public MyStack() { var main = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAcl("main", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclArgs { Egress = { new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.NetworkAclEgressArgs { Action = "allow", CidrBlock = "", FromPort = 443, Protocol = "tcp", RuleNo = 200, ToPort = 443, }, }, Ingress = { new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.NetworkAclIngressArgs { Action = "allow", CidrBlock = "", FromPort = 80, Protocol = "tcp", RuleNo = 100, ToPort = 80, }, }, Tags = { { "Name", "main" }, }, VpcId = aws_vpc.Main.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var privateS3VpcEndpoint = new Aws.Ec2.VpcEndpoint("privateS3VpcEndpoint", new Aws.Ec2.VpcEndpointArgs { ServiceName = "", VpcId = aws_vpc.Foo.Id, }); var privateS3PrefixList = privateS3VpcEndpoint.PrefixListId.Apply(prefixListId => Aws.GetPrefixList.InvokeAsync(new Aws.GetPrefixListArgs { PrefixListId = prefixListId, })); var bar = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAcl("bar", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclArgs { VpcId = aws_vpc.Foo.Id, }); var privateS3NetworkAclRule = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclRule("privateS3NetworkAclRule", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclRuleArgs { CidrBlock = privateS3PrefixList.Apply(privateS3PrefixList => privateS3PrefixList.CidrBlocks[0]), Egress = false, FromPort = 443, NetworkAclId = bar.Id, Protocol = "tcp", RuleAction = "allow", RuleNumber = 200, ToPort = 443, }); }
public MyStack() { var aws_vpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("aws_vpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs { CidrBlock = "", InstanceTenancy = "default", }); var privateS3VpcEndpoint = new Aws.Ec2.VpcEndpoint("privateS3VpcEndpoint", new Aws.Ec2.VpcEndpointArgs { VpcId = aws_vpc.Id, ServiceName = "", }); var privateS3PrefixList = Aws.Ec2.GetPrefixList.Invoke(new Aws.Ec2.GetPrefixListInvokeArgs { PrefixListId = privateS3VpcEndpoint.PrefixListId, }); var bar = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAcl("bar", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclArgs { VpcId = aws_vpc.Id, }); var privateS3NetworkAclRule = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclRule("privateS3NetworkAclRule", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclRuleArgs { NetworkAclId = bar.Id, RuleNumber = 200, Egress = false, Protocol = "tcp", RuleAction = "allow", CidrBlock = privateS3PrefixList.Apply(privateS3PrefixList => privateS3PrefixList.CidrBlocks[0]), FromPort = 443, ToPort = 443, }); var amis = Aws.Ec2.GetAmiIds.Invoke(new Aws.Ec2.GetAmiIdsInvokeArgs { Owners = { bar.Id, }, Filters = { new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.GetAmiIdsFilterInputArgs { Name = bar.Id, Values = { "pulumi*", }, }, }, }); }
public MyStack() { var barNetworkAcl = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAcl("barNetworkAcl", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclArgs { VpcId = aws_vpc.Foo.Id, }); var barNetworkAclRule = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclRule("barNetworkAclRule", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclRuleArgs { NetworkAclId = barNetworkAcl.Id, RuleNumber = 200, Egress = false, Protocol = "tcp", RuleAction = "allow", CidrBlock = aws_vpc.Foo.Cidr_block, FromPort = 22, ToPort = 22, }); }
static Task <int> Main() { return(Deployment.RunAsync(async() => { var region = Aws.Config.Region; var fullProjectStack = $"{Deployment.Instance.ProjectName}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}"; // Create the VPC. var vpc = new Ec2.Vpc("VPC", new Ec2.VpcArgs { CidrBlock = Config.VpcCidr, InstanceTenancy = Config.VpcTenancy, EnableDnsSupport = true, EnableDnsHostnames = true, Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Name", fullProjectStack } }, }); // Associate DHCP options with our VPC. var dhcpOptions = new Ec2.VpcDhcpOptions("DHCPOptions", new Ec2.VpcDhcpOptionsArgs { DomainName = (region == "us-east-1" ? "ec2.internal" : $"{region}.compute.internal"), DomainNameServers = { "AmazonProvidedDNS" }, }); var vpcDhcpOptionsAssociation = new Ec2.VpcDhcpOptionsAssociation("VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation", new Ec2.VpcDhcpOptionsAssociationArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, DhcpOptionsId = dhcpOptions.Id, }); // Create an Internet Gateway for our public subnet to connect to the Internet. var internetGateway = new Ec2.InternetGateway("InternetGateway", new Ec2.InternetGatewayArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Name", fullProjectStack } }, }); // Creat a Route Table for public subnets to use the Internet Gateway for traffic. var publicSubnetRouteTable = new Ec2.RouteTable("PublicSubnetRouteTable", new Ec2.RouteTableArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Name", "Public Subnets" }, { "Network", "Public" }, }, }); var publicSubnetRoute = new Ec2.Route("PublicSubnetRoute", new Ec2.RouteArgs { RouteTableId = publicSubnetRouteTable.Id, DestinationCidrBlock = "", GatewayId = internetGateway.Id, }); // For each AZ, create the NAT Gateways and public and private subnets. Keep track of various properties // so that they can be exported as top-level stack exports later on. var natEips = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >(); var publicSubnetIds = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >(); var privateSubnetIds = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >(); var protectedSubnetIds = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >(); var privateSubnetRouteTableIds = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >(); var publicSubnetCidrs = await Config.GetPublicSubnetCidrs(); var publicSubnetTags = await Config.GetPublicSubnetTags(); var privateSubnetCidrs = await Config.GetPrivateSubnetCidrs(); var privateSubnetTags = await Config.GetPrivateSubnetTags(); var protectedSubnetCidrs = await Config.GetProtectedSubnetCidrs(); var protectedSubnetTags = await Config.GetProtectedSubnetTags(); var azs = await Config.GetAvailabilityZones(); for (var i = 0; i < azs.Length; i++) { var az = azs[i]; // Each AZ gets a public subnet. var publicSubnet = new Ec2.Subnet($"PublicSubnet{i}", new Ec2.SubnetArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, AvailabilityZone = az, CidrBlock = publicSubnetCidrs[i], MapPublicIpOnLaunch = true, Tags = publicSubnetTags[i].Add("Name", $"Public subnet {i}"), }); publicSubnetIds.Add(publicSubnet.Id); var publicSubnetRouteTableAssociation = new Ec2.RouteTableAssociation($"PublicSubnet{i}RouteTableAssociation", new Ec2.RouteTableAssociationArgs { SubnetId = publicSubnet.Id, RouteTableId = publicSubnetRouteTable.Id, }); // If desired, create a NAT Gateway and private subnet for each AZ. if (Config.CreatePrivateSubnets) { var natEip = new Ec2.Eip($"NAT{i}EIP", new Ec2.EipArgs { Vpc = true }, new CustomResourceOptions { DependsOn = { internetGateway } }); var natGateway = new Ec2.NatGateway($"NATGateway{i}", new Ec2.NatGatewayArgs { SubnetId = publicSubnet.Id, AllocationId = natEip.Id, }); natEips.Add(natEip.PublicIp); var privateSubnet = new Ec2.Subnet($"PrivateSubnet{i}A", new Ec2.SubnetArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, AvailabilityZone = az, CidrBlock = privateSubnetCidrs[i], Tags = privateSubnetTags[i].Add("Name", $"Private subnet {i}A"), }); privateSubnetIds.Add(privateSubnet.Id); var privateSubnetRouteTable = new Ec2.RouteTable($"PrivateSubnet{i}ARouteTable", new Ec2.RouteTableArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Name", $"Private subnet {i}A" }, { "Network", "Private" }, }, }); var privateSubnetRoute = new Ec2.Route($"PrivateSubnet{i}ARoute", new Ec2.RouteArgs { RouteTableId = privateSubnetRouteTable.Id, DestinationCidrBlock = "", NatGatewayId = natGateway.Id, }); var privateSubnetRouteTableAssociation = new Ec2.RouteTableAssociation($"PrivateSubnet{i}ARouteTableAssociation", new Ec2.RouteTableAssociationArgs { SubnetId = privateSubnet.Id, RouteTableId = privateSubnetRouteTable.Id, }); // Remember the route table ID for the VPC endpoint later. privateSubnetRouteTableIds.Add(privateSubnetRouteTable.Id); // If desired, create additional private subnets with dedicated network ACLs for extra protection. if (Config.CreateProtectedSubnets) { var protectedSubnet = new Ec2.Subnet($"PrivateSubnet{i}B", new Ec2.SubnetArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, AvailabilityZone = az, CidrBlock = protectedSubnetCidrs[i], Tags = protectedSubnetTags[i].Add("Name", $"Private subnet ${i}B"), }); protectedSubnetIds.Add(protectedSubnet.Id); var protectedSubnetRouteTable = new Ec2.RouteTable($"PrivateSubnet{i}BRouteTable", new Ec2.RouteTableArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Name", $"Private subnet {i}B" }, { "Network", "Private" }, }, }); var protectedSubnetRoute = new Ec2.Route($"PrivateSubnet{i}BRoute", new Ec2.RouteArgs { RouteTableId = protectedSubnetRouteTable.Id, DestinationCidrBlock = "", NatGatewayId = natGateway.Id, }); var protectedSubnetRouteTableAssociation = new Ec2.RouteTableAssociation($"PrivateSubnet{i}BRouteTableAssociation", new Ec2.RouteTableAssociationArgs { SubnetId = protectedSubnet.Id, RouteTableId = protectedSubnetRouteTable.Id, }); var protectedSubnetNetworkAcl = new Ec2.NetworkAcl($"PrivateSubnet{i}BNetworkAcl", new Ec2.NetworkAclArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, SubnetIds = { protectedSubnet.Id }, Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Name", $"NACL protected subnet {i}" }, { "Network", "NACL Protected" }, }, }); var protectedSubnetNetworkAclEntryInbound = new Ec2.NetworkAclRule($"PrivateSubnet{i}BNetworkAclEntryInbound", new Ec2.NetworkAclRuleArgs { NetworkAclId = protectedSubnetNetworkAcl.Id, CidrBlock = "", Egress = false, Protocol = "-1", RuleAction = "allow", RuleNumber = 100, }); var protectedSubnetNetworkAclEntryOutbound = new Ec2.NetworkAclRule($"PrivateSubnet{i}BNetworkAclEntryOutbound", new Ec2.NetworkAclRuleArgs { NetworkAclId = protectedSubnetNetworkAcl.Id, CidrBlock = "", Egress = true, Protocol = "-1", RuleAction = "allow", RuleNumber = 100, }); // Remember the route table ID for the VPC endpoint later. privateSubnetRouteTableIds.Add(protectedSubnetRouteTable.Id); } } } // If we created private subnets, allocate an S3 VPC Endpoint to simplify access to S3. Output <string>?s3VpcEndpointId = null; if (Config.CreatePrivateSubnets) { s3VpcEndpointId = new Ec2.VpcEndpoint("S3VPCEndpoint", new Ec2.VpcEndpointArgs { VpcId = vpc.Id, Policy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [{ ""Action"": ""*"", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Resource"": ""*"", ""Principal"": ""*"" }] } ", RouteTableIds = privateSubnetRouteTableIds.ToImmutable(), ServiceName = $"com.amazonaws.{region}.s3", }).Id; } // Export all of the resulting properties that upstream stacks may want to consume. return new Dictionary <string, object?> { { "vpcId", vpc.Id }, { "vpcCidr", vpc.CidrBlock }, { "natEips", natEips.ToImmutableArray() }, { "publicSubnetIds", publicSubnetIds.ToImmutableArray() }, { "publicSubnetCidrs", publicSubnetCidrs }, { "publicSubnetRouteTableId", publicSubnetRouteTable.Id }, { "privateSubnetIds", privateSubnetIds.ToImmutableArray() }, { "privateSubnetCidrs", privateSubnetCidrs }, { "protectedSubnetIds", protectedSubnetIds.ToImmutableArray() }, { "protectedSubnetCidrs", protectedSubnetCidrs }, { "privateSubnetRouteTableIds", privateSubnetRouteTableIds.ToImmutableArray() }, { "s3VpcEndpointId", s3VpcEndpointId }, }; })); }