コード例 #1
ファイル: GameOverMenu.cs プロジェクト: kevincos/PuzzleBox
        public MenuResult Update(GameTime gameTime)
            cooldown -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (cooldown < 0) cooldown = 0;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.SCORECHECK)
                currentCharacter = 0;
                rank = -1;
                HighScoreData highScoreData = HighScoreTracker.LoadHighScores();
                if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.TimeAttack)
                    levelData = highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level];
                    highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].played = true;
                    if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank < 3 && score >= Game.currentSettings.three_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Outstanding job! This patient has made a full \nrecovery, giving you the top ranking! Way to go!";
                        highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank = 3;
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank < 2 && score >= Game.currentSettings.two_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Great job! You've earned two stars! Try to score\n" + Game.currentSettings.three_star + " points to make it to the next rank!";
                        highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank = 2;
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank == 0)
                        highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank = 1;
                        congratulationsMessage = "Good job! You've earned one star! Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.two_star + " \npoints to make it to the next rank!";
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank == 3)
                        congratulationsMessage = "This patient has already made a full recovery! \nYou should see if you can beat your high score!";
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank == 2)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.three_star + " points to earn three \nstars!";
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank == 1)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.two_star + " points to earn two \nstars!";
                        congratulationsMessage = "BUG!";

                    for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (score >= levelData.highScores[i])
                            if (i < 4)
                                levelData.highScores[i + 1] = levelData.highScores[i];
                                levelData.playerNames[i + 1] = levelData.playerNames[i];

                            initials = levelData.playerNames[i];
                            rank = i;
                            levelData.highScores[i] = score;
                    if (score >= Game.currentSettings.two_star && level < highScoreData.timeAttackLevels.Count()-1)
                            highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level + 1].unlocked = true;
                if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.MoveChallenge)
                    levelData = highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level];
                    highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].played = true;
                    if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank < 3 && score >= Game.currentSettings.three_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Outstanding job! This patient has made a full \nrecovery, giving you the top ranking! Way to go!";
                        highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank = 3;
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank < 2 && score >= Game.currentSettings.two_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Great job! You've earned two stars! Try to score \n" + Game.currentSettings.three_star + " points to make it to the next rank!";
                        highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank = 2;
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank == 0)
                        highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank = 1;
                        congratulationsMessage = "Good job! You've earned one star! Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.two_star + " \npoints to make it to the next rank!";
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank == 3)
                        congratulationsMessage = "This patient has already made a full recovery! \nYou should see if you can beat your high score!";
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank == 2)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.three_star + " points to earn three \nstars!";
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank == 1)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.two_star + " points to earn two \nstars!";
                        congratulationsMessage = "BUG!";
                    for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (score >= levelData.highScores[i])
                            if (i < 4)
                                levelData.highScores[i + 1] = levelData.highScores[i];
                                levelData.playerNames[i + 1] = levelData.playerNames[i];

                            initials = levelData.playerNames[i];
                            rank = i;
                            levelData.highScores[i] = score;
                    if (score >= Game.currentSettings.two_star && level < highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels.Count() - 1)
                        if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level + 1] != null)
                            highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level + 1].unlocked = true;
                else if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.Puzzle)
                    levelData = highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level];
                    highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].played = true;
                    TimeSpan twoStarTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, Game.currentSettings.two_star);
                    TimeSpan threeStarTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, Game.currentSettings.three_star);
                    if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank < 3 && score <= Game.currentSettings.three_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Outstanding job! This patient has made a full \nrecovery, giving you the top ranking! Way to go!";
                        highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank = 3;
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank < 2 && score <= Game.currentSettings.two_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = string.Format("Great job! You've earned two stars! Try to finish \nin under {0}:{1:D2} to make it to the next rank!",threeStarTime.Minutes,threeStarTime.Seconds);
                        highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank = 2;
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank == 0)
                        highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank = 1;
                        congratulationsMessage = string.Format("Good job! You've earned one star! Try to finish \nin under {0}:{1:D2} to make it to the next rank!",twoStarTime.Minutes,twoStarTime.Seconds);
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank == 3)
                        congratulationsMessage = "This patient has already made a full recovery! \nSee if you can beat your high score!";
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank == 2)
                        congratulationsMessage = string.Format("Try to finish in under {0}:{1:D2} to earn three \nstars!", threeStarTime.Minutes, threeStarTime.Seconds);
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank == 1)
                        congratulationsMessage = string.Format("Try to finish in under {0}:{1:D2} to earn two \nstars!",twoStarTime.Minutes,twoStarTime.Seconds);
                        congratulationsMessage = "BUG!";
                    for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (score <= levelData.highScores[i])
                            if (i < 4)
                                levelData.highScores[i + 1] = levelData.highScores[i];
                                levelData.playerNames[i + 1] = levelData.playerNames[i];

                            initials = levelData.playerNames[i];
                            rank = i;
                            levelData.highScores[i] = score;

                    if (score <= Game.currentSettings.two_star && level < highScoreData.puzzleLevels.Count() - 1)
                        List<Settings> puzzleSettings = SettingsLoader.LoadPuzzleLevels();
                        if (Game.currentSettings.difficulty == Difficulty.EASY)
                            for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSettings.Count(); i++)
                                if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[i] != null && (puzzleSettings[i].difficulty == Difficulty.MEDIUM || puzzleSettings[i].difficulty == Difficulty.EASY))
                                    highScoreData.puzzleLevels[i].unlocked = true;
                        if (Game.currentSettings.difficulty == Difficulty.MEDIUM)
                            for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSettings.Count(); i++)
                                if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[i] != null && puzzleSettings[i].difficulty == Difficulty.HARD)
                                    highScoreData.puzzleLevels[i].unlocked = true;

                state = GameOverMenuState.DOCTORIN;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.DOCTORIN || state == GameOverMenuState.DOCTOROUT || state == GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEDOWN || state == GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEUP)
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.DOCTORIN && animateTime > 250)
                state = GameOverMenuState.READY;
                    state = GameOverMenuState.INITIALS;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.DOCTOROUT && animateTime > 250)
                animateTime = 0;
                state = GameOverMenuState.DOCTORIN;
                return result;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEDOWN && animateTime > 250)
                animateTime = 0;
                state = GameOverMenuState.READY;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEUP && animateTime > 250)
                animateTime = 0;
                state = GameOverMenuState.READY;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.INITIALS && cooldown == 0)
                GamePadState gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(Game.playerIndex);
                Vector2 leftStick = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left;
                Vector2 rightStick = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) || leftStick.Y < -Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger || rightStick.Y < -Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger)
                    Char[] cArray = initials.ToCharArray();
                    Char c = cArray[currentCharacter];
                    if (c < 'A') c = 'Z';
                    cArray[currentCharacter] = c;
                    initials = new String(cArray);
                    cooldown = 100;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadUp) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadUp) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) || leftStick.Y > Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger || rightStick.Y > Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger)
                    Char[] cArray = initials.ToCharArray();
                    Char c = cArray[currentCharacter];
                    if (c > 'Z') c = 'A';
                    cArray[currentCharacter] = c;
                    initials = new String(cArray);
                    cooldown = 100;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadRight) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadRight) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.A))

                    cooldown = 250;
                    if (currentCharacter > 2)
                        cooldown = 500;
                        levelData.playerNames[rank] = initials;
                        HighScoreData data = HighScoreTracker.LoadHighScores();
                        levelData.played = true;
                        if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.TimeAttack)
                            data.timeAttackLevels[level] = levelData;
                        else if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.Puzzle)
                            data.puzzleLevels[level] = levelData;
                            data.moveChallengeLevels[level] = levelData;
                        state = GameOverMenuState.READY;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadLeft) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadLeft) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.B))
                    if (currentCharacter > 0)
                        cooldown = 250;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.READY && cooldown == 0)
                GamePadState gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(Game.playerIndex);
                Vector2 leftStick = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left;
                Vector2 rightStick = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right;

                if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.A) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.Start))
                    result = optionList[selectedIndex].result;
                    animateTime = 0;
                    state = GameOverMenuState.DOCTOROUT;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) || leftStick.Y < -Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger || rightStick.Y < -Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger)
                    if (selectedIndex < optionList.Count() - 1)
                        state = GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEDOWN;
                        animateTime = 0;
                        cooldown = 250;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadUp) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadUp) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) || leftStick.Y > Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger || rightStick.Y > Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger)
                    if (selectedIndex > 0)
                        state = GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEUP;
                        animateTime = 0;

                        cooldown = 250;
            return MenuResult.None;
コード例 #2
ファイル: GameOverMenu.cs プロジェクト: kevincos/PuzzleBox
        public MenuResult Update(GameTime gameTime)
            cooldown -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (cooldown < 0)
                cooldown = 0;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.SCORECHECK)
                currentCharacter = 0;
                rank             = -1;
                HighScoreData highScoreData = HighScoreTracker.LoadHighScores();
                if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.TimeAttack)
                    levelData = highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level];
                    highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].played = true;
                    if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank < 3 && score >= Game.currentSettings.three_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Outstanding job! This patient has made a full \nrecovery, giving you the top ranking! Way to go!";
                        highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank = 3;
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank < 2 && score >= Game.currentSettings.two_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Great job! You've earned two stars! Try to score\n" + Game.currentSettings.three_star + " points to make it to the next rank!";
                        highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank = 2;
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank == 0)
                        highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank = 1;
                        congratulationsMessage = "Good job! You've earned one star! Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.two_star + " \npoints to make it to the next rank!";
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank == 3)
                        congratulationsMessage = "This patient has already made a full recovery! \nYou should see if you can beat your high score!";
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank == 2)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.three_star + " points to earn three \nstars!";
                    else if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level].rank == 1)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.two_star + " points to earn two \nstars!";
                        congratulationsMessage = "BUG!";

                    for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (score >= levelData.highScores[i])
                            if (i < 4)
                                levelData.highScores[i + 1]  = levelData.highScores[i];
                                levelData.playerNames[i + 1] = levelData.playerNames[i];
                            initials = levelData.playerNames[i];
                            rank     = i;
                            levelData.highScores[i] = score;
                    if (score >= Game.currentSettings.two_star && level < highScoreData.timeAttackLevels.Count() - 1)
                        if (highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level + 1] != null)
                            highScoreData.timeAttackLevels[level + 1].unlocked = true;
                if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.MoveChallenge)
                    levelData = highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level];
                    highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].played = true;
                    if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank < 3 && score >= Game.currentSettings.three_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Outstanding job! This patient has made a full \nrecovery, giving you the top ranking! Way to go!";
                        highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank = 3;
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank < 2 && score >= Game.currentSettings.two_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Great job! You've earned two stars! Try to score \n" + Game.currentSettings.three_star + " points to make it to the next rank!";
                        highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank = 2;
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank == 0)
                        highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank = 1;
                        congratulationsMessage = "Good job! You've earned one star! Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.two_star + " \npoints to make it to the next rank!";
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank == 3)
                        congratulationsMessage = "This patient has already made a full recovery! \nYou should see if you can beat your high score!";
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank == 2)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.three_star + " points to earn three \nstars!";
                    else if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level].rank == 1)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Try to score " + Game.currentSettings.two_star + " points to earn two \nstars!";
                        congratulationsMessage = "BUG!";
                    for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (score >= levelData.highScores[i])
                            if (i < 4)
                                levelData.highScores[i + 1]  = levelData.highScores[i];
                                levelData.playerNames[i + 1] = levelData.playerNames[i];
                            initials = levelData.playerNames[i];
                            rank     = i;
                            levelData.highScores[i] = score;
                    if (score >= Game.currentSettings.two_star && level < highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels.Count() - 1)
                        if (highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level + 1] != null)
                            highScoreData.moveChallengeLevels[level + 1].unlocked = true;
                else if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.Puzzle)
                    levelData = highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level];
                    highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].played = true;
                    TimeSpan twoStarTime   = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, Game.currentSettings.two_star);
                    TimeSpan threeStarTime = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, Game.currentSettings.three_star);
                    if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank < 3 && score <= Game.currentSettings.three_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = "Outstanding job! This patient has made a full \nrecovery, giving you the top ranking! Way to go!";
                        highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank = 3;
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank < 2 && score <= Game.currentSettings.two_star)
                        congratulationsMessage = string.Format("Great job! You've earned two stars! Try to finish \nin under {0}:{1:D2} to make it to the next rank!", threeStarTime.Minutes, threeStarTime.Seconds);
                        highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank = 2;
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank == 0)
                        highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank = 1;
                        congratulationsMessage = string.Format("Good job! You've earned one star! Try to finish \nin under {0}:{1:D2} to make it to the next rank!", twoStarTime.Minutes, twoStarTime.Seconds);
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank == 3)
                        congratulationsMessage = "This patient has already made a full recovery! \nSee if you can beat your high score!";
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank == 2)
                        congratulationsMessage = string.Format("Try to finish in under {0}:{1:D2} to earn three \nstars!", threeStarTime.Minutes, threeStarTime.Seconds);
                    else if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[level].rank == 1)
                        congratulationsMessage = string.Format("Try to finish in under {0}:{1:D2} to earn two \nstars!", twoStarTime.Minutes, twoStarTime.Seconds);
                        congratulationsMessage = "BUG!";
                    for (int i = 4; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (score <= levelData.highScores[i])
                            if (i < 4)
                                levelData.highScores[i + 1]  = levelData.highScores[i];
                                levelData.playerNames[i + 1] = levelData.playerNames[i];
                            initials = levelData.playerNames[i];
                            rank     = i;
                            levelData.highScores[i] = score;

                    if (score <= Game.currentSettings.two_star && level < highScoreData.puzzleLevels.Count() - 1)
                        List <Settings> puzzleSettings = SettingsLoader.LoadPuzzleLevels();
                        if (Game.currentSettings.difficulty == Difficulty.EASY)
                            for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSettings.Count(); i++)
                                if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[i] != null && (puzzleSettings[i].difficulty == Difficulty.MEDIUM || puzzleSettings[i].difficulty == Difficulty.EASY))
                                    highScoreData.puzzleLevels[i].unlocked = true;
                        if (Game.currentSettings.difficulty == Difficulty.MEDIUM)
                            for (int i = 0; i < puzzleSettings.Count(); i++)
                                if (highScoreData.puzzleLevels[i] != null && puzzleSettings[i].difficulty == Difficulty.HARD)
                                    highScoreData.puzzleLevels[i].unlocked = true;
                state = GameOverMenuState.DOCTORIN;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.DOCTORIN || state == GameOverMenuState.DOCTOROUT || state == GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEDOWN || state == GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEUP)
                animateTime += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.DOCTORIN && animateTime > 250)
                state = GameOverMenuState.READY;
                if (rank != -1)
                    state = GameOverMenuState.INITIALS;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.DOCTOROUT && animateTime > 250)
                animateTime = 0;
                state       = GameOverMenuState.DOCTORIN;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEDOWN && animateTime > 250)
                animateTime = 0;
                state       = GameOverMenuState.READY;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEUP && animateTime > 250)
                animateTime = 0;
                state       = GameOverMenuState.READY;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.INITIALS && cooldown == 0)
                GamePadState gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(Game.playerIndex);
                Vector2      leftStick    = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left;
                Vector2      rightStick   = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) || leftStick.Y < -Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger || rightStick.Y < -Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger)
                    Char[] cArray = initials.ToCharArray();
                    Char   c      = cArray[currentCharacter];
                    if (c < 'A')
                        c = 'Z';
                    cArray[currentCharacter] = c;
                    initials = new String(cArray);
                    cooldown = 100;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadUp) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadUp) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) || leftStick.Y > Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger || rightStick.Y > Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger)
                    Char[] cArray = initials.ToCharArray();
                    Char   c      = cArray[currentCharacter];
                    if (c > 'Z')
                        c = 'A';
                    cArray[currentCharacter] = c;
                    initials = new String(cArray);
                    cooldown = 100;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadRight) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadRight) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.A))
                    cooldown = 250;
                    if (currentCharacter > 2)
                        cooldown = 500;
                        levelData.playerNames[rank] = initials;
                        HighScoreData data = HighScoreTracker.LoadHighScores();
                        levelData.played = true;
                        if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.TimeAttack)
                            data.timeAttackLevels[level] = levelData;
                        else if (Game.currentSettings.mode == GameMode.Puzzle)
                            data.puzzleLevels[level] = levelData;
                            data.moveChallengeLevels[level] = levelData;
                        state = GameOverMenuState.READY;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadLeft) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadLeft) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.B))
                    if (currentCharacter > 0)
                        cooldown = 250;
            if (state == GameOverMenuState.READY && cooldown == 0)
                GamePadState gamePadState = GamePad.GetState(Game.playerIndex);
                Vector2      leftStick    = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Left;
                Vector2      rightStick   = gamePadState.ThumbSticks.Right;

                if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.A) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.Start))
                    result      = optionList[selectedIndex].result;
                    animateTime = 0;
                    state       = GameOverMenuState.DOCTOROUT;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadDown) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Down) || leftStick.Y < -Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger || rightStick.Y < -Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger)
                    if (selectedIndex < optionList.Count() - 1)
                        state       = GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEDOWN;
                        animateTime = 0;
                        cooldown = 250;
                if (gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadUp) || gamePadState.IsButtonDown(Buttons.DPadUp) || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Up) || leftStick.Y > Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger || rightStick.Y > Game.gameSettings.controlStickTrigger)
                    if (selectedIndex > 0)
                        state       = GameOverMenuState.ANIMATEUP;
                        animateTime = 0;

                        cooldown = 250;