public static void uploadFile() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); string bucket = "BUCKET"; string saveKey = "SAVE_KEY"; string localFile = "LOCAL_FILE"; PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(); putPolicy.Scope = bucket; putPolicy.SetExpires(3600); putPolicy.DeleteAfterDays = 1; string token = Auth.createUploadToken(putPolicy, mac); UploadOptions uploadOptions = null; // 上传完毕事件处理 UpCompletionHandler uploadCompleted = new UpCompletionHandler(OnUploadCompleted); // 方式1:使用UploadManager //默认设置 Qiniu.Common.Config.PUT_THRESHOLD = 512*1024; //可以适当修改,UploadManager会根据这个阈值自动选择是否使用分片(Resumable)上传 UploadManager um = new UploadManager(); um.uploadFile(localFile, saveKey, token, uploadOptions, uploadCompleted); // 方式2:使用FormManager //FormUploader fm = new FormUploader(); //fm.uploadFile(localFile, saveKey, token, uploadOptions, uploadCompleted); }
public Pfop(Mac mac, string bucket, string key, string fops) { this.httpManager = new HttpManager(); this.Mac = mac; this.Bucket = bucket; this.Key = key; this.Fops = fops; }
public void fusionMgrTest() { //Settings.load(); Settings.LoadFromFile(); string testResUrl = ""; Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); FusionManager target = new FusionManager(mac); // }
/// <summary> /// 文件预取 /// </summary> public static void prefetch() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); FusionManager fusionMgr = new FusionManager(mac); string[] urls = new string[] { "URL1", "URL2" }; PrefetchRequest request = new PrefetchRequest(urls); PrefetchResult result = fusionMgr.Prefetch(request); Console.WriteLine(result); }
/// <summary> /// 日志查询 /// </summary> public static void loglist() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); FusionManager fusionMgr = new FusionManager(mac); LogListRequest request = new LogListRequest(); request.Day = "DAY"; // "2016-09-01" request.Domains = "DOMAIN1"; // domains LogListResult result = fusionMgr.LogList(request); Console.WriteLine(result); }
/// <summary> /// 修改文件的MIME_TYPE /// </summary> public static void chgm() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); string bucket = "BUCKET"; string key = "KEY"; string mimeType = "MIME_TYPE"; BucketManager bm = new BucketManager(mac); HttpResult result = bm.chgm(bucket, key, mimeType); }
/// <summary> /// 列举所有的bucket /// </summary> public static void buckets() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); BucketManager bm = new BucketManager(mac); BucketsResult result = bm.buckets(); foreach(string bucket in result.Buckets) { System.Console.WriteLine(bucket); } }
public void resumeUploadTest() { //Settings.load(); Settings.LoadFromFile(); Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); ResumeRecorder recorder = new ResumeRecorder("dir"); string token = "<token>"; ResumeUploader target = new ResumeUploader(recorder, "big.record", "F:\\big.dat", "big_ResumeUpload.dat", token, null, null); target.uploadFile(); }
/// <summary> /// 缓存刷新 /// </summary> public static void refresh() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); FusionManager fusionMgr = new FusionManager(mac); string[] urls = new string[] { "URL1", "URL2" }; string[] dirs = new string[] { "DIR1", "DIR2" }; RefreshRequest request = new RefreshRequest(); request.AddUrls(urls); request.AddDirs(dirs); RefreshResult result = fusionMgr.Refresh(request); Console.WriteLine(result); }
/// <summary> /// 流量 /// </summary> public static void flux() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); FusionManager fusionMgr = new FusionManager(mac); FluxRequest request = new FluxRequest(); request.StartDate = "START_DATE"; // "2016-09-01" request.EndDate = "END_DATE"; // "2016-09-20" request.Granularity = "GRANU"; // "day" request.Domains = "DOMAIN1;DOMAIN2"; // domains FluxResult result = fusionMgr.Flux(request); Console.WriteLine(result); }
/// <summary> /// 复制文件 /// </summary> public static void copy() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); string srcBucket = "SRC_BUCKET"; string srcKey = "SRC_KEY"; string dstBucket = "SRC_BUCKET"; string dstKey = "DST_BUCKET"; BucketManager bm = new BucketManager(mac); HttpResult result = bm.copy(srcBucket, srcKey, dstBucket, dstKey); //支持force参数, bool force = true/false //HttpResult result = bm.copy(srcBucket, srcKey, dstBucket, dstKey, force); }
/// <summary> /// 批量操作 /// </summary> public static void batch() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); // 批量操作类似于 // op=<op1>&op=<op2>&op=<op3>... string batchOps = "BATCH_OPS"; BucketManager bm = new BucketManager(mac); HttpResult result = bm.batch(batchOps); // 或者 //string[] batch_ops={"<op1>","<op2>","<op3>",...}; //bm.batch(batch_ops); System.Console.WriteLine(result.Response); }
/// <summary> /// dfop形式1:URL /// </summary> public static void dfopUrl() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); Dfop dfx = new Dfop(mac); string fop = "FOP"; // E.G.: "imageInfo" string url = "RES_URL"; var ret = dfx.dfop(fop, url); if (ret.ResponseInfo.StatusCode != 200) { Console.WriteLine(ret.ResponseInfo); } Console.WriteLine(ret.Response); }
/// <summary> /// dfop形式2:Data /// </summary> public static void dfopData() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); Dfop dfx = new Dfop(mac); string fop = "FOP"; byte[] data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("LOCAL_FILE"); var ret = dfx.dfop(fop, data); if (ret.ResponseInfo.StatusCode != 200) { Console.WriteLine(ret.ResponseInfo); } Console.WriteLine(ret.Response); }
public static void downloadFile() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); // 加上过期参数,使用?e=<UnixTimestamp> // 如果rawUrl中已包含?,则改用&e=<UnixTimestamp> string rawUrl = "RAW_URL"; string expireAt = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP"; string mid = "?e="; if(rawUrl.Contains("?")) { mid = "&e="; } string token = Auth.createDownloadToken(rawUrl + mid + expireAt, mac); string accUrl = rawUrl + mid + expireAt + "&token=" + token; // 接下来可以使用accUrl来下载文件 System.Console.WriteLine(accUrl); }
public static void uploadBigFile() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); string bucket = "BUCKET"; string saveKey = "SAVE_KEY"; string localFile = "LOCAL_FILE"; string recordPath = "RECORD_PATH"; string recordFile = "RECORD_FILE"; PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(); putPolicy.Scope = bucket; putPolicy.SetExpires(3600); putPolicy.DeleteAfterDays = 1; string token = Auth.createUploadToken(putPolicy, mac); ResumeRecorder rr = new ResumeRecorder(recordPath); UploadOptions uploadOptions = new UploadOptions( null, // ExtraParams null, // MimeType false, // CheckCrc32 new UpProgressHandler(OnUploadProgressChanged), // 上传进度 null // CancelSignal ); UpCompletionHandler uploadCompleted = new UpCompletionHandler(OnUploadCompleted); // 上传完毕 ResumeUploader ru = new ResumeUploader( rr, // 续传记录 recordFile, // 续传记录文件 localFile, // 待上传的本地文件 saveKey, // 要保存的文件名 token, // 上传凭证 uploadOptions, // 上传选项(其中包含进度处理),可为null uploadCompleted // 上传完毕事件处理 ); ru.uploadFile(); }
public void uploadDataTest() { //Settings.load(); Settings.LoadFromFile("F:\\test.cfg"); Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); FormUploader target = new FormUploader(); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("hello world"); string key = "test_FormUploaderUploadData.txt"; PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(); putPolicy.Scope = Settings.Bucket; putPolicy.SetExpires(3600); putPolicy.DeleteAfterDays = 1; string token = Auth.createUploadToken(putPolicy, mac); UploadOptions uploadOptions = null; UpCompletionHandler upCompletionHandler = new UpCompletionHandler(delegate(string fileKey, ResponseInfo respInfo, string response) { Assert.AreEqual(200, respInfo.StatusCode); }); target.uploadData(data, key, token, uploadOptions, upCompletionHandler); }
public void bktMgrTest() { //Settings.load(); Settings.LoadFromFile(); string testResUrl = ""; Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); BucketManager target = new BucketManager(mac); target.fetch(testResUrl, Settings.Bucket, "test_BucketManager.txt"); target.stat(Settings.Bucket, "test_BucketManager.txt"); target.copy(Settings.Bucket, "test_BucketManager.txt", Settings.Bucket, "copy_BucketManager.txt", true); target.move(Settings.Bucket, "copy_BucketManager.txt", Settings.Bucket, "move_BucketManager.txt", true); target.delete(Settings.Bucket, "test_BucketManager.txt"); DomainsResult domainsResult =; BucketsResult bucketsResult = target.buckets(); }
public void uploadFileTest() { //Settings.load(); Settings.LoadFromFile(); UploadManager target = new UploadManager(); Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); string key = "test_UploadManagerUploadFile.png"; string filePath = "F:\\test.png"; PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(); putPolicy.Scope = Settings.Bucket; putPolicy.SetExpires(3600); putPolicy.DeleteAfterDays = 1; string token = Auth.createUploadToken(putPolicy, mac); UploadOptions uploadOptions = null; UpCompletionHandler upCompletionHandler = new UpCompletionHandler(delegate (string fileKey, ResponseInfo respInfo, string response) { Assert.AreEqual(200, respInfo.StatusCode); }); target.uploadFile(filePath, key, token, uploadOptions, upCompletionHandler); }
public static void uploadWithFop() { Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey, Settings.SecretKey); string bucket = "BUCKET"; string saveKey = "SAVE_KEY"; string localFile = "LOCAL_FILE"; // 如果想要将处理结果保存到SAVEAS_BUCKET空间下,文件名为SAVEAS_KEY // 可以使用savas参数 <FOPS>|saveas/<encodedUri> // encodedUri = StringUtils.urlSafeBase64Encode("SAVEAS_BUCKET" + ":" + "SAVEAS_KEY"); string fops = "FOPS"; PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(); putPolicy.Scope = bucket; putPolicy.PersistentOps = fops; putPolicy.SetExpires(3600); putPolicy.DeleteAfterDays = 1; string token = Auth.createUploadToken(putPolicy, mac); FormUploader fm = new FormUploader(); fm.uploadFile(localFile, saveKey, token, null, null); }
public static void pfopAndSave() { string bucket = "BUCKET"; string key = "FILE"; string pipeline = "MEDIAPROC_PIPELINE"; string notifyUrl = "NOTIFY_URL"; bool force = false; string saveAsUri = StringUtils.urlSafeBase64Encode("<SAVEAS_BUCKET>:<SAVEAS_KEY>"); string fops = "<FOPS>" + "|saveas/" + saveAsUri; Mac mac = new Mac(Settings.AccessKey,Settings.SecretKey); Pfop px = new Pfop(mac); PfopResult result = px.pfop(bucket, key, fops, pipeline, notifyUrl, force); System.Console.WriteLine(result.Response); // �Ժ���Ը���PersistentId��ѯ�������/��� string persistentId = result.PersistentId; Prefop pz = new Prefop(persistentId); PrefopResult zr = pz.prefop(); System.Console.WriteLine(zr.Response); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化 /// </summary> /// <param name="mac">账号(密钥)</param> public Signature(Mac mac) { this.mac = mac; }
public void uploadFile(object obj) { FileItem item = obj as FileItem; if (syncProgressPage.checkCancelSignal()) { this.doneEvent.Set(); return; } string fileFullPath = item.LocalFile; if (!File.Exists(fileFullPath)) { Log.Error(string.Format("file not found error, {0}", fileFullPath)); this.doneEvent.Set(); return; } //set upload params Qiniu.Common.Config.PUT_THRESHOLD = this.syncSetting.ChunkUploadThreshold; Qiniu.Common.Config.CHUNK_SIZE = this.syncSetting.DefaultChunkSize; string myDocPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); string recordPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(myDocPath, "qsunsync", "resume"); if (!Directory.Exists(recordPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(recordPath); } Mac mac = new Mac(SystemConfig.ACCESS_KEY, SystemConfig.SECRET_KEY); //current file info FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileFullPath); long fileLength = fileInfo.Length; string fileLastModified = fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToFileTime().ToString(); //support resume upload string recorderKey = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}", this.syncSetting.LocalDirectory, this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, item.SaveKey, fileFullPath, fileLastModified); recorderKey = Tools.md5Hash(recorderKey); this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("准备上传文件 " + fileFullPath); UploadManager uploadManger = new UploadManager(new Qiniu.Storage.Persistent.ResumeRecorder(recordPath), new Qiniu.Storage.Persistent.KeyGenerator(delegate() { return recorderKey; })); PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(); if (this.syncSetting.OverwriteDuplicate) { putPolicy.Scope = this.syncSetting.TargetBucket + ":" + item.SaveKey; } else { putPolicy.Scope = this.syncSetting.TargetBucket; } putPolicy.SetExpires(24 * 30 * 3600); string uptoken = Auth.createUploadToken(putPolicy, mac); this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("开始上传文件 " + fileFullPath); uploadManger.uploadFile(fileFullPath, item.SaveKey, uptoken, new UploadOptions(null, null, false, new UpProgressHandler(delegate(string key, double percent) { this.syncProgressPage.updateSingleFileProgress(taskId, fileFullPath, item.SaveKey, fileLength, percent); }), new UpCancellationSignal(delegate() { return this.syncProgressPage.checkCancelSignal(); })) , new UpCompletionHandler(delegate(string key, ResponseInfo respInfo, string response) { if (respInfo.StatusCode != 200) { this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("上传失败 " + fileFullPath + "," + respInfo.Error); this.syncProgressPage.addFileUploadErrorLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, fileFullPath, item.SaveKey, respInfo.Error + "" + response)); //file exists error if (respInfo.StatusCode == 614) { this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("空间已存在,未覆盖 " + fileFullPath); this.syncProgressPage.addFileNotOverwriteLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, fileFullPath, item.SaveKey)); } } else { // 写入记录 CachedHash.InsertOrUpdateCachedHash(item.LocalFile, item.FileHash, "", localHashDB); //insert or update sync log for file try { SyncLog.InsertOrUpdateSyncLog(item.SaveKey, fileFullPath, fileLastModified, this.syncLogDB); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("insert ot update sync log error {0}", ex.Message)); } //update if(this.syncProgressPage.isOverwritten(item.LocalFile)) { // 如果该文件覆盖了云端原始文件 this.syncProgressPage.addFileOverwriteLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, item.LocalFile, item.SaveKey)); this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("空间已存在相同文件,强制覆盖 " + item.LocalFile); } this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("上传成功 " + fileFullPath); this.syncProgressPage.addFileUploadSuccessLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.TargetBucket, fileFullPath, item.SaveKey)); this.syncProgressPage.updateTotalUploadProgress(); } this.doneEvent.Set(); })); }
public void uploadFile(object file) { if (syncProgressPage.checkCancelSignal()) { this.doneEvent.Set(); return; } string fileFullPath = file.ToString(); if (!File.Exists(fileFullPath)) { Log.Error(string.Format("file not found error, {0}", fileFullPath)); this.doneEvent.Set(); return; } //check skipped rules int fileRelativePathIndex = fileFullPath.IndexOf(this.syncSetting.SyncLocalDir); string fileRelativePath = fileFullPath.Substring(fileRelativePathIndex + this.syncSetting.SyncLocalDir.Length); if (fileRelativePath.StartsWith("\\")) { fileRelativePath = fileRelativePath.Substring(1); } string[] skippedPrefixes = this.syncSetting.SkipPrefixes.Split(','); foreach (string prefix in skippedPrefixes) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prefix)) { if (fileRelativePath.StartsWith(prefix.Trim())) { //skip by prefix this.syncProgressPage.addFileSkippedLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}", this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileFullPath)); this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("按照前缀规则跳过文件不同步 " + fileFullPath); this.syncProgressPage.updateTotalUploadProgress(); this.doneEvent.Set(); return; } } } string[] skippedSuffixes = this.syncSetting.SkipSuffixes.Split(','); foreach (string suffix in skippedSuffixes) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix)) { if (fileRelativePath.EndsWith(suffix.Trim())) { //skip by suffix this.syncProgressPage.addFileSkippedLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}", this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileFullPath)); this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("按照后缀规则跳过文件不同步 " + fileFullPath); this.syncProgressPage.updateTotalUploadProgress(); this.doneEvent.Set(); return; } } } //generate the file key string fileKey = ""; if (this.syncSetting.IgnoreDir) { //check ignore dir fileKey = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileFullPath); } else { string newFileFullPath = fileFullPath.Replace('\\', '/'); string newLocalSyncDir = this.syncSetting.SyncLocalDir.Replace('\\', '/'); int fileKeyIndex = newFileFullPath.IndexOf(newLocalSyncDir); fileKey = newFileFullPath.Substring(fileKeyIndex + newLocalSyncDir.Length); if (fileKey.StartsWith("/")) { fileKey = fileKey.Substring(1); } } //add prefix fileKey = this.syncSetting.SyncPrefix + fileKey; //set upload params Qiniu.Common.Config.PUT_THRESHOLD = this.syncSetting.ChunkUploadThreshold; Qiniu.Common.Config.CHUNK_SIZE = this.syncSetting.DefaultChunkSize; string myDocPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); string recordPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(myDocPath, "qsunsync", "resume"); if (!Directory.Exists(recordPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(recordPath); } bool overwriteUpload = false; Mac mac = new Mac(SystemConfig.ACCESS_KEY, SystemConfig.SECRET_KEY); //current file info FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(fileFullPath); long fileLength = fileInfo.Length; string fileLastModified = fileInfo.LastWriteTimeUtc.ToFileTime().ToString(); //support resume upload string recorderKey = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}", this.syncSetting.SyncLocalDir, this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileKey, fileFullPath, fileLastModified); recorderKey = Tools.md5Hash(recorderKey); if (syncSetting.CheckRemoteDuplicate) { //check remotely BucketManager bucketManager = new BucketManager(mac); StatResult statResult = bucketManager.stat(this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileKey); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(statResult.Hash)) { //file exists in bucket string localHash = ""; //cached file info try { CachedHash cachedHash = CachedHash.GetCachedHashByLocalPath(fileFullPath, localHashDB); string cachedEtag = cachedHash.Etag; string cachedLmd = cachedHash.LastModified; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cachedEtag) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cachedLmd)) { if (cachedLmd.Equals(fileLastModified)) { //file not modified localHash = cachedEtag; } else { //file modified, calc the hash and update db string newEtag = QETag.hash(fileFullPath); localHash = newEtag; try { CachedHash.UpdateCachedHash(fileFullPath, newEtag, fileLastModified, localHashDB); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("update local hash failed {0}", ex.Message)); } } } else { //no record, calc hash and insert into db string newEtag = QETag.hash(fileFullPath); localHash = newEtag; try { CachedHash.InsertCachedHash(fileFullPath, newEtag, fileLastModified, localHashDB); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("insert local hash failed {0}", ex.Message)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("get hash from local db failed {0}", ex.Message)); localHash = QETag.hash(fileFullPath); } if (localHash.Equals(statResult.Hash)) { //same file, no need to upload this.syncProgressPage.addFileExistsLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileFullPath, fileKey)); this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("空间已存在,跳过文件 " + fileFullPath); this.syncProgressPage.updateTotalUploadProgress(); //compatible, insert or update sync log for file try { SyncLog.InsertOrUpdateSyncLog(fileKey, fileFullPath, fileLastModified, this.syncLogDB); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("insert ot update sync log error {0}", ex.Message)); } this.doneEvent.Set(); return; } else { if (this.syncSetting.OverwriteFile) { overwriteUpload = true; this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("空间已存在,将覆盖 " + fileFullPath); } else { this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("空间已存在,不覆盖 " + fileFullPath); this.syncProgressPage.addFileNotOverwriteLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileFullPath, fileKey)); this.syncProgressPage.updateTotalUploadProgress(); this.doneEvent.Set(); return; } } } } else { //check locally try { SyncLog syncLog = SyncLog.GetSyncLogByKey(fileKey, this.syncLogDB); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(syncLog.Key)) { //has sync log and check whether it changes if (syncLog.LocalPath.Equals(fileFullPath) && syncLog.LastModified.Equals(fileLastModified)) { this.syncProgressPage.addFileExistsLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileFullPath, fileKey)); this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("本地检查已同步,跳过" + fileFullPath); this.syncProgressPage.updateTotalUploadProgress(); this.doneEvent.Set(); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("get sync log failed {0}", ex.Message)); } if (this.syncSetting.OverwriteFile) { overwriteUpload = true; } } //if file not exists or need to overwrite this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("准备上传文件 " + fileFullPath); UploadManager uploadManger = new UploadManager(new Qiniu.Storage.Persistent.ResumeRecorder(recordPath), new Qiniu.Storage.Persistent.KeyGenerator(delegate() { return recorderKey; })); PutPolicy putPolicy = new PutPolicy(); if (overwriteUpload) { putPolicy.Scope = this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket + ":" + fileKey; } else { putPolicy.Scope = this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket; } putPolicy.SetExpires(24 * 30 * 3600); string uptoken = Auth.createUploadToken(putPolicy, mac); this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("开始上传文件 " + fileFullPath); uploadManger.uploadFile(fileFullPath, fileKey, uptoken, new UploadOptions(null, null, false, new UpProgressHandler(delegate(string key, double percent) { this.syncProgressPage.updateSingleFileProgress(taskId, fileFullPath, fileKey, fileLength, percent); }), new UpCancellationSignal(delegate() { return this.syncProgressPage.checkCancelSignal(); })) , new UpCompletionHandler(delegate(string key, ResponseInfo respInfo, string response) { if (respInfo.StatusCode != 200) { this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("上传失败 " + fileFullPath + "," + respInfo.Error); this.syncProgressPage.addFileUploadErrorLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileFullPath, fileKey, respInfo.Error + "" + response)); //file exists error if (respInfo.StatusCode == 614) { this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("空间已存在,未覆盖 " + fileFullPath); this.syncProgressPage.addFileNotOverwriteLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileFullPath, fileKey)); } } else { //insert or update sync log for file try { SyncLog.InsertOrUpdateSyncLog(fileKey, fileFullPath, fileLastModified, this.syncLogDB); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("insert ot update sync log error {0}", ex.Message)); } //write new file hash to local db if (!overwriteUpload) { PutRet putRet = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<PutRet>(response); string fileHash = putRet.Hash; if (this.localHashDB != null) { try { CachedHash.InsertOrUpdateCachedHash(fileFullPath, fileHash, fileLastModified, this.localHashDB); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(string.Format("insert or update cached hash error {0}", ex.Message)); } } Log.Debug(string.Format("insert or update qiniu hash to local: '{0}' => '{1}'", fileFullPath, fileHash)); } //update if (overwriteUpload) { this.syncProgressPage.addFileOverwriteLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileFullPath, fileKey)); } this.syncProgressPage.updateUploadLog("上传成功 " + fileFullPath); this.syncProgressPage.addFileUploadSuccessLog(string.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", this.syncSetting.SyncTargetBucket, fileFullPath, fileKey)); this.syncProgressPage.updateTotalUploadProgress(); } this.doneEvent.Set(); })); }
public BucketManager(Mac mac) { this.mac = mac; this.mHttpManager = new HttpManager(); }
private bool UpLoadFile(string filepath) { string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(filepath); Qiniu.Util.Mac lMac = new Qiniu.Util.Mac(UserAccount.AccessKey, UserAccount.SecretKey); string lRemoteHash = RemoteFileInfo.RemoteFileStat(lMac, UserAccount.SpaceName, filename); bool lSkip = false; bool lUpLoadSuccess = false; //check local string lLocalHash = String.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lRemoteHash)) { lLocalHash = QETag.hash(filepath); if (historyLog.ContainsKey(lLocalHash)) { if (historyLog[lLocalHash].Contains(filename)) { lSkip = true; URL = CreateURL(filename); lUpLoadSuccess = true; } } else if (string.Equals(lLocalHash, lRemoteHash)) { lSkip = true; URL = CreateURL(filename); lUpLoadSuccess = true; } } if (!lSkip) { putPolicy.Scope = UserAccount.SpaceName; putPolicy.SetExpires(3600 * 24 * 30); string lUploadToken = Auth.createUploadToken(putPolicy, lMac); UploadManager lUploadMgr = new UploadManager(); lUploadMgr.uploadFile(filepath, filename, lUploadToken, null, new UpCompletionHandler(delegate(string key, ResponseInfo responseinfo, string response) { if (responseinfo.StatusCode != 200) { MessageStr = Properties.Resources.ErrorMessage; } else { MessageStr = Properties.Resources.SuccessMessage; if (historyLog.ContainsKey(lLocalHash)) { historyLog[lLocalHash].Add(filename); } URL = CreateURL(filename); lUpLoadSuccess = true; } })); } if (lUpLoadSuccess) { DisplayImage(filepath); MessageStr = URL; } return(lUpLoadSuccess); }
/// <summary> /// sync setting page loaded event handler /// 更新 2016-10-20 15:51 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void SyncSettingPageLoaded_EventHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // 尝试载入account this.account = Account.TryLoadAccount(); // 检查AK&SK if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.account.AccessKey) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.account.SecretKey)) { this.SettingsErrorTextBlock.Text = "请设置AK&SK"; return; } // 设置AK&SK SystemConfig.ACCESS_KEY = this.account.AccessKey; SystemConfig.SECRET_KEY = this.account.SecretKey; // 初始化bucketManager Mac mac = new Mac(this.account.AccessKey, this.account.SecretKey); this.bucketManager = new BucketManager(mac); if (!ValidateAccount()) { // Account设置不正确-->无法开始任务 ButtonStartSync.IsEnabled = false; return; } ButtonStartSync.IsEnabled = true; // 重建bucket列表 this.SyncTargetBucketsComboBox.ItemsSource = null; new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.reloadBuckets)).Start(); // 其他界面元素初始化 this.initUIDefaults(); }
public Dfop(Mac mac) { this.mHttpManager = new HttpManager(); this.mac = mac; }
public static string createUploadToken(PutPolicy putPolicy, Mac mac) { string jsonData = putPolicy.ToString(); return mac.SignWithData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonData)); }
public static string createDownloadToken(string rawUrl, Mac mac) { return mac.Sign(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rawUrl)); }
public static string createManageToken(string url, byte[] reqBody, Mac mac) { return string.Format("QBox {0}", mac.SignRequest(url, reqBody)); }
public BucketManager(Mac mac) { this.mac = mac; }
public static string createManageToken(string url, byte[] reqBody, Mac mac) { return(string.Format("QBox {0}", mac.SignRequest(url, reqBody))); }
public static string createDownloadToken(string rawUrl, Mac mac) { return(mac.Sign(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rawUrl))); }
public static string createUploadToken(PutPolicy putPolicy, Mac mac) { string jsonData = putPolicy.ToString(); return(mac.SignWithData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonData))); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化 /// </summary> /// <param name="mac">账号(密钥)</param> public Signature(Mac mac) { _mac = mac; }