public void GetCountriesWithoutPostalCode_None_77Countries() { var exp = new Country[] { Country.AE, Country.AG, Country.AO, Country.AQ, Country.AW, Country.BF, Country.BI, Country.BJ, Country.BQ, Country.BS, Country.BV, Country.BW, Country.BZ, Country.CD, Country.CF, Country.CG, Country.CI, Country.CK, Country.CM, Country.CW, Country.DJ, Country.DM, Country.DO, Country.EH, Country.ER, Country.FJ, Country.GD, Country.GH, Country.GM, Country.GN, Country.GQ, Country.GY, Country.HK, Country.IE, Country.JM, Country.KE, Country.KI, Country.KM, Country.KN, Country.KP, Country.KW, Country.LC, Country.ML, Country.MO, Country.MR, Country.MS, Country.MU, Country.MV, Country.MW, Country.NR, Country.NU, Country.QA, Country.RW, Country.SB, Country.SC, Country.SJ, Country.SL, Country.SO, Country.SR, Country.SS, Country.ST, Country.SX, Country.SY, Country.TF, Country.TG, Country.TK, Country.TL, Country.TO, Country.TV, Country.TZ, Country.UG, Country.UM, Country.UZ, Country.VU, Country.WS, Country.YE, Country.ZW }; var act = PostalCodeCountryInfo.GetCountriesWithoutPostalCode().ToArray(); foreach (var item in act) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Assert.AreEqual(exp.Length, act.Length, "act.Length"); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(exp, act); }
public void GetCountriesWithFormatting_None_59Countries() { var exp = new Country[] { Country.AD, Country.AI, Country.AR, Country.AS, Country.AX, Country.AZ, Country.BB, Country.BM, Country.BR, Country.CA, Country.CL, Country.CU, Country.CZ, Country.DK, Country.FI, Country.FK, Country.FM, Country.FO, Country.GA, Country.GB, Country.GG, Country.GI, Country.GL, Country.GR, Country.GS, Country.GU, Country.IM, Country.IO, Country.IR, Country.JE, Country.JP, Country.KR, Country.KY, Country.LB, Country.LT, Country.LV, Country.MA, Country.MC, Country.MD, Country.MH, Country.MP, Country.MT, Country.NL, Country.PL, Country.PN, Country.PT, Country.PW, Country.SA, Country.SE, Country.SH, Country.SI, Country.SK, Country.SN, Country.TC, Country.US, Country.VC, Country.VE, Country.VG, Country.VI }; var act = PostalCodeCountryInfo.GetCountriesWithFormatting().ToArray(); foreach (var item in act) { Console.WriteLine(item); } Assert.AreEqual(exp.Length, act.Length, "act.Length"); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(exp, act); }
private void CurrencyExists(Country country, Date? mesurement) { var test = mesurement.HasValue ? mesurement.Value : Date.Today; if (TestMode) { if (Currency.Empty == country.GetCurrency(test)) { Console.WriteLine("{0} ({0:f}) on {1:yyyy-MM-dd}", country, test); } } else { Assert.AreNotEqual(Currency.Empty, country.GetCurrency(test), "{0} ({0:f}) on {1:yyyy-MM-dd}", country, test); } }
public CountryToCurrency(Country country, Currency currency) : this(country, currency, Date.MinValue) { }
public CountryToCurrency(Country country, Currency currency, Date startdate) { m_Country = country; m_Currency = currency; m_StartDate = startdate; }
partial void OnReadXml(Country other);
private static void IsValid(string postalcode, Country country) { Assert.IsTrue(PostalCode.IsValid(postalcode, country), "Postal code '{0}' should be valid for {1:f}.", postalcode, country); }
private static void IsNotValid(Country country, bool alfa, bool prefix, params int[] lengths) { // Length 1 IsNotValid(country, "1", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 2 IsNotValid(country, "12", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 3 IsNotValid(country, "123", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "ABC", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB1", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A12", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 4 IsNotValid(country, "1234", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB1C", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB12", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A123", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 5 IsNotValid(country, "12345", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB12C", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB123", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1234", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 6 IsNotValid(country, "123456", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB123C", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB1234", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A12345", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1B3C3", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "1234AB", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 7 IsNotValid(country, "1234567", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB1234C", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB12345", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A123456", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1B3C3D", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 8 IsNotValid(country, "12345678", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB1234CD", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB123456", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1234567", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1B3C3D4", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 9 IsNotValid(country, "123456789", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB12345CD", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB1234567", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A12345678", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1B3C3D4E", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 10 IsNotValid(country, "1234567890", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB123456CD", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB12345678", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A123456789", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1B3C3D4EF", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); // Length 11 IsNotValid(country, "12345678901", alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB1234567CD", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "AB123456789", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1234567890", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); IsNotValid(country, "A1B3C3D4E5F", !alfa, alfa, prefix, lengths); }
private static void IsNotValid(Country country, string code, bool test, bool alpha, bool prefix, int[] lengths) { var pcode = country.IsoAlpha2Code + code; var len = code.Length; var plen = pcode.Length; // General tests. These are test more than once (so be it). Assert.AreEqual(len > 1 && len <= 10, PostalCode.IsValid(code), "The postal code '{0}' should be {1}valid.", code, len > 1 && len <= 10 ? "" : "not "); Assert.AreEqual(plen <= 10, PostalCode.IsValid(country.IsoAlpha2Code + code), "The postal code '{1:2}{0}' should be {2}valid.", code, country, plen <= 10 ? "" : "not "); // Tests if the types differ (alphanumeric versus numeric) or if the lenghts differ. if (test || !lengths.Contains(len)) { Assert.IsFalse(PostalCode.IsValid(code, country), "The postal code '{0}' should not be valid for {1:f (2)}.", code, country); } // Tests if the types differ (alphanumeric versus numeric), if the lenghts differ, or if prefix is not supported. // And if not testing for an alfa pattern, or an alfa pattern that does not match the concatenated code. if ((test || !prefix || !lengths.Contains(len)) && (!alpha || !lengths.Contains(plen))) { Assert.IsFalse(PostalCode.IsValid(country.IsoAlpha2Code + code, country), "The postal code '{1:2}{0}' should not be valid for {1:f (2)}.", code, country); } }
private static void IsNotValid(string code, Country country) { Assert.IsFalse(PostalCode.IsValid(code, country), "Postal code '{0}' should be not valid for {1:f}.", code, country); }
public void IsValidFor_TestStruct_1Country() { var act = TestStruct.IsValidFor().ToArray(); var exp = new Country[] { Country.CA }; CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreUnique(act); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(exp, act); }
public void IsValidFor_0123456_3Countries() { var postalcode = PostalCode.Parse("0123456"); var act = postalcode.IsValidFor().ToArray(); var exp = new Country[] { Country.CL, Country.IL, Country.JP }; CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreUnique(act); CollectionAssert.AreEqual(exp, act); }
/// <summary>Gets the postal code country info associated with the specified country.</summary> /// <param name="country"> /// The specified country. /// </param> public static PostalCodeCountryInfo GetInstance(Country country) { PostalCodeCountryInfo instance; if (Instances.TryGetValue(country, out instance)) { return instance; } return new PostalCodeCountryInfo() { Country = country, }; }
/// <summary>Creates a new instance.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Used for ininitalating the Instances dictionary. /// </remarks> private static PostalCodeCountryInfo New(Country country, string validation, string search = null, string replace = null, bool isSingle = false) { return new PostalCodeCountryInfo() { Country = country, ValidationPattern = new Regex(validation, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase), FormattingSearchPattern = String.IsNullOrEmpty(search) ? null : new Regex(search, RegexOptions.Compiled), FormattingReplacePattern = replace, IsSingleValue = isSingle }; }