コード例 #1
        public static Entity CreateScientist(EntityManager entityManager, Entity faction)
            //all this stuff needs a proper bit of code to get names from a file or something.
            CommanderNameSD name;

            name.First    = "Augusta";
            name.Last     = "King";
            name.IsFemale = true;

            CommanderTypes type = CommanderTypes.Civilian;

            //this is going to have to be thought out properly.
            Dictionary <ResearchCategories, float> bonuses = new Dictionary <ResearchCategories, float>();

            bonuses.Add(ResearchCategories.PowerAndPropulsion, 1.1f);
            byte maxLabs = 25;

            //create the blob.
            CommanderDB scientist = new CommanderDB(name, 1, type);
            ScientistDB bonus     = new ScientistDB(bonuses, maxLabs);

            List <BaseDataBlob> blobs = new List <BaseDataBlob>();


            Entity officer = new Entity(entityManager, blobs);

コード例 #2
 public ScientistDB(ScientistDB dB)
     Bonuses      = new Dictionary <ResearchCategories, float>(dB.Bonuses);
     MaxLabs      = dB.MaxLabs;
     AssignedLabs = dB.AssignedLabs;
     ProjectQueue = dB.ProjectQueue;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// assigns more labs to a given scientist
        /// will not assign more than scientists MaxLabs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scientist"></param>
        /// <param name="labs"></param>
        public static void AssignLabs(Entity scientist, byte labs)
            //TODO: ensure that the labs are availible to assign.
            ScientistDB scientistDB = scientist.GetDataBlob <ScientistDB>();

            scientistDB.AssignedLabs = Math.Max(scientistDB.MaxLabs, labs);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// adds a tech to a scientists research queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scientist"></param>
        /// <param name="techID"></param>
        public static void AssignProject(Entity scientist, Guid techID)
            //TODO: check valid research, scientist etc for the empire.
            ScientistDB scientistDB = scientist.GetDataBlob <ScientistDB>();

            //TechSD project = _game.StaticData.Techs[techID];