コード例 #1
        private void UpdateKnownWebLibrary(WebLibraryDetail new_web_library_detail, bool suppress_flush_to_disk = true, string extra_info_message_on_skip = "")
            WebLibraryDetail old;

            if (web_library_details.TryGetValue(new_web_library_detail.Id, out old))
                bool use_old = true;
                bool use_new = true;

                // don't work with the old find if it has been purged
                if (old.IsPurged)
                    use_old = false;
                // don't work with the new find if it has been purged
                if (new_web_library_detail.IsPurged)
                    use_new = false;
                // don't work with the old find if it has been deleted and the new one has not:
                if (old.Deleted && !new_web_library_detail.Deleted && use_new)
                    use_old = false;
                // and vice versa:
                if (!old.Deleted && new_web_library_detail.Deleted && use_old)
                    use_new = false;

                // skip when there's nothing new to pick up:
                if (!use_new)
                // only do the mix/collision resolution when both old and new are viable:
                if (use_old)
                    int state = 0x00; // bit 0: prefer to use old, bit 1: prefer to use fresh, bit 2: used old, bit 3: used fresh, 0: don't know yet.

                    // if there's already an entry present, see if we should 'upgrade' the info or stick with what we have:
                    DateTime?dt = MixOldAndNew(old.LastServerSyncNotificationDate, new_web_library_detail.LastServerSyncNotificationDate, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.LastServerSyncNotificationDate), ref state);
                    old.LastServerSyncNotificationDate         = dt ?? DATE_ZERO;
                    old.LastBundleManifestDownloadTimestampUTC = MixOldAndNew(old.LastBundleManifestDownloadTimestampUTC, new_web_library_detail.LastBundleManifestDownloadTimestampUTC, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.LastBundleManifestDownloadTimestampUTC), ref state);
                    old.LastBundleManifestIgnoreVersion        = MixOldAndNew(old.LastBundleManifestIgnoreVersion, new_web_library_detail.LastBundleManifestIgnoreVersion, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.LastBundleManifestIgnoreVersion), ref state);
                    old.LastSynced         = MixOldAndNew(old.LastSynced, new_web_library_detail.LastSynced, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.LastSynced), ref state);
                    old.IntranetPath       = MixOldAndNew(old.IntranetPath, new_web_library_detail.IntranetPath, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IntranetPath), ref state, PathsMixCollisionComparer);
                    old.ShortWebId         = MixOldAndNew(old.ShortWebId, new_web_library_detail.ShortWebId, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.ShortWebId), ref state);
                    old.FolderToWatch      = MixOldAndNew(old.FolderToWatch, new_web_library_detail.FolderToWatch, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.FolderToWatch), ref state, PathsMixCollisionComparer);
                    old.Title              = MixOldAndNew(old.Title, new_web_library_detail.Title, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.Title), ref state);
                    old.Description        = MixOldAndNew(old.Description, new_web_library_detail.Description, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.Description), ref state);
                    old.BundleManifestJSON = MixOldAndNew(old.BundleManifestJSON, new_web_library_detail.BundleManifestJSON, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.BundleManifestJSON), ref state);
                    /* old.DescriptiveTitle = */
                    //MixOldAndNew(old.DescriptiveTitle, new_web_library_detail.DescriptiveTitle, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.DescriptiveTitle), ref state);
                    MixOldAndNew(old.LibraryType(), new_web_library_detail.LibraryType(), new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.LibraryType), ref state);
                    old.Deleted         = MixOldAndNew(old.Deleted, new_web_library_detail.Deleted, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.Deleted), ref state);
                    old.AutoSync        = MixOldAndNew(old.AutoSync, new_web_library_detail.AutoSync, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.AutoSync), ref state);
                    old.IsAdministrator = MixOldAndNew(old.IsAdministrator, new_web_library_detail.IsAdministrator, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IsAdministrator), ref state);
                    /* old.IsBundleLibrary = */
                    MixOldAndNew(old.IsBundleLibrary, new_web_library_detail.IsBundleLibrary, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IsBundleLibrary), ref state);
                    /* old.IsIntranetLibrary = */
                    MixOldAndNew(old.IsIntranetLibrary, new_web_library_detail.IsIntranetLibrary, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IsIntranetLibrary), ref state);
                    /* old.IsWebLibrary = */
                    MixOldAndNew(old.IsWebLibrary, new_web_library_detail.IsWebLibrary, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IsWebLibrary), ref state);
                    old.IsLocalGuestLibrary = MixOldAndNew(old.IsLocalGuestLibrary, new_web_library_detail.IsLocalGuestLibrary, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IsLocalGuestLibrary), ref state);
                    old.IsReadOnly          = MixOldAndNew(old.IsReadOnly, new_web_library_detail.IsReadOnly, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IsReadOnly), ref state);

                    // fixup:
                    if (old.LibraryType() != "UNKNOWN" && old.IsReadOnly)
                        // reset ReadOnly for everyone who is ex-Premium(Plus) for all their known libraries.
                        old.IsReadOnly = false;


                    old.library = new_web_library_detail.library;

                    if ((state & 0x0c) == 0x0c)
                        Logging.Warn("library info has been mixed as part of collision resolution for library {0}.", old.Id);
                    else if ((state & 0x04) == 0x04)
                        Logging.Info("library info has been kept as-is as part of collision resolution for library {0}.", old.Id);
                    if ((state & 0x08) == 0x08)
                        Logging.Warn("library info has been picked up from the new entry as part of collision resolution for library {0}.", old.Id);

                    new_web_library_detail = old;

            if (null == new_web_library_detail.library)
                new_web_library_detail.library = new Library(new_web_library_detail);
            web_library_details[new_web_library_detail.Id] = new_web_library_detail;

            if (!suppress_flush_to_disk)
コード例 #2
        internal void ForgetKnownWebLibraryFromIntranet(WebLibraryDetail web_library_detail)
            Logging.Info("+Forgetting {1} Library from {0}", web_library_detail.Title, web_library_detail.LibraryType());

            if (MessageBoxes.AskQuestion("Are you sure you want to forget the {1} Library '{0}'?", web_library_detail.Title, web_library_detail.LibraryType()))


            Logging.Info("-Forgetting {1} Library from {0}", web_library_detail.Title, web_library_detail.LibraryType());
コード例 #3
        private void UpdateKnownWebLibrary(WebLibraryDetail new_web_library_detail, bool suppress_flush_to_disk = true, string extra_info_message_on_skip = "")

            WebLibraryDetail old;

            if (web_library_details.TryGetValue(new_web_library_detail.Id, out old))
                bool use_old = true;
                bool use_new = true;

                // don't work with the old find if it has been purged
                if (old.IsPurged)
                    use_old = false;
                // don't work with the new find if it has been purged
                if (new_web_library_detail.IsPurged)
                    use_new = false;
                // don't work with the old find if it has been deleted and the new one has not:
                if (old.Deleted && !new_web_library_detail.Deleted && use_new)
                    use_old = false;
                // and vice versa:
                if (!old.Deleted && new_web_library_detail.Deleted && use_old)
                    use_new = false;

                // skip when there's nothing new to pick up:
                if (!use_new)
                // only do the mix/collision resolution when both old and new are viable:
                if (use_old)
                    int state = 0x00; // bit 0: prefer to use old, bit 1: prefer to use fresh, bit 2: used old, bit 3: used fresh, 0: don't know yet.

                    // if there's already an entry present, see if we should 'upgrade' the info or stick with what we have:
                    old.LastBundleManifestDownloadTimestampUTC = MixOldAndNew(old.LastBundleManifestDownloadTimestampUTC, new_web_library_detail.LastBundleManifestDownloadTimestampUTC, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.LastBundleManifestDownloadTimestampUTC), ref state);
                    old.LastBundleManifestIgnoreVersion        = MixOldAndNew(old.LastBundleManifestIgnoreVersion, new_web_library_detail.LastBundleManifestIgnoreVersion, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.LastBundleManifestIgnoreVersion), ref state);
                    old.LastSynced         = MixOldAndNew(old.LastSynced, new_web_library_detail.LastSynced, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.LastSynced), ref state);
                    old.IntranetPath       = MixOldAndNew(old.IntranetPath, new_web_library_detail.IntranetPath, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IntranetPath), ref state, PathsMixCollisionComparer);
                    old.FolderToWatch      = MixOldAndNew(old.FolderToWatch, new_web_library_detail.FolderToWatch, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.FolderToWatch), ref state, PathsMixCollisionComparer);
                    old.Title              = MixOldAndNew(old.Title, new_web_library_detail.Title, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.Title), ref state);
                    old.Description        = MixOldAndNew(old.Description, new_web_library_detail.Description, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.Description), ref state);
                    old.BundleManifestJSON = MixOldAndNew(old.BundleManifestJSON, new_web_library_detail.BundleManifestJSON, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.BundleManifestJSON), ref state);
                    /* old.DescriptiveTitle = */
                    //MixOldAndNew(old.DescriptiveTitle, new_web_library_detail.DescriptiveTitle, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.DescriptiveTitle), ref state);
                    MixOldAndNew(old.LibraryType(), new_web_library_detail.LibraryType(), new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.LibraryType), ref state);
                    old.Deleted  = MixOldAndNew(old.Deleted, new_web_library_detail.Deleted, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.Deleted), ref state);
                    old.AutoSync = MixOldAndNew(old.AutoSync, new_web_library_detail.AutoSync, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.AutoSync), ref state);
                    /* old.IsBundleLibrary = */
                    MixOldAndNew(old.IsBundleLibrary, new_web_library_detail.IsBundleLibrary, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IsBundleLibrary), ref state);
                    /* old.IsIntranetLibrary = */
                    MixOldAndNew(old.IsIntranetLibrary, new_web_library_detail.IsIntranetLibrary, new_web_library_detail.Id + "::" + nameof(old.IsIntranetLibrary), ref state);
                    /* old.IsWebLibrary = */

                    ASSERT.Test(old.Xlibrary != null ? new_web_library_detail.Xlibrary == null : true);
#if false    // this code is not needed in the current use of the API as long as the ASSERTions above hold
                    if (new_web_library_detail.library != null)
                        old.library = new_web_library_detail.library;
                    // and update it's internal (cyclic) web_library_detail reference:
                    if (old.library != null)
                        old.library.WebLibraryDetail = old;

                    if ((state & 0x0c) == 0x0c)
                        Logging.Warn("library info has been mixed as part of collision resolution for library {0}.", old.Id);
                    else if ((state & 0x04) == 0x04)
                        Logging.Info("library info has been kept as-is as part of collision resolution for library {0}.", old.Id);
                    if ((state & 0x08) == 0x08)
                        Logging.Warn("library info has been picked up from the new entry as part of collision resolution for library {0}.", old.Id);

                    new_web_library_detail = old;

            //ASSERT.Test(new_web_library_detail.Xlibrary == null);
            web_library_details[new_web_library_detail.Id] = new_web_library_detail;

            if (!suppress_flush_to_disk)

