private static void RunWithOptions(CommandLineOpts opts) { ITrace logger = new Logger(Logger.ToLogLevel(opts.logLevel)); Tracer.Trace = logger; string ip =; Uri providerUri = new Uri(ip); Console.WriteLine("scheme: {0}", providerUri.Scheme); IConnection conn = null; if (opts.topic == null && opts.queue == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Must specify a topic or queue destination"); return; } try { NmsConnectionFactory factory = new NmsConnectionFactory(ip); if (opts.username != null) { factory.UserName = opts.username; } if (opts.password != null) { factory.Password = opts.password; } if (opts.clientId != null) { factory.ClientId = opts.clientId; } if (opts.connTimeout != default) { factory.SendTimeout = opts.connTimeout; } Console.WriteLine("Creating Connection..."); conn = factory.CreateConnection(); conn.ExceptionListener += (logger as Logger).LogException; Console.WriteLine("Created Connection."); Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", conn.MetaData); Console.WriteLine("Creating Session..."); ISession ses = conn.CreateSession(); Console.WriteLine("Session Created."); conn.Start(); IDestination dest = (opts.topic == null) ? (IDestination)ses.GetQueue(opts.queue) : (IDestination)ses.GetTopic(opts.topic); Console.WriteLine("Creating Message Producer for : {0}...", dest); IMessageProducer prod = ses.CreateProducer(dest); IMessageConsumer consumer = ses.CreateConsumer(dest); Console.WriteLine("Created Message Producer."); prod.DeliveryMode = opts.mode == 0 ? MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent : MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent; prod.TimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20); ITextMessage msg = prod.CreateTextMessage("Hello World!"); Console.WriteLine("Sending Msg: {0}", msg.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Starting Connection..."); conn.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Connection Started: {0} Resquest Timeout: {1}", conn.IsStarted, conn.RequestTimeout); Console.WriteLine("Sending {0} Messages...", opts.NUM_MSG); for (int i = 0; i < opts.NUM_MSG; i++) { Tracer.InfoFormat("Sending Msg {0}", i + 1); // Text Msg Body msg.Text = "Hello World! n: " + i; prod.Send(msg); msg.ClearBody(); } IMessage rmsg = null; for (int i = 0; i < opts.NUM_MSG; i++) { Tracer.InfoFormat("Waiting to receive message {0} from consumer.", i); rmsg = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(opts.connTimeout)); if (rmsg == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive Message in {0}ms.", opts.connTimeout); } else { Console.WriteLine("Received Message with id {0} and contents {1}.", rmsg.NMSMessageId, rmsg.ToString()); } } if (conn.IsStarted) { Console.WriteLine("Closing Connection..."); conn.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Connection Closed."); } } catch (NMSException ne) { Console.WriteLine("Caught NMSException : {0} \nStack: {1}", ne.Message, ne); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Caught unexpected exception : {0}", e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.Dispose(); } } }
private static void RunWithOptionsStructured(CommandLineOpts opts) { ITrace logger = new Logger(Logger.ToLogLevel(opts.logLevel)); Tracer.Trace = logger; string ip =; Uri providerUri = new Uri(ip); Console.WriteLine("scheme: {0}", providerUri.Scheme); IConnection conn = null; if (opts.topic == null && opts.queue == null) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Must specify a topic or queue destination"); return; } try { NmsConnectionFactory factory = new NmsConnectionFactory(ip); if (opts.username != null) { factory.UserName = opts.username; } if (opts.password != null) { factory.Password = opts.password; } if (opts.clientId != null) { factory.ClientId = opts.clientId; } if (opts.connTimeout != default) { factory.SendTimeout = opts.connTimeout; } Console.WriteLine("Creating Connection..."); conn = factory.CreateConnection(); conn.ExceptionListener += (logger as Logger).LogException; Console.WriteLine("Created Connection."); Console.WriteLine("Version: {0}", conn.MetaData); Console.WriteLine("Creating Session..."); ISession ses = conn.CreateSession(); Console.WriteLine("Session Created."); conn.Start(); IDestination dest = (opts.topic == null) ? (IDestination)ses.GetQueue(opts.queue) : (IDestination)ses.GetTopic(opts.topic); Console.WriteLine("Creating Message Producer for : {0}...", dest); IMessageProducer prod = ses.CreateProducer(dest); IMessageConsumer consumer = ses.CreateConsumer(dest); Console.WriteLine("Created Message Producer."); prod.DeliveryMode = opts.mode == 0 ? MsgDeliveryMode.NonPersistent : MsgDeliveryMode.Persistent; prod.TimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20); IMapMessage mapMsg = prod.CreateMapMessage(); IStreamMessage streamMsg = prod.CreateStreamMessage(); Console.WriteLine("Starting Connection..."); conn.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Connection Started: {0} Resquest Timeout: {1}", conn.IsStarted, conn.RequestTimeout); Tracer.InfoFormat("Sending MapMsg"); // Map Msg Body mapMsg.Body.SetString("mykey", "Hello World!"); mapMsg.Body.SetBytes("myBytesKey", new byte[] { 0x6d, 0x61, 0x70 }); Console.WriteLine("Sending Msg: {0}", mapMsg.ToString()); prod.Send(mapMsg); mapMsg.ClearBody(); // Stream Msg Body streamMsg.WriteBytes(new byte[] { 0x53, 0x74, 0x72 }); streamMsg.WriteInt64(1354684651565648484L); streamMsg.WriteObject("bar"); streamMsg.Properties["foobar"] = 42 + ""; Console.WriteLine("Sending Msg: {0}", streamMsg.ToString()); prod.Send(streamMsg); streamMsg.ClearBody(); IMessage rmsg = null; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { Tracer.InfoFormat("Waiting to receive message {0} from consumer.", i); rmsg = consumer.Receive(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(opts.connTimeout)); if (rmsg == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive Message in {0}ms.", opts.connTimeout); } else { Console.WriteLine("Received Message with id {0} and contents {1}.", rmsg.NMSMessageId, rmsg.ToString()); foreach (string key in rmsg.Properties.Keys) { Console.WriteLine("Message contains Property[{0}] = {1}", key, rmsg.Properties[key].ToString()); } } } if (conn.IsStarted) { Console.WriteLine("Closing Connection..."); conn.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Connection Closed."); } } catch (NMSException ne) { Console.WriteLine("Caught NMSException : {0} \nStack: {1}", ne.Message, ne); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Caught unexpected exception : {0}", e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.Dispose(); } } }