//listen to the channel public void Listen() { SubscribeCallbackExt listenerSubscribeCallack = new SubscribeCallbackExt( (pubnubObj, message) => { //Call the notification windows from the UI thread Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { //Show the message as a WPF window message like WIN-10 toast NotificationWindow ts = new NotificationWindow(); //Convert the message to JSON JsonMsg bsObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonMsg>(message.Message.ToString()); string messageBoxText = "Name: " + bsObj.Name + Environment.NewLine + "Description: " + bsObj.Description + Environment.NewLine + "Date: " + bsObj.Date; ts.NotifText.Text = messageBoxText; ts.Show(); })); }, (pubnubObj, presence) => { // handle incoming presence data }, (pubnubObj, status) => { // the status object returned is always related to subscribe but could contain // information about subscribe, heartbeat, or errors // use the PNOperationType to switch on different options }); pubnub.AddListener(listenerSubscribeCallack); }
//Publish a message public void Publish() { JsonMsg Person = new JsonMsg { Name = "John Doe", Description = "Description", Date = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; //Convert to string string arrayMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Person); pubnub.Publish() .Channel(ChannelName) .Message(arrayMessage) .Async(new PNPublishResultExt((result, status) => { })); }