internal void Read(PEReader buff) { buff.ReadZeros(2); name = buff.GetString(); mvid = buff.GetGUID(); uint junk = buff.GetGUIDIx(); junk = buff.GetGUIDIx(); if (Diag.DiagOn) Console.WriteLine("Reading module with name " + name + " and Mvid = " + mvid); ismscorlib = name.ToLower() == "mscorlib.dll"; }
internal static ModuleRef ReadModuleRef(PEReader buff) { buff.ReadZeros(2); string name = buff.GetString(); uint junk = buff.GetGUIDIx(); junk = buff.GetGUIDIx(); junk = buff.GetGUIDIx(); ModuleRef mRef = new ModuleRef(new ModuleFile(name, null)); mRef.ReadAsDef(); return mRef; }