyle(target.EventDate, (targetreference == null) ? DateTime.MinValue : targetreference.EventDate); //} //else return(string.Format("<text>{0}</text>", data)); }
public ActionResult SongTag(string title, string artist, string disk) { SingersGrid singers = new SingersGrid(); = new TSCSongs(); if (SessionBag.Current.SongsXml != null) { XmlDocument doc = SessionBag.Current.SongsXml as XmlDocument; XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("/Root/Data[Title=\"{0}\" and Artist=\"{1}\" and Disk=\"{2}\"]", title, artist, disk)); if (node != null) { = new TSCSongs(node); } } Models.MvcList list = Controllers.QueueRoundData.GetRound(SessionBag.Current.RoundXml as XmlDocument, 1); foreach (object itm in list) { MVCQueue queue = itm as MVCQueue; if (queue != null) { if (queue.SingerKey != null && queue.SingerKey.Trim().Length > 0) { MVCSingers singer = new MVCSingers(); singer.SingerKey = queue.SingerKey; singers.singers.Add(singer); singers.singersref.Add(singer); } } } singers.Bind(); ViewData.Model = singers; return(View()); }
public string Save() { string result = ""; int recordschanged = 0; SingingClubClient client = new SingingClubClient(); client.Open(); if (singers != null && singersref != null) { List <MVCSingers> tobeadded = new List <MVCSingers>(); foreach (MVCSingers q in singers) { bool found = false; foreach (MVCSingers qref in singersref) { if (q.KeyEquals(qref) == true) { found = true; if (MVCSingers.FieldsEqual(q, qref) == false) { result = client.GeneralStore("TSCSingers", "UPDATE", q.GetDataXml()); if (result != null && Utility.IsNumber(result) && int.Parse(result) > 0) { recordschanged++; } } } } if (found == false) { tobeadded.Add(q); } } if (tobeadded.Count > 0) { foreach (MVCSingers tba in tobeadded) { result = client.GeneralStore("TSCSingers", "INSERT", tba.GetDataXml()); if (result != null && Utility.IsNumber(result) && int.Parse(result) > 0) { recordschanged++; } } } } client.Close(); return(recordschanged.ToString()); }
public ActionResult PageEditSinger(string SingerKey, string Command = "") { MVCSingers tscsinger = null; if (SingerKey != null && SingerKey.Trim().Length > 0) { SingerData singerData = new SingerData(Command, SingerKey, SessionBag.Current.SingersXml as XmlDocument); tscsinger = singerData.GetSinger(); } else { tscsinger = new MVCSingers(); tscsinger.command = Command; } return(View(tscsinger)); }
public string SingerData(string singerkey, string column, string data) { MVCSingers target = null; MVCSingers targetreference = null; foreach (MVCSingers q in singers) { if (q.SingerKey == singerkey) { target = q; break; } } foreach (MVCSingers q in singersref) { if (q.SingerKey == singerkey) { targetreference = q; break; } } if (target != null) { switch (column) { case "SingerName": return(util.textstyle(target.SingerName, (targetreference == null) ? null : targetreference.SingerName)); case "SingerEmail": return(util.textstyle(target.SingerEmail, (targetreference == null) ? null : targetreference.SingerEmail)); default: return(string.Format("<text>{0}</text>", data)); } } else { return(string.Format("<text>{0}</text>", data)); } }
public ActionResult PageSetSinger(MVCSingers model) { string singerkey = Request.Form["SingerKey"]; string singername = Request.Form["SingerName"]; string singeremail = Request.Form["SingerEmail"]; string command = Request.Form["command"]; if (command == null) { command = ""; } else { command = command.Trim().ToLower(); } if (command == "remove" && singerkey != null && singerkey.Trim().Length > 0) { MVCSingers singer = new MVCSingers(); singer.SingerKey = singerkey; SingingClubClient client = new SingingClubClient(); string result = client.GeneralStore("TSCSingers", "DELETE", singer.GetDataXml()); if (result != null && Utility.IsNumber(result) && int.Parse(result) > 0) { string _SingersXml = client.GeneralStore("TSCSingers", "GET", (new MVCSingers()).GetDataXml()); client.Close(); XmlDocument SingersXml = new XmlDocument(); XmlDocument SingersXmlReference = new XmlDocument(); SingersXml.LoadXml(_SingersXml); SingersXmlReference.LoadXml(_SingersXml); SessionBag.Current.SingersXml = SingersXml; SessionBag.Current.SingersXmlReference = SingersXmlReference; } } SingersGrid singers = new SingersGrid(); if (SessionBag.Current.SingersXml != null && SessionBag.Current.SingersXml is XmlDocument && SessionBag.Current.SingersXmlReference != null && SessionBag.Current.SingersXmlReference is XmlDocument && singerkey != null && singerkey.Trim().Length > 0) { XmlDocument doc = SessionBag.Current.SingersXml as XmlDocument; XmlDocument docref = SessionBag.Current.SingersXmlReference as XmlDocument; XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("/Root/Data"); bool found = false; foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { MVCSingers add = new MVCSingers(node); if (add.SingerKey == singerkey) { SetText(node, "SingerName", singername); SetText(node, "SingerEmail", singeremail); add = new MVCSingers(node); found = true; } singers.singers.Add(add); } if (found == false && command != "remove") { XmlNode root = doc.SelectSingleNode("/Root"); if (root != null) { XmlNode data = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Data", null); if (data != null) { root.AppendChild(data); SetText(data, "SingerKey", singerkey); SetText(data, "SingerName", singername); SetText(data, "SingerEmail", singeremail); MVCSingers add = new MVCSingers(data); singers.singers.Add(add); } } } nodes = docref.SelectNodes("/Root/Data"); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { singers.singersref.Add(new MVCSingers(node)); } //singers.singers.Sort(); singers.Bind(); ViewData.Model = singers; } return(View()); }