コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            //Validation of parameters and user have been successful. We may now proceed to read from the database
            var adoKeywordRelease = new Keyword_Release_ADO();

            if (DTO.LngIsoCode != null)
                Keyword_BSO_Extract bse = new Keyword_BSO_Extract(DTO.LngIsoCode);
                DTO.KrlValue = bse.Singularize(DTO.KrlValue);

            //Create the Keyword_Subject - and retrieve the newly created Id
            int newId = adoKeywordRelease.Create(Ado, DTO);

            if (newId == 0)
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.create");
            else if (newId < 0)
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.duplicate");

            Response.data = JSONRPC.success;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool Execute()
            Keyword_Release_ADO adoKeywordRelease = new Keyword_Release_ADO();

            //You can't change the mandatory flag
            DTO.KrlMandatoryFlag = false;
            if (DTO.LngIsoCode != null)
                Keyword_BSO_Extract bse = new Keyword_BSO_Extract(DTO.LngIsoCode);
                DTO.KrlValue = bse.Singularize(DTO.KrlValue);
            int updated = adoKeywordRelease.Update(Ado, DTO);

            if (updated == 0)
                Log.Instance.Debug("No record found for update request");
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.delete");
            else if (updated < 0)
                Response.error = Label.Get("error.duplicate");

            Response.data = JSONRPC.success;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates a Keyword Subject
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dto"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal int Update(Keyword_Subject_DTO dto)
            if (dto.LngIsoCode != null)
                Keyword_BSO_Extract bse = new Keyword_BSO_Extract(dto.LngIsoCode);
                dto.KsbValue = bse.Singularize(dto.KsbValue);

            var inputParams = new List <ADO_inputParams>()
                new ADO_inputParams()
                    name = "@KsbCode", value = dto.KsbCode
                new ADO_inputParams()
                    name = "@KsbValue", value = dto.KsbValue
                new ADO_inputParams()
                    name = "@KsbMandatoryFlag", value = dto.KsbMandatoryFlag != null?dto.KsbMandatoryFlag:false
                new ADO_inputParams()
                    name = "@KsbSingularisedFlag", value = dto.LngIsoCode != null

            var returnParam = new ADO_returnParam()
                name = "@ReturnVal", value = 0

            ado.ExecuteNonQueryProcedure("System_Navigation_Keyword_Subject_Update", inputParams, ref returnParam);
