private static DBMSSQL GetMSSQLDB() { //Private method to hold Connection String info for the database. DBMSSQL Db = new DBMSSQL(new DbConfig("dbName", "user", "password", "host")); return(Db); }
private static void DeleteStudent() { //Get db connection string. DBMSSQL Db = GetMSSQLDB(); //Declare the delete statement. String Query = "DELETE From Student WHERE ID='4';"; //Execute the query Db.NonQuery(Query); }
private static void UpdateStudent() { //Get db connection string. DBMSSQL Db = GetMSSQLDB(); //Declare the update statement. String Query = "UPDATE Student SET LastName = 'Peters' WHERE ID='4';"; //Execute the query Db.NonQuery(Query); }
private static void CreateStudent() { //Get db connection string. DBMSSQL Db = GetMSSQLDB(); //Declare the insert statement. String Query = "INSERT INTO Student (ID,LastName, FirstName, StreetAddress) Values (4,'Murkel','Cliff','115 Niagara Ave');"; //Execute the query Db.NonQuery(Query); }
public static object GetNumberOfStudents() { //Get db connection string. DBMSSQL Db = GetMSSQLDB(); //Declare the scalar query. String Query = "Select COUNT(*) FROM Student;"; //Pass the query to the scalar db method and execute the query. object StudentCount = Db.Scalar(Query); //return results. return(StudentCount); }
public static List <Student> GetStudentInfo() { //Returns a list of student records. //Get db connection string. DBMSSQL Db = GetMSSQLDB(); //Declare the query. String Query = "SELECT LastName, FirstName, StreetAddress from Student;"; //Execute the query and store the query results from the database in a list. List <Student> Students = new List <Student>(Db.Query <Student>(Query)); //return results. return(Students); }