public AspectTargetNode(AspectTarget target) : base(target.Signature) { = target; this.ImageIndex = 8; this.SelectedImageIndex = 8; }
/// <summary> /// Attribute aspect Ctor. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of the aspect.</param> /// <param name="targets">Type[] array of aspect targets</param> /// <param name="mixins">Type[] array of mixin types</param> /// <param name="pointcuts">IPointcut[] array of pointcut instances</param> public GenericAspect(string name, AspectTarget[] targets, Type[] mixins, IPointcut[] pointcuts) { Name = name; Targets = new ArrayList(targets); Mixins = new ArrayList(mixins); Pointcuts = new ArrayList(pointcuts); }
public AspectTargetProperties(AspectTarget target) { = target; }
private static IGenericAspect Configure(XmlNode settingsNode, bool useTypePlaceHolders) { IList pointcuts = new ArrayList(); IList mixins = new ArrayList(); IList targets = new ArrayList(); string aspectName = settingsNode.Attributes["name"].Value; foreach (XmlNode aspectNode in settingsNode) { if (aspectNode.Name == "pointcut") { string name = "Pointcut"; if (aspectNode.Attributes["name"] != null) name = aspectNode.Attributes["name"].Value; IList interceptors = new ArrayList(); IList pointcutTargets = new ArrayList(); foreach (XmlNode pointcutNode in aspectNode) { if (pointcutNode.Name == "interceptor") { string typeString = pointcutNode.Attributes["type"].Value; Type interceptorType = Type.GetType(typeString); if (interceptorType == null) { if (useTypePlaceHolders) interceptors.Add(typeString); else { throw new Exception( string.Format("Interceptor type '{0}' was not found!", typeString)); } } else { object interceptor = Activator.CreateInstance(interceptorType); interceptors.Add(interceptor); } } if (pointcutNode.Name == "target") { string signature = null; if (pointcutNode.Attributes["signature"] != null) signature = pointcutNode.Attributes["signature"].Value; string targetTypeString = null; if (pointcutNode.Attributes["type"] != null) targetTypeString = pointcutNode.Attributes["type"].Value; if (signature == null) signature = ""; string excludeString = null; if (pointcutNode.Attributes["exclude"] != null) excludeString = pointcutNode.Attributes["exclude"].Value; bool exclude = false; if (excludeString != null) exclude = FromBool(excludeString); PointcutTargetType targetType = PointcutTargetType.Signature; if (targetTypeString != null) { switch (targetTypeString.ToLower()) { case "signature": targetType = PointcutTargetType.Signature; break; case "fullsignature": targetType = PointcutTargetType.FullSignature; break; case "attribute": targetType = PointcutTargetType.Attribute; break; default: throw new Exception(String.Format("Unknown pointcut target type {0}", targetTypeString)); } } PointcutTarget target = null; if (targetType == PointcutTargetType.Signature) { target = new PointcutTarget(signature, targetType, exclude); } else { Type signatureType = Type.GetType(signature); if (signatureType == null) { if (useTypePlaceHolders) target = new PointcutTarget(signature, targetType, exclude); else { throw new Exception( string.Format("Type '{0}' was not found!", signatureType)); } } else target = new PointcutTarget(signatureType, targetType, exclude); } pointcutTargets.Add(target); } } IPointcut pointcut = null; if (aspectNode.Attributes["target-signature"] != null) { string targetMethodSignature = aspectNode.Attributes["target-signature"].Value; pointcut = new Pointcut(interceptors); pointcut.Targets.Add(new PointcutTarget(targetMethodSignature, PointcutTargetType.Signature)); } if (aspectNode.Attributes["target-attribute"] != null) { string attributeTypeString = aspectNode.Attributes["target-attribute"].Value; pointcut = new Pointcut(interceptors); Type attributeType = Type.GetType(attributeTypeString); if (attributeType == null) { if (useTypePlaceHolders) pointcut.Targets.Add(new PointcutTarget(attributeTypeString, PointcutTargetType.Attribute)); else { throw new Exception( string.Format("Attribute type '{0}' was not found!", attributeTypeString)); } } else pointcut.Targets.Add(new PointcutTarget(attributeType, PointcutTargetType.Attribute)); } foreach (PointcutTarget target in pointcutTargets) pointcut.Targets.Add(target); pointcut.Name = name; pointcuts.Add(pointcut); } if (aspectNode.Name == "mixin") { string typeString = aspectNode.Attributes["type"].Value; Type mixinType = Type.GetType(typeString); if (mixinType == null) { if (useTypePlaceHolders) mixins.Add(typeString); else throw new Exception(string.Format("Mixin type '{0}' was not found!", typeString)); } else mixins.Add(mixinType); } if (aspectNode.Name == "target") { string signature = null; if (aspectNode.Attributes["signature"] != null) signature = aspectNode.Attributes["signature"].Value; string targetTypeString = null; if (aspectNode.Attributes["type"] != null) targetTypeString = aspectNode.Attributes["type"].Value; if (signature == null) signature = ""; string excludeString = null; if (aspectNode.Attributes["exclude"] != null) excludeString = aspectNode.Attributes["exclude"].Value; bool exclude = false; if (excludeString != null) exclude = FromBool(excludeString); AspectTargetType targetType = AspectTargetType.Signature; if (targetTypeString != null) { switch (targetTypeString.ToLower()) { case "signature": targetType = AspectTargetType.Signature; break; case "attribute": targetType = AspectTargetType.Attribute; break; case "interface": targetType = AspectTargetType.Interface; break; default: throw new Exception(String.Format("Unknown aspect target type {0}", targetTypeString)); } } AspectTarget target = null; if (targetType == AspectTargetType.Signature) { target = new AspectTarget(signature, targetType, exclude); } else { Type signatureType = Type.GetType(signature); if (signatureType == null) { if (useTypePlaceHolders) target = new AspectTarget(signature, targetType, exclude); else { throw new Exception( string.Format("Type '{0}' was not found!", signatureType)); } } else target = new AspectTarget(signatureType, targetType, exclude); } targets.Add(target); } } IGenericAspect aspect = null; if (settingsNode.Attributes["target-signature"] != null) { string targetTypeSignature = settingsNode.Attributes["target-signature"].Value; //aspect = new SignatureAspect(aspectName, targetTypeSignature, mixins, pointcuts); aspect = new GenericAspect(aspectName, mixins, pointcuts); aspect.Targets.Add(new AspectTarget(targetTypeSignature, AspectTargetType.Signature)); } if (settingsNode.Attributes["target-attribute"] != null) { string attributeTypeString = settingsNode.Attributes["target-attribute"].Value; aspect = new GenericAspect(aspectName, mixins, pointcuts); Type attributeType = Type.GetType(attributeTypeString); if (attributeType == null) { if (useTypePlaceHolders) aspect.Targets.Add(new AspectTarget(attributeTypeString, AspectTargetType.Attribute)); else { throw new Exception( string.Format("Attribute type '{0}' was not found!", attributeTypeString)); } } else aspect.Targets.Add(new AspectTarget(attributeType, AspectTargetType.Attribute)); } if (settingsNode.Attributes["target-interface"] != null) { string interfaceTypeString = settingsNode.Attributes["target-interface"].Value; aspect = new GenericAspect(aspectName, mixins, pointcuts); Type interfaceType = Type.GetType(interfaceTypeString); if (interfaceType == null) { if (useTypePlaceHolders) aspect.Targets.Add(new AspectTarget(interfaceTypeString, AspectTargetType.Interface)); else { throw new Exception( string.Format("Type '{0}' was not found!", interfaceTypeString)); } } else aspect.Targets.Add(new AspectTarget(interfaceType, AspectTargetType.Interface)); } foreach (AspectTarget target in targets) aspect.Targets.Add(target); return aspect; }