コード例 #1
        public string GetDetails(Detail search)
            string sql = "";

            if (search.type == null || search.type == "month")
                sql = @"select (case when a.supply_id is null then b.supplyid else a.supply_id end) 'SupplyId', 
(case when a.supply_name is null then b.supply_name else a.supply_name end) 'SupplyName', 
(case when a.department_name is null then b.department_name else a.department_name end) 'DepartmentName', 
(case when b.quantity_provide is null then 0 else b.quantity_provide end) 'SupplyProvide',
(case when b.quantity is null then 0 else b.quantity end) 'SupplyQuantity',
(case when a.unit is null then b.unit else a.unit end) 'SupplyUnit',
sum(case when a.used is null then 0 else a.used end) 'SupplyUsed', 
sum(case when a.thuhoi is null then 0 else a.thuhoi end) 'SupplyEviction'
(select s.supply_id, s.supply_name, es.department_id, d.department_name, s.unit,
from Supply s inner join Equipment_SCTX_Detail esd
on s.supply_id = esd.supplyid inner join Equipment_SCTX es on es.maintain_id = esd.maintain_id
inner join Department d on es.department_id = d.department_id
and MONTH(es.[date]) = @month AND YEAR(es.[date]) = @year
group by s.supply_id, es.department_id, s.supply_name, d.department_name, s.unit,esd.used,esd.thuhoi
union all
select s.supply_id, s.supply_name, mc.departmentid, d.department_name, s.unit,
from Supply s inner join Maintain_Car_Detail mcd
on s.supply_id = mcd.supplyid inner join Maintain_Car mc on mc.maintainid = mcd.maintainid
inner join Department d on d.department_id = mc.departmentid
and MONTH(mc.[date]) = @month AND YEAR(mc.[date]) = @year
group by s.supply_id, mc.departmentid, s.supply_name, d.department_name, s.unit,mcd.used,mcd.thuhoi
union all
select s.supply_id, s.supply_name, fac.department_id, d.department_name, s.unit,
sum(fac.consumption_value) 'used',
0 'thuhoi'
from Supply s inner join Fuel_activities_consumption fac
on s.supply_id = fac.fuel_type 
and MONTH(fac.[date]) = @month AND YEAR(fac.[date]) = @year 
inner join Department d on d.department_id = fac.department_id
group by s.supply_id, s.supply_name, fac.department_id, d.department_name, s.unit
) as a 
full outer join 
(select sp.supplyid, s.supply_name, sp.departmentid, d.department_name, sum(sp.quantity) 'quantity',sum(sp.quantity_provide) 'quantity_provide', s.unit
from Supply s inner join SupplyPlan sp
on s.supply_id = sp.supplyid inner join Department d on sp.departmentid = d.department_id
where MONTH(sp.[date]) = @month and year(sp.[date]) = @year and sp.departmentid != 'CV'
group by  sp.supplyid, s.supply_name, sp.departmentid, d.department_name, s.unit
) as b
on a.department_id = b.departmentid and a.supply_id = b.supplyid 
where (a.supply_id like @supplyid or b.supplyid  like @supplyid ) and (b.departmentid like @departid  or a.department_id like @departid ) 
and (a.supply_name like @supplyname  or b.supply_name like @supplyname ) and (b.department_name like @departname  or a.department_name like @departname )
group by a.supply_id, a.department_id, b.supplyid,b.quantity, b.departmentid, a.supply_name, b.supply_name,
a.department_name, b.department_name, a.unit, b.unit,b.quantity_provide";
            if (search.type == "year")
                sql = @"select (case when a.supply_id is null then b.supplyid else a.supply_id end) 'SupplyId', 
(case when a.supply_name is null then b.supply_name else a.supply_name end) 'SupplyName', 
(case when a.department_name is null then b.department_name else a.department_name end) 'DepartmentName', 
(case when b.quantity_provide is null then 0 else b.quantity_provide end) 'SupplyProvide',
(case when b.quantity is null then 0 else b.quantity end) 'SupplyQuantity',

(case when a.unit is null then b.unit else a.unit end) 'SupplyUnit',
sum(case when a.used is null then 0 else a.used end) 'SupplyUsed', 
sum(case when a.thuhoi is null then 0 else a.thuhoi end) 'SupplyEviction'
(select s.supply_id, s.supply_name, es.department_id, d.department_name, s.unit,
from Supply s inner join Equipment_SCTX_Detail esd
on s.supply_id = esd.supplyid inner join Equipment_SCTX es on es.maintain_id = esd.maintain_id
inner join Department d on es.department_id = d.department_id
 AND YEAR(es.[date]) = @year
group by s.supply_id, es.department_id, s.supply_name, d.department_name, s.unit,esd.used,esd.thuhoi
union all
select s.supply_id, s.supply_name, mc.departmentid, d.department_name, s.unit,
from Supply s inner join Maintain_Car_Detail mcd
on s.supply_id = mcd.supplyid inner join Maintain_Car mc on mc.maintainid = mcd.maintainid
inner join Department d on d.department_id = mc.departmentid
 AND YEAR(mc.[date]) = @year
group by s.supply_id, mc.departmentid, s.supply_name, d.department_name, s.unit,mcd.used,mcd.thuhoi
union all
select s.supply_id, s.supply_name, fac.department_id, d.department_name, s.unit,
sum(fac.consumption_value) 'used',
0 'thuhoi'
from Supply s inner join Fuel_activities_consumption fac
on s.supply_id = fac.fuel_type 
 AND YEAR(fac.[date]) = @year 
inner join Department d on d.department_id = fac.department_id
group by s.supply_id, s.supply_name, fac.department_id, d.department_name, s.unit

) as a 
full outer join 
(select sp.supplyid, s.supply_name, sp.departmentid, d.department_name, sum(sp.quantity) 'quantity',sum(sp.quantity_provide) 'quantity_provide', s.unit
from Supply s inner join SupplyPlan sp
on s.supply_id = sp.supplyid inner join Department d on sp.departmentid = d.department_id
where  year(sp.[date]) = @year and sp.departmentid != 'CV'
group by  sp.supplyid, s.supply_name, sp.departmentid, d.department_name, s.unit
) as b
on a.department_id = b.departmentid and a.supply_id = b.supplyid 
where (a.supply_id like @supplyid or b.supplyid  like @supplyid ) and (b.departmentid like @departid  or a.department_id like @departid ) 
and (a.supply_name like @supplyname  or b.supply_name like @supplyname ) and (b.department_name like @departname  or a.department_name like @departname )
group by a.supply_id, a.department_id, b.supplyid,b.quantity, b.departmentid, a.supply_name, b.supply_name,
a.department_name, b.department_name, a.unit, b.unit,b.quantity_provide
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult ExportDetail(string SupplyId, string SupplyName, string DepartmentId, string DeparmentName, string type, string month, string year)
                var      val              = month.Split(' ');
                var      details          = new List <DataTieuHao>();
                int      start            = Convert.ToInt32(Request["start"]);
                int      length           = Convert.ToInt32(Request["length"]);
                string   sortColumnName   = Request["columns[" + Request["order[0][column]"] + "][name]"];
                string   sortDirection    = Request["order[0][dir]"];
                string   path             = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("/excel/CDVT/download/");
                string   templateFilename = "tieu-hao-vat-tu-chi-tiet.xlsx";
                string   downloadFilename = "tieu-hao-vat-tu-chi-tiet-download.xlsx";
                FileInfo file             = new FileInfo(path + templateFilename);

                var search = new Detail
                    SupplyId      = SupplyId.Trim(),
                    SupplyName    = SupplyName.Trim(),
                    DepartmentId  = DepartmentId.Trim(),
                    DeparmentName = DeparmentName.Trim(),
                    type          = type.Trim(),
                    month         = month.Trim(),
                    year          = year.Trim()
                if (search.type == null || search.type == "month")
                    details = context.Database.SqlQuery <DataTieuHao>(GetDetails(search),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("month", val[1]),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("year", val[2]),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("supplyid", "%" + search.SupplyId + "%"),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("departid", "%" + search.DepartmentId + "%"),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("supplyname", "%" + search.SupplyName + "%"),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("departname", "%" + search.DeparmentName + "%")).ToList();

                if (type == "year")
                    details = context.Database.SqlQuery <DataTieuHao>(GetDetails(search),

                                                                      new SqlParameter("year", year),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("supplyid", "%" + search.SupplyId + "%"),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("departid", "%" + search.DepartmentId + "%"),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("supplyname", "%" + search.SupplyName + "%"),
                                                                      new SqlParameter("departname", "%" + search.DeparmentName + "%")).ToList();
                using (ExcelPackage workbook = new ExcelPackage(file))
                    int            index          = 2;
                    ExcelWorkbook  excelWorkbook  = workbook.Workbook;
                    ExcelWorksheet excelWorksheet = excelWorkbook.Worksheets.First();
                    foreach (var vattu in details)
                        excelWorksheet.Cells[index, 1].Value = vattu.SupplyId;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells[index, 2].Value = vattu.SupplyName;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells[index, 3].Value = vattu.DepartmentName;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells[index, 4].Value = vattu.SupplyProvide;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells[index, 5].Value = vattu.SupplyQuantity;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells[index, 6].Value = vattu.SupplyUnit;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells[index, 7].Value = vattu.SupplyUsed;
                        excelWorksheet.Cells[index, 8].Value = vattu.SupplyEviction;

                    workbook.SaveAs(new FileInfo(HostingEnvironment.MapPath($"/excel/CDVT/download/{downloadFilename}")));
                    string handle = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                        memoryStream.Position = 0;
                        TempData[handle]      = memoryStream.ToArray();
                        success = true,
                        data = new { FileGuid = handle, FileName = downloadFilename }
                    }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception)
                    success = false
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));