// // private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var db = new QuanLyPhongTroEntities2(); int RoomName = (int)(this.cboRoomName.SelectedValue); DateTime dateStart = dtpStart.Value; DateTime dateEnd = dtpEnd.Value; // int?duration; txtDuration.Text = (dtpEnd.Value - dtpStart.Value).TotalDays.ToString("#"); duration = int.Parse(txtDuration.Text); // int?Bill = int.Parse(txtBill.Text); // var newSession = db.Sessions.Find(this.session.ID); newSession.RoomID = RoomName; newSession.DateStart = dateStart; newSession.DateEnd = dateEnd; newSession.Duration = duration; newSession.TenantName = txtName.Text; newSession.TenantId = txtIDN.Text; newSession.Total = Bill; // db.Entry(newSession).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid input : please dont let any field empty"); } }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var db = new QuanLyPhongTroEntities2(); var newPrice = db.Prices.Find(this.price.ID); int tempValue = int.Parse(txtValue.Text); newPrice.Value = tempValue; newPrice.ValueName = txtVName.Text; db.Entry(newPrice).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int Type = (int)(this.cboRoomType.SelectedValue); int Status = (int)(this.cboRoomStatus.SelectedValue); var db = new QuanLyPhongTroEntities2(); var newRoom = db.Rooms.Find(this.room.ID); newRoom.RoomName = txtRoomName.Text; newRoom.TypeID = Type; newRoom.StatusID = Status; db.Entry(newRoom).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); }
//Session private void btnDeleteS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var db = new QuanLyPhongTroEntities2(); if (frmSession.SelectedRows.Count == 1) { var row = frmSession.SelectedRows[0]; var cell = row.Cells["id"]; int id = (int)cell.Value; Session session = db.Sessions.Single(st => st.ID == id); db.Sessions.Remove(session); db.SaveChanges(); this.LoadFrmSession(); } }
//Price private void btnDeleteP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var db = new QuanLyPhongTroEntities2(); if (frmPrice.SelectedRows.Count == 1) { var row = frmPrice.SelectedRows[0]; var cell = row.Cells["ID"]; int id = (int)cell.Value; Price price = db.Prices.Single(st => st.ID == id); db.Prices.Remove(price); db.SaveChanges(); this.LoadFrmPrice(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string RoomName = this.txtRoomName.Text; int RoomType = (int)this.cboRoomType.SelectedValue; int RoomStatus = (int)this.cboRoomStatus.SelectedValue; var db = new QuanLyPhongTroEntities2(); Room room = new Room(); room.StatusID = RoomStatus; room.RoomName = RoomName; room.TypeID = RoomType; db.Rooms.Add(room); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); }
//Delete funciton for price , room and session //Room private void btnDELETE_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var db = new QuanLyPhongTroEntities2(); if (frmRoom.SelectedRows.Count == 1) { var row = frmRoom.SelectedRows[0]; var cell = row.Cells["id"]; int id = (int)cell.Value; Room room = db.Rooms.Single(st => st.ID == id); db.Rooms.Remove(room); db.SaveChanges(); this.LoadFrmRoom(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string VName = txtVName.Text; int Value = int.Parse(txtValue.Text); Price p = new Price(); p.ValueName = VName; p.Value = Value; var db = new QuanLyPhongTroEntities2(); db.Prices.Add(p); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("please input field :VALUE "); } }
//Save function event private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //create var to store the inputed information try { string Name = txtName.Text; string ID = txtIDN.Text; string duration; txtDuration.Text = (dtpEnd.Value - dtpStart.Value).TotalDays.ToString("#"); duration = txtDuration.Text; int? totalday = int.Parse(duration); DateTime dateStart = dtpStart.Value; DateTime dateEnd = dtpEnd.Value; //string Bill = txtBill.Text; int BillTotal = int.Parse(txtBill.Text); int RoomName = (int)(this.cboRoomName.SelectedValue); //create the connect to database var db = new QuanLyPhongTroEntities2(); Session s = new Session(); //storing the data with the new session s.DateStart = dateStart; s.DateEnd = dateEnd; s.Duration = totalday; s.TenantId = ID; s.TenantName = Name; s.RoomID = RoomName; s.Total = BillTotal; // //add the new session into database db.Sessions.Add(s); db.SaveChanges(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid input : please dont let the field empty"); } }