//hàm cho phép chỉnh xoá thông tin sách theo mã sách //revised //need to check the relation with library ticket before deleting public static void delBookbyID(string bookID) { string filePath = @"../../myLibrary.txt"; List <string> listbook = new List <string>(); listbook = File.ReadAllLines(filePath).ToList(); Book input = Book.inqBookbyID(bookID); if (input.bookName != "") { //get lib index of the candidate book for modifying int lib_index = MyLibrary.find_lib_index(input.bookID); MyLibrary.mylib.Remove(MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index]); string book_record = listbook[lib_index]; listbook.Remove(book_record); File.WriteAllLines(@"../../myLibrary.txt", listbook); Console.WriteLine("Da xoa thong tin sach voi Ma Sach {0} ", input.bookID); Console.WriteLine("Cap nhat Thu Vien Sach moi nhat\n"); Book.print_header(); MyLibrary.inquire_all_book(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Khong co thong tin sach voi Ma Sach {0}", bookID); } }
//hàm cho phép chỉnh sửa thông tin sách theo mã sách //revised public static void editBookbyID(string bookID) { string filePath = @"../../myLibrary.txt"; List <string> listbook = new List <string>(); listbook = File.ReadAllLines(filePath).ToList(); Book input = Book.inqBookbyID(bookID); if (input.bookName != "") { //get lib index of the candidate book for modifying int lib_index = MyLibrary.find_lib_index(input.bookID); Console.WriteLine("Thuc hien viec sua thong tin sach co Ma Sach {0}", bookID); Console.Write("Nhap Ten Sach: "); MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookName = Console.ReadLine(); while (MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookName.Length > 30) { Console.Write("Vui long nhap Ten Sach toi da 30 ky tu: "); MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookName = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.Write("Nhap Ten Tac Gia: "); MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookAuthor = Console.ReadLine(); while (MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookAuthor.Length > 30) { Console.Write("Vui long nhap ten tac gia toi da 30 ky tu: "); MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookAuthor = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.Write("Nhap Nha Xuat Ban: "); MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookPublisher = Console.ReadLine(); while (MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookPublisher.Length > 20) { Console.Write("Vui long nhap Nha Xuat Ban toi da 20 ky tu: "); MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookPublisher = Console.ReadLine(); } string inputprice; Console.Write("Nhap Gia Sach: "); inputprice = Console.ReadLine(); while (!convertPrice(inputprice) || inputprice.Length > 13) { inputprice = Console.ReadLine(); } MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookPriceTag = double.Parse(inputprice); listbook[lib_index] = $"{MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookID},{MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookName},{MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookAuthor},{MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookPublisher},{MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookPriceTag},{MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].isEN},{MyLibrary.mylib[lib_index].bookISBN}"; File.WriteAllLines(@"../../myLibrary.txt", listbook); Console.WriteLine("\nCap nhat thong tin sach da hoan tat!\n"); Console.WriteLine("Cap nhat Thu Vien Sach moi nhat\n"); Book.print_header(); MyLibrary.inquire_all_book(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Khong co thong sach voi Ma Sach {0}", bookID); } }