static void Main() { // Checks for updates and applies them if found, otherwises launches the game. #if !DEBUG Updater.CheckForUpdates(); #endif using (var game = new Pulsarc()) { game.Run(); } }
static void Main() { /* //Checks for updates and applies them if found, otherwises launches the game. #if !DEBUG * Updater.CheckForUpdates(); #endif * Commented out as CheckForUpdates with release 1.4.4-alpha as it serves little purpose in * Pulsarc's current state and may cause issues when the server goes down.*/ using (var game = new Pulsarc()) { game.Run(); } }
public Pulsarc() { pulsarc = this; // Set up stored Data access DataManager.Initialize(); // Load user config Config.Initialize(); // Set default resolution if not set, and fullscreen when at least one isn't set. if (Config.GetInt("Graphics", "ResolutionWidth") <= 0) { Config.SetInt("Graphics", "ResolutionWidth", GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Width); Config.SetInt("Graphics", "FullScreen", 2); } if (Config.GetInt("Graphics", "ResolutionHeight") <= 0) { Config.SetInt("Graphics", "ResolutionHeight", GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.CurrentDisplayMode.Height); Config.SetInt("Graphics", "FullScreen", 2); } // Set Graphics preferences according to config.ini Graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = Config.GetInt("Graphics", "ResolutionWidth"); Graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = Config.GetInt("Graphics", "ResolutionHeight"); Graphics.IsFullScreen = Config.GetInt("Graphics", "FullScreen") >= 1; Window.IsBorderless = Config.GetInt("Graphics", "FullScreen") >= 2; Graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = Config.GetInt("Graphics", "VSync") == 1; // Don't use FPSLimit if Vsync is on if (!Graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace) { // Force the game to update at fixed time intervals IsFixedTimeStep = Config.GetInt("Graphics", "FPSLimit") != 0; // Set the time interval to match the FPSLimit if (IsFixedTimeStep) { TargetElapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1 / (float)Config.GetInt("Graphics", "FPSLimit")); } } Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; }