public void XoaMA(string maMA) { Data.Delete("CTHD", "MaHD =" + this.maHD + " and MaMA = " + maMA); Data.Update("HoaDon", "TongTien =" + tongTien, "MaHD =" + this.maHD); MonAn ma = cthd.Find(x => x.GetMa().Equals(maMA)); tongTien -= (ma.GetDonGia() * ma.GetSL()); cthd.Remove(ma); }
public void ThemMA(string maMA, int soLuong) { MonAn i = cthd.Find(x => x.GetMa().Equals(maMA)); if (i != null) { i.TangSL(soLuong); tongTien += (i.GetDonGia() * soLuong); Data.Update("CTHD", "SoLuong =" + i.GetSL() + ", ThanhTien =" + i.GetThanhTien(), "MaHD = " + maHD + " and MaMA =" + maMA); Data.Update("HoaDon", "TongTien =" + tongTien, "MaHD =" + this.maHD); return; } else { this.cthd.Add(new MonAn(maMA, soLuong)); MonAn ma = cthd[cthd.Count() - 1]; double thanhtien = ma.GetDonGia() * soLuong; tongTien += thanhtien; Data.Add("CTHD", "MaHD, MaMA, TenMA, SoLuong, DonGia, ThanhTien", "'" + maHD + "','" + maMA + "','" + ma.GetTen() + "','" + soLuong + "','" + ma.GetDonGia() + "','" + thanhtien + "'"); Data.Update("HoaDon", "TongTien =" + tongTien, "MaHD =" + this.maHD); } }