void OnDestroy() { try { if (_currentSkin != null) { _currentSkin.Rollback(); } _currentSkin = null; if (_quartzPanel != null) { Debug.Log("Unload Quartz Panel"); Destroy(_quartzPanel); } if (_quartzButton != null) { Debug.Log("Unload Quartz Button"); Destroy(_quartzButton); } SetCameraRectHelper.Deinitialize(); _bootstrapped = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } }
public static void Bootstrap(Skin.ModuleClass moduleClass) { if (!MyInfo().isEnabled) { Deinitialize(); return; } Debug.LogWarning("Trying to bootstrap moduleClass: " + Enum.GetName(typeof(Skin.ModuleClass), moduleClass) + " status of bootstrap is: " + _bootstrapped); if (_bootstrapped && moduleClass != _currentModuleClass) { Debug.LogWarning("De-strapping moduleClass: " + Enum.GetName(typeof(Skin.ModuleClass), moduleClass) + " because bootstrap was " + _bootstrapped); Deinitialize(); } else if (_bootstrapped && moduleClass == _currentModuleClass) { Debug.Log("Already bootstrapped for this class, skipping"); return; } ErrorLogger.ResetSettings(); _currentModuleClass = moduleClass; Debug.LogWarning("Success bootstrapping moduleClass: " + Enum.GetName(typeof(Skin.ModuleClass), moduleClass)); FindObjectOfType<UIView>().gameObject.AddComponent<Core>(); _bootstrapped = true; }
public static Skin FromXmlFile(string skinXmlPath, bool autoReloadOnChange) { Skin skin = null; try { skin = new Skin(skinXmlPath, autoReloadOnChange); } catch (XmlNodeException ex) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0} while parsing xml \"{1}\" at node \"{2}\": {3}", ex.GetType(), skinXmlPath, ex.Node == null ? "null" : ex.Node.Name, ex.ToString()); } catch (XmlException ex) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("XmlException while parsing xml \"{0}\" at line {1}, col {2}: {3}", skinXmlPath, ex.LineNumber, ex.LinePosition, ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0} while parsing xml \"{1}\": {2}", ex.GetType(), skinXmlPath, ex.ToString()); } return skin; }
public static UIButton CreateQuartzButton(Skin.ModuleClass moduleClass) { Debug.Log("Creating button"); var uiView = GameObject.Find("UIView").GetComponent<UIView>(); if (uiView == null) { Debug.LogError("UIView is null!"); return null; } var button = uiView.AddUIComponent(typeof(UIButton)) as UIButton; if (button != null) { button.name = "QuartzButton"; button.gameObject.name = "QuartzButton"; button.width = 32; button.height = 32; button.pressedBgSprite = ""; button.normalBgSprite = ""; button.hoveredBgSprite = ""; button.disabledBgSprite = ""; button.atlas = EmbeddedResources.GetQuartzAtlas(); button.normalFgSprite = "QuartzIcon"; button.hoveredFgSprite = "QuartzIconHover"; button.pressedFgSprite = "QuartzIconPressed"; button.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Scale; button.scaleFactor = 1.0f; button.tooltip = "Quartz Skin Manager"; button.tooltipBox = uiView.defaultTooltipBox; Vector2 viewSize = uiView.GetScreenResolution(); button.relativePosition = moduleClass == Skin.ModuleClass.MainMenu ? new Vector3(viewSize.x - 4.0f - button.width, 2.0f, 0.0f) : new Vector3(viewSize.x - 64.0f - button.width, 16.0f, 0.0f); } return button; }
public SkinApplicator(Skin _skin) { this._skin = _skin; }
private UIPanel CreateQuartzPanel() { var uiView = GameObject.Find("UIView").GetComponent<UIView>(); if (uiView == null) { Debug.LogError("UIView is null!"); return null; } var panel = uiView.AddUIComponent(typeof(UIPanel)) as UIPanel; if (panel != null) { panel.size = new Vector2(300, 290); panel.isVisible = false; panel.atlas = EmbeddedResources.GetQuartzAtlas(); panel.backgroundSprite = "DefaultPanelBackground"; Vector2 viewSize = uiView.GetScreenResolution(); panel.relativePosition = _currentModuleClass == Skin.ModuleClass.MainMenu ? new Vector3(viewSize.x - 2.0f - panel.size.x, 34.0f) : new Vector3(viewSize.x - 2.0f - panel.size.x, 34.0f + 64.0f); panel.name = "QuartzSkinManager"; var title = panel.AddUIComponent<UILabel>(); title.relativePosition = new Vector3(2.0f, 2.0f); title.text = "Quartz Skin Manager"; title.textColor = Color.black; } float y = 32.0f; UIUtil.MakeCheckbox(panel, "ShowIconInGame", "Show Quartz icon in-game", new Vector2(4.0f, y), ConfigManager.ShowQuartzIconInGame, value => { ConfigManager.ShowQuartzIconInGame = value; if (_quartzButton != null && !ConfigManager.ShowQuartzIconInGame && _currentModuleClass == Skin.ModuleClass.InGame) { _quartzButton.isVisible = false; if (_quartzPanel != null) { _quartzPanel.isVisible = false; } } else if(_quartzButton != null) { _quartzButton.isVisible = true; } }); y += 28.0f; UIUtil.MakeCheckbox(panel, "AutoApplySkin", "Apply skin on start-up", new Vector2(4.0f, y), ConfigManager.ApplySkinOnStartup, value => { ConfigManager.ApplySkinOnStartup = value; }); y += 28.0f; UIUtil.MakeCheckbox(panel, "DrawDebugInfo", "Developer mode (Ctrl+D)", new Vector2(4.0f, y), false, value => { if (_debugRenderer != null) { _debugRenderer.drawDebugInfo = value; } }); y += 28.0f; UIUtil.MakeCheckbox(panel, "AutoReload", "Auto-reload active skin on file change", new Vector2(4.0f, y), false, value => { _autoReloadSkinOnChange = value; ReloadAndApplyActiveSkin(); }); y += 28.0f; UIUtil.MakeCheckbox(panel, "IgnoreMissing", "Force load (May break stuff)", new Vector2(4.0f, y), ConfigManager.IgnoreMissingComponents, value => { ConfigManager.IgnoreMissingComponents = value; }); y += 28.0f; _skinsDropdown = panel.AddUIComponent<UIDropDown>(); _skinsDropdown.AddItem("Vanilla (by Colossal Order)"); foreach (var skin in _availableSkins) { _skinsDropdown.AddItem(String.Format("{0} (by {1}){2}", skin.Name, skin.Author, skin.Legacy ? " [LEGACY]" : string.Empty)); } _skinsDropdown.size = new Vector2(296.0f, 32.0f); _skinsDropdown.relativePosition = new Vector3(2.0f, y); _skinsDropdown.listBackground = "GenericPanelLight"; _skinsDropdown.itemHeight = 32; _skinsDropdown.itemHover = "ListItemHover"; _skinsDropdown.itemHighlight = "ListItemHighlight"; _skinsDropdown.normalBgSprite = "ButtonMenu"; _skinsDropdown.listWidth = 300; _skinsDropdown.listHeight = 500; _skinsDropdown.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Stretch; _skinsDropdown.popupColor = new Color32(45, 52, 61, 255); _skinsDropdown.popupTextColor = new Color32(170, 170, 170, 255); _skinsDropdown.zOrder = 1; _skinsDropdown.textScale = 0.8f; _skinsDropdown.verticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle; _skinsDropdown.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center; _skinsDropdown.textFieldPadding = new RectOffset(8, 0, 8, 0); _skinsDropdown.itemPadding = new RectOffset(8, 0, 2, 0); _skinsDropdown.selectedIndex = 0; if(_currentSkin != null) { int i = 1; foreach (var skin in _availableSkins) { if (skin.Path == _currentSkin.SapphirePath) { _skinsDropdown.selectedIndex = i; } i++; } } _skinsDropdown.eventSelectedIndexChanged += (component, index) => { if (index == 0) { if (_currentSkin != null) { _currentSkin.Dispose(); } _currentSkin = null; return; } var skin = _availableSkins[index-1]; if (_currentSkin != null && _currentSkin.SapphirePath == skin.Path) { return; } if (_currentSkin != null) { _currentSkin.Dispose(); } _currentSkin = Skin.FromXmlFile(Path.Combine(skin.Path, "skin.xml"), _autoReloadSkinOnChange); if (_currentSkin.IsValid) { _currentSkin.Apply(_currentModuleClass); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Skin is invalid, will not apply.. (check messages above for errors)"); } ConfigManager.SelectedSkinPath = _currentSkin.SapphirePath; panel.isVisible = false; }; var skinsDropdownButton = _skinsDropdown.AddUIComponent<UIButton>(); _skinsDropdown.triggerButton = skinsDropdownButton; skinsDropdownButton.text = ""; skinsDropdownButton.size = _skinsDropdown.size; skinsDropdownButton.relativePosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f); skinsDropdownButton.textVerticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle; skinsDropdownButton.textHorizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Center; skinsDropdownButton.normalFgSprite = "IconDownArrow"; skinsDropdownButton.hoveredFgSprite = "IconDownArrowHovered"; skinsDropdownButton.pressedFgSprite = "IconDownArrowPressed"; skinsDropdownButton.focusedFgSprite = "IconDownArrowFocused"; skinsDropdownButton.disabledFgSprite = "IconDownArrowDisabled"; skinsDropdownButton.foregroundSpriteMode = UIForegroundSpriteMode.Fill; skinsDropdownButton.horizontalAlignment = UIHorizontalAlignment.Right; skinsDropdownButton.verticalAlignment = UIVerticalAlignment.Middle; skinsDropdownButton.zOrder = 0; skinsDropdownButton.textScale = 0.8f; y += 40.0f; UIUtil.MakeButton(panel, "ReloadSkin", "Reload active skin (Ctrl+Shift+S)", new Vector2(4.0f, y), ReloadAndApplyActiveSkin); y += 36.0f; UIUtil.MakeButton(panel, "RefreshSkins", "Refresh available skins", new Vector2(4.0f, y), RefreshSkinsList); return panel; }
void Start() { Debug.Log("Start ran!"); if (!MyInfo().isEnabled) { Deinitialize(); return; } SetCameraRectHelper.Initialize(); if (!Directory.Exists(OverrideDirectory)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(OverrideDirectory); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } InitializeInGamePanels(); _availableSkins = SkinLoader.FindAllSkins(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigManager.SelectedSkinPath) && ConfigManager.ApplySkinOnStartup) { foreach (var metadata in _availableSkins) { if (metadata.Path == ConfigManager.SelectedSkinPath) { _currentSkin = Skin.FromXmlFile(Path.Combine(metadata.Path, "skin.xml"), false); _needToApplyCurrentSkin = true; break; } } } CreateUI(); _debugRenderer = gameObject.AddComponent<DebugRenderer>(); }