コード例 #1
        internal CLRObject(object ob, IntPtr tp)
            IntPtr py = Runtime.PyType_GenericAlloc(tp, 0);

            long flags = Util.ReadCLong(tp, TypeOffset.tp_flags);

            if ((flags & TypeFlags.Subclass) != 0)
                IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(py, ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(tp));
                if (dict == IntPtr.Zero)
                    dict = Runtime.PyDict_New();
                    Marshal.WriteIntPtr(py, ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(tp), dict);

            GCHandle gc = GCHandle.Alloc(this);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(py, ObjectOffset.magic(tp), (IntPtr)gc);
            tpHandle = tp;
            pyHandle = py;
            gcHandle = gc;
            inst     = ob;

            // for performance before calling SetArgsAndCause() lets check if we are an exception
            if (inst is Exception)
                // Fix the BaseException args (and __cause__ in case of Python 3)
                // slot if wrapping a CLR exception
コード例 #2
ファイル: typemanager.cs プロジェクト: m6nster/pythonnet
        /// <summary>
        /// The following CreateType implementations do the necessary work to
        /// create Python types to represent managed extension types, reflected
        /// types, subclasses of reflected types and the managed metatype. The
        /// dance is slightly different for each kind of type due to different
        /// behavior needed and the desire to have the existing Python runtime
        /// do as much of the allocation and initialization work as possible.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IntPtr CreateType(Type impl)
            IntPtr type    = AllocateTypeObject(impl.Name);
            int    ob_size = ObjectOffset.Size(type);

            // Set tp_basicsize to the size of our managed instance objects.
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_basicsize, (IntPtr)ob_size);

            var offset = (IntPtr)ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(type);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_dictoffset, offset);

            SlotsHolder slotsHolder = CreateSolotsHolder(type);

            InitializeSlots(type, impl, slotsHolder);

            int flags = TypeFlags.Default | TypeFlags.Managed |
                        TypeFlags.HeapType | TypeFlags.HaveGC;

            Util.WriteCLong(type, TypeOffset.tp_flags, flags);

            if (Runtime.PyType_Ready(type) != 0)
                throw new PythonException();

            IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_dict);
            IntPtr mod  = Runtime.PyString_FromString("CLR");

            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(dict, PyIdentifier.__module__, mod);

            InitMethods(type, impl);
コード例 #3
ファイル: typemanager.cs プロジェクト: hansonap/pythonnet
        /// <summary>
        /// The following CreateType implementations do the necessary work to
        /// create Python types to represent managed extension types, reflected
        /// types, subclasses of reflected types and the managed metatype. The
        /// dance is slightly different for each kind of type due to different
        /// behavior needed and the desire to have the existing Python runtime
        /// do as much of the allocation and initialization work as possible.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IntPtr CreateType(Type impl)
            IntPtr type    = AllocateTypeObject(impl.Name);
            int    ob_size = ObjectOffset.Size(type);

            // Set tp_basicsize to the size of our managed instance objects.
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_basicsize, (IntPtr)ob_size);

            var offset = (IntPtr)ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(type);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_dictoffset, offset);

            InitializeSlots(type, impl);

            int flags = TypeFlags.Default | TypeFlags.Managed |
                        TypeFlags.HeapType | TypeFlags.HaveGC;

            Util.WriteCLong(type, TypeOffset.tp_flags, flags);


            IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_dict);
            IntPtr mod  = Runtime.PyString_FromString("CLR");

            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__module__", mod);

            InitMethods(type, impl);

コード例 #4
        internal CLRObject(object ob, IntPtr tp)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(tp != IntPtr.Zero);
            IntPtr py = Runtime.PyType_GenericAlloc(tp, 0);

            long flags = Util.ReadCLong(tp, TypeOffset.tp_flags);

            if ((flags & TypeFlags.Subclass) != 0)
                IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(py, ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(tp));
                if (dict == IntPtr.Zero)
                    dict = Runtime.PyDict_New();
                    Marshal.WriteIntPtr(py, ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(tp), dict);

            GCHandle gc = AllocGCHandle(TrackTypes.Wrapper);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(py, ObjectOffset.magic(tp), (IntPtr)gc);
            tpHandle = tp;
            pyHandle = py;
            inst     = ob;

            // Fix the BaseException args (and __cause__ in case of Python 3)
            // slot if wrapping a CLR exception
コード例 #5
        public static void Finalize(IPythonDerivedType obj)
            FieldInfo fi   = obj.GetType().GetField("__pyobj__");
            var       self = (CLRObject)fi.GetValue(obj);

            // If python's been terminated then just free the gchandle.
            lock (Runtime.IsFinalizingLock)
                if (0 == Runtime.Py_IsInitialized() || Runtime.IsFinalizing)
                    if (self.gcHandle.IsAllocated)

            // delete the python object in an async task as we may not be able to acquire
            // the GIL immediately and we don't want to block the GC thread.
            // FIXME: t isn't used
            Task t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                lock (Runtime.IsFinalizingLock)
                    // If python's been terminated then just free the gchandle.
                    if (0 == Runtime.Py_IsInitialized() || Runtime.IsFinalizing)
                        if (self.gcHandle.IsAllocated)

                    IntPtr gs = Runtime.PyGILState_Ensure();
                        // the C# object is being destroyed which must mean there are no more
                        // references to the Python object as well so now we can dealloc the
                        // python object.
                        IntPtr dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(self.pyHandle, ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(self.tpHandle));
                        if (dict != IntPtr.Zero)
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Standard dealloc implementation for instances of reflected types.
        /// </summary>
        public static void tp_dealloc(IntPtr ob)
            ManagedType self = GetManagedObject(ob);
            IntPtr      dict = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ob, ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(self.tpHandle));

            if (dict != IntPtr.Zero)
コード例 #7
ファイル: moduleobject.cs プロジェクト: zhuliice/pythonnet
        public ModuleObject(string name)
            if (name == string.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Name must not be empty!");
            moduleName = name;
            cache      = new Dictionary <string, ManagedType>();
            _namespace = name;

            // Use the filename from any of the assemblies just so there's something for
            // anything that expects __file__ to be set.
            var filename  = "unknown";
            var docstring = "Namespace containing types from the following assemblies:\n\n";

            foreach (Assembly a in AssemblyManager.GetAssemblies(name))
                if (!a.IsDynamic && a.Location != null)
                    filename = a.Location;
                docstring += "- " + a.FullName + "\n";

            dict = Runtime.PyDict_New();
            IntPtr pyname      = Runtime.PyString_FromString(moduleName);
            IntPtr pyfilename  = Runtime.PyString_FromString(filename);
            IntPtr pydocstring = Runtime.PyString_FromString(docstring);
            IntPtr pycls       = TypeManager.GetTypeHandle(GetType());

            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__name__", pyname);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__file__", pyfilename);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__doc__", pydocstring);
            Runtime.PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__class__", pycls);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(pyHandle, ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(tpHandle), dict);

コード例 #8
ファイル: typemanager.cs プロジェクト: danielldx/pythonnet
        /// <summary>
        /// The following CreateType implementations do the necessary work to
        /// create Python types to represent managed extension types, reflected
        /// types, subclasses of reflected types and the managed metatype. The
        /// dance is slightly different for each kind of type due to different
        /// behavior needed and the desire to have the existing Python runtime
        /// do as much of the allocation and initialization work as possible.
        /// </summary>
        internal static IntPtr CreateType(Type impl)
            IntPtr type    = AllocateTypeObject(impl.Name, metatype: Runtime.PyTypeType);
            int    ob_size = ObjectOffset.Size(type);

            // Set tp_basicsize to the size of our managed instance objects.
            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_basicsize, (IntPtr)ob_size);

            var offset = (IntPtr)ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(type);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_dictoffset, offset);

            SlotsHolder slotsHolder = CreateSolotsHolder(type);

            InitializeSlots(type, impl, slotsHolder);

            var flags = TypeFlags.Default | TypeFlags.Managed |
                        TypeFlags.HeapType | TypeFlags.HaveGC;

            Util.WriteCLong(type, TypeOffset.tp_flags, (int)flags);

            if (Runtime.PyType_Ready(type) != 0)
                throw new PythonException();

            var dict = new BorrowedReference(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(type, TypeOffset.tp_dict));
            var mod  = NewReference.DangerousFromPointer(Runtime.PyString_FromString("CLR"));

            Runtime.PyDict_SetItem(dict, PyIdentifier.__module__, mod);

            InitMethods(type, impl);

            // The type has been modified after PyType_Ready has been called
            // Refresh the type
コード例 #9
        protected static void SetObjectDict(IntPtr ob, IntPtr value)
            IntPtr type = Runtime.PyObject_TYPE(ob);

            Marshal.WriteIntPtr(ob, ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(type), value);
コード例 #10
        protected static IntPtr GetObjectDict(IntPtr ob)
            IntPtr type = Runtime.PyObject_TYPE(ob);

            return(Marshal.ReadIntPtr(ob, ObjectOffset.TypeDictOffset(type)));