コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method for setting the underlying fields represented by the CompleteName property
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="binding">ExchangeServiceBinding to use for the call</param>
        /// <param name="contactId">Id and change key of the contact to update</param>
        /// <param name="completeName">The complete name to set on the contact</param>
        /// <returns>ItemInfoResponse message due to UpdateItem call</returns>
        public static ItemInfoResponseMessageType SetCompleteName(
									ExchangeServiceBinding binding, 
									ItemIdType contactId,
									CompleteNameType completeName)
            // Create our request.  We will do a single UpdateItem call with a bunch of change descriptions.
            UpdateItemType updateRequest = new UpdateItemType();

            // We are updating a single item
            ItemChangeType itemChange = new ItemChangeType();
            itemChange.Item = contactId;
            updateRequest.ItemChanges = new ItemChangeType[] { itemChange };

            // We will only set those props that are not null in the complete name.  So right now, we
            // don't know how many that will be, so let's create a list to hold the change descriptions.
            List<ItemChangeDescriptionType> changeList = new List<ItemChangeDescriptionType>();

            // Now, for each possible property, let's check to make sure it is not null, then we will set the
            // value on a ContactItem instance needed for our change description and add it to our change list.
            // Title
            if (completeName.Title != null)
                ContactItemType titleContact = new ContactItemType();
                ExtendedPropertyType titleProp = new ExtendedPropertyType(

                titleContact.ExtendedProperty = new ExtendedPropertyType[] { titleProp };
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(TitlePath, titleContact));

            // GivenName
            if (completeName.FirstName != null)
                ContactItemType givenNameContact = new ContactItemType();
                givenNameContact.GivenName = completeName.FirstName;
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(GivenNamePath, givenNameContact));

            // MiddleName
            if (completeName.MiddleName != null)
                ContactItemType middleNameContact = new ContactItemType();
                middleNameContact.MiddleName = completeName.MiddleName;
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(MiddleNamePath, middleNameContact));

            // Surname
            if (completeName.LastName != null)
                ContactItemType surnameContact = new ContactItemType();
                surnameContact.Surname = completeName.LastName;
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(SurnamePath, surnameContact));

            // Generation
            if (completeName.Suffix != null)
                ContactItemType generationContact = new ContactItemType();
                generationContact.Generation = completeName.Suffix;
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(GenerationPath, generationContact));

            // Initials
            if (completeName.Initials != null)
                ContactItemType initialsContact = new ContactItemType();
                initialsContact.Initials = completeName.Initials;
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(InitialsPath, initialsContact));

            // DisplayName
            if (completeName.FullName != null)
                ContactItemType displayNameContact = new ContactItemType();
                displayNameContact.DisplayName = completeName.FullName;
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(DisplayNamePath, displayNameContact));

            // Nickname
            if (completeName.Nickname != null)
                ContactItemType nicknameContact = new ContactItemType();
                nicknameContact.Nickname = completeName.Nickname;
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(NicknamePath, nicknameContact));

            // YomiFirstName
            if (completeName.YomiFirstName != null)
                ContactItemType yomiFirstContact = new ContactItemType();
                ExtendedPropertyType yomiFirstProp = new ExtendedPropertyType(

                yomiFirstContact.ExtendedProperty = new ExtendedPropertyType[] { yomiFirstProp };
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(YomiFirstNamePath, yomiFirstContact));

            // YomiLastName
            if (completeName.YomiLastName != null)
                ContactItemType yomiLastContact = new ContactItemType();
                ExtendedPropertyType yomiLastProp = new ExtendedPropertyType(

                yomiLastContact.ExtendedProperty = new ExtendedPropertyType[] { yomiLastProp };
                changeList.Add(new SetItemFieldType(YomiLastNamePath, yomiLastContact));

            // If they passed in a CompleteName with all NULL props, we should fail.
            if (changeList.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("No parts of CompleteName were set", "completeName");

            itemChange.Updates = changeList.ToArray();
            updateRequest.ConflictResolution = ConflictResolutionType.AlwaysOverwrite;

            // Make the call and return the response message
            return binding.UpdateItem(updateRequest).ResponseMessages.Items[0] as ItemInfoResponseMessageType;
コード例 #2
 /// <remarks/>
 public void UpdateItemAsync(UpdateItemType UpdateItem1)
     this.UpdateItemAsync(UpdateItem1, null);
コード例 #3
 /// <remarks/>
 public void UpdateItemAsync(UpdateItemType UpdateItem1, object userState)
     if ((this.UpdateItemOperationCompleted == null)) {
         this.UpdateItemOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OnUpdateItemOperationCompleted);
     this.InvokeAsync("UpdateItem", new object[] {
                 UpdateItem1}, this.UpdateItemOperationCompleted, userState);
コード例 #4
 /// <remarks/>
 public System.IAsyncResult BeginUpdateItem(UpdateItemType UpdateItem1, System.AsyncCallback callback, object asyncState)
     return this.BeginInvoke("UpdateItem", new object[] {
                 UpdateItem1}, callback, asyncState);