static Interop() { string pluginsDirectory = null; string qmlDirectory = null; string libDirectory = null; ILibraryPathResolver pathResolver = null; if (Host.GetExportedSymbol != null) { // We are loading exported functions from the currently running executable. var member = (FieldInfo)typeof(NativeLibraryBase).GetMember("PlatformLoader", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).First(); member.SetValue(null, new Host.Loader()); pathResolver = new Host.Loader(); } else { var internalType = Type.GetType("AdvancedDLSupport.DynamicLinkLibraryPathResolver, AdvancedDLSupport"); if (internalType != null) { pathResolver = (ILibraryPathResolver)Activator.CreateInstance(internalType, new object[] { true }); if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { // This custom path resolver attempts to do a DllImport to get the path that .NET decides. // It may load a special dll from a NuGet package. pathResolver = new WindowsDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) { pathResolver = new MacDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { pathResolver = new LinuxDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } var resolveResult = pathResolver.Resolve("QmlNet"); if (resolveResult.IsSuccess) { libDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(resolveResult.Path); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(libDirectory)) { // If this library has a plugins/qml directory below it, set it. var potentialPlugisDirectory = Path.Combine(libDirectory, "plugins"); if (Directory.Exists(potentialPlugisDirectory)) { pluginsDirectory = potentialPlugisDirectory; } var potentialQmlDirectory = Path.Combine(libDirectory, "qml"); if (Directory.Exists(potentialQmlDirectory)) { qmlDirectory = potentialQmlDirectory; } } } } } var builder = new NativeLibraryBuilder(pathResolver: pathResolver); var interop = builder.ActivateInterface <ICombined>("QmlNet"); Callbacks = interop; NetTypeInfo = interop; NetMethodInfo = interop; NetPropertyInfo = interop; NetTypeManager = interop; QGuiApplication = interop; QQmlApplicationEngine = interop; NetVariant = interop; NetReference = interop; NetVariantList = interop; NetTestHelper = interop; NetSignalInfo = interop; QResource = interop; NetDelegate = interop; NetJsValue = interop; QQuickStyle = interop; QtInterop = interop; Utilities = interop; QtWebEngine = interop; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginsDirectory)) { Qt.PutEnv("QT_PLUGIN_PATH", pluginsDirectory); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qmlDirectory)) { Qt.PutEnv("QML2_IMPORT_PATH", qmlDirectory); } if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(libDirectory) && Directory.Exists(libDirectory)) { // Even though we opened up the native dll correctly, we need to add // the folder to the path. The reason is because QML plugins aren't // in the same directory and have trouble finding dependencies // that are within our lib folder. Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + $";{libDirectory}"); } } var cb = DefaultCallbacks.Callbacks(); Callbacks.RegisterCallbacks(ref cb); }
static Interop() { string pluginsDirectory = null; string qmlDirectory = null; ILibraryPathResolver pathResolver = null; var internalType = Type.GetType("AdvancedDLSupport.DynamicLinkLibraryPathResolver, AdvancedDLSupport"); if (internalType != null) { pathResolver = (ILibraryPathResolver)Activator.CreateInstance(internalType, new object[] { true }); if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { // This custom path resolver attempts to do a DllImport to get the path that .NET decides. // It may load a special dll from a NuGet package. pathResolver = new WindowsDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) { pathResolver = new MacDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { pathResolver = new LinuxDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } var resolveResult = pathResolver.Resolve("QmlNet"); if (resolveResult.IsSuccess) { var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(resolveResult.Path); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory)) { // If this library has a plugins/qml directory below it, set it. var potentialPlugisDirectory = Path.Combine(directory, "plugins"); if (Directory.Exists(potentialPlugisDirectory)) { pluginsDirectory = potentialPlugisDirectory; } var potentialQmlDirectory = Path.Combine(directory, "qml"); if (Directory.Exists(potentialQmlDirectory)) { qmlDirectory = potentialQmlDirectory; } } } } var builder = new NativeLibraryBuilder(pathResolver: pathResolver); var interop = builder.ActivateInterface <ICombined>("QmlNet"); Callbacks = interop; NetTypeInfo = interop; NetMethodInfo = interop; NetPropertyInfo = interop; NetTypeManager = interop; QGuiApplication = interop; QQmlApplicationEngine = interop; NetVariant = interop; NetReference = interop; NetVariantList = interop; NetTestHelper = interop; NetSignalInfo = interop; QResource = interop; NetDelegate = interop; NetJsValue = interop; QQuickStyle = interop; QtInterop = interop; Utilities = interop; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginsDirectory)) { Qt.PutEnv("QT_PLUGIN_PATH", pluginsDirectory); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qmlDirectory)) { Qt.PutEnv("QML2_IMPORT_PATH", qmlDirectory); } var cb = DefaultCallbacks.Callbacks(); Callbacks.RegisterCallbacks(ref cb); }
static Interop() { IPathResolver pathResolver = null; IPlatformLoader loader = null; if (Host.GetExportedSymbol != null) { // We are loading exported functions from the currently running executable. pathResolver = new Host.Loader(); loader = new Host.Loader(); } else { pathResolver = new DynamicLinkLibraryPathResolver(); loader = PlatformLoaderBase.SelectPlatformLoader(); if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { // This custom path resolver attempts to do a DllImport to get the path that .NET decides. // It may load a special dll from a NuGet package. pathResolver = new WindowsDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) { pathResolver = new MacDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { pathResolver = new LinuxDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } } var result = pathResolver.Resolve("QmlNet"); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new Exception("Unable to find the native Qml.Net library." + " Try calling \"RuntimeManager.DiscoverOrDownloadSuitableQtRuntime();\" in Program.Main()");; } var library = loader.LoadLibrary(result.Path); if (library == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("Unable to load native Qml.Net library." + " Try calling \"RuntimeManager.DiscoverOrDownloadSuitableQtRuntime();\" in Program.Main()");; } Callbacks = LoadInteropType <CallbacksInterop>(library, loader); NetTypeInfo = LoadInteropType <NetTypeInfoInterop>(library, loader); NetJsValue = LoadInteropType <NetJsValueInterop>(library, loader); NetMethodInfo = LoadInteropType <NetMethodInfoInterop>(library, loader); NetPropertyInfo = LoadInteropType <NetPropertyInfoInterop>(library, loader); NetTypeManager = LoadInteropType <NetTypeManagerInterop>(library, loader); QCoreApplication = LoadInteropType <QCoreApplicationInterop>(library, loader); QQmlApplicationEngine = LoadInteropType <QQmlApplicationEngineInterop>(library, loader); NetVariant = LoadInteropType <NetVariantInterop>(library, loader); NetReference = LoadInteropType <NetReferenceInterop>(library, loader); NetVariantList = LoadInteropType <NetVariantListInterop>(library, loader); NetTestHelper = LoadInteropType <NetTestHelperInterop>(library, loader); NetSignalInfo = LoadInteropType <NetSignalInfoInterop>(library, loader); QResource = LoadInteropType <QResourceInterop>(library, loader); NetDelegate = LoadInteropType <NetDelegateInterop>(library, loader); QQuickStyle = LoadInteropType <QQuickStyleInterop>(library, loader); QtInterop = LoadInteropType <QtInterop>(library, loader); Utilities = LoadInteropType <UtilitiesInterop>(library, loader); QtWebEngine = LoadInteropType <QtWebEngineInterop>(library, loader); QTest = LoadInteropType <QTestInterop>(library, loader); NetQObject = LoadInteropType <NetQObjectInterop>(library, loader); NetQObjectSignalConnection = LoadInteropType <NetQObjectSignalConnectionInterop>(library, loader); // RuntimeManager.ConfigureRuntimeDirectory may set these environment variables. // However, they only really work when called with Qt.PutEnv. Qt.PutEnv("QT_PLUGIN_PATH", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("QT_PLUGIN_PATH")); Qt.PutEnv("QML2_IMPORT_PATH", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("QML2_IMPORT_PATH")); var cb = DefaultCallbacks.Callbacks(); Callbacks.RegisterCallbacks(ref cb); }
static Interop() { string pluginsDirectory = null; string qmlDirectory = null; string libDirectory = null; IPathResolver pathResolver = null; IPlatformLoader loader = null; if (Host.GetExportedSymbol != null) { // We are loading exported functions from the currently running executable. pathResolver = new Host.Loader(); loader = new Host.Loader(); } else { pathResolver = new DynamicLinkLibraryPathResolver(); loader = PlatformLoaderBase.SelectPlatformLoader(); if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { // This custom path resolver attempts to do a DllImport to get the path that .NET decides. // It may load a special dll from a NuGet package. pathResolver = new WindowsDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) { pathResolver = new MacDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { pathResolver = new LinuxDllImportLibraryPathResolver(pathResolver); } var resolveResult = pathResolver.Resolve("QmlNet"); if (resolveResult.IsSuccess) { libDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(resolveResult.Path); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(libDirectory)) { // If this library has a plugins/qml directory below it, set it. var potentialPlugisDirectory = Path.Combine(libDirectory, "plugins"); if (Directory.Exists(potentialPlugisDirectory)) { pluginsDirectory = potentialPlugisDirectory; } var potentialQmlDirectory = Path.Combine(libDirectory, "qml"); if (Directory.Exists(potentialQmlDirectory)) { qmlDirectory = potentialQmlDirectory; } } } if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(libDirectory) && Directory.Exists(libDirectory)) { // Even though we opened up the native dll correctly, we need to add // the folder to the path. The reason is because QML plugins aren't // in the same directory and have trouble finding dependencies // that are within our lib folder. Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable( "PATH", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + $";{libDirectory}"); } } } var result = pathResolver.Resolve("QmlNet"); if (!result.IsSuccess) { throw new Exception("Couldn't find the native Qml.Net library."); } var library = loader.LoadLibrary(result.Path); Callbacks = LoadInteropType <CallbacksInterop>(library, loader); NetTypeInfo = LoadInteropType <NetTypeInfoInterop>(library, loader); NetJsValue = LoadInteropType <NetJsValueInterop>(library, loader); NetMethodInfo = LoadInteropType <NetMethodInfoInterop>(library, loader); NetPropertyInfo = LoadInteropType <NetPropertyInfoInterop>(library, loader); NetTypeManager = LoadInteropType <NetTypeManagerInterop>(library, loader); QGuiApplication = LoadInteropType <QGuiApplicationInterop>(library, loader); QQmlApplicationEngine = LoadInteropType <QQmlApplicationEngineInterop>(library, loader); NetVariant = LoadInteropType <NetVariantInterop>(library, loader); NetReference = LoadInteropType <NetReferenceInterop>(library, loader); NetVariantList = LoadInteropType <NetVariantListInterop>(library, loader); NetTestHelper = LoadInteropType <NetTestHelperInterop>(library, loader); NetSignalInfo = LoadInteropType <NetSignalInfoInterop>(library, loader); QResource = LoadInteropType <QResourceInterop>(library, loader); NetDelegate = LoadInteropType <NetDelegateInterop>(library, loader); QQuickStyle = LoadInteropType <QQuickStyleInterop>(library, loader); QtInterop = LoadInteropType <QtInterop>(library, loader); Utilities = LoadInteropType <UtilitiesInterop>(library, loader); QtWebEngine = LoadInteropType <QtWebEngineInterop>(library, loader); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pluginsDirectory)) { Qt.PutEnv("QT_PLUGIN_PATH", pluginsDirectory); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qmlDirectory)) { Qt.PutEnv("QML2_IMPORT_PATH", qmlDirectory); } var cb = DefaultCallbacks.Callbacks(); Callbacks.RegisterCallbacks(ref cb); }