public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage message) { await Task.Run(() => { }); try { TcpClient client = new TcpClient(tcpServerIP, tcpServerPort); // Translate the passed message into ASCII and store it as a Byte array. Byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message.payload); // Get a client stream for reading and writing. NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); // Send the message to the connected TcpServer. stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); // Close everything. stream.Close(); client.Close(); } catch (ArgumentNullException e) { logger.Error($"ArgumentNullException: {e.Message}"); message.sent = false; return(message); } catch (SocketException e) { logger.Error($"SocketException: {e.Message}"); message.sent = false; return(message); } message.sent = true; return(message); }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage mess) { try { bool status = await SendHTTPStuff(mess); if (status) { logger.Trace($"Sent to {name}"); } else { logger.Error($"Failed Sent to {name}"); SendToUndeliverableQueue(mess); mess.sent = false; return(mess); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, $"Failed Sent to {name}"); this.SendToUndeliverableQueue(mess); mess.sent = false; return(mess); } mess.sent = true; return(mess); }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage mess) { await Task.Run(() => { }); if (maxMessages != -1) { MaintainQueueInline(); } //// Connection to the queue if (ResetWriteConnect() == maxRetry) { logger.Error($"Cannot Write to Queue: {queueName}"); this.SendToUndeliverableQueue(mess); mess.sent = false; mess.status = $"Unable to deliver to {queueName}. Sent to Undeliverable"; return(mess); } // Locking on send is neccessary because writing to a MSMQ queue is not thread safe // and this method may be concurrently called. // The lock only protects against write clasehes by this onbject - other objects may // indepentantly try to write to the queue. lock (sendLock) { try { using (msgQueue) { string payload = mess.payload; try { Message myMessage = new Message(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(payload), new ActiveXMessageFormatter()); msgQueue.Send(myMessage); mess.sent = true; mess.status = $"Sent to {queueName}"; return(mess); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); mess.sent = false; mess.status = $"Unable to deliver to {queueName}. Sent to Undeliverable"; return(mess); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex, $"MSMQ Error Sending to {queueName}"); SendToUndeliverableQueue(mess); mess.sent = false; mess.status = $"Unable to deliver to {queueName}. Sent to Undeliverable"; return(mess); } } }
public void SendToPipe(string message) { //Check to see if it passes filters and transformations ExchangeMessage xm = new ExchangeMessage(message); xm = PreAndPostProcess(xm); if (xm == null || xm.payload == null) { logger.Info($"Message did not pass transformation"); return; } if (!xm.pass) { logger.Info($"Message did not pass filter"); return; } try { Message myMessage = new Message(message, new ActiveXMessageFormatter()) { Priority = mqPriority }; MessageQueue pipeInputQueue = new MessageQueue(pipeInputQueueName); pipeInputQueue.Send(myMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } }
public async Task <ExchangeMessage> Send(ExchangeMessage xm) { //Do any filtering or transformation first. try { xm = PreAndPostProcess(xm); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(null); } // Check the result of the filtering and transformations if (!xm.pass || xm.payload == null) { xm.status = $"Message blocked by filter to {queueName}"; xm.pass = false; QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Output Node", "Messages did not pass filter", "PROGRESS"); return(xm); } else { QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Output Node", "Sending Message", "PROGRESS"); // Send it to the destination. // The state of the message should be updated by the particuar output xm = await SendToOutputAsync(xm); return(xm); } }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage mess) { // Send the message to the bufferQueue, so it is available when a HTTP GET request comes in mess = await serviceQueue.SendToOutputAsync(mess); mess.status += "Added to HTTPGET Queue"; return(mess); }
public async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendMqStuff(ExchangeMessage xm) { await Task.Run(() => { }); string messageXML = xm.payload; bool sent = false; int tries = 1; lock (sendLock) { do { if (tries > maxRetry && maxRetry > 0) { xm.sent = false; xm.status = $"Exceeded Connection retries on MQ {queueName}"; return(xm); } try { using (MQQueueManager queueManager = new MQQueueManager(qMgr, connectionParams)) { var openOptions = MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT + MQC.MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING; MQQueue queue = queueManager.AccessQueue(queueName, openOptions); var message = new MQMessage { CharacterSet = 1208 // UTF-8 }; message.WriteString(messageXML); message.Format = MQC.MQFMT_STRING; MQPutMessageOptions putOptions = new MQPutMessageOptions(); queue.Put(message, putOptions); queue.Close(); sent = true; logger.Trace($"===Message Sent {xm.uuid} to {queueName}"); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!isLogger) { logger.Info("Unable to send message to : " + queueName + " : " + ex.Message); } tries++; } if (!sent) { logger.Trace($"===Message NOT Sent {xm.uuid} to {queueName}"); } } while (!sent); } xm.sent = true; xm.status = $"Sent to MQ {queueName}"; return(xm); }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage message) { await Task.Run(() => { logger.Info($"Sunk Message"); message.sent = true; }); return(null); }
public async Task <bool> SendHTTPStuff(ExchangeMessage message) { string messageXML = message.payload; bool sent = false; int tries = 1; do { if (tries > maxRetry && maxRetry > 0) { return(sent); } try { using (var client = new HttpClient()) { HttpRequestMessage requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, postURL) { Content = new StringContent(messageXML, Encoding.UTF8, "application/xml") }; if (headers != null) { foreach (var item in headers) { requestMessage.Headers.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } } using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(requestMessage)) { if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { sent = true; return(sent); } else { throw new Exception(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Info("Unable to send message to : " + queueName + " : " + ex.Message); tries++; } } while (!sent && OK_TO_RUN); return(sent); }
public async Task StartPipeLine() { // At the pipeline level, the pipe can be configured to use or bypass the // filtering and transformation on each of the queues. // Pipeline processing is simple, wait for something from the input queue and // if is not null, then distribute to the output according to the // selected distribution pattern and then repeat // The distribution to each of the output queues is done in a seperate async // Task so that they do not interfere with each other. if (maxMsgPerMinuteProfile != null) { PrepareProfileThreads(); } foreach (QueueAbstract inQ in input) { logger.Info($"Starting Async Listener for {}"); var t = Task.Run(() => inQ.StartListener()); } logger.Info($"Pipe {name} running. Input Queues = {input.Count()}, Output Queues = {output.Count()}"); logger.Info($"Throttle interval = {throttleInterval}"); while (OK_TO_RUN) { try { //Get the message from the input ExchangeMessage xm = GetMessage(); QXLog("Recieved Message", null, "PROGRESS"); if (throttleInterval > 0 || contextAware == true) { QXLog("Sending Message to Context Proceesor", null, "PROGRESS"); await ContextProcessorAsync(xm); } else { QXLog("Sending Message to Injector", null, "PROGRESS"); await InjectMessage(xm); Thread.Sleep(throttleInterval); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } logger.Info($"Stopping Pipeline {name}"); }
private string GetContextKey(ExchangeMessage xm) { string contextKeyValue = null; if (useMessageAsKey) { QXLog("Context Proceesor", "Entire Message Being Used As Key", "PROGRESS"); using (SHA256 mySHA256 = SHA256.Create()) { byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xm.payload); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray)) { byte[] hashValue = mySHA256.ComputeHash(stream); contextKeyValue = BitConverter.ToString(hashValue); } return(contextKeyValue); } } else if (contextCacheKeyXPath == "*") { return("ALL_MESSAGES"); } else { // Look at the XML to get the contextKey XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.LoadXml(xm.payload); XmlNamespaceManager ns = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in Exchange.nsDict) { ns.AddNamespace(item.Key, item.Value); } try { XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode(contextCacheKeyXPath, ns); contextKeyValue = node.InnerText; logger.Info($"Context Key for Message = {contextKeyValue}"); } catch { return(null); } QXLog("Context Proceesor", $"Context Key Retrieves Context Key = {contextKeyValue}", "PROGRESS"); return(contextKeyValue); } }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage mess) { var config = new ProducerConfig { BootstrapServers = this.bootStrapServers }; // Set the topic bassed on the content of the message if configured mess = SetDestinationFromMessage(mess); if (mess.destinationSet) { topic = queueName; } else { if (topic == null) { mess.sent = false; return(mess); } } using (var p = new ProducerBuilder <string, string>(config).Build()) { try { var dr = await p.ProduceAsync(topic, new Message <string, string> { Key = key, Value = mess.payload }); } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e.Message); logger.Error(e); logger.Error($"Unable to deliver to Kafka Server on topic {topic}"); SendToUndeliverableQueue(mess); mess.sent = false; mess.status = $"Unable to Send to Kafka Topic = {topic}"; return(mess); } logger.Info($"Kafka sent message to {topic}"); } mess.sent = true; mess.status = $"Sent to Kafka Topic = {topic}"; return(mess); }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage mess) { int count = 0; string countStr = count.ToString(); while (countStr.Length < 6) { countStr = "0" + countStr; } string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath); string extension = Path.GetExtension(fullPath); string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath); string newFullPath; string tempFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}", fileNameOnly, countStr); newFullPath = Path.Combine(path, tempFileName + extension); while (File.Exists(newFullPath)) { count++; countStr = count.ToString(); while (countStr.Length < 6) { countStr = "0" + countStr; } tempFileName = string.Format("{0}{1}", fileNameOnly, countStr); newFullPath = Path.Combine(path, tempFileName + extension); } try { await Task.Run(() => File.WriteAllText(newFullPath, mess.payload)); mess.sent = true; mess.status = $"Sent file to {newFullPath}"; } catch (Exception) { mess.sent = false; mess.status = $"Unable to write file to {newFullPath}"; } return(mess); }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage message) { await Task.Run(() => { { if (!OK_TO_SEND) { logger.Warn("FTP Interface not configured correctly"); return; } string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (!ftpURL.EndsWith("/")) { ftpURL = ftpURL + "/"; } if (!directory.StartsWith("/")) { directory = "/" + directory; } if (!directory.EndsWith("/")) { directory = directory + "/"; } using (var ftpClient = new FtpClient(new Uri(ftpURL))) { try { if (useFTPS) { ftpClient.EncryptionMode = FtpEncryptionMode.Explicit; ftpClient.ValidateAnyCertificate = true; ftpClient.Connect(); } ftpClient.Upload(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message.payload), directory + guid); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } } } }); return(null); }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage message) { // Create a new MQTT client. var msg = new MqttApplicationMessageBuilder() .WithTopic(topic) .WithPayload(message.payload) .WithExactlyOnceQoS() .WithRetainFlag() .Build(); //"", 1883) if (serverType == "tcp") { options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder().WithTcpServer(mqttServer, mqttServerPort).Build(); } //"" if (serverType == "ws") { options = new MqttClientOptionsBuilder().WithWebSocketServer(mqttServerURL).Build(); } if (!mqttClient.IsConnected) { mqttClient.ConnectAsync(options).Wait(); } MqttClientPublishResult result = await mqttClient.PublishAsync(msg, CancellationToken.None); if (result.ReasonCode == MqttClientPublishReasonCode.Success) { message.sent = true; message.status = $"Sent to MQTT topic {queueName}"; return(message); } else { message.sent = true; message.status = $"MQTT Send Failure {result.ReasonString}"; logger.Error($"MQTT Send Failure {result.ReasonString}"); return(message); } }
public void SendToUndeliverableQueue(ExchangeMessage xm) { // If messages cant be delivered, they can be sent to a local undeliverable queue // defined on a per queue basis. No reason why the one undeliverable queue cant be used // for all of the queue. if (isLogger) { // If this is a logger, failure messages won't be sent to the undeliverable queue logger.Error("Log Message could not be sent to logger"); return; } QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Output Node Send Failure", "Message Could Not Be Delivered to the Output Node", "PROGRESS"); if (undeliverableQueue == null) { logger.Debug($"No Undeliverable Message Queue has been defined for {queueName}"); QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Output Node Send Failure", "No Undeliverable Queue Defined", "WARNING"); return; } lock (undevlLock) { try { using (MessageQueue er = new MessageQueue(undeliverableQueue)) { QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Output Node Send Failure", "Sending Message to Undeliverable Queue", "PROGRESS"); er.Send(xm); QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Output Node Send Failure", "Message Sent to Undeliverable Queue", "PROGRESS"); logger.Info("Message Sent to Undeliverble Queue"); } } catch (Exception ex) { QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Output Node Send Failure", "Message Could Not Be Sent To Undeliverable Queue", "ERROR"); logger.Error("Unable to Send to Undeliverble Queue"); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage mess) { if (maxMessages != -1) { MaintainQueueInline(); } try { mess = await SendMqStuff(mess); if (mess.sent) { logger.Debug($"MQ Sent to {name}"); mess.sent = true; mess.status = $"Sent to {queueName}"; return(mess); } else { logger.Error($"MQ Failed Sent to {name}"); SendToUndeliverableQueue(mess); mess.sent = false; mess.status = $"Unable to Send to {queueName}"; return(mess); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!isLogger) { logger.Error(ex, $"MQ Failed Sent to {name}"); } SendToUndeliverableQueue(mess); mess.sent = false; mess.status = $"Unable to Send to {queueName}"; return(mess); } }
protected ExchangeMessage SetDestinationFromMessage(ExchangeMessage mess) { if (xpathDestination != null) { queueName = GetDestinationFromMessage(mess.payload, true); if (queueName == null) { mess.status = "Destination could not be found in the XPATH expression"; mess.destinationSet = false; return(mess); } else { mess.destinationSet = true; return(mess); } } if (xpathContentDestination != null) { queueName = GetDestinationFromMessage(mess.payload, false); if (queueName == null) { mess.status = "Destination Topic could not be found in the XPATH expression"; mess.destinationSet = false; return(mess); } else { mess.destinationSet = true; return(mess); } } mess.destinationSet = false; return(mess); }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage message) { await Task.Run(() => { { if (!OK_TO_SEND) { logger.Warn("SMTP Interface not configured correctly"); return; } string subject = smtpsubject; try { var mailmessage = new MimeMessage(); mailmessage.From.Add(new MailboxAddress(smtpfromUser, smtpfromEmail)); mailmessage.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(smtptoUser, smtptoEmail)); mailmessage.Subject = subject; if (smtpAttachment) { var body = new TextPart("plain") { Text = "Message is in attachment" }; var attachment = new MimePart("text", "plain") { ContentDisposition = new ContentDisposition(ContentDisposition.Attachment), FileName = Path.GetFileName(smtpattachname) }; byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message.payload); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray); attachment.Content = new MimeContent(stream, ContentEncoding.Default); var multipart = new Multipart("mixed") { body, attachment }; // now set the multipart/mixed as the message body mailmessage.Body = multipart; } else { mailmessage.Body = new TextPart("plain") { Text = message.payload }; } using (var client = new SmtpClient()) { // For demo-purposes, accept all SSL certificates (in case the server supports STARTTLS) client.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, h, e) => true; client.Connect(smtphost, smtpport, smtpuseSSL); //client.Connect("", 465, true); // Note: only needed if the SMTP server requires authentication if (smtpuser != null) { client.Authenticate(smtpuser, smtppass); } // client.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "!@aiw2dihsf!@"); client.Send(mailmessage); client.Disconnect(true); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error($"SMTP Client Send Exception: {e.Message}"); } } }); return(null); }
public ExchangeMessage PreAndPostProcess(ExchangeMessage xm) { QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Output Node: Message Recieved From Pipe", null, "PROGRESS"); // payload is the actual content of the message to be send string message = xm.payload; // After the delivery or prior to sending a message, it can be filtered or // transformed according to the configuration for each queue // The Expression object manages the evaluation of all the filters if (expression != null) { bool pass = expression.Pass(message); logger.Info($"Top Expression Evaluated {pass}"); if (!pass) { if (altQueue != null) { logger.Info($"Sending to Alt Queue {}"); QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Message did not pass filter", "Sending to Alt Queue", "PROGRESS"); Task.Run(async() => { _ = await altQueue.Send(xm); }); } else { QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Message did not pass filter", "No Alt Queue Configured", "WARNING"); } xm.pass = false; return(xm); } else { xm.pass = true; } } if (topLevelFilter != null) { bool pass = topLevelFilter.Pass(message); logger.Info($"Top Filter Evaluated {pass}"); if (!pass) { if (altQueue != null) { logger.Info($"Sending to Alt Queue {}"); QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Message did not pass filter", "Sending to Alt Queue", "PROGRESS"); _ = altQueue.Send(xm); } else { QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Message did not pass filter", "No Alt Queue Configured", "WARNING"); } xm.pass = false; return(xm); } else { xm.pass = true; } } // If a XSLT transform has been specified if (bTransform) { QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Starting Message Transformation", null, "PROGRESS"); message = Transform(message, xslVersion); QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Message Transformation Complete", null, "PROGRESS"); xm.transformed = true; } else { xm.transformed = false; } if (message == null || message.Length == 0) { logger.Info("Message blocked by XSL Transform of Zero Length"); xm.payload = null; xm.status = "Message blocked by XSL Transform. Null or Zero Length"; QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Messaage Transformation", "Transformation resulted in a message of zero length", "WARNING"); return(xm); } xm.payload = message; QXLog(xm?.uuid, "Output Node: Post Processing Complete", null, "PROGRESS"); return(xm); }
public abstract Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage message);
public async Task ContextProcessorAsync(ExchangeMessage xm) { if (!xm.pass) { return; } // If no contextKey has been provided, just inject the message straight away if (contextCacheKeyXPath == null && !useMessageAsKey) { await InjectMessage(xm); return; } string contextKeyValue = GetContextKey(xm); if (contextKeyValue == null) { await InjectMessage(xm); return; } try { Queue <ExchangeMessage> bufferMemoryQueue = null; System.Timers.Timer bufferPopperTimer = null; if (_bufferMemoryQueueDict.ContainsKey(contextKeyValue) && _bufferTimerDict.ContainsKey(contextKeyValue)) { bufferMemoryQueue = _bufferMemoryQueueDict[contextKeyValue]; bufferPopperTimer = _bufferTimerDict[contextKeyValue]; } else { // They don't exist, so they need to be created. logger.Trace($"Creating queue and timer for {contextKeyValue}"); //Create the queue bufferMemoryQueue = new Queue <ExchangeMessage>(); _bufferMemoryQueueDict.Add(contextKeyValue, bufferMemoryQueue); //Create the timer bufferPopperTimer = CreatePopperTask(xm, bufferMemoryQueue, contextKeyValue); _bufferTimerDict.Add(contextKeyValue, bufferPopperTimer); } ContextStats stats = null; if (statDict.ContainsKey(contextKeyValue)) { stats = statDict[contextKeyValue]; } else { ContextStats v = new ContextStats { key = contextKeyValue }; statDict.Add(contextKeyValue, v); stats = v; } stats.recieved++; this.totalReceived++; if (_contextCache.Contains(contextKeyValue) && this.discardInCache) { logger.Info($"Message found in Cache - Discarding. Message Hash {contextKeyValue}"); return; } if (mostRecentOnly) { bufferMemoryQueue.Clear(); } bufferMemoryQueue.Enqueue(xm); // So the message is enqueued, now just work out how long how to set the popper //Let's deal with it if it is not a firstOnly if (!firstOnly) { if (!_contextCache.Contains(contextKeyValue)) { //It's not in the cachce if (!bufferPopperTimer.Enabled) { //If the popper isn't already enabled, enable it to pop straight away (5ms) bufferPopperTimer.Interval = 5.0; bufferPopperTimer.Enabled = true; bufferPopperTimer.Start(); } } else { //It's in tha cache, if (!bufferPopperTimer.Enabled) { //If the popper isn't already enabled, then set the popper. (If it is in the cache, then really, the popper should already be set) bufferPopperTimer.Interval = contextCacheExpiry * 1000; bufferPopperTimer.Enabled = true; bufferPopperTimer.Start(); } } return; } if (firstOnly) { //It's not in the cache bool inCache = _contextCache.Contains(contextKeyValue); bool firstDone = _firstProcessedCompleted.Contains(contextKeyValue); if (!inCache || firstDone) { _contextCache.AddOrGetExisting(contextKeyValue, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(this.contextCacheExpiry), DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(this.contextCacheExpiry)); if (!bufferPopperTimer.Enabled) { bufferPopperTimer.Interval = 10.0; bufferPopperTimer.Enabled = true; bufferPopperTimer.Start(); } } else { if (!bufferPopperTimer.Enabled) { bufferPopperTimer.Interval = contextCacheExpiry * 1000; bufferPopperTimer.Enabled = true; bufferPopperTimer.Start(); } } return; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex); } }
public new async void Send(ExchangeMessage xm) { logger.Debug($"Sending to {xm.uuid} IBMMQ {queueName}"); await SendToOutputAsync(xm); }
//public override ExchangeMessage Listen(bool immediateReturn, int priorityWait) //{ // // The serviceQueue is monitored and messages are returned as the appear on the queue // logger.Debug("Listening to KAFKA QUEUE"); // return (serviceQueue.Listen(immediateReturn, priorityWait)); //} public new async void Send(ExchangeMessage xm) { logger.Debug($"Sending to {xm.uuid} Kafka Topic {topic}"); await SendToOutputAsync(xm); }
public override async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendToOutputAsync(ExchangeMessage message) { await Task.Run(() => { }); // Set the queueName bassed on the content of the message if configured message = SetDestinationFromMessage(message); if (!message.destinationSet && queueName == null) { message.sent = false; return(message); } try { var factory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName = connection }; factory.UserName = user; factory.Password = pass; factory.VirtualHost = vhost; factory.HostName = connection; factory.Port = port; using (var conn = factory.CreateConnection()) { using (var channel = conn.CreateModel()) { try { QueueDeclareOk ch = channel.QueueDeclare(queue: queueName, durable: true, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false, arguments: null); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); message.sent = false; message.status = $"Error Sending to Rabbit Topic {queueName}"; return(message); } var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message.payload); try { channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "", routingKey: queueName, basicProperties: null, body: body); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); SendToUndeliverableQueue(message); message.sent = false; message.status = $"Error Sending to Rabbit Queue {queueName}"; return(message); } message.sent = true; message.status = $"Sent to Rabbit Queue {queueName}"; return(message); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Error(e.Message); message.sent = false; return(message); } }
private System.Timers.Timer CreatePopperTask(ExchangeMessage xm, Queue <ExchangeMessage> bufferMemoryQueue, string contextKeyValue) { double interval = contextCacheExpiry * 1000 + 100.0; logger.Info($"Creating Popper Task. Message Hash: {contextKeyValue}"); System.Timers.Timer bufferPopperTimer = new System.Timers.Timer { Interval = interval, Enabled = false }; bufferPopperTimer.Elapsed += async(source, eventArgs) => { bufferPopperTimer.AutoReset = false; bufferPopperTimer.Enabled = false; if (_firstProcessedCompleted.Contains(contextKeyValue)) { // logger.Info("Pooper Expired - Marking it cleared <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"); _firstProcessedCleared.AddOrGetExisting(contextKeyValue, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(this.contextCacheExpiry), DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(this.contextCacheExpiry)); } if (bufferMemoryQueue.Count != 0) { logger.Trace($"Injection Popper Timer Went Off for key = {contextKeyValue} - {bufferMemoryQueue.Count} Messages on queue"); _firstProcessedCompleted.AddOrGetExisting(contextKeyValue, contextKeyValue, DateTime.Now.AddHours(18)); _contextCache.AddOrGetExisting(contextKeyValue, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(this.contextCacheExpiry), DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(this.contextCacheExpiry)); if (bufferMemoryQueue.Count > 0) { await InjectMessage(bufferMemoryQueue.Dequeue()); } else { return; } if (firstOnly && _firstProcessedCleared.Contains(contextKeyValue)) { bufferPopperTimer.Interval = 10.0; } else { bufferPopperTimer.Interval = contextCacheExpiry * 1000; } bufferPopperTimer.AutoReset = true; bufferPopperTimer.Enabled = true; try { statDict[contextKeyValue].send++; statLogger.Trace(statDict[contextKeyValue]); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error($"Stats dictionary problem {ex.Message}"); } this.totalSent++; } else { logger.Trace($"Reinjection Popper Timer Went Off for key = {contextKeyValue} - No Message to Process"); if (_firstProcessedCleared.Contains(contextKeyValue)) { bufferPopperTimer.Enabled = false; bufferPopperTimer.AutoReset = false; } else { bufferPopperTimer.Interval = contextCacheExpiry * 1000; bufferPopperTimer.Enabled = true; bufferPopperTimer.AutoReset = true; } } }; return(bufferPopperTimer); }
protected async Task InjectMessage(ExchangeMessage xm) { if (xm != null) { if (!xm.pass) { logger.Trace($"Blocked by incoming filter. Message {xm.uuid }"); return; } msgRecieved++; logger.Trace($"Processing message {xm.uuid } [{msgRecieved}]"); xm.status = "Message Recieved"; // Pipeline specific logging QXLog("Starting Output Meesage Processing", null, "PROGRESS"); if (randomDistribution) { // Distributes the message to a random output Random rnd = new Random(); int index = rnd.Next(0, output.Count); logger.Trace($"Random Distributor. Sending message {xm.uuid } to {output[index].name}"); QXLog("Output Meesage Processing", "Distributing to Random Output", "PROGRESS"); if (outputIsolation) { QXLog("Async Message Start", "Distribution to Random Output", "PROGRESS"); _ = Task.Run(() => SendAndLog(output[index], xm)); QXLog("Async Message End", "Distribution to Random Output", "PROGRESS"); } else { QXLog("Sync Message Start", "Distribution to Random Output", "PROGRESS"); _ = await SendAndLog(output[index], xm); QXLog("Sync Message End", "Distribution to Random Output", "PROGRESS"); } } else if (roundRobinDistribution) { // Distributes the message only once to each queue in turn int index = nextOutput % output.Count; logger.Trace($"Round Robin Distributor. Sending message {xm.uuid } to {output[index].name}"); QXLog("Output Message Processing", "Distribution to Round Robin Output", "PROGRESS"); if (outputIsolation) { QXLog("Async Message Start", "Distribution to Round Robin Output", "PROGRESS"); _ = Task.Run(() => SendAndLog(output[index], xm)); QXLog("Async Message End", "Distribution to Round Robin Output", "PROGRESS"); } else { QXLog("Sync Message Start", "Distribution to Round Robin Output", "PROGRESS"); _ = await SendAndLog(output[index], xm); QXLog("Sync Message End", "Distribution to Round Robin Output", "PROGRESS"); } nextOutput++; } else { // Distribute the message to all the outputs if (outputIsolation) { // Wont wait for the Send to complete before completing foreach (QueueAbstract q in output) { QXLog("Async Message Start", "Normal Distribution", "PROGRESS"); _ = Task.Run(() => SendAndLog(q, xm)); QXLog("Async Message End", "Normal Distribution", "PROGRESS"); } } else { // Will wait for all Sends to complete before proceeding QXLog("Sync Message Start", "Normal Distribution", "PROGRESS"); foreach (QueueAbstract q in output) { logger.Info($"-->{name} --> sending message {xm?.uuid } to {}"); _ = await SendAndLog(q, xm); //if (xm.sent) //{ // if (q.queueName != null) // { // msgCount[q.queueName] = msgCount[q.queueName] + 1; // logger.Trace($"{q.queueName} = {msgCount[q.queueName]}"); // } // else // { // msgCount[] = msgCount[] + 1; // logger.Trace($"{} = {msgCount[]}"); // } //} } QXLog("Sync Message End", "Normal Distribution", "PROGRESS"); } } } }
private async Task <ExchangeMessage> SendAndLog(QueueAbstract queue, ExchangeMessage message) { message = await queue.Send(message); return(message); }