public MyStack() { var examplebucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("examplebucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "private", ObjectLockConfiguration = new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketObjectLockConfigurationArgs { ObjectLockEnabled = "Enabled", }, Versioning = new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketVersioningArgs { Enabled = true, }, }); var examplebucketObject = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("examplebucketObject", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = examplebucket.Id, ForceDestroy = true, Key = "someobject", ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus = "ON", ObjectLockMode = "GOVERNANCE", ObjectLockRetainUntilDate = "2021-12-31T23:59:60Z", Source = new FileAsset("important.txt"), }); }
public MyStack() { var master = new Aws.GuardDuty.Detector("master", new Aws.GuardDuty.DetectorArgs { Enable = true, }); var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "private", }); var myIPSetBucketObject = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("myIPSetBucketObject", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Acl = "public-read", Bucket = bucket.Id, Content = @" ", Key = "MyIPSet", }); var myIPSetIPSet = new Aws.GuardDuty.IPSet("myIPSetIPSet", new Aws.GuardDuty.IPSetArgs { Activate = true, DetectorId = master.Id, Format = "TXT", Location = Output.Tuple(myIPSetBucketObject.Bucket, myIPSetBucketObject.Key).Apply(values => { var bucket = values.Item1; var key = values.Item2; return($"{bucket}/{key}"); }), }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var bucketPolicy = new Aws.S3.BucketPolicy("bucketPolicy", new Aws.S3.BucketPolicyArgs { Bucket = bucket.Id, Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Id"": ""MYBUCKETPOLICY"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Sid"": ""IPAllow"", ""Effect"": ""Deny"", ""Principal"": ""*"", ""Action"": ""s3:*"", ""Resource"": ""arn:aws:s3:::my_tf_test_bucket/*"", ""Condition"": { ""IpAddress"": {""aws:SourceIp"": """"} } } ] } ", }); }
public MyStack() { var currentUser = Output.Create(Aws.GetCanonicalUserId.InvokeAsync()); var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Grants = { new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketGrantArgs { Id = currentUser.Apply(currentUser => currentUser.Id), Permissions = { "FULL_CONTROL", }, Type = "CanonicalUser", }, new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketGrantArgs { Permissions = { "READ", "WRITE", }, Type = "Group", Uri = "", }, }, }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "private", }); var firehoseRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("firehoseRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var testStream = new Aws.Kinesis.FirehoseDeliveryStream("testStream", new Aws.Kinesis.FirehoseDeliveryStreamArgs { Destination = "s3", S3Configuration = new Aws.Kinesis.Inputs.FirehoseDeliveryStreamS3ConfigurationArgs { BucketArn = bucket.Arn, RoleArn = firehoseRole.Arn, }, }); }
public MyStack() { var exampleBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("exampleBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "private", }); var exampleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("exampleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"" } ] } ", }); var exampleRolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("exampleRolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = Output.Tuple(exampleBucket.Arn, exampleBucket.Arn).Apply(values => { var exampleBucketArn = values.Item1; var exampleBucketArn1 = values.Item2; return(@$ "{{ " "Version" ": " "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ": [
public MyStack() { var testBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("testBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var inventory = new Aws.S3.Bucket("inventory", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var testInventory = new Aws.S3.Inventory("testInventory", new Aws.S3.InventoryArgs { Bucket = testBucket.Id, Destination = new Aws.S3.Inputs.InventoryDestinationArgs { Bucket = new Aws.S3.Inputs.InventoryDestinationBucketArgs { BucketArn = inventory.Arn, Format = "ORC", }, }, IncludedObjectVersions = "All", Schedule = new Aws.S3.Inputs.InventoryScheduleArgs { Frequency = "Daily", }, }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "public-read", CorsRules = { new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketCorsRuleArgs { AllowedHeaders = { "*", }, AllowedMethods = { "PUT", "POST", }, AllowedOrigins = { "", }, ExposeHeaders = { "ETag", }, MaxAgeSeconds = 3000, }, }, }); }
static Task Main() { return(Deployment.RunAsync(() => { // Create a KMS Key for S3 server-side encryption var key = new Aws.Kms.Key("hello-world-key"); // Create an AWS resource (S3 Bucket) var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("hello-world-bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration = new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketServerSideEncryptionConfigurationArgs { Rule = new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketServerSideEncryptionConfigurationRuleArgs { ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault = new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketServerSideEncryptionConfigurationRuleApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefaultArgs { SseAlgorithm = "aws:kms", KmsMasterKeyId = key.Id, }, }, }, }); // Export the name of the bucket return new Dictionary <string, object> { { "bucket_name", bucket.Id }, }; })); }
public MyStack() { var config = new Pulumi.Config(); var siteDir = config.Get("siteDir"); var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("my-bucket", new BucketArgs { Website = new BucketWebsiteArgs { IndexDocument = "index.html", } }); this.BucketName = bucket.BucketName; this.WebsiteEndpoint = bucket.WebsiteEndpoint; var bucketFile = Path.Combine(siteDir, "index.html"); var bucketObject = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("index.html", new BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = bucket.BucketName, Source = new FileAsset(bucketFile), Acl = "public-read", ContentType = "text/html", }); }
public MyStack() { var config = new Pulumi.Config(); var siteDir = config.Get("siteDir"); var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("my-bucket", new BucketArgs { Website = new BucketWebsiteArgs { IndexDocument = "index.html", } }); this.BucketName = bucket.BucketName; this.WebsiteEndpoint = bucket.WebsiteEndpoint; foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(siteDir)) { var name = Path.GetFileName(file); var bucketObject = new Aws.S3.BucketObject(name, new BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = bucket.BucketName, Source = new FileAsset(Path.Combine(siteDir, Path.GetFileName(file))), Acl = "public-read", ContentType = "text/html", }); } }
public MyStack() { var test = new Aws.S3.Bucket("test", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var inventory = new Aws.S3.Bucket("inventory", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var test_prefix = new Aws.S3.Inventory("test-prefix", new Aws.S3.InventoryArgs { Bucket = test.Id, Destination = new Aws.S3.Inputs.InventoryDestinationArgs { Bucket = new Aws.S3.Inputs.InventoryDestinationBucketArgs { BucketArn = inventory.Arn, Format = "ORC", Prefix = "inventory", }, }, Filter = new Aws.S3.Inputs.InventoryFilterArgs { Prefix = "documents/", }, IncludedObjectVersions = "All", Schedule = new Aws.S3.Inputs.InventoryScheduleArgs { Frequency = "Daily", }, }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var topic = new Aws.Sns.Topic("topic", new Aws.Sns.TopicArgs { Policy = bucket.Arn.Apply(arn => @$ "{{ " "Version" ":" "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ":[{{
public MyStack() { var exampleBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("exampleBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var exampleAccessPoint = new Aws.S3.AccessPoint("exampleAccessPoint", new Aws.S3.AccessPointArgs { Bucket = exampleBucket.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var queue = new Aws.Sqs.Queue("queue", new Aws.Sqs.QueueArgs { Policy = bucket.Arn.Apply(arn => @$ "{{ " "Version" ": " "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ": [
public MyStack() { var example = new Aws.S3.Bucket("example", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var example_entire_bucket = new Aws.S3.BucketMetric("example-entire-bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketMetricArgs { Bucket = example.BucketName, }); }
public MyStack() { var fooRecorderStatus = new Aws.Cfg.RecorderStatus("fooRecorderStatus", new Aws.Cfg.RecorderStatusArgs { IsEnabled = true, }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { "", }, }); var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var rolePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("rolePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs { PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSConfigRole", Role = role.Name, }); var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var fooDeliveryChannel = new Aws.Cfg.DeliveryChannel("fooDeliveryChannel", new Aws.Cfg.DeliveryChannelArgs { S3BucketName = bucket.BucketName, }); var fooRecorder = new Aws.Cfg.Recorder("fooRecorder", new Aws.Cfg.RecorderArgs { RoleArn = role.Arn, }); var rolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("rolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = Output.Tuple(bucket.Arn, bucket.Arn).Apply(values => { var bucketArn = values.Item1; var bucketArn1 = values.Item2; return(@$ "{{ " "Version" ": " "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ": [
public MyStack() { var defaultBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("defaultBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var defaultSpotDatafeedSubscription = new Aws.Ec2.SpotDatafeedSubscription("defaultSpotDatafeedSubscription", new Aws.Ec2.SpotDatafeedSubscriptionArgs { Bucket = defaultBucket.BucketName, Prefix = "my_subdirectory", }); }
public MyStack() { var hogeBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("hogeBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var hogeDatabase = new Aws.Athena.Database("hogeDatabase", new Aws.Athena.DatabaseArgs { Bucket = hogeBucket.BucketName, Name = "database_name", }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "private", Versioning = new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketVersioningArgs { Enabled = true, }, }); }
public MyStack() { // Create a bucket and expose a website index document var siteBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("siteBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Website = new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketWebsiteArgs { IndexDocument = "index.html", }, }); var siteDir = "www"; // For each file in the directory, create an S3 object stored in `siteBucket` var files = new List <Aws.S3.BucketObject>(); foreach (var range in Directory.GetFiles(siteDir).Select(Path.GetFileName).Select((v, k) => new { Key = k, Value = v })) { files.Add(new Aws.S3.BucketObject($"files-{range.Key}", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = siteBucket.Id, Key = range.Value, Source = new FileAsset($"{siteDir}/{range.Value}"), ContentType = range.Value, })); } // set the MIME type of the file // Set the access policy for the bucket so all objects are readable var bucketPolicy = new Aws.S3.BucketPolicy("bucketPolicy", new Aws.S3.BucketPolicyArgs { Bucket = siteBucket.Id, Policy = siteBucket.Id.Apply(id => JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary <string, object?> { { "Version", "2012-10-17" }, { "Statement", new[] { new Dictionary <string, object?> { { "Effect", "Allow" }, { "Principal", "*" }, { "Action", new[] { "s3:GetObject", } }, { "Resource", new[] { $"arn:aws:s3:::{id}/*", } }, }, } }, })), }); this.BucketName = siteBucket.BucketName; this.WebsiteUrl = siteBucket.WebsiteEndpoint; }
public MyStack() { var exampleBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("exampleBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var exampleBucketPublicAccessBlock = new Aws.S3.BucketPublicAccessBlock("exampleBucketPublicAccessBlock", new Aws.S3.BucketPublicAccessBlockArgs { BlockPublicAcls = true, BlockPublicPolicy = true, Bucket = exampleBucket.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "private", Tags = { { "Environment", "Dev" }, { "Name", "My bucket" }, }, }); }
public MyStack() { var exampleBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("exampleBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var exampleFlowLog = new Aws.Ec2.FlowLog("exampleFlowLog", new Aws.Ec2.FlowLogArgs { LogDestination = exampleBucket.Arn, LogDestinationType = "s3", TrafficType = "ALL", VpcId = aws_vpc.Example.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("my-bucket", new BucketArgs()); this.BucketName = bucket.BucketName; var bucketFile = Path.Combine("site", "index.html"); var bucketObject = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("index.html", new BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = bucket.BucketName, Source = new FileAsset(bucketFile) }); }
public MyStack() { var siteBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("siteBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var testFileAsset = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("testFileAsset", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = siteBucket.Id, Source = new FileAsset("file.txt"), }); var testStringAsset = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("testStringAsset", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = siteBucket.Id, Source = new StringAsset("<h1>File contents</h1>"), }); var testRemoteAsset = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("testRemoteAsset", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = siteBucket.Id, Source = new RemoteAsset("https://pulumi.test"), }); var testFileArchive = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("testFileArchive", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = siteBucket.Id, Source = new FileArchive("file.tar.gz"), }); var testRemoteArchive = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("testRemoteArchive", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = siteBucket.Id, Source = new RemoteArchive("https://pulumi.test/foo.tar.gz"), }); var testAssetArchive = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("testAssetArchive", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = siteBucket.Id, Source = new AssetArchive(new Dictionary <string, AssetOrArchive> { { "file.txt", new FileAsset("file.txt") }, { "string.txt", new StringAsset("<h1>File contents</h1>") }, { "remote.txt", new RemoteAsset("https://pulumi.test") }, { "file.tar", new FileArchive("file.tar.gz") }, { "remote.tar", new RemoteArchive("https://pulumi.test/foo.tar.gz") }, { ".nestedDir", new AssetArchive(new Dictionary <string, AssetOrArchive> { { "file.txt", new FileAsset("file.txt") }, { "string.txt", new StringAsset("<h1>File contents</h1>") }, { "remote.txt", new RemoteAsset("https://pulumi.test") }, { "file.tar", new FileArchive("file.tar.gz") }, { "remote.tar", new RemoteArchive("https://pulumi.test/foo.tar.gz") }, }) }, }), }); }
public MyStack() { var examplebucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("examplebucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Acl = "private", }); var examplebucketObject = new Aws.S3.BucketObject("examplebucketObject", new Aws.S3.BucketObjectArgs { Bucket = examplebucket.Id, Key = "someobject", ServerSideEncryption = "AES256", Source = new FileAsset("index.html"), }); }
public MyStack() { var hogeBucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("hogeBucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Region = "us-east-1", }); var hogeBucketPolicy = new Aws.S3.BucketPolicy("hogeBucketPolicy", new Aws.S3.BucketPolicyArgs { Bucket = hogeBucket.BucketName, Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Sid"": ""SSMBucketPermissionsCheck"", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""s3:GetBucketAcl"", ""Resource"": ""arn:aws:s3:::tf-test-bucket-1234"" }, { ""Sid"": "" SSMBucketDelivery"", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Action"": ""s3:PutObject"", ""Resource"": [""arn:aws:s3:::tf-test-bucket-1234/*""], ""Condition"": { ""StringEquals"": { ""s3:x-amz-acl"": ""bucket-owner-full-control"" } } } ] } ", }); var foo = new Aws.Ssm.ResourceDataSync("foo", new Aws.Ssm.ResourceDataSyncArgs { S3Destination = new Aws.Ssm.Inputs.ResourceDataSyncS3DestinationArgs { BucketName = hogeBucket.BucketName, Region = hogeBucket.Region, }, }); }
public MyStack() { var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { ForceDestroy = true, }); var fooDeliveryChannel = new Aws.Cfg.DeliveryChannel("fooDeliveryChannel", new Aws.Cfg.DeliveryChannelArgs { S3BucketName = bucket.BucketName, }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { "", }, }); var role = new Aws.Iam.Role("role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs { AssumeRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [ { ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """" }, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Sid"": """" } ] } ", }); var fooRecorder = new Aws.Cfg.Recorder("fooRecorder", new Aws.Cfg.RecorderArgs { RoleArn = role.Arn, }); var rolePolicy = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicy("rolePolicy", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyArgs { Policy = Output.Tuple(bucket.Arn, bucket.Arn).Apply(values => { var bucketArn = values.Item1; var bucketArn1 = values.Item2; return(@$ "{{ " "Version" ": " "2012-10-17" ", " "Statement" ": [
public MyStack() { var logs = new Aws.S3.Bucket("logs", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { }); var bucket = new Aws.S3.Bucket("bucket", new Aws.S3.BucketArgs { Loggings = { new Aws.S3.Inputs.BucketLoggingArgs { TargetBucket = logs.BucketName, }, }, }); this.TargetBucket = bucket.Loggings.Apply(loggings => loggings[0].TargetBucket); }