private void DeleteUsers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { QRSNTLMWebClient qrsClient; qrsClient = new QRSNTLMWebClient("", 60000); var QSReg = new QlikSenseAlertRegistry(); var logger = new Logger(); logger.Start(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\QlikSenseEmailAdmin\\history"); logger.SetLogLevel(LogLevel.Debug); var qs = new QlikSenseJSONHelper(QSReg.GetQmcServer(), 60000); var UserList = qs.GetDeletedUserList(QsTaskStatus.Failed); qrsClient.Delete("/qrs/User/" + UserList[0].id); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var qsReg = new QlikSenseAlertRegistry(); //usage**** //-proxy:https://usral-msi -timeout:10000 -task:"test123" -wait //*** // Use at your own risk. Created by Marcus Spitzmiller and Nick Akincilar. Console.WriteLine(); // After looking at the code, definitely use at your own risk -- SBentley // Let the system decide which protocol to use. This includes TLS 1.2 ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.SystemDefault; var logger = new Logger(); logger.Start(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\QlikSenseEmailAdmin\\history"); logger.SetLogLevel(LogLevel.Debug); /*****************************/ // This section is where we gather inputs from the command line and config.txt /*****************************/ //defaults var proxy = ""; var jsonData = ""; var emailServer = ""; var emailPort = ""; var emailUser = ""; var emailPw = ""; var emailTo = ""; var emailFrom = ""; var emailSsl = "N"; var emailPropertyName = ""; var alwaysUseToAddress = ""; // Delete log files older than 2 days DeleteOldLogFiles(); var configFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\QlikSenseEmailAdmin\\config.txt"; var logFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\QlikSenseEmailAdmin\\log.txt"; //global settings from config.txt if (File.Exists(configFile)) { var congfigLines = File.ReadAllLines(configFile); } if (File.Exists(logFile)) { var logLines = File.ReadAllLines(logFile); } if (args.Length == 0) { Application.Run(new frmConfig()); } else { if (!args[0].Contains(":")) //Get config values from registry unless there is a parameter with ":" in it { proxy = qsReg.GetQmcServer(); emailServer = qsReg.GetSmtpServer(); emailSsl = qsReg.GetSsl(); emailUser = qsReg.GetUsername(); emailPort = qsReg.GetPort(); emailPw = qsReg.GetPassword(); emailFrom = qsReg.GetEmailFrom(); emailTo = qsReg.GetEmailTo(); alwaysUseToAddress = qsReg.GetAlwaysUseToAddress(); qsReg.GetWait(); emailPropertyName = qsReg.GetEmailPropertyName(); goto bypass; } var allArgs = new string[args.Length]; args.CopyTo(allArgs, args.Length - 1); foreach (var arg in allArgs) { var param = arg.Split(':'); switch (param[0]) { case "-?": case "/?": Console.WriteLine("Usage:"); Console.WriteLine( "-proxy:<URL address of proxy> required example"); Console.WriteLine(" omit -wait to return immediately"); Console.WriteLine(" use -wait to wait for the task to finish"); Console.WriteLine(" Return Codes:"); Console.WriteLine(" 0 - task completed successfully"); Console.WriteLine(" 4 - task timed out"); Console.WriteLine(" 8 - task failed"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Optionally define any or all parameters in config.txt"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); break; case "-proxy": proxy = ""; for (var j = 1; j < param.Length; j++) { proxy += param[j]; if (j < param.Length - 1) { proxy += ":"; //put back the colon } } break; case "-smtp_server": emailServer = ""; for (var j = 1; j < param.Length; j++) { emailServer += param[j]; if (j < param.Length - 1) { emailServer += ":"; //put back the colon } } break; case "-smtp_port": emailPort = ""; for (var j = 1; j < param.Length; j++) { emailPort += param[j]; if (j < param.Length - 1) { emailPort += ":"; //put back the colon } } break; case "-stmp_user": emailUser = ""; for (var j = 1; j < param.Length; j++) { emailUser += param[j]; if (j < param.Length - 1) { emailUser += ":"; //put back the colon } } break; case "-smtp_pw": emailPw = ""; for (var j = 1; j < param.Length; j++) { emailPw += param[j]; if (j < param.Length - 1) { emailPw += ":"; //put back the colon } } break; case "-smtp_from": emailFrom = ""; for (var j = 1; j < param.Length; j++) { emailFrom += param[j]; if (j < param.Length - 1) { emailFrom += ":"; //put back the colon } } break; case "-smtp_to": emailTo = ""; for (var j = 1; j < param.Length; j++) { emailTo += param[j]; if (j < param.Length - 1) { emailTo += ":"; //put back the colon } } break; case "-smtp_always_use_default": alwaysUseToAddress = ""; for (var j = 1; j < param.Length; j++) { alwaysUseToAddress += param[j]; if (j < param.Length - 1) { alwaysUseToAddress += ":"; //put back the colon } } break; case "-smtp_enableSSL": emailSsl = ""; for (var j = 1; j < param.Length; j++) { emailSsl += param[j]; if (j < param.Length - 1) { emailSsl += ":"; //put back the colon } } break; default: logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Unrecognized: " + param[0]); break; } } bypass: logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Proxy: " + proxy); if (proxy == "") { logger.Log(LogLevel.Fatal, "Proxy or undefined"); Environment.Exit(4); } var retval = 0; try { var qs = new QlikSenseJSONHelper(proxy, 60000); //http timeout 60 seconds logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Looking for Failed Tasks..."); //TaskStatus var userList = qs.GetDeletedUserList(QsTaskStatus.Failed); var taskList = qs.GetTaskByStatus(QsTaskStatus.Failed); var taskListError = qs.GetTaskByStatus(QsTaskStatus.Error); var taskListAborted = qs.GetTaskByStatus(QsTaskStatus.Aborted); var temp = qs.GetTaskByStatusText(QsTaskStatus.Failed); var myTaskResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <TaskResult> >(temp); temp = qs.GetTaskByStatusText(QsTaskStatus.Aborted); jsonData = temp; myTaskResult.AddRange(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <TaskResult> >(jsonData)); temp = qs.GetTaskByStatusText(QsTaskStatus.Error); myTaskResult.AddRange(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <TaskResult> >(temp)); taskList.AddRange(taskListError); taskList.AddRange(taskListAborted); var alertCount = 0; logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Found " + Convert.ToString(taskList.Count) + " Failed Tasks!"); for (var i = 0; i <= taskList.Count - 1; i++) { var existingTask = false; var fileContent = ""; var myResult = taskList[i].operational.lastExecutionResult.startTime; var fileRefId = taskList[i].operational.lastExecutionResult.fileReferenceID; myResult = myResult.Replace('T', ' '); myResult = myResult.Replace('Z', ' '); var taskDate = Convert.ToDateTime(myResult); //Convert UTC time to Local Time taskDate = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(taskDate, TimeZoneInfo.Local); var curTaskName = taskList[i].name; var curTaskId = taskList[i].id; var errorMessage = ""; errorMessage = taskList[i].operational.lastExecutionResult.details.Any() ? taskList[i].operational.lastExecutionResult.details.Aggregate("", (current, tempmsg) => current + tempmsg.message + "<br>") : "N/A"; var emailToList = ""; var fileData = ""; if (fileRefId != "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") { fileData = qs.GetTaskFile(curTaskId, fileRefId); } //****** CHECK FOR CUSTOM PROPERTY VALUE(S) THAT CONTAIN EMAIL ADDRESSES if (myTaskResult[i] != null && myTaskResult[i].customProperties.Count > 0) { int customProp; for (customProp = 0; customProp <= myTaskResult[i].customProperties.Count - 1; customProp++) { if (myTaskResult[i].customProperties[customProp] == emailPropertyName) { if (emailToList.Length > 0) { emailToList += "," + myTaskResult[i].customProperties[customProp].value; } else { emailToList = myTaskResult[i].customProperties[customProp].value; } } } if (alwaysUseToAddress == "Y") { if (emailToList.Length > 0) { emailToList += "," + emailTo; } else { emailToList = emailTo; } } } //****** ASSIGN DEFAULT EMAIL ADDRESS IF NO CUSTOM VALUES ARE FOUND! if (emailToList.Length == 0) { emailToList = emailTo; } //TODO: // 1. OPEN LOG FILE // 2. SEARCH FOR TASKID IN LOG FILE TO DETERMINE IF AN EMAIL WAS SENT PREVIOUSLY FOR THIS TASK // 3. IF AN ID IS FOUND IN FILE, // GET DATETIME STAMP // COMPARE THIS DATE TO CURRENT DATE // IF MORE THAN 24 HOURS // TRIGGER AN EMAIL PROCESS // IF EMAIL SUCCESSFUL, WRITE THIS EVENT TO LOG FILE // 4. IF NO ID THEN TRIGGER AN EMAIL // 5. IF EMAIL SUCCESSFUL, WRITE THIS EVENT TO LOG FILE // <--------- 1. START OPEN LOG FILE & READ EACH LINE // Read the file and display it line by line. var file = new StreamReader(logFile); string line; while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null) { var logParams = line.Split('~'); var fileTaskId = logParams[0]; var fileLastEmailDate = Convert.ToDateTime(logParams[2]); //<---------2.SEARCH FOR TASKID IN LOG FILE TO DETERMINE if (fileTaskId == curTaskId) //IF EXISTING EMAIL IS FOUND CHECK LAST SENT DATE { var emailStatus = false; existingTask = true; if (fileLastEmailDate.AddHours(24) < DateTime.Now ) // Send email if last email is sent more than 24 hours ago. { alertCount = +1; logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Sending Email For " + curTaskName + " ...."); SendEmail(curTaskName, Convert.ToString(taskDate), emailFrom, emailUser, emailPw, emailToList, emailServer, Convert.ToInt32(emailPort), emailSsl, fileData, errorMessage); logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Email Sent!"); emailStatus = true; } if (emailStatus ) //IF AN EMAIL HAS JUST BEEN SENT THEN MODIFY LOG FILE WITH NEW CURRENT DATE { logParams[2] = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now); line = string.Join("~", logParams); } } fileContent += line + "\r\n"; } file.Close(); if (!existingTask) { fileContent = fileContent + curTaskId + "~" + curTaskName + "~" + Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now) + "\r\n"; logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Sending Email" + curTaskName + " ...."); SendEmail(curTaskName, Convert.ToString(taskDate), emailFrom, emailUser, emailPw, emailToList, emailServer, Convert.ToInt32(emailPort), emailSsl, fileData, errorMessage); logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Email Sent..."); alertCount++; } if (alertCount > 0) { File.WriteAllText(logFile, fileContent); } file.Close(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, e + "\r\n" + jsonData); if (e.ToString() == "Timeout: The operation has timed out") { retval = 4; } else { retval = 8; } } logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Returning Errorlevel " + retval); logger.End(); Environment.Exit(retval); } }