コード例 #1
ファイル: Swap.cs プロジェクト: OpenDerivatives/QLCore
        public override void fetchResults(IPricingEngineResults r)

            Swap.Results results = r as Swap.Results;
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(results != null, () => "wrong result type");

            if (!results.legNPV.empty())
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(results.legNPV.Count == legNPV_.Count, () => "wrong number of leg NPV returned");
                legNPV_ = new List <double?>(results.legNPV);
                legNPV_ = new InitializedList <double?>(legNPV_.Count);

            if (!results.legBPS.empty())
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(results.legBPS.Count == legBPS_.Count, () => "wrong number of leg BPS returned");
                legBPS_ = new List <double?>(results.legBPS);
                legBPS_ = new InitializedList <double?>(legBPS_.Count);

            if (!results.startDiscounts.empty())
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(results.startDiscounts.Count == startDiscounts_.Count, () => "wrong number of leg start discounts returned");
                startDiscounts_ = new List <double?>(results.startDiscounts);
                startDiscounts_ = new InitializedList <double?>(startDiscounts_.Count);

            if (!results.endDiscounts.empty())
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(results.endDiscounts.Count == endDiscounts_.Count, () => "wrong number of leg end discounts returned");
                endDiscounts_ = new List <double?>(results.endDiscounts);
                endDiscounts_ = new InitializedList <double?>(endDiscounts_.Count);

            if (results.npvDateDiscount != null)
                npvDateDiscount_ = results.npvDateDiscount;
                npvDateDiscount_ = null;
コード例 #2
        public override void calculate()
            /* both DTS, YTS ref dates and pricing date consistency
             * checks? settlement... */
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(!discountCurve_.empty(), () => "no discount term structure set");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(!defaultTS_.empty(), () => "no ctpty default term structure set");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(!swaptionletEngine_.empty(), () => "no swap option engine set");

            Date priceDate = defaultTS_.link.referenceDate();

            double cumOptVal = 0.0, cumPutVal = 0.0;
            // Vanilla swap so 0 leg is floater

            int  index        = 0;
            Date nextFD       = arguments_.fixedPayDates[index];
            Date swapletStart = priceDate;

            while (nextFD < priceDate)
                nextFD = arguments_.fixedPayDates[index];

            // Compute fair spread for strike value:
            // copy args into the non risky engine
            Swap.Arguments noCVAArgs = baseSwapEngine_.link.getArguments() as Swap.Arguments;

            noCVAArgs.legs  = this.arguments_.legs;
            noCVAArgs.payer = this.arguments_.payer;


            double baseSwapRate = ((FixedRateCoupon)arguments_.legs[0][0]).rate();

            Swap.Results vSResults = baseSwapEngine_.link.getResults() as Swap.Results;

            double?baseSwapFairRate = -baseSwapRate * vSResults.legNPV[1] / vSResults.legNPV[0];
            double?baseSwapNPV      = vSResults.value;

            VanillaSwap.Type reversedType = arguments_.type == VanillaSwap.Type.Payer
                                         ? VanillaSwap.Type.Receiver
                                         : VanillaSwap.Type.Payer;

            // Swaplet options summatory:
            while (nextFD != arguments_.fixedPayDates.Last())
                // iFD coupon not fixed, create swaptionlet:
                IborIndex swapIndex = ((FloatingRateCoupon)arguments_.legs[1][0]).index() as IborIndex;

                // Alternatively one could cap this period to, say, 1M
                Period baseSwapsTenor = new Period(arguments_.fixedPayDates.Last().serialNumber()
                                                   - swapletStart.serialNumber(), TimeUnit.Days);
                VanillaSwap swaplet = new MakeVanillaSwap(baseSwapsTenor, swapIndex, baseSwapFairRate)

                VanillaSwap revSwaplet = new MakeVanillaSwap(baseSwapsTenor, swapIndex, baseSwapFairRate)

                Swaption swaptionlet = new Swaption(swaplet, new EuropeanExercise(swapletStart));
                Swaption putSwaplet  = new Swaption(revSwaplet, new EuropeanExercise(swapletStart));

                // atm underlying swap means that the value of put = value
                // call so this double pricing is not needed
                cumOptVal += swaptionlet.NPV() * defaultTS_.link.defaultProbability(
                    swapletStart, nextFD);
                cumPutVal += putSwaplet.NPV() * invstDTS_.link.defaultProbability(swapletStart, nextFD);

                swapletStart = nextFD;
                nextFD = arguments_.fixedPayDates[index];

            results_.value    = baseSwapNPV - (1.0 - ctptyRecoveryRate_) * cumOptVal + (1.0 - invstRecoveryRate_) * cumPutVal;
            results_.fairRate = -baseSwapRate * (vSResults.legNPV[1] - (1.0 - ctptyRecoveryRate_) * cumOptVal +
                                                 (1.0 - invstRecoveryRate_) * cumPutVal) / vSResults.legNPV[0];