public override void PostAdd(DamageInfo?dinfo) { var comp = this.pawn.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>(); if (comp == null) { var dummyCorpse = PurpleIvyDefOf.InfectedCorpseDummy; comp = new AlienInfection(); comp.Initialize(dummyCorpse.GetCompProperties <CompProperties_AlienInfection>()); comp.parent = this.pawn; if (instigator == null) { instigator = DefDatabase <PawnKindDef> .AllDefsListForReading .Where(x => x.defName.Contains("Genny_Parasite")).ToList().RandomElement <PawnKindDef>(); } var range = PurpleIvyData.maxNumberOfCreatures[instigator.race.defName]; int randomRange = range.RandomInRange; comp.maxNumberOfCreatures = (int)(randomRange * this.pawn.BodySize); if (comp.maxNumberOfCreatures > 0) { Log.Message("Infection count based on body size: " + this.pawn + " - body size: " + this.pawn.BodySize + " - initial value: " + randomRange + " after: " + comp.maxNumberOfCreatures); comp.Props.maxNumberOfCreatures = range; comp.Props.typesOfCreatures = new List <string>() { instigator.defName }; comp.Props.incubationPeriod = new IntRange(10000, 40000); comp.Props.IncubationData = new IncubationData { tickStartHediff = new IntRange(2000, 4000), deathChance = 90, hediff = HediffDefOf.Pregnant.defName }; Log.Message("1 Adding infected comp to " + this.pawn); this.pawn.AllComps.Add(comp); } else { Log.Message(this.pawn + " - zero count of infection");; this.PostRemoved(); } } }
public override void FinalizeInit() { base.FinalizeInit(); if (this.ToxicDamagesChunks != null) { foreach (var b in this.ToxicDamagesChunks) { foreach (var t in { if (PurpleIvyUtils.IsChunkOrMineable(t)) { this.ToxicDamagesChunksDeep[t] = b.Value; } } } } if (this.ToxicDamagesChunksDeep != null) { foreach (var b in this.ToxicDamagesChunksDeep) { this.ToxicDamages[b.Key] = b.Value; } } if (this.ToxicDamagesThings != null) { foreach (var b in this.ToxicDamagesThings) { this.ToxicDamages[b.Key] = b.Value; } } if (this.ToxicDamagesThings != null) { foreach (var b in this.ToxicDamages) { Log.Message("Notifying " + b.Key); ThingsToxicDamageSectionLayerUtility.Notify_ThingHitPointsChanged(this, b.Key, b.Key.MaxHitPoints); } } foreach (Thing t in { Pawn pawn = null; if (t is Pawn) { pawn = (Pawn)t; } else if (t is Corpse) { Corpse corpse = (Corpse)t; pawn = corpse.InnerPawn; } else { continue; } AlienInfectionHediff hediff = (AlienInfectionHediff) .Where(x => x is AlienInfectionHediff).FirstOrDefault(); if (hediff != null) { var comp = pawn.TryGetComp <AlienInfection>(); if (comp == null) { if (hediff.instigator != null) { var dummyCorpse = PurpleIvyDefOf.InfectedCorpseDummy; comp = new AlienInfection(); comp.Initialize(dummyCorpse.GetCompProperties <CompProperties_AlienInfection>()); comp.parent = pawn; comp.Props.typesOfCreatures = new List <string>() { hediff.instigator.defName }; var range = PurpleIvyData.maxNumberOfCreatures[hediff.instigator.race.defName]; comp.maxNumberOfCreatures = hediff.maxNumberOfCreatures; comp.currentCountOfCreatures = hediff.currentCountOfCreatures; comp.startOfIncubation = hediff.startOfIncubation; comp.tickStartHediff = hediff.tickStartHediff; comp.stopSpawning = hediff.stopSpawning; comp.Props.maxNumberOfCreatures = range; comp.Props.incubationPeriod = new IntRange(10000, 40000); comp.Props.IncubationData = new IncubationData(); comp.Props.IncubationData.tickStartHediff = new IntRange(2000, 4000); comp.Props.IncubationData.deathChance = 90; comp.Props.IncubationData.hediff = HediffDefOf.Pregnant.defName; if (pawn.Dead) { var corpse = pawn.Corpse; corpse.AllComps.Add(comp); } else { pawn.AllComps.Add(comp); } } } else if (pawn.Dead && comp != null) { var corpse = pawn.Corpse; corpse.AllComps.Add(comp); } } } }