//have to add new entry for GL Circle to draw sensor bubbles around taskgroups/populations/missile contacts //CircleElement has the circle in it already, but that might be inappropriate for what I want //SceenElement has the lable properly done. public SensorElement(GLEffect a_oDefaultEffect, Vector3 a_oPosition, float a_fRadius, System.Drawing.Color a_oColor, String LabelText, GameEntity Ent, ComponentTypeTN SType, Sceen ParentSceenArg) : base() { _ParentSceen = ParentSceenArg; _DisplayRadius = a_fRadius; m_oPrimaryPrimitive = new GLCircle(a_oDefaultEffect, a_oPosition, a_fRadius, a_oColor, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_TEXTURE); m_lPrimitives.Add(m_oPrimaryPrimitive); int LabelMid = LabelText.Length / 4; float xAdjust = -LabelMid * (UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE.X / _ParentSceen.ZoomSclaer); float yAdjust = 10.0f / ParentSceenArg.ZoomSclaer; Vector3 LPos = new Vector3(xAdjust, (a_fRadius + yAdjust), 0.0f); LPos = LPos + a_oPosition; Lable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect, LPos, UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, a_oColor, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, LabelText); Lable.Size = UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE / ParentSceenArg.ZoomSclaer; SetActualPosition(a_oPosition); SceenEntity = Ent; _SensorType = SType; }
public CircleElement(GLEffect a_oDefaultEffect, Vector3 a_oPosition, OrbitingEntity a_oOrbitEntity, System.Drawing.Color a_oColor) : base() { m_oPrimaryPrimitive = new GLCircle(a_oDefaultEffect, a_oPosition, a_oOrbitEntity, a_oColor, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_TEXTURE); m_lPrimitives.Add(m_oPrimaryPrimitive); }