private void UpdateProductButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Wait.Show("Đang cập nhật dữ liệu " + shopNameTextEdit.Text); try { long idcompany = Common.Obj2Int64(companyIdWSSSpinEdit.Text); QT.Entities.Company company = new QT.Entities.Company(idcompany); string shopname = shopNameTextEdit.Text; string accesstoken = accessTokenTextEdit.Text; List <QT.Entities.Product> ListProducts = GetProductFromHaravan(shopname, accesstoken, company); labelControlMessage.Text = string.Format("Get {0} product!", ListProducts.Count); CompanyFunctions companyFunctions = new CompanyFunctions(); var cancelUpdateDataFeedTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); companyFunctions.UpdateProductsToSql(company, ListProducts, cancelUpdateDataFeedTokenSource); #region Public Cửa hàng long idharavan = Common.Obj2Int64(companyIdHaravanSpinEdit.Text); company_HaravanTableAdapter.UpdateIsPublic(true, idharavan); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR " + ex.Message); } Wait.Close(); }
private void simpleButtonUpdateProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Wait.Show("Đang cập nhật dữ liệu " + shopNameTextEdit.Text); try { long idcompany = Common.Obj2Int64(companyIdWSSTextEdit.Text); QT.Entities.Company company = new QT.Entities.Company(idcompany); string shopname = shopNameTextEdit.Text; string accesstoken = accessTokenTextEdit.Text; List <QT.Entities.Product> ListProducts = GetProductFromBizweb(shopname, accesstoken, company); CompanyFunctions companyFunctions = new CompanyFunctions(); var cancelUpdateDataFeedTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); companyFunctions.UpdateProductsToSql(company, ListProducts, cancelUpdateDataFeedTokenSource); #region Public Cửa hàng long idbizweb = Common.Obj2Int64(companyIdBizwebTextEdit.Text); company_BizwebTableAdapter.UpdateIsPublic(true, idbizweb); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("ERROR " + ex.Message); } Wait.Close(); }
private void UpdateProductBizweb(CompanyFunctions companyFunctions, long idWebsosanh) { DBBizTableAdapters.Company_BizwebTableAdapter bizwebTableAdapter = new DBBizTableAdapters.Company_BizwebTableAdapter(); bizwebTableAdapter.Connection.ConnectionString = connectionString; DBBiz.Company_BizwebDataTable bizwebTable = new DBBiz.Company_BizwebDataTable(); try { bizwebTableAdapter.FillBy_IDWSS(bizwebTable, idWebsosanh); if (bizwebTable.Rows.Count > 0) { QT.Entities.Company company = new QT.Entities.Company(idWebsosanh); if (company.Name.ToLower() == "not in database") { Log.ErrorFormat("BIZWEB : ID received in RabbitMQ not in Company... ID = {0} ", idWebsosanh); } else { string shopname = bizwebTable.Rows[0]["ShopName"].ToString(); string accesstoken = bizwebTable.Rows[0]["AccessToken"].ToString(); List <QT.Entities.Product> ListProducts = QT.Moduls.Bizweb.frmSettingBizwebs.GetProductFromBizweb(shopname, accesstoken, company); Log.InfoFormat("Get {0} product of Company {1}, ID = {2}", ListProducts.Count, company.Domain, company.ID); var cancelUpdateDataFeedTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); companyFunctions.UpdateProductsToSql(company, ListProducts, cancelUpdateDataFeedTokenSource); } } else { Log.ErrorFormat("BIZWEB: ID received in RabbitMQ not in Company_Bizweb... ID = {0}", idWebsosanh); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("BIZWEB ERROR : ", ex); } }
private void InitData() { _company = new QT.Entities.Company(_idCompany); // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'dBProperties.Classification' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.classificationTableAdapter.FillByCompanyID(this.dBProperties.Classification, _company.ID); //productBindingSource.AddNew(); this.companyTextEdit.Text = _company.ID.ToString(); if (_company.Status == QT.Entities.Common.CompanyStatus.WEB_NOMERCHANT) { detailUrlTextEdit.Properties.ReadOnly = true; } }
private void simpleButtonTestProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Wait.Show("Đang tải dữ liệu..."); long idcompany = Common.Obj2Int64(companyIdWSSTextEdit.Text); QT.Entities.Company company = new QT.Entities.Company(idcompany); if (company.Name.ToLower() == "not in database") { MessageBox.Show("ERROR! Không tồn tại công ty này trong database!"); } else { string shopname = shopNameTextEdit.Text; string accesstoken = accessTokenTextEdit.Text; gridControlProduct.DataSource = GetProductFromBizweb(shopname, accesstoken, company); } Wait.Close(); }
private void TestProductButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Wait.Show("Đang tải sản phẩm từ Haravan"); long idcompany = Common.Obj2Int64(companyIdWSSSpinEdit.Text); QT.Entities.Company company = new QT.Entities.Company(idcompany); if (company.Name.ToLower() == "not in database") { MessageBox.Show("Không tồn tại công ty này trong database! Ấn Check Company để kiểm tra"); } else { string shopname = shopNameTextEdit.Text; string accesstoken = accessTokenTextEdit.Text; gridControlProduct.DataSource = GetProductFromHaravan(shopname, accesstoken, company); } Wait.Close(); }
private void UpdateProductHaravan(CompanyFunctions companyFunctions, long idWebsosanh) { //Log.Info(string.Format("Nhan message {0}", idWebsosanh)); DBHarTableAdapters.Company_HaravanTableAdapter haravanAdapter = new DBHarTableAdapters.Company_HaravanTableAdapter(); haravanAdapter.Connection.ConnectionString = connectionString; DBHar.Company_HaravanDataTable haravanTable = new DBHar.Company_HaravanDataTable(); try { haravanAdapter.FillBy_IDWSS(haravanTable, idWebsosanh); if (haravanTable.Rows.Count > 0) { QT.Entities.Company company = new QT.Entities.Company(idWebsosanh); if (company.Name.ToLower() == "not in database") { Log.ErrorFormat("HARAVAN : ID received in RabbitMQ not in Company... ID = {0} ", idWebsosanh); } else { string shopname = haravanTable.Rows[0]["ShopName"].ToString(); string accesstoken = haravanTable.Rows[0]["AccessToken"].ToString(); List <QT.Entities.Product> ListProducts = QT.Moduls.WebPartner.frmSettingHaravan.GetProductFromHaravan(shopname, accesstoken, company); Log.InfoFormat("Get {0} product of Company {1}, ID = {2}", ListProducts.Count, company.Domain, company.ID); var cancelUpdateDataFeedTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); companyFunctions.UpdateProductsToSql(company, ListProducts, cancelUpdateDataFeedTokenSource); } } else { Log.ErrorFormat("HARAVAN: ID received in RabbitMQ not in Company_Haravan... ID = {0}", idWebsosanh); } } catch (Exception exx) { Log.Error("HARAVAN ERROR: ", exx); } }
public List <StructCompanyXPath> ExportXPathData() { QT.Entities.Server.ConnectionString = _sqlDb.connection.ConnectionString; List <StructCompanyXPath> lstStructCompany = new List <StructCompanyXPath>(); DataTable tblCompany = _sqlDb.GetTblData("select id from company where status = 1 and datafeedtype = 0"); int i = 0; foreach (DataRow rowInfo in tblCompany.Rows) { log.Info(string.Format("{0}/{1}", i++, tblCompany.Rows.Count)); long CompanyID = QT.Entities.Common.Obj2Int64(rowInfo["ID"]); QT.Entities.Company company = new QT.Entities.Company(CompanyID); Configuration config = new Configuration(CompanyID); lstStructCompany.Add(new StructCompanyXPath() { CompanyID = CompanyID, Website = company.Website, structXpath = new StructXPath() { ProductNameXPath = config.ProductNameXPath, ImageXPath = config.ImageXPath, PriceXPath = config.PriceXPath, StatusXPath = config.StatusXPath, VATInfoXPath = config.VATInfoXPath, PromotionInfoXPath = config.PromotionInfoXPath, OriginPriceXPath = config.OriginPriceXPath, CategoryXPath = config.CategoryXPath, StartDealXPath = config.StartDealXPath, EndDealXPath = config.EndDealXPath, } }); } return(lstStructCompany); }
public void CrawlForCompany(long CompanyID) { try { this._companyId = CompanyID; if ((!_bCheckOtherRunning || !CheckOtherRunning()) && _productAdapter.AllowCrawlFindNew(_companyId)) { if (!_redisWaitCrawler.CheckHaveItemFindNew(_companyId)) { _redisWaitCrawler.SetNexFindNew(_companyId, 1); var company = new QT.Entities.Company(this._companyId); _redisCacheCompanyCrawler.SetCompanyInfo(_companyId, company.Domain, 24, 24); } Crawl(); } else { _redisWaitCrawler.SetNexFindNew(_companyId, 1); } } catch (System.OperationCanceledException) { if (this._company != null) { this._redisQueueFindNew.SaveQueue(this._companyId, this._linkQueue.ToArray()); this._redisWaitCrawler.SetRemoveRunningCrawler(_companyId); this._redisWaitCrawler.SetNexFindNew(this._companyId, 1); this._redisCrcVisited.SetForCompany(_companyId, new List <long>(this._visitedCrc.Keys)); } throw; } catch (Exception ex02) { _log.Error(ex02); } }
public static List <QT.Entities.Product> GetProductFromBizweb(string shopname, string accesstoken, QT.Entities.Company company) { List <QT.Entities.Product> ListProducts = new List <QT.Entities.Product>(); var authorizeState = new BizwebAuthorizationState() { ShopName = shopname, AccessToken = accesstoken }; var client = new BizwebAPIClient(authorizeState); ProductBizwebInfo listproductBizweb = new ProductBizwebInfo() { products = new List <Product>() }; bool check = true; int page = 1; while (check) { Object obj = null; try { //Mỗi lần lấy về 50 product của bizweb string querry = "admin/products.json?page=" + page.ToString() + "&limit=250"; //string querry = "/admin/products.json"; obj = client.Get(querry); //Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (Exception ex) { check = false; Log.ErrorFormat("BIZWEB : Get/admin/products.json FAILS. ERROR : {0}", ex); } if (obj != null) { ProductBizwebInfo listproduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProductBizwebInfo>(obj.ToString()); if (listproduct.products.Count > 0) { listproductBizweb.products.AddRange(listproduct.products); page++; } else { check = false; } } else { check = false; } } if (listproductBizweb.products.Count > 0) { #region Chuyển từ ListProducts of Bizweb sang ListProductWebsosanh for (int i = 0; i < listproductBizweb.products.Count; i++) { //Check số lượng phiên bản variant int variant = listproductBizweb.products[i].variants.Count; //TH variant = 1 (1 phiên bản) if (variant == 1) { #region Product var tmpProduct = new QT.Entities.Product(); tmpProduct.Domain = company.Domain; string parameter = "?"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listproductBizweb.products[i].alias) && listproductBizweb.products[i].alias.Contains("?")) { parameter = "&"; } tmpProduct.DetailUrl = company.Website + "products/" + listproductBizweb.products[i].alias + parameter + "utm=websosanh"; tmpProduct.ID = Common.GetIDProduct(tmpProduct.DetailUrl); if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].sku != null) { tmpProduct.MerchantSku = listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].sku.ToString(); } if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].inventory_policy == "continue" || listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].inventory_management == "") { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Available; } else if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].inventory_policy == "deny") { var inventory_quantity = Common.Obj2Int(listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].inventory_quantity); if (inventory_quantity > 0) { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Available; } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Clear; } } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.LienHe; } tmpProduct.Instock = QT.Entities.Common.GetProductInstockFormStatus(tmpProduct.Status); tmpProduct.Manufacture = listproductBizweb.products[i].vendor; tmpProduct.Name = listproductBizweb.products[i].name; tmpProduct.HashName = Common.GetHashNameProduct(company.Domain, tmpProduct.Name.Trim()); tmpProduct.ProductContent = listproductBizweb.products[i].meta_description; CultureInfo cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("vi-VN"); int originPrice = 0; int price = 0; string compare_at_price; string price_temp; if ((listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].compare_at_price == null || listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].compare_at_price == 0) && listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].price == 0) { Log.Error("BIZWEB : Product price equal = 0" + "Product: ID " + tmpProduct.ID + " - " + tmpProduct.Name); continue; } else { compare_at_price = listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].compare_at_price.ToString(); compare_at_price = (compare_at_price.Contains('.')) ? compare_at_price.Remove(compare_at_price.IndexOf('.')) : compare_at_price; price_temp = listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].price.ToString(); price_temp = (price_temp.Contains('.')) ? price_temp.Remove(price_temp.IndexOf('.')) : price_temp; } try { originPrice = (int)Decimal.Parse(compare_at_price, cultureInfo); } catch (FormatException) { } catch (Exception exception) { Log.Error(string.Format("BIZWEB : Parse discounted_price Error. {0}", tmpProduct.DetailUrl), exception); } try { price = (int)Decimal.Parse(price_temp, cultureInfo); } catch (FormatException ex) { Log.Error("BIZWEB : Parse discounted_price Error. " + listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].price + "\r\n" + ex); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.Error(string.Format("BIZWEB : Parse discounted_price Error. {0}", tmpProduct.DetailUrl), exception); } if (price <= 0) { Log.Error("BIZWEB : Product price equal = 0" + "Product: ID " + tmpProduct.ID + " - " + tmpProduct.Name); continue; } if (originPrice > price) { tmpProduct.OriginPrice = originPrice; tmpProduct.Price = price; } else { tmpProduct.OriginPrice = tmpProduct.Price = price; } //Categories tmpProduct.Categories = new List <string>(); tmpProduct.Categories.Add(company.Domain); tmpProduct.Categories.Add(listproductBizweb.products[i].product_type); tmpProduct.IDCategories = Common.GetIDClassification(Common.ConvertToString(tmpProduct.Categories, " -> ")); // list Url Images if (listproductBizweb.products[i].images != null && listproductBizweb.products[i].images.Count != 0) { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>() { listproductBizweb.products[i].images[0].src }; } else { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>(); } if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0] != null) { tmpProduct.VATStatus = listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].taxable == false ? Common.VATStatus.NotVAT : Common.VATStatus.HaveVAT; } else { tmpProduct.VATStatus = Common.VATStatus.UndefinedVAT; } ListProducts.Add(tmpProduct); #endregion } // TH có nhiều phiên bản else if (variant > 1) { //check image nếu có ảnh thì = true, ko có = false bool checkImage = false; Dictionary <int, string> dicImage = new Dictionary <int, string>(); if (listproductBizweb.products[i].images != null && listproductBizweb.products[i].images.Count != 0) { checkImage = true; for (int k = 0; k < listproductBizweb.products[i].images.Count; k++) { dicImage.Add(listproductBizweb.products[i].images[k].id, listproductBizweb.products[i].images[k].src); } } else { checkImage = false; } for (int j = 0; j < variant; j++) { #region Product var tmpProduct = new QT.Entities.Product(); tmpProduct.Domain = company.Domain; string parameter = "?"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listproductBizweb.products[i].alias) && listproductBizweb.products[i].alias.Contains("?")) { parameter = "&"; } tmpProduct.DetailUrl = company.Website + "products/" + listproductBizweb.products[i].alias + "#" + (j + 1).ToString() + parameter + "utm=websosanh"; tmpProduct.ID = Common.GetIDProduct(tmpProduct.DetailUrl); if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].sku != null) { tmpProduct.MerchantSku = listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].sku.ToString(); } if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].inventory_policy == "continue" || listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].inventory_management == "") { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Available; } else if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].inventory_policy == "deny") { int inventory_quantity = Common.Obj2Int(listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].inventory_quantity); if (inventory_quantity > 0) { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Available; } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Clear; } } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.LienHe; } tmpProduct.Instock = QT.Entities.Common.GetProductInstockFormStatus(tmpProduct.Status); tmpProduct.Manufacture = listproductBizweb.products[i].vendor; string nameproduct = listproductBizweb.products[i].name; if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].option1 != null) { nameproduct = nameproduct + " " + listproductBizweb.products[i].options[0].name + " " + listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].option1; } if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].option2 != null) { nameproduct = nameproduct + " " + listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].option2; } if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].option3 != null) { nameproduct = nameproduct + " " + listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].option3; } tmpProduct.Name = nameproduct; tmpProduct.HashName = Common.GetHashNameProduct(company.Domain, tmpProduct.Name.Trim()); tmpProduct.ProductContent = listproductBizweb.products[i].meta_description; CultureInfo cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("vi-VN"); int originPrice = 0; int price = 0; try { originPrice = (int)Decimal.Parse(listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].compare_at_price.ToString(), cultureInfo); } catch (FormatException) { } try { price = (int)Decimal.Parse(listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].price.ToString(), cultureInfo); } catch (FormatException ex) { Log.Error("BIZWEB : Parse discounted_price Error. " + listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[0].price + "\r\n" + ex); continue; } if (price <= 0) { Log.Error("BIZWEB : Product price equal = 0" + "Product: ID " + tmpProduct.ID + " - " + tmpProduct.Name); continue; } if (originPrice > price) { tmpProduct.OriginPrice = originPrice; tmpProduct.Price = price; } else { tmpProduct.OriginPrice = tmpProduct.Price = price; } //Categories tmpProduct.Categories = new List <string>(); tmpProduct.Categories.Add(company.Domain); tmpProduct.Categories.Add(listproductBizweb.products[i].product_type); tmpProduct.IDCategories = Common.GetIDClassification(Common.ConvertToString(tmpProduct.Categories, " -> ")); // list Url Images if (checkImage) { int image_id = Common.Obj2Int(listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].image_id); //nếu != 0 thì tìm values trong dicImage tương ứng if (image_id != 0) { string imageurl = dicImage.Where(kvp => kvp.Key == image_id).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageurl)) { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>() { imageurl } } ; else { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>() { listproductBizweb.products[i].images[0].src } }; } // nếu = 0 (null) thì lấy ảnh mặc định images[0].src else { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>() { listproductBizweb.products[i].images[0].src } }; } else { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>(); } if (listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j] != null) { tmpProduct.VATStatus = listproductBizweb.products[i].variants[j].taxable == false ? Common.VATStatus.NotVAT : Common.VATStatus.HaveVAT; } else { tmpProduct.VATStatus = Common.VATStatus.UndefinedVAT; } ListProducts.Add(tmpProduct); #endregion } } else if (variant < 1) { Log.ErrorFormat("Error : Variant of {0} = 0", listproductBizweb.products[i].name); } #endregion } } return(ListProducts); }
public List <Product> GetAllProduct(string csvPath, QT.Entities.Company company, DatafeedConfig datafeedConfig, Action <string> eventLog = null) { List <Product> lstPt = new List <Product>(); CultureInfo cultureInfo = (datafeedConfig.CurrencyFormat == CurrencyFormat.Vietnamese) ? CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("vi-VN") : CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("en-US"); var csv = new Wss.Lib.CsvHelper.CsvFile(csvPath, new Action <string>((string str) => { _log.ErrorFormat("Can't parser csv line: {0}", str); })); while (csv.Read()) { try { var tmpProduct = new Product { Domain = company.Domain, IDCongTy = company.ID, Status = Common.ProductStatus.Available, Instock = Common.GetProductInstockFormStatus(Common.ProductStatus.Available) }; string strTemp = ""; long discountedPrice = 0; long originPrice = 0; List <string> lstCat = new ArrayOfString(); if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.ProductNameNode, ref strTemp)) { tmpProduct.Name = strTemp; } if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.UrlNode, ref strTemp)) { tmpProduct.DetailUrl = strTemp; tmpProduct.ID = Wss.Lib.Utilities.UtilIdProduct.GenId(tmpProduct.DetailUrl, datafeedConfig.RegexConfigUrl); } if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.SkuNode, ref strTemp)) { tmpProduct.MerchantSku = strTemp; } if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.BrandNode, ref strTemp)) { tmpProduct.Manufacture = strTemp; } tmpProduct.HashName = Common.GetHashNameProduct(company.Domain, tmpProduct.Name.Trim()); if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.DiscountedPriceNode, ref strTemp)) { discountedPrice = (int)Decimal.Parse(Regex.Replace(strTemp.ToLower().Trim(), strNotMeanPrice, ""), cultureInfo); } if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.PriceNode, ref strTemp)) { originPrice = (int)Decimal.Parse(Regex.Replace(strTemp.ToLower().Trim(), strNotMeanPrice, ""), cultureInfo); } #region {xuligia} if (discountedPrice > 0) { if (originPrice > discountedPrice) { tmpProduct.Price = (int)discountedPrice; tmpProduct.OriginPrice = (int)originPrice; //tmpProduct.IsDeal = true; } else { tmpProduct.Price = tmpProduct.OriginPrice = (int)discountedPrice; //tmpProduct.IsDeal = false; } } // else if (originPrice > 0) { int discountPrice = 0; //DiscountPrice (số tiền giảm) try { if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.DiscountNode, ref strTemp)) { discountPrice = (int)Decimal.Parse(Regex.Replace(strTemp.ToLower().Trim(), strNotMeanPrice, ""), cultureInfo); } } catch (Exception) { } if (discountPrice > 0) { tmpProduct.Price = (int)originPrice - (int)discountPrice; tmpProduct.OriginPrice = (int)originPrice; //tmpProduct.IsDeal = true; } else { tmpProduct.Price = tmpProduct.OriginPrice = (int)originPrice; //tmpProduct.IsDeal = false; } } #endregion if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.Category1Node, ref strTemp)) { lstCat.Add(strTemp); } if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.Category2Node, ref strTemp)) { lstCat.Add(strTemp); } tmpProduct.Categories = lstCat; tmpProduct.IDCategories = Common.GetIDClassification(Common.ConvertToString(tmpProduct.Categories, " -> ")); if (csv.TryGetField(datafeedConfig.PictureUrl1Node, ref strTemp)) { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new ArrayOfString() { strTemp }; } tmpProduct.VATStatus = 1; eventLog(string.Format("NumbItem: {0} CheckInfoProduct: {1}", lstPt.Count, CheckWarnInfo(tmpProduct))); lstPt.Add(tmpProduct); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex); throw ex; } } return(lstPt); }
public static List <QT.Entities.Product> GetProductFromHaravan(string shopname, string accesstoken, QT.Entities.Company company) { List <QT.Entities.Product> ListProducts = new List <QT.Entities.Product>(); var authorizeState = new HaravanAuthorizationState() { ShopName = shopname, AccessToken = accesstoken }; var client = new HaravanAPIClient(authorizeState); ProductHaravanInfo listproductHaravan = new ProductHaravanInfo() { products = new List <Product>() }; bool check = true; int page = 1; while (check) { Object obj = null; try { //Mỗi lần lấy về 50 product của haravan string querry = "/admin/products.json?page=" + page.ToString(); obj = client.Get(querry); } catch (Exception ex) { check = false; Log.ErrorFormat("HARAVAN : Get/admin/products.json FAILS. ERROR : {0}", ex); } if (obj != null) { ProductHaravanInfo listproduct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ProductHaravanInfo>(obj.ToString()); if (listproduct.products.Count > 0) { listproductHaravan.products.AddRange(listproduct.products); page++; } else { check = false; } } else { check = false; } } if (listproductHaravan.products.Count > 0) { #region Chuyển từ ListProducts of Haravan sang ListProductWebsosanh for (int i = 0; i < listproductHaravan.products.Count; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(listproductHaravan.products[i].published_at) || Common.ObjectToDataTime(listproductHaravan.products[i].published_at) > DateTime.Now) { continue; } //Check số lượng phiên bản variant int variant = listproductHaravan.products[i].variants.Count; //TH variant = 1 (1 phiên bản) if (variant == 1) { #region Product var tmpProduct = new QT.Entities.Product(); tmpProduct.Domain = company.Domain; var originalurl = string.Empty; originalurl = company.Website + "products/" + listproductHaravan.products[i].handle; if (company.ID == 7605281528637856297) { tmpProduct.DetailUrl = originalurl + "?ref=10066"; } else { tmpProduct.DetailUrl = originalurl + "?utm=websosanh"; } tmpProduct.ID = Common.GetIDProduct(originalurl); if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].sku != null) { tmpProduct.MerchantSku = listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].sku; } if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].inventory_policy == "deny") { //check số lượng hàng còn trong kho if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].inventory_quantity <= 0) { //17.09.2015 trạng thái là deny thì để là liên hệ tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.LienHe; //tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Clear; } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Available; } } else if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].inventory_policy == "continue") { int inventory_quantity = Common.Obj2Int(listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].inventory_quantity); if (inventory_quantity > 0) { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Available; } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Clear; } } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.LienHe; } tmpProduct.Instock = QT.Entities.Common.GetProductInstockFormStatus(tmpProduct.Status); tmpProduct.Manufacture = listproductHaravan.products[i].vendor; tmpProduct.Name = listproductHaravan.products[i].title; tmpProduct.HashName = Common.GetHashNameProduct(company.Domain, tmpProduct.Name.Trim()); tmpProduct.ProductContent = listproductHaravan.products[i].body_html; CultureInfo cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("vi-VN"); int originPrice = 0; int price = 0; try { originPrice = (int)Decimal.Parse(listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].compare_at_price.ToString(), cultureInfo); } catch (FormatException) { } try { price = (int)Decimal.Parse(listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].price.ToString(), cultureInfo); } catch (FormatException ex) { Log.Error("HARAVAN : Parse discounted_price Error. " + listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].price + "/r/n" + ex); continue; } if (price <= 0) { Log.Error("HARAVAN : Product price equal = 0" + "Product: ID" + tmpProduct.ID + " - " + tmpProduct.Name); continue; } if (originPrice > price) { tmpProduct.OriginPrice = originPrice; tmpProduct.Price = price; } else { tmpProduct.OriginPrice = tmpProduct.Price = price; } //Categories tmpProduct.Categories = new List <string>(); tmpProduct.Categories.Add(company.Domain); tmpProduct.Categories.Add(listproductHaravan.products[i].product_type); tmpProduct.IDCategories = Common.GetIDClassification(Common.ConvertToString(tmpProduct.Categories, " -> ")); // list Url Images if (listproductHaravan.products[i].images != null && listproductHaravan.products[i].images.Count != 0) { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>() { listproductHaravan.products[i].images[0].src }; } else { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>(); } if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0] != null) { tmpProduct.VATStatus = listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].taxable == false ? Common.VATStatus.NotVAT : Common.VATStatus.HaveVAT; } else { tmpProduct.VATStatus = Common.VATStatus.UndefinedVAT; } ListProducts.Add(tmpProduct); #endregion } // TH có nhiều phiên bản else if (variant > 1) { //check image nếu có ảnh thì = true, ko có = false bool checkImage = false; Dictionary <int, string> dicImage = new Dictionary <int, string>(); if (listproductHaravan.products[i].images != null && listproductHaravan.products[i].images.Count != 0) { checkImage = true; for (int k = 0; k < listproductHaravan.products[i].images.Count; k++) { dicImage.Add(listproductHaravan.products[i].images[k].id, listproductHaravan.products[i].images[k].src); } } else { checkImage = false; } for (int j = 0; j < variant; j++) { #region Product var tmpProduct = new QT.Entities.Product(); tmpProduct.Domain = company.Domain; string originalurl = string.Empty; originalurl = company.Website + "products/" + listproductHaravan.products[i].handle + "?index=" + (j + 1).ToString(); // if (company.ID == 7605281528637856297) { tmpProduct.DetailUrl = originalurl + "&ref=10066"; } else { tmpProduct.DetailUrl = originalurl + "&utm=websosanh"; } tmpProduct.ID = Common.GetIDProduct(originalurl); if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].sku != null) { tmpProduct.MerchantSku = listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].sku; } //check status inventory_policy if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].inventory_policy == "deny") { //check số lượng hàng còn trong kho if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].inventory_quantity <= 0) { //17.09.2015 trạng thái là deny thì để là liên hệ tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.LienHe; //tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Clear; } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Available; } } else if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].inventory_policy == "continue") { if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].inventory_quantity <= 0) { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Clear; } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.Available; } } else { tmpProduct.Status = Common.ProductStatus.LienHe; } tmpProduct.Instock = QT.Entities.Common.GetProductInstockFormStatus(tmpProduct.Status); tmpProduct.Manufacture = listproductHaravan.products[i].vendor; string nameproduct = listproductHaravan.products[i].title; if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].option1 != null) { nameproduct += " " + listproductHaravan.products[i].options[0].name + " " + listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].option1; } if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].option2 != null) { nameproduct += " " + listproductHaravan.products[i].options[1].name + " " + listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].option2; } if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].option3 != null) { nameproduct += " " + listproductHaravan.products[i].options[2].name + " " + listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].option3; } tmpProduct.Name = nameproduct; tmpProduct.HashName = Common.GetHashNameProduct(company.Domain, tmpProduct.Name.Trim()); tmpProduct.ProductContent = listproductHaravan.products[i].body_html; CultureInfo cultureInfo = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("vi-VN"); int originPrice = 0; int price = 0; try { originPrice = (int)Decimal.Parse(listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].compare_at_price.ToString(), cultureInfo); } catch (FormatException) { } try { price = (int)Decimal.Parse(listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].price.ToString(), cultureInfo); } catch (FormatException ex) { Log.Error("HARAVAN : Parse discounted_price Error. " + listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].price + "/r/n" + ex); continue; } if (price <= 0) { Log.Error("HARAVAN : Product price equal = 0" + "Product: ID " + tmpProduct.ID + " - " + tmpProduct.Name); continue; } if (originPrice > price) { tmpProduct.OriginPrice = originPrice; tmpProduct.Price = price; } else { tmpProduct.OriginPrice = tmpProduct.Price = price; } //Categories tmpProduct.Categories = new List <string>(); tmpProduct.Categories.Add(company.Domain); tmpProduct.Categories.Add(listproductHaravan.products[i].product_type); tmpProduct.IDCategories = Common.GetIDClassification(Common.ConvertToString(tmpProduct.Categories, " -> ")); // list Url Images if (checkImage) { //check image_id của variant int image_id = Common.Obj2Int(listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[j].image_id); //nếu != 0 thì tìm values trong dicImage tương ứng if (image_id != 0) { string imageurl = dicImage.Where(kvp => kvp.Key == image_id).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageurl)) { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>() { imageurl } } ; else { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>() { listproductHaravan.products[i].images[0].src } }; } // nếu = 0 (null) thì lấy ảnh mặc định images[0].src else { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>() { listproductHaravan.products[i].images[0].src } }; } else { tmpProduct.ImageUrls = new List <string>(); } if (listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0] != null) { tmpProduct.VATStatus = listproductHaravan.products[i].variants[0].taxable == false ? Common.VATStatus.NotVAT : Common.VATStatus.HaveVAT; } else { tmpProduct.VATStatus = Common.VATStatus.UndefinedVAT; } ListProducts.Add(tmpProduct); #endregion } } else if (variant < 1) { Log.ErrorFormat("HARAVAN : Error : Variant of {0} = 0", listproductHaravan.products[i].title); } } #endregion } return(ListProducts); }