コード例 #1
 public void NotifyInstantiatedObject(object obj)
     if (this.isDisposed) { return; }
     if (notification != Notification.Full) { return; }
     ObjectEventArgs e = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
     this.Context.EventManager.OnInstantiatedObject(this, e);
コード例 #2
 public virtual void OnRemovedObject(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
コード例 #3
 public virtual void OnLoadedObject(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
コード例 #4
 public virtual void OnInstantiatedObject(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
コード例 #5
 public virtual void OnGotObject(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
コード例 #6
 private void Context_CountOnAcquiredIdentity(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
     hashAcquiredIdentities[e.EventObject] = e.EventObject;
コード例 #7
        public virtual object GetObject(object identity, Type type, bool lazy, bool ignoreObjectNotFound)
            type = AssemblyManager.GetBaseType(type);
            KeyStruct key = GetKey(type, identity);
            object obj;
            ObjectCancelEventArgs e;

            IObjectCache cache = GetObjectCache();

            obj = cache.LoadedObjects[key];
            if (obj != null)
                e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
                this.Context.EventManager.OnGettingObject(this, e);
                if (e.Cancel)
                    return null;
                obj = cache.UnloadedObjects[key];
                if (obj != null)
                    e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
                    this.Context.EventManager.OnGettingObject(this, e);
                    if (e.Cancel)
                        return null;
                    obj = this.Context.AssemblyManager.CreateInstance(type);
                    this.Context.ObjectManager.SetObjectIdentity(obj, key);
                    e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
                    this.Context.EventManager.OnGettingObject(this, e);
                    if (e.Cancel)
                        return null;
                    if (lazy)
                        cache.UnloadedObjects[key] = obj;
                        string strIdentity = ToStringIdentity(identity);
                        LoadObject(strIdentity, ref obj, ignoreObjectNotFound, type, key);
            ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
            this.Context.EventManager.OnGotObject(this, e2);
            return obj;
コード例 #8
 public virtual void OnDeletedObject(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
コード例 #9
		protected virtual void LoadObjectByIdOrKey(ref object obj, string keyPropertyName, object keyValue)
			IList parameters = new ArrayList() ;
			string propName;
			object orgValue;
			object value;
			ArrayList propertyNames = new ArrayList();
			IContext ctx = m_SqlEngineManager.Context;
			ObjectCancelEventArgs e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
			ctx.EventManager.OnLoadingObject(this, e);
			if (e.Cancel)
			IObjectManager om = ctx.ObjectManager;
			IPersistenceManager pm = ctx.PersistenceManager;
			IClassMap classMap = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
			IPropertyMap propertyMap;
			string sql = GetSelectStatement(obj, propertyNames, keyPropertyName, keyValue, parameters);
			IDataSource ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj);
			object[,] result = (object[,]) ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteArray(sql, ds, parameters);
			if (Util.IsArray(result))
				for (int row = 0; row <= result.GetUpperBound(1); row++)
					for (int col = 0; col <= result.GetUpperBound(0); col++)
						propName = (string) propertyNames[col];
						propertyMap = classMap.MustGetPropertyMap(propName);
						if (propertyMap.GetAllColumnMaps().Count < 2)
							orgValue = result[col, row];
							value = pm.ManageLoadedValue(obj, propertyMap, orgValue);
							om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propName, value);
							if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None)
								om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, orgValue);
								om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, value);
							om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propName, DBNull.Value.Equals(orgValue));
//							orgValue = result[col, row];
//							value = pm.ManageLoadedValue(obj, propertyMap, orgValue);
//							om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propName, value);
//							om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, orgValue);							
				//throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Object not found!"); // do not localize
				obj = null;
			ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
			ctx.EventManager.OnLoadedObject(this, e2);
コード例 #10
		public virtual void RemoveObject(object obj)
			this.SqlEngineManager.Context.LogManager.Info(this, "Removing object", "Type: " + obj.GetType().ToString()); // do not localize
			IList parameters = new ArrayList() ;
			IContext ctx = m_SqlEngineManager.Context;
			ObjectCancelEventArgs e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
			ctx.EventManager.OnRemovingObject(this, e);
			if (e.Cancel)
			string sql = GetDeleteStatement(obj, parameters);
			IDataSource ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj);
			int rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, parameters);
			IClassMap classMap = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
			if (rowsAffected < 1)
				if (!(SqlEngineManager.Context.PersistenceManager.GetDeleteOptimisticConcurrencyBehavior(OptimisticConcurrencyBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior, classMap) == OptimisticConcurrencyBehaviorType.Disabled))
					throw new OptimisticConcurrencyException("An optimistic concurrency exception occurred when deleting the row for object " + obj.GetType().ToString() + this.Context.ObjectManager.GetObjectKeyOrIdentity(obj) + " in the data source. The row may have been modified by another thread or user or is already deleted.", obj); // do not localize
			ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
			ctx.EventManager.OnRemovedObject(this, e2);
コード例 #11
		public virtual void UpdateObject(object obj, IList stillDirty)
			this.SqlEngineManager.Context.LogManager.Info(this, "Updating object", "Type: " + obj.GetType().ToString()); // do not localize
			IList parameters = new ArrayList() ;
			IContext ctx = m_SqlEngineManager.Context;
			IObjectManager om = ctx.ObjectManager;
			IListManager lm = ctx.ListManager;
			ArrayList propertyMaps = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList nonPrimaryPropertyMaps = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList collectionPropertyMaps = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList sqlAndParamsList = new ArrayList();
			IDataSource ds;
			int rowsAffected;
			ObjectCancelEventArgs e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
			ctx.EventManager.OnUpdatingObject(this, e);
			if (e.Cancel)
			IClassMap classMap = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
			string sql = GetUpdateStatement(obj, propertyMaps, stillDirty, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, collectionPropertyMaps, parameters);
			if (sql != "")
				ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj);
				rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, parameters);
				if (rowsAffected < 1)
					if (!(SqlEngineManager.Context.PersistenceManager.GetUpdateOptimisticConcurrencyBehavior(OptimisticConcurrencyBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior, classMap) == OptimisticConcurrencyBehaviorType.Disabled))
						throw new OptimisticConcurrencyException("An optimistic concurrency exception occurred when updating the row for object " + obj.GetType().ToString() + om.GetObjectKeyOrIdentity(obj) + ". The row may have been modified or deleted by another thread or user.\r\n", obj); // do not localize
//				foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in propertyMaps)
//				{
//					if (om.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propertyMap.Name))
//					{
//						om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, System.DBNull.Value);						
//					}
//					else
//					{						
//						om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name, om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name));						
//					}
//				}
			UpdateNonPrimaryProperties(obj, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, stillDirty);
			foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in collectionPropertyMaps)
				GetUpdateCollectionPropertyStatements(obj, propertyMap, sqlAndParamsList, stillDirty);
				ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				foreach (SqlStatementAndDbParameters sqlAndParams in sqlAndParamsList)
					sql = sqlAndParams.SqlStatement;
					rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, sqlAndParams.DbParameters );
					if (rowsAffected < 1)
						if (!(SqlEngineManager.Context.PersistenceManager.GetUpdateOptimisticConcurrencyBehavior(OptimisticConcurrencyBehaviorType.DefaultBehavior, classMap) == OptimisticConcurrencyBehaviorType.Disabled))
							throw new OptimisticConcurrencyException("An optimistic concurrency exception occurred when updating a collection property for object " + obj.GetType().ToString() + om.GetObjectKeyOrIdentity(obj) + ". The property may have been modified by another thread or user.", obj); // do not localize
			ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
			ctx.EventManager.OnUpdatedObject(this, e2);
コード例 #12
		public virtual void InsertObject(object obj, IList stillDirty)
			this.SqlEngineManager.Context.LogManager.Info(this, "Inserting object", "Type: " + obj.GetType().ToString()); // do not localize

			ArrayList propertyNames = new ArrayList();
			IList parameters = new ArrayList() ;
			ArrayList nonPrimaryPropertyMaps = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList collectionPropertyMaps = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList sqlAndParamsList = new ArrayList();
			int rowsAffected;
			IPropertyMap autoProp;
			IContext ctx = m_SqlEngineManager.Context;
			ObjectCancelEventArgs e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
			ctx.EventManager.OnInsertingObject(this, e);
			if (e.Cancel)
			IObjectManager om = ctx.ObjectManager;
			IListManager lm = ctx.ListManager;
			IClassMap classMap = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
			IDataSource ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj);
			if (classMap.HasSingleIdAutoIncreaser() && this.AutoIncreaserStrategy == AutoIncreaserStrategy.SelectNextSequence)
				autoProp = classMap.GetAutoIncreasingIdentityPropertyMap();
				IColumnMap seqColMap = autoProp.MustGetColumnMap();
				string seqName = seqColMap.Sequence ;
				if (seqName.Length < 1)
					throw new Exception("The column " + seqColMap.Name + " must have a sequence name associated with it (sequence=\"my_seq_name\" in the xml map file) since the column is marked as an autoincreaser and the SelectNextSequence AutoIncreasingStrategy is used!");

				string sqlSeq = GetSelectNextSequence(seqName);
				object newId = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(sqlSeq, ds, new ArrayList() );					
				UpdateAutoIncIdProperty(om, obj, classMap, newId);
			string sql = GetInsertStatement(obj, propertyNames, stillDirty, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, collectionPropertyMaps, parameters);
			if (classMap.HasSingleIdAutoIncreaser() && this.AutoIncreaserStrategy == AutoIncreaserStrategy.SelectNewIdentity)
				sql += this.StatementDelimiter + this.SelectNewIdentity;

				object[,] result = (object[,]) ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteArray(sql, ds, parameters);					
				if (Util.IsArray(result))
					object newId = result[0, 0];
					UpdateAutoIncIdProperty(om, obj, classMap, newId);
					throw new FailedFetchingDbGeneratedValueException("Could not find auto-increasing ID for new object!"); // do not localize
				rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, parameters);
				if (rowsAffected < 1)
					throw new RowNotInsertedException("A new row was not inserted in the data source for a new object."); // do not localize
//			foreach (string propName in propertyNames)
//			{
//				if (om.GetNullValueStatus(obj, propName))
//				{
//					om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, System.DBNull.Value);						
//				}
//				else
//				{						
//					om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propName));
//				}
//			}
			InsertNonPrimaryProperties(obj, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, stillDirty);
			foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in collectionPropertyMaps)
				GetInsertCollectionPropertyStatements(obj, propertyMap, sqlAndParamsList, stillDirty);
				ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj, propertyMap.Name);
				foreach (SqlStatementAndDbParameters sqlAndParams in sqlAndParamsList)
					sql = sqlAndParams.SqlStatement;
					rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, sqlAndParams.DbParameters);
					if (rowsAffected < 1)
						throw new RowNotInsertedException("A new row was not inserted in the data source for a collection property of a new object."); // do not localize
			if (stillDirty.Count > 0)
			ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
			ctx.EventManager.OnInsertedObject(this, e2);
コード例 #13
        protected virtual void LoadObjectByIdOrKey(ref object obj, string keyPropertyName, object keyValue)
                IList parameters = new ArrayList();
                string propName;
                object orgValue;
                object value;
                ArrayList propertyNames = new ArrayList();
                IContext ctx = m_SqlEngineManager.Context;
                ObjectCancelEventArgs e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
                ctx.EventManager.OnLoadingObject(this, e);
                if (e.Cancel)
                IObjectManager om = ctx.ObjectManager;
                IPersistenceManager pm = ctx.PersistenceManager;
                IClassMap classMap = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
                IPropertyMap propertyMap;
                string sql = GetSelectStatement(obj, propertyNames, keyPropertyName, keyValue, parameters);
                IDataSource ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj);
                object[,] result = (object[,])ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteArray(sql, ds, parameters);
                if (Util.IsArray(result))

                    for (int row = 0; row <= result.GetUpperBound(1); row++)
                        for (int col = 0; col <= result.GetUpperBound(0); col++)
                            propName = (string)propertyNames[col];
                            propertyMap = classMap.MustGetPropertyMap(propName);
                            if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
                                orgValue = result[col, row];
                                pm.ManageLoadedValue(obj, propertyMap, orgValue);
                                if (propertyMap.GetAllColumnMaps().Count < 2)
                                    orgValue = result[col, row];
                                    value = pm.ManageLoadedValue(obj, propertyMap, orgValue);
                                    om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propName, value);
                                    if (propertyMap.ReferenceType == ReferenceType.None)
                                        om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, orgValue);
                                        om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, value);
                                    om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, propName, DBNull.Value.Equals(orgValue));

                                    if (propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.None)
                                        this.Context.InverseManager.NotifyPropertyLoad(obj, propertyMap, value);
                                    //TODO: Add immediate ghost loading of refernced composite key objects.
                                    //							orgValue = result[col, row];
                                    //							value = pm.ManageLoadedValue(obj, propertyMap, orgValue);
                                    //							om.SetPropertyValue(obj, propName, value);
                                    //							om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, orgValue);
                    //throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Object not found!"); // do not localize
                    obj = null;
                ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
                ctx.EventManager.OnLoadedObject(this, e2);
            catch(Exception x)
                string message = string.Format("Failed to load object {0}.{1}\r\nMake sure mappings and actual data are intact", AssemblyManager.GetBaseType(obj).Name, this.Context.ObjectManager.GetObjectKeyOrIdentity(obj));
                throw new LoadException (message,x,obj);
コード例 #14
		public virtual void OnUpdatedObject(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
			if (this.ValidationManager.ValidateOnAfterUpdate)
				if (e.EventObject is IValidatable)
					((IValidatable) (e.EventObject)).Validate();
			if (!(m_RaiseEvents))
			if (!(m_RaiseAfterEvents))
			if (!(m_RaiseObjectEvents))
			foreach (IObserver observer in m_Observers)
				observer.OnUpdatedObject(sender, e);
			foreach (IObserver observer in m_AllTypeObservers)
				observer.OnUpdatedObject(sender, e);
			foreach (IObserver observer in GetTypeObservers(e.EventObject))
				observer.OnUpdatedObject(sender, e);
			foreach (IObserver observer in GetObjectObservers(e.EventObject))
				observer.OnUpdatedObject(sender, e);
			if (e.EventObject is IObservable)
				foreach (IEventListener eventListener in ((IObservable) (e.EventObject)).GetEventListeners())
					eventListener.OnUpdatedObject(sender, e);
			this.Observer.OnUpdatedObject(sender, e);
			if (e.EventObject is IEventListener)
				((IEventListener) (e.EventObject)).OnUpdatedObject(sender, e);
コード例 #15
		public virtual void OnInstantiatedObject(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
			if (!(m_RaiseEvents))
			if (!(m_RaiseAfterEvents))
			if (!(m_RaisePropertyEvents))
			foreach (IObserver observer in m_Observers)
				observer.OnInstantiatedObject(sender, e);
			foreach (IObserver observer in m_AllTypeObservers)
				observer.OnInstantiatedObject(sender, e);
			foreach (IObserver observer in GetTypeObservers(e.EventObject))
				observer.OnInstantiatedObject(sender, e);
			foreach (IObserver observer in GetObjectObservers(e.EventObject))
				observer.OnInstantiatedObject(sender, e);
			if (e.EventObject is IObservable)
				foreach (IEventListener eventListener in ((IObservable) (e.EventObject)).GetEventListeners())
					eventListener.OnInstantiatedObject(sender, e);
			this.Observer.OnInstantiatedObject(sender, e);
			if (e.EventObject is IEventListener)
				((IEventListener) (e.EventObject)).OnInstantiatedObject(sender, e);
コード例 #16
 public virtual void OnAcquiredIdentity(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
コード例 #17
 public virtual void OnCommittedObject(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
コード例 #18
        public override void InsertObject(object obj, IList stillDirty)
            IList parameters = new ArrayList() ;
            ArrayList propertyNames = new ArrayList();
            IPropertyMap propertyMap;

            ArrayList nonPrimaryPropertyMaps = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList collectionPropertyMaps = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList sqlStatements = new ArrayList();
            int rowsAffected;
            object autoID;
            IPropertyMap autoProp;
            IColumnMap autoPropCol;
            string autoPropName;
            string prevId;
            bool originalKeepOpen;
            IContext ctx = SqlEngineManager.Context;
            ObjectCancelEventArgs e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
            ctx.EventManager.OnInsertingObject(this, e);
            if (e.Cancel)
            IObjectManager om = ctx.ObjectManager;
            IListManager lm = ctx.ListManager;
            IClassMap classMap = ctx.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());
            string sqlSelect = "";
            string sql;
            if (classMap.HasSingleIdAutoIncreaser())
                sql = GetInsertStatement(obj, propertyNames, stillDirty, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, collectionPropertyMaps, ref sqlSelect, parameters);
                sql = GetInsertStatement(obj, propertyNames, stillDirty, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, collectionPropertyMaps, parameters);
            IDataSource ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj);
            if (classMap.HasSingleIdAutoIncreaser())
                originalKeepOpen = ds.KeepConnectionOpen;
                ds.KeepConnectionOpen = true;
                rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, parameters);
                if (!(rowsAffected == 1))
                    ds.KeepConnectionOpen = originalKeepOpen;
                    throw new NPersistException("An exception occurred when inserting the row for a new object into the data source. Exactly one row should have been affected by the insert operation. Instead " + rowsAffected + " rows were affected!"); // do not localize
                object[,] result = (object[,]) ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteArray(sqlSelect, ds, parameters);
                if (Util.IsArray(result))
                    prevId = om.GetObjectIdentity(obj);
                    autoProp = classMap.GetAutoIncreasingIdentityPropertyMap();
                    autoPropName = autoProp.Name;
                    autoPropCol = autoProp.GetColumnMap();
                    if (autoPropCol.DataType == DbType.Int64)
                        autoID = Convert.ToInt64(result[0, 0]);
                    else if (autoPropCol.DataType == DbType.Int16)
                        autoID = Convert.ToInt16(result[0, 0]);
                        autoID = Convert.ToInt32(result[0, 0]);
                    om.SetPropertyValue(obj, autoPropName, autoID);
                    //om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, autoPropName, autoID);
                    om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, autoPropName, false);
                    ctx.IdentityMap.UpdateIdentity(obj, prevId);
                    ds.KeepConnectionOpen = originalKeepOpen;
                    throw new FailedFetchingDbGeneratedValueException("Could not find auto-increasing ID for new object!"); // do not localize
                ds.KeepConnectionOpen = originalKeepOpen;
                rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, parameters);
                if (!(rowsAffected == 1))
                    throw new RowNotInsertedException("A new row was not inserted in the data source for a new object."); // do not localize
            //			foreach (string propName in propertyNames)
            //			{
            //				om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, propName, om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propName));
            //			}
            InsertNonPrimaryProperties(obj, nonPrimaryPropertyMaps, stillDirty);
            foreach (IPropertyMap iPpropertyMap in collectionPropertyMaps)
                propertyMap = iPpropertyMap;
                GetInsertCollectionPropertyStatements(obj, propertyMap, sqlStatements, stillDirty);
                ds = ctx.DataSourceManager.GetDataSource(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                foreach (SqlStatementAndDbParameters sqlStatementAndDbParameters in sqlStatements)
                    sql = sqlStatementAndDbParameters.SqlStatement;
                    rowsAffected = ctx.SqlExecutor.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, ds, sqlStatementAndDbParameters.DbParameters);
                    if (!(rowsAffected == 1))
                        throw new RowNotInsertedException("A new row was not inserted in the data source for a collection property of a new object."); // do not localize
            ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
            ctx.EventManager.OnInsertedObject(this, e2);
コード例 #19
 public virtual object GetObjectByKey(string keyPropertyName, object keyValue, Type type, bool ignoreObjectNotFound)
     type = AssemblyManager.GetBaseType(type);
     object obj;
     obj = this.Context.AssemblyManager.CreateInstance(type);
     ObjectCancelEventArgs e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
     this.Context.EventManager.OnGettingObject(this, e);
     if (e.Cancel)
         return null;
     this.Context.ObjectManager.SetPropertyValue(obj, keyPropertyName, keyValue);
     this.Context.PersistenceEngine.LoadObjectByKey(ref obj, keyPropertyName, keyValue);
     if (obj == null)
         if (ignoreObjectNotFound == false)
             throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Object not found!"); // do not localize
         IList idKeyParts = this.Context.ObjectManager.GetObjectIdentityKeyParts(obj);
         KeyStruct key = GetKey(type, idKeyParts);
         IObjectCache cache = GetObjectCache();
         obj = cache.LoadedObjects[key];
         ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
         this.Context.EventManager.OnGotObject(this, e2);
     return obj;
コード例 #20
        public virtual void OnAcquiredIdentity(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
            if (e.EventObject == null)

            IIdentityHelper identityHelper = e.EventObject as IIdentityHelper;
            if (identityHelper != null)
                //if (!(identityHelper.HasTemporaryIdentity()))
                //	return;

                string tempId = identityHelper.GetTemporaryIdentity();
                Type type = ToLeafType(e.EventObject);

                object obj = this.Context.TryGetObjectById(tempId, type);

                if (obj != null)
                    IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
                    IObjectManager sourceOm = this.SourceContext.ObjectManager;

                    IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(type);
                    foreach (IPropertyMap idPropertyMap in classMap.GetIdentityPropertyMaps())
                        IPropertyMap sourcePropertyMap = idPropertyMap.GetSourcePropertyMapOrSelf() ;
                        if (idPropertyMap.ReferenceType.Equals(ReferenceType.None))
                            object id = sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(e.EventObject, sourcePropertyMap.Name);
                            om.SetPropertyValue(obj, idPropertyMap.Name, id);
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, idPropertyMap.Name, id);
                            om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, idPropertyMap.Name, false);
                            object sourceRefObj = sourceOm.GetPropertyValue(e.EventObject, sourcePropertyMap.Name);
                            if (sourceRefObj == null)
                                throw new NPersistException(string.Format("Tried to set the reference identity property {0}.{1} in a child context but the corresponding reference property {2}.(3) in the object from the parent context contained a null value!", idPropertyMap.ClassMap.Name, idPropertyMap.Name, sourcePropertyMap.ClassMap.Name, sourcePropertyMap.Name));

                            Type refType = ToLeafType(sourceRefObj);
                            string id = sourceOm.GetObjectIdentity(sourceRefObj);
                            object refObj = this.Context.GetObject(id, refType);
                            if (refObj == null)
                                throw new NPersistException(string.Format("Tried to set the reference identity property {0}.{1} in a child context but the corresponding reference property {2}.(3) in the object from the parent context referenced an object of type {4} and with the identity {5} which could not be found in the child context!", idPropertyMap.ClassMap.Name, idPropertyMap.Name, sourcePropertyMap.ClassMap.Name, sourcePropertyMap.Name, sourceRefObj.GetType().ToString(), id));

                            om.SetPropertyValue(obj, idPropertyMap.Name, refObj);
                            om.SetOriginalPropertyValue(obj, idPropertyMap.Name, refObj);
                            om.SetNullValueStatus(obj, idPropertyMap.Name, false);

                    this.Context.IdentityMap.UpdateIdentity(obj, tempId);

                    //raise the event for further child contexts
                    ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
                    this.Context.EventManager.OnAcquiredIdentity(this, e2);
コード例 #21
		public virtual object GetObjectByKey(string keyPropertyName, object keyValue, Type type, bool ignoreObjectNotFound)
			type = this.Context.AssemblyManager.GetType(type);
			object obj;
			string key;
			string identity;
			obj = this.Context.AssemblyManager.CreateInstance(type);
			ObjectCancelEventArgs e = new ObjectCancelEventArgs(obj);
			this.Context.EventManager.OnGettingObject(this, e);
			if (e.Cancel)
				return null;
			this.Context.ObjectManager.SetPropertyValue(obj, keyPropertyName, keyValue);
			//this.Context.SqlEngineManager.LoadObjectByKey(obj, keyPropertyName, keyValue);
			this.Context.PersistenceEngine.LoadObjectByKey(ref obj, keyPropertyName, keyValue);
			if (obj == null)
				if (ignoreObjectNotFound == false)
					throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Object not found!"); // do not localize					
				identity = this.Context.ObjectManager.GetObjectIdentity(obj);
//				key = type.ToString() + "." + identity;
				key = GetKey(type, identity);
				IObjectCache cache = GetObjectCache();
				obj = cache.LoadedObjects[key];
//				if (m_hashLoadedObjects.ContainsKey(key))
//				{
//					obj = m_hashLoadedObjects[key];
//				}
				ObjectEventArgs e2 = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
				this.Context.EventManager.OnGotObject(this, e2);				
			return obj;
コード例 #22
        public virtual void CommitInserted()
            foreach (object obj in m_listInserted)
                CommitPersisted(obj, true);

            IObjectManager om = this.Context.ObjectManager;
            //notify promoted identities
            IList originallyPromoted = new ArrayList(m_listPromoted);

            //loop until no more objects are promoted...
            while (m_listNewPromoted.Count > 0)
                IList newPromoted = new ArrayList(m_listNewPromoted);


                foreach (object obj in newPromoted)
                    IClassMap classMap = this.Context.DomainMap.MustGetClassMap(obj.GetType());

                    //roll back autoincreasers
                    if (classMap.HasAssignedBySource())
                        foreach (IPropertyMap propertyMap in classMap.GetAllPropertyMaps() )
                            if (propertyMap.ReferenceType != ReferenceType.None)
                                IPropertyMap invPropertyMap = propertyMap.GetInversePropertyMap();
                                if (invPropertyMap != null)
                                    if (invPropertyMap.IsIdentity)
                                        //here we go..
                                        if (propertyMap.IsCollection)
                                            IList list = (IList) om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                                            IInterceptableList iList = list as IInterceptableList;
                                            bool stackMute = false;
                                            if (iList != null)
                                                stackMute = iList.MuteNotify;
                                                iList.MuteNotify = true;
                                            foreach (object refObj in list)
                                                //will provoke the object to become registered (from inside GetObjectIdentity() )
                                                //in m_hashPromoted if the identity is ready for use.
                                                string identity = om.GetObjectIdentity(refObj);
                                            if (iList != null)
                                                iList.MuteNotify = stackMute;

                                            object refObj = om.GetPropertyValue(obj, propertyMap.Name);
                                            if (refObj != null)
                                                //will provoke the object to become registered (from inside GetObjectIdentity() )
                                                //in m_hashPromoted if the identity is ready for use.
                                                string identity = om.GetObjectIdentity(refObj);

            //only the objects originally in the promoted list need have their ids set
            foreach (object obj in originallyPromoted)
                //will provoke the object to have its identity set in the IdentityHelper mixin,
                //preventing that this is done in another commit (and the id is erroneously registered
                //as promoted when that happens..).
                string identity = om.GetObjectIdentity(obj);

            foreach (object obj in m_listPromoted)
                ObjectEventArgs e = new ObjectEventArgs(obj);
                this.Context.EventManager.OnAcquiredIdentity(this, e);

            m_listInserted.Clear() ;