static bool TryConvertArgument(IntPtr op, Type parameterType, bool needsResolution, out object arg, out bool isOut) { arg = null; isOut = false; var clrtype = TryComputeClrArgumentType(parameterType, op, needsResolution: needsResolution); if (clrtype == null) { return(false); } if (!Converter.ToManaged(op, clrtype, out arg, false)) { // Arturo Rodriguez -- Start // Needed to allow Python objects to be passed from python code to CLR functions. var pyobj = new PyObject(op); var ptype = pyobj.GetPythonType(); arg = pyobj; clrtype = arg.GetType(); isOut = clrtype.IsByRef; return(true); // Arturo Rodriguez -- End // Repo code // Exceptions.Clear(); // return false; } isOut = clrtype.IsByRef; return(true); }
public MethodBinding(MethodObject m, PyObject?target, PyType?targetType = null) { = target; this.targetType = targetType ?? target?.GetPythonType(); = null; this.m = m; }
private static IntPtr DoInstanceCheck(IntPtr tp, IntPtr args, bool checkType) { var cb = GetManagedObject(tp) as ClassBase; if (cb == null) { Runtime.XIncref(Runtime.PyFalse); return(Runtime.PyFalse); } Runtime.XIncref(args); using (var argsObj = new PyList(args)) { if (argsObj.Length() != 1) { return(Exceptions.RaiseTypeError("Invalid parameter count")); } PyObject arg = argsObj[0]; PyObject otherType; if (checkType) { otherType = arg; } else { otherType = arg.GetPythonType(); } if (Runtime.PyObject_TYPE(otherType.Handle) != PyCLRMetaType) { Runtime.XIncref(Runtime.PyFalse); return(Runtime.PyFalse); } var otherCb = GetManagedObject(otherType.Handle) as ClassBase; if (otherCb == null) { Runtime.XIncref(Runtime.PyFalse); return(Runtime.PyFalse); } return(Converter.ToPython(cb.type.IsAssignableFrom(otherCb.type))); } }
public static byte[] SaveFigureToArray(PyObject fig, int dpi = 200, string format = "png") { if (fig.GetPythonType().Handle != PltFigureType) { throw new Exception("object is not a matplotlib Figure"); } dynamic _np = np; //buf = io.BytesIO() dynamic buf = BytesIO.Invoke(); //fig.savefig(buf, dpi=__dpi__, format='png') fig.InvokeMethod("savefig", new PyTuple(new PyObject[] { buf }),"dpi", dpi, "format", format)); var buf_out = _np.array(buf.getbuffer(),"dtype", Numpy.GetNumpyDataType(typeof(byte)))); var arr = Numpy.ToArray(buf_out); return((byte[])arr); }
public object ToClr(PyObject obj, Type t = null) { if (obj == null) { return(null); } PyObject type = obj.GetPythonType(); Dictionary <Type, PyClrTypeBase> converters; var state = PythonConverters.TryGetValue(type.Handle, out converters); if (!state) { throw new Exception($"Type {type.ToString()} not recognized"); } if (t == null || !converters.ContainsKey(t)) { return(converters.Values.First().ToClr(obj)); } else { return(converters[t].ToClr(obj)); } }
public NumpyArrayInterface(PyObject o) { if (o.GetPythonType().Handle != NumpyArrayType) { throw new Exception("object is not a numpy array"); } var meta = o.GetAttr("__array_interface__"); IsCStyleContiguous = meta["strides"] == null; Address = new System.IntPtr((long)meta["data"][0].As <long>()); var typestr = meta["typestr"].As <string>(); var dtype = typestr.Substring(1); switch (dtype) { case "b1": DataType = typeof(bool); break; case "f4": DataType = typeof(float); break; case "f8": DataType = typeof(double); break; case "i2": DataType = typeof(short); break; case "i4": DataType = typeof(int); break; case "i8": DataType = typeof(long); break; case "u1": DataType = typeof(byte); break; case "u2": DataType = typeof(ushort); break; case "u4": DataType = typeof(uint); break; case "u8": DataType = typeof(ulong); break; default: throw new NumpyException($"type '{dtype}' not supported"); } Shape = o.GetAttr("shape").As <long[]>(); NBytes = o.GetAttr("nbytes").As <int>(); }