コード例 #1
        //long currentValue;

        public void Run()
            Debug.Print("Starting RangeFinder in a thread...");
            var        rangeFinderProcess = new HC_SR04(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D1);
            OutputPort blueLED            = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
            var        period             = 500;
            var        ledState           = true;
            long       pingResult;

            while (true)
                lock (monitor)
                    pingResult = rangeFinderProcess.Ping();
                Debug.Print("Reading = " + pingResult.ToString());
                currentValue = pingResult;
                object setpoint = SourceBuffer1.HandleGet();
                if (setpoint != null)
                    period = (int)setpoint;
                    period = period > 10000 ? 10000 : period;
                    period = period < 100 ? 100 : period;
                ledState = !ledState;
コード例 #2
            public void Run()
                Debug.Print("Starting RangeFinder in a separate thread...");
                var           rangeFinderProcess                      = new HC_SR04(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D0, Pins.GPIO_PIN_D1);
                OutputPort    blueLED                                 = new OutputPort(Pins.ONBOARD_LED, false);
                OutputPort    greenLED                                = new OutputPort(Pins.GPIO_PIN_D13, false);
                TimerCallback proximityAlarmTimerCallback             = new TimerCallback(ManageProximityAlarm);
                TimerCallback proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimerCallback = new TimerCallback(ManageProximityAlarm);
                //Timer belowThresholdTimer = null;
                //Timer proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimer = null;
                int    belowThresholdCrossingCounter = 0;
                bool   ledState = true;
                long   pingResult;
                object setpoint;

                while (true)
                    belowThreshold = false;
                    lock (monitor)
                        pingResult = rangeFinderProcess.Ping();
                    Debug.Print("Reading = " + pingResult.ToString());
                    previousValue = currentValue;
                    currentValue  = pingResult;
                    if (currentValue < currentLowTrigLevel)
                        Debug.Print("BELOW THRESHOLD!");
                        belowThreshold = true;
                        if (previousValue > currentLowTrigLevel && belowThresholdTimerActive == false)
                            TimerState belowThresholdState = TimerState.belowThreshold;
                            belowThresholdTimer            = new Timer(proximityAlarmTimerCallback, belowThresholdState, lowTrigDur, (int)1.5 * lowTrigDur);
                            belowThresholdTimerActive      = true;
                            belowThresholdCrossingCounter += 1;
                            Debug.Print("Low Level Threshold Crossed (count=" + belowThresholdCrossingCounter.ToString() + ")");
                            Debug.Print("belowThresholdTimer Started (fires in " + lowTrigDur.ToString() + "ms)");
                        if (proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimerActive == true)
                            proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimerActive = false;
                            Debug.Print("proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimer Cancelled");
                        belowThreshold = false;
                        if (previousValue < currentLowTrigLevel && belowThresholdTimerActive == true)
                            belowThresholdTimerActive = false;
                            Debug.Print("belowThresholdTimer Cancelled");
                        if (previousValue < currentLowTrigLevel && proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimerActive == false && belowThresholdCrossingCounter > 0)
                            proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimerActive = true;
                            TimerState holdingOffState = TimerState.holdingOff;
                            proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimer = new Timer(proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimerCallback, holdingOffState, holdOffTime, (int)1.5 * holdOffTime);
                            Debug.Print("proximityAlarmClearHoldOffTimer Started (fires in " + holdOffTime.ToString() + "ms)");
                    setpoint = sourceBufferMeasPeriod.HandleGet();
                    if (setpoint != null)
                        period = (int)setpoint;
                        period = period > 10000 ? 10000 : period;
                        period = period < 100 ? 100 : period;
                        if (period != currentPeriod)
                            Debug.Print("Period changed to " + period.ToString() + "ms");
                        currentPeriod = period;

                    setpoint = sourceBufferLowTrigLevel.HandleGet();
                    if (setpoint != null)
                        int i = (int)setpoint;
                        lowTrigLevel = (long)i;
                        lowTrigLevel = lowTrigLevel > 3000L ? 3000L : lowTrigLevel;
                        lowTrigLevel = lowTrigLevel < 100L ? 100L : lowTrigLevel;
                        if (lowTrigLevel != currentLowTrigLevel)
                            Debug.Print("Low Trigger Level changed to " + lowTrigLevel.ToString() + "mm");
                        currentLowTrigLevel = lowTrigLevel;

                    setpoint = sourceBufferLowTrigDur.HandleGet();
                    if (setpoint != null)
                        lowTrigDur = (int)setpoint;
                        lowTrigDur = lowTrigDur > 10000 ? 10000 : lowTrigDur;
                        lowTrigDur = lowTrigDur < 1000 ? 1000 : lowTrigDur;
                        if (lowTrigDur != currentLowTrigDur)
                            Debug.Print("Low Trigger Duration changed to " + lowTrigDur.ToString() + "ms");
                        currentLowTrigDur = lowTrigDur;

                    ledState = !ledState;