コード例 #1
        public override void setParams(Vector parameters)

            int k = covarProxy_.volatilityModel().parameters().Count;

            covarProxy_.volatilityModel().setParams(new List <Parameter>(arguments_.GetRange(0, k)));
            covarProxy_.correlationModel().setParams(new List <Parameter>(arguments_.GetRange(k, arguments_.Count - k)));

            swaptionVola = null;
コード例 #2
        public override void calculate()
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(arguments_.settlementMethod != Settlement.Method.ParYieldCurve, () =>
                             "cash-settled (ParYieldCurve) swaptions not priced with Lfm engine");

            VanillaSwap    swap = arguments_.swap;
            IPricingEngine pe   = new DiscountingSwapEngine(discountCurve_);


            double correction = swap.spread *
                                Math.Abs(swap.floatingLegBPS() / swap.fixedLegBPS());
            double fixedRate = swap.fixedRate - correction;
            double fairRate  = swap.fairRate() - correction;

            SwaptionVolatilityMatrix volatility =

            Date       referenceDate = volatility.referenceDate();
            DayCounter dayCounter    = volatility.dayCounter();

            double exercise = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,
            double swapLength =
                - dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,

            Option.Type w = arguments_.type == VanillaSwap.Type.Payer ?
                            Option.Type.Call : Option.Type.Put;
            double vol = volatility.volatility(exercise, swapLength,
                                               fairRate, true);

            results_.value = (swap.fixedLegBPS() / Const.BASIS_POINT) *
                             Utils.blackFormula(w, fixedRate, fairRate, vol * Math.Sqrt(exercise));
コード例 #3
        // calculating swaption volatility matrix using
        // Rebonatos approx. formula. Be aware that this
        // matrix is valid only for regular fixings and
        // assumes that the fix and floating leg have the
        // same frequency
        public SwaptionVolatilityMatrix getSwaptionVolatilityMatrix()
            if (swaptionVola != null)

            IborIndex index = process_.index();
            Date      today = process_.fixingDates()[0];

            int    size         = process_.size() / 2;
            Matrix volatilities = new Matrix(size, size);

            List <Date> exercises = new InitializedList <Date>(size);

            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                exercises[i] = process_.fixingDates()[i + 1];

            List <Period> lengths = new InitializedList <Period>(size);

            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i)
                lengths[i] = (i + 1) * index.tenor();

            Vector f = process_.initialValues();

            for (int k = 0; k < size; ++k)
                int    alpha   = k;
                double t_alpha = process_.fixingTimes()[alpha + 1];

                Matrix var = new Matrix(size, size);
                for (int i = alpha + 1; i <= k + size; ++i)
                    for (int j = i; j <= k + size; ++j)
                        var[i - alpha - 1, j - alpha - 1] = var[j - alpha - 1, i - alpha - 1] =
                            covarProxy_.integratedCovariance(i, j, t_alpha, null);

                for (int l = 1; l <= size; ++l)
                    int    beta = l + k;
                    Vector w    = w_0(alpha, beta);

                    double sum = 0.0;
                    for (int i = alpha + 1; i <= beta; ++i)
                        for (int j = alpha + 1; j <= beta; ++j)
                            sum += w[i] * w[j] * f[i] * f[j] * var[i - alpha - 1, j - alpha - 1];
                    volatilities[k, l - 1] =
                        Math.Sqrt(sum / t_alpha) / S_0(alpha, beta);

            return(swaptionVola = new SwaptionVolatilityMatrix(today, exercises, lengths,
                                                               volatilities, index.dayCounter()));