static void Main(string[] args) { IApplication PulseID = new Pulse.Application(); IEmbDesign Design = PulseID.OpenDesign("C:\\Temp\\Emoji.PXF", FileTypes.ftAuto, OpenTypes.otOutlines, "Tajima"); IElements TemplateElements = Design.Elements; foreach (IElement Element in TemplateElements) { //Go through each element in a template Console.WriteLine("Element Name: {0:G}", Element.Name); for (int i = 0; i < Element.NumText; i++) { // Go through each text element and print the default text Console.WriteLine("Default Text: {0:G}", Element.Texts.GetValue(i)); Console.WriteLine(); } } Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IApplication PulseID = new Pulse.Application(); try { IEmbDesign myDesign = PulseID.OpenDesign("C:\\Temp\\Eagle2.pxf", FileTypes.ftAuto, OpenTypes.otDefault, "Tajima"); try { IBitmapImage myImage = PulseID.NewImage(300, 300); try { myDesign.Render(myImage, 0, 0, 300, 300); myImage.Save("C:\\Temp\\myImage.png", ImageTypes.itAuto); PrintThreadChartNames(PulseID.ThreadCharts); INeedleSequence designNeedleSequence = myDesign.NeedleSequence; try { IThreadPalette designThreadPalette = myDesign.ThreadPalette; // Get the thread palette information for the design. try { // find the needle that is used for each color in the design. Needle sequence is zero based 0=needle 1 for (int i = 0; i < designNeedleSequence.Count; i++) { int needle = designNeedleSequence[i]; IThreadProperty threadInfo = designThreadPalette[needle]; Console.WriteLine("Manufacturer= {0} Name= {1} Code= {2} R= {3} G= {4} B= {5}", threadInfo.Manufacturer, threadInfo.Name, threadInfo.Code, threadInfo.Red, threadInfo.Green, threadInfo.Blue); } UpdateThreadColor(PulseID.ThreadCharts, myDesign, 0, "Madeira Classic Rayon 40", "1002"); UpdateThreadColor(PulseID.ThreadCharts, myDesign, 1, "Madeira Classic Rayon 40", "1000"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("New Thread Sequence"); Console.WriteLine("------------------------------" + ""); // Get the thread palette information for the design. // find the needle that is used for each color in the design. Needle sequence is zero based 0=needle 1 for (int i = 0; i < designNeedleSequence.Count; i++) { int needle = designNeedleSequence[i]; IThreadProperty threadInfo = designThreadPalette[needle]; Console.WriteLine("Manufacturer= {0} Name= {1} Code= {2} R= {3} G= {4} B= {5}", threadInfo.Manufacturer, threadInfo.Name, threadInfo.Code, threadInfo.Red, threadInfo.Green, threadInfo.Blue); } Console.WriteLine("Done"); ; Console.ReadLine(); myDesign.Render(myImage, 0, 0, 300, 300); myImage.Save("C:\\Temp\\myNewImage.png", ImageTypes.itAuto); myDesign.Save("C:\\Temp\\NewDesign.pxf", FileTypes.ftAuto); } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(designThreadPalette); } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(designNeedleSequence); } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myImage); } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myDesign); } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(PulseID); } }