コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A coroutine that moves the camera rig to the teleport location over time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerator Move()
            if (teleportStatus == TeleportStatus.Moving)
                yield break;
            teleportStatus = TeleportStatus.Moving;

            VirtualFollower head = PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.GetComponent <PuppetRigVR>().virtualFollowers.head;

            float i    = 0;
            float rate = 1 / teleportSpeed;

            while (i < 1)
                teleportStatus = TeleportStatus.Moving;
                i += rate * Time.deltaTime;
                PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(initialPos, finalPos, teleportCurve.Evaluate(i));

                // update the height and center charcater controller
                float newHeight = head.transform.localPosition.y;
                PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.characterController.height = newHeight;
                Vector3 newCenter = PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.characterController.center;
                newCenter = new Vector3(head.transform.localPosition.x, PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.transform.position.y + (newHeight * 0.5f), head.transform.localPosition.z);
                PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.characterController.center = newCenter;

                yield return(null);

            teleportStatus = TeleportStatus.Idle;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to position, or begin the moving of, the puppetRig to the teleport location.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Teleport()
            //move the camera rig to the position of the teleport
            teleportLoc = teleportTo;

            setView = PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.views.view;
            float saveRot = cameraRig.cam.transform.eulerAngles.y;

            // store the positio and rotation of the cameraRig
            rigPos = cameraRig.transform.position;
            rigRot = cameraRig.transform.rotation;

            // the user is immediately placed in the teleport location
            if (setView != PuppetRig.ViewTypes.firstPerson)
                // switch to first person

            // adjust to allow for the offset of the camera inside the camera rig
            teleportLoc.x = teleportTo.x - (cameraRig.cam.transform.position.x - cameraRig.transform.position.x);
            teleportLoc.z = teleportTo.z - (cameraRig.cam.transform.position.z - cameraRig.transform.position.z);

            // since we switched to first person to determine the final position of the teleport
            if (setView != PuppetRig.ViewTypes.firstPerson)
                // switch it back to the set view
                PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.SetView(setView, rigPos, rigRot);

            VirtualFollower head = PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.GetComponent <PuppetRigVR>().virtualFollowers.head;

            if (instantTeleport)
                // move instantly to the new position
                PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.transform.position = teleportLoc;

                // update the height and center charcater controller
                float newHeight = head.transform.localPosition.y;
                PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.characterController.height = newHeight;
                Vector3 newCenter = PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.characterController.center;
                newCenter = new Vector3(head.transform.localPosition.x, PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.transform.position.y + (newHeight * 0.5f), head.transform.localPosition.z);
                PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.characterController.center = newCenter;
                // kill any currently running move coroutine

                // get the current position of the puppetRig
                initialPos = PuppetJumpManager.Instance.puppetRig.transform.position;
                // set the final position of the puppetRig after the teleport
                finalPos = teleportLoc;

                // set and start the new move coroutine
                move = Move();

            //game object of the last telport
            teleportToGO_last = teleportToGO_hit;