public int DatPhong(DTO_HoaDon thongtin) { int result = -1; string sql = "INSERT INTO HoaDon VALUES(@TenDichVu,@SoLuong,@ThanhTien,@MaHD,@STT,@MaChiNhanh,@MaPhong,@SDT,@NgayDat,@NgayTra,@MaDV,@DapUng,@DatCoc,@ThoiGianThucHienHoaDon)"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@TenDichVu", thongtin.TenDichVu), new SqlParameter("@SoLuong", thongtin.SoLuong), new SqlParameter("@ThanhTien", thongtin.ThanhTien), new SqlParameter("@MaHD", thongtin.MaHD), new SqlParameter("@STT", thongtin.STT), new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", thongtin.MaChiNhanh), new SqlParameter("@MaPhong", thongtin.MaPhong), new SqlParameter("@SDT", thongtin.SoDienThoai), new SqlParameter("@NgayDat", thongtin.NgayDatPhong), new SqlParameter("@NgayTra", thongtin.NgayTraPhong), new SqlParameter("@MaDV", thongtin.MaDV), new SqlParameter("@DapUng", thongtin.DapUng), new SqlParameter("@DatCoc", thongtin.DatCoc), new SqlParameter("ThoiGianThucHienHoaDon", thongtin.ThoiGianThucHienHoaDon), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.Execute(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet HienThiYeuCau(DTO_HoaDon dto) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM HoaDon WHERE MaChiNhanh = @MaChiNhanh AND DapUng = 'No'"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", dto.MaChiNhanh), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public int SetHoaDon(DTO_HoaDon dto) { int result = -1; string sql = "UPDATE HoaDon SET DapUng = 'Done' WHERE MaHD = @MaHD"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaHD", dto.MaHD), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.Execute(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet HienThiPhongChuaDatCoc(DTO_HoaDon hoadon) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM HoaDon WHERE MaChiNhanh =@MaChiNhanh AND DatCoc ='No' AND TenDichVu LIKE 'Thuê Phòng%'"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", hoadon.MaChiNhanh), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public int DatCoc(DTO_HoaDon hoadon) { int result = -1; string sql = "UPDATE HoaDon SET DatCoc = 'Yes' WHERE MaHD =@MaHD"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaHD", hoadon.MaHD), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.Execute(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet TongTien(DTO_HoaDon hoadon) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT ThanhTien FROM HoaDon WHERE SoDienThoai = @SDT AND DapUng != 'Done' AND DatCoc = 'Yes'"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@SDT", hoadon.SoDienThoai), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public int HuyHoaDon(DTO_HoaDon hoadon) { int result = -1; string sql = "DELETE FROM HoaDon WHERE MaHD =@MaHD "; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaHD", hoadon.MaHD), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.Execute(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet KiemTraMaHD(DTO_HoaDon hoadon) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT TOP 1 (MaHD) FROM HoaDon WHERE MaHD LIKE @MaHD + '%' ORDER BY MaHD DESC "; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaHD", hoadon.MaHD), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet showall(DTO_HoaDon phong) { DataSet result; string sql = "SELECT * FROM Phong WHERE MaChiNhanh LIKE @MaChiNhanh +'%'"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", phong.MaChiNhanh), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet DSPhong(DTO_HoaDon phong) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM HoaDon WHERE SoDienThoai =@SDT AND DatCoc ='Yes' AND DapUng != 'Done' AND TenDichVu LIKE 'Thuê Phòng%'"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@SDT", phong.SoDienThoai), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet HienThiDSPhongDaDatCuaKhachHang(DTO_HoaDon phong) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM HoaDon WHERE MaChiNhanh = @MaChiNhanh AND DapUng != 'Done' AND DatCoc ='Yes' AND TenDichVu LIKE 'Thuê Phòng%' "; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", phong.MaChiNhanh), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet HienThi(DTO_HoaDon hoadon) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM HoaDon WHERE MaHD = @MaHD "; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaHD", hoadon.MaHD), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public int TichLuyDiem(DTO_HoaDon hoadon) { int result = -1; string sql = "UPDATE KhachHang SET TichLuy = @Tong WHERE SoDienThoai = @SDT"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Tong", hoadon.ThanhTien / 1000), new SqlParameter("@SDT", hoadon.SoDienThoai), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.Execute(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet KiemTraNgayPhongDangDuocSuDung(DTO_HoaDon dto) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM HoaDon WHERE MaPhong = @MaPhong AND MaChiNhanh = @MaChiNhanh AND TenDichVu LIKE 'Thuê Phòng%' AND DapUng != 'Done'"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaPhong", dto.MaPhong), new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", dto.MaChiNhanh), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet ChonPhong(DTO_HoaDon dto) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM Phong WHERE LoaiPhong = @LoaiPhong AND SoNguoi = @SoNguoi AND MaChiNhanh LIKE @MaChiNhanh +'%'"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@LoaiPhong", dto.LoaiPhong), new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", dto.MaChiNhanh), new SqlParameter("@SoNguoi", dto.SoNguoi), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public DataSet LayMaHD(DTO_HoaDon hoadon) { DataSet result = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT MaHD FROM HoaDon WHERE SoDienThoai = @SDT AND MaPhong = @MaPhong AND MaChiNhanh = @MaChiNhanh AND DapUng != 'Done' "; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@SDT", hoadon.SoDienThoai), new SqlParameter("@MaPhong", hoadon.MaPhong), new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", hoadon.MaChiNhanh), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.getdataset(sql, para); return(result); }
public int ThucHienYeuCau(DTO_HoaDon dto) { int result = -1; string sql = "UPDATE HoaDon SET DapUng = 'Yes' WHERE MaHD = @MaHD AND MaPhong = @MaPhong AND MaChiNhanh = @MaChiNhanh AND STT = @STT"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaPhong", dto.MaPhong), new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", dto.MaChiNhanh), new SqlParameter("@STT", dto.STT), new SqlParameter("@MaHD", dto.MaHD), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.Execute(sql, para); return(result); }
public int XoaYeuCau(DTO_HoaDon hoadon) { int result = -1; string sql = "DELETE FROM HoaDon WHERE MaHD = @MaHD AND MaPhong = @MaPhong AND MaChiNhanh = @MaChiNhanh AND STT = @STT"; SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@MaHD", hoadon.MaHD), new SqlParameter("@MaChiNhanh", hoadon.MaChiNhanh), new SqlParameter("@MaPhong", hoadon.MaPhong), new SqlParameter("@STT", hoadon.STT), }; DataAccess data = new DataAccess(); result = data.Execute(sql, para); return(result); }