コード例 #1
        public static KarthicBST <int> SetUpNonBinarySearchTree()
            KarthicBST <int> bt = new KarthicBST <int>();

            bt.Root = new KarthicBTNode <int>(8);

            //set level 1
            bt.Root.Left  = new KarthicBTNode <int>(3);
            bt.Root.Right = new KarthicBTNode <int>(10);

            //set level 2
            bt.Root.Left.Left = new KarthicBTNode <int>(1);

            bt.Root.Left.Right       = new KarthicBTNode <int>(6);
            bt.Root.Left.Right.Left  = new KarthicBTNode <int>(4);
            bt.Root.Left.Right.Right = new KarthicBTNode <int>(7);

            bt.Root.Right.Right      = new KarthicBTNode <int>(14);
            bt.Root.Right.Right.Left = new KarthicBTNode <int>(13);

            //making non binary tree
            bt.Root.Right.Right.Left.Right = new KarthicBTNode <int>(11);

            ////making the tree unbalaced
            //bt.Root.Left.Left.Left.Left = new KarthicBTNode<int>(9);

コード例 #2
        private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);

            string check = sb.ToString();

            //Given the node of a bst, find the next node of the given node via in-order traversal

            //In-order traversal  left, current  and right

            // public Node Inordersuccessor(node)
            ///   if(node has right subtree)
            ///     return (left most node of right subtree)
            ///   else
            ///     while (n is right of n.parent)
            ///            n = n.parent
            ///       return n.parent

            KarthicBTNode <int> next = tree.NextInOrderSuccessor(tree.Find(10, tree.Root));
コード例 #3
        public static KarthicBST <int> SetUpBinarySearchTree()
            KarthicBST <int> btree = new KarthicBST <int>();

            btree.Root = new KarthicBTNode <int>(8);
            btree.Insert(3, btree.Root);
            btree.Insert(10, btree.Root);
            btree.Insert(1, btree.Root);
            btree.Insert(6, btree.Root);
            btree.Insert(4, btree.Root);
            btree.Insert(7, btree.Root);
            btree.Insert(14, btree.Root);
            btree.Insert(13, btree.Root);

            //bt.Root = new KarthicBTNode<int>(8);

            ////set level 1
            //bt.Root.Left = new KarthicBTNode<int>(3);
            //bt.Root.Right = new KarthicBTNode<int>(10);

            ////set level 2
            //bt.Root.Left.Left = new KarthicBTNode<int>(1);

            //bt.Root.Left.Right = new KarthicBTNode<int>(6);
            //bt.Root.Left.Right.Left = new KarthicBTNode<int>(4);
            //bt.Root.Left.Right.Right = new KarthicBTNode<int>(7);

            //bt.Root.Right.Right = new KarthicBTNode<int>(14);
            //bt.Root.Right.Right.Left = new KarthicBTNode<int>(13);
            ////making the tree unbalaced
            //bt.Root.Left.Left.Left.Left = new KarthicBTNode<int>(9);

コード例 #4
        private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Things to ask interviewer
            //1) Is it BST OR BINARY tree?. If it is bst we can use the value and compare

            //bst code

            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);

            string check = sb.ToString();

            KarthicBTNode <int> node1 = tree.Find(4, tree.Root);
            KarthicBTNode <int> node2 = tree.Find(7, tree.Root);
            KarthicBTNode <int> root  = tree.Root;

            KarthicBTNode <int> result2 = tree.FindFirstCommonAncestorForOnlyBST(tree.Root, tree.Find(4, tree.Root), tree.Find(103, tree.Root));

            //2) Is the parent node is given...

            //If the parent node is given and addition datastructure is allowed

            //Take one node and mark all the path visited as true from root..either modify tree node struc or use ht
            //Take another node and keep track of last visited..when we reach first non-visited path then last visited will be ancestor

            //if the parent node is goven and addition datasturc not allowed
コード例 #5
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int[] array = AlgorithmHelper.ConvertCommaSeparetedStringToInt(this.textBox1.Text);

            KarthicBST <int> tree = new KarthicBST <int>();

            tree.Root = ConstructTreeusingStacks(array);

            string output = tree.PreOrderTraversal(tree.Root);

            bool result = String.Equals(this.textBox1.Text, output.Substring(0, output.LastIndexOf(',')), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);


            KarthicBST <int> tree1 = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();

            string test1 = tree1.PreOrderTraversal(tree1.Root);

            int[] input2 = AlgorithmHelper.ConvertCommaSeparetedStringToInt(test1);

            KarthicBST <int> tree3 = new KarthicBST <int>();

            tree3.Root = ConstructTreeusingStacks(input2);

            string test2 = tree3.PreOrderTraversal(tree3.Root);

            bool result2 = String.Equals(test1, test2, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
コード例 #6
        private void button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //This is an optimized way to check a tree is bst or not
            //logic during iteration make sure every node satisfies the bst definition and also check this case

            //Though the 25 is on the right of the node 10..it is still larger than 20 (root)
            //so during every iteration we need to maintain the min and max of every node

            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpNonBinarySearchTree();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);

            string check = sb.ToString();

            //int[] array = new int[9];

            //InOrderTraversalResult(tree.Root, array, 0);

            //If it is BST, the resulting array should in sorted order

            string output = tree.IsBSTOptimalSolution(tree.Root) ? "Tree is BST" : "Tree is not BST";
コード例 #7
        private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();
            StringBuilder    sb   = new StringBuilder();

            tree.MorrisInOrderTraversal(tree.Root, sb);
            string output = sb.ToString();
コード例 #8
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int k = Convert.ToInt16(this.textBox2.Text);

            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();

            this.textBox3.Text = FindkthSmallestNodeByChildNo(tree.Root, k).Data.ToString();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);
コード例 #9
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int[] array = AlgorithmHelper.ConvertCommaSeparetedStringToInt(this.textBox1.Text);

            KarthicBST <int> tree = new KarthicBST <int>();

            tree.Root = ConstructTreeWithMinAndMax(array, 0, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue, array[0]).treenode;

            string output = tree.PreOrderTraversal(tree.Root);

            bool result = String.Equals(this.textBox1.Text, output.Substring(0, output.LastIndexOf(',')), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
コード例 #10
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int[] array = AlgorithmHelper.ConvertCommaSeparetedStringToInt(this.textBox1.Text);

            KarthicBST <int> tree = new KarthicBST <int>();

            tree.Root = BuildTreeWithPreOrderArray(array, 0, 0, array.Length - 1).treenode;

            string output = tree.PreOrderTraversal(tree.Root);

            bool result = String.Equals(this.textBox1.Text, output.Substring(0, output.LastIndexOf(',')), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
コード例 #11
        private void button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();

            int input = Convert.ToInt32(this.textBox4.Text);

            //int input =
            KarthicBTNode <int> result = tree.Find(input, tree.Root);

            //KarthicBTNode<int> result = tree.Find2(input, tree.Root);

            this.textBox6.Text = (result != null) ? "true" : "false";
コード例 #12
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int k = Convert.ToInt16(this.textBox2.Text);

            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();

            Stack <KarthicBTNode <int> > mystack = new Stack <KarthicBTNode <int> >();

            this.textBox3.Text = FindkthsmallestnodebyInordertraversal(tree.Root, k, mystack).node.Data.ToString();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);
コード例 #13
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            char[] inorderarray  = AlgorithmHelper.ConvertCommaSeparetedStringToCharArray(this.textBox2.Text);
            char[] preorderarray = AlgorithmHelper.ConvertCommaSeparetedStringToCharArray(this.textBox3.Text);

            CustomNode <char> tree = new CustomNode <char>();
            KarthicBST <char> root = new KarthicBST <char>();

            tree = BuildBSTreeFromInOrderAndPreOrderArray(preorderarray, 0, inorderarray, 0, inorderarray.Length - 1);

            //The result tree
            //        //A
            //       /   \
            //     /       \
            //    B         C
            //   / \        /
            // /     \    /
            //D       E  F
コード例 #14
        private void button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //KarthicBinaryTree<int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinaryTree();

            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);

            string check = sb.ToString();

            KarthicBTNode <int> node = tree.FindFirstCommonAncestor(tree.Root, tree.Find(1, tree.Root), tree.Find(6, tree.Root));

            KarthicBTNode <int> node1 = tree.FindFirstCommonAncestor(tree.Root, tree.Find(4, tree.Root), tree.Find(7, tree.Root));

            KarthicBTNode <int> node2 = tree.FindFirstCommonAncestor(tree.Root, tree.Find(4, tree.Root), tree.Find(14, tree.Root));
コード例 #15
        private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);

            string check = sb.ToString();

            KarthicBTNode <int> node1 = tree.Find(4, tree.Root);
            KarthicBTNode <int> node2 = tree.Find(7, tree.Root);
            KarthicBTNode <int> root  = tree.Root;

            KarthicBTNode <int> result1 = tree.FindFirstCommonAncestorUsingParent(root, null, null);

            KarthicBTNode <int> result2 = tree.FindFirstCommonAncestorUsingParent(tree.Root, tree.Find(4, tree.Root), tree.Find(103, tree.Root));
コード例 #16
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Given an sorted array..we need to create a binary tree with minimal height..
            //we can't add node to binary tree by iterating through array bcoz the height will grow on left or right side

            int[] array = { 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77 };

            int length = array.Length;

            KarthicBST <int> tree = new KarthicBST <int>();

            tree.Root = CreateBinarySearchTreeWithMinimalHeight(array);

            int height = tree.GetHeight(tree.Root);

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);
コード例 #17
        private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpBinarySearchTree();
            //Test In-Order Traversal
            //Traverse the binary tree in the follwing leftnode, current, right node
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);
            string test = sb.ToString();
            //Expected output: 1,3,4,6,7,8,10,13,14
            int value = Convert.ToInt16(this.textBox5.Text);
            //Insert a node value of 20
            KarthicBST <int> newtree = new KarthicBST <int>();

            newtree.Root = tree.Insert(value, tree.Root);
            StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();

            newtree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb2);
            this.textBox7.Text = sb2.ToString();
            //Expected output: 1,3,4,6,7,8,10,13,14,20
コード例 #18
        private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //To check the given tree is bst, If we use in-order sort we will get all the data in ascending order..
            //put the result in an array and check whether the array is sorted..
            //limitation: This won't work for duplicate records example below


            //The resulting array for both case will be 25 20 20..but the second case is invalid

            //so array sort will work only for non duplicate values

            KarthicBST <int> tree = TreeHelper.SetUpNonBinarySearchTree();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            tree.InOrderTraversal(tree.Root, ref sb);

            string check = sb.ToString();

            //int[] array = new int[9];

            //InOrderTraversalResult(tree.Root, array, 0);

            //If it is BST, the resulting array should in sorted order

            string output = tree.IsBinarySearchTree() ? "Tree is BST" : "Tree is not BST";