private void InstallToolIntoUserApplicationFolder(string toolName, string toolPath) { var appToolPath = toolPath.Replace(".exe", ".app"); if (!Directory.Exists(appToolPath)) { return; } var basename = Path.GetFileName(appToolPath); var installPath = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), "Applications", basename); if (File.Exists(installPath)) { File.Delete(installPath); } var install = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("ln", "-s '" + appToolPath + "' '" + installPath + "'"); if (install != null) { install.WaitForExit(); RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Global tool '" + toolName + "' is now available in the application menu"); } else { RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Unable to install global tool '" + toolName + "' into the application menu (unable to create link)"); } }
public void FinalizeRendering() { if (this.m_DidOutput) { RedirectableConsole.WriteLine(); } }
private static void RunGitInternal(string str, string workingDirectory, string consoleWriteLine) { var processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = GetCachedGitPath(), Arguments = str, WorkingDirectory = workingDirectory, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardInput = true }; RedirectableConsole.WriteLine(consoleWriteLine); var process = Process.Start(processStartInfo); if (process == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to execute Git!"); } process.StandardInput.Close(); process.WaitForExit(); if (process.ExitCode != 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Got an unexpected exit code of " + process.ExitCode + " from Git"); } }
private static string FindGitOnSystemPath() { if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar != '/') { // We're on Windows. We split the environment PATH to see if we // can find Git, then we check standard directories (like // C:\Program Files (x86)\Git) etc. var pathEnv = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"); var paths = new string[0]; if (pathEnv != null) { paths = pathEnv.Split(';'); } var standardPaths = new List <string> { Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86), "Git", "cmd"), Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86), "Git", "bin"), Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles), "Git", "cmd"), Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles), "Git", "bin"), }; // Add standard paths that GitHub for Windows uses. Because the file // contains a hash, or some other mutable component, we need to search for // the PortableGit path. var github = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "GitHub"); if (Directory.Exists(github)) { foreach (var subfolder in new DirectoryInfo(github).GetDirectories()) { if (subfolder.Name.StartsWith("PortableGit_")) { standardPaths.Add(Path.Combine(subfolder.FullName, "cmd")); } } } var filenames = new[] { "git.exe", "git.bat", "git.cmd" }; foreach (var path in paths.Concat(standardPaths)) { foreach (var filename in filenames) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(path, filename))) { // We found Git. return(Path.Combine(path, filename)); } } } RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine( "WARNING: Unable to find Git on your PATH, or any standard " + "locations. Have you installed Git on this system?"); return("git"); } // For UNIX systems, Git should always be on the PATH. return("git"); }
public int Execute(Execution execution) { var url = execution.PackageUrl; var module = ModuleInfo.Load(Path.Combine(execution.WorkingDirectory, "Build", "Module.xml")); if (module.Packages == null) { module.Packages = new List <PackageRef>(); } var package = _packageUrlParser.Parse(url); if (module.Packages.Any(x => x.Uri == package.Uri)) { RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("WARNING: Package with URI " + package.Uri + " is already present; ignoring request to add package."); return(0); } if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(module.Path, package.Folder))) { throw new InvalidOperationException(package.Folder + " already exists"); } RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Adding " + package.Uri + " as " + package.Folder + "..."); module.Packages.Add(package); module.Save(Path.Combine(execution.WorkingDirectory, "Build", "Module.xml")); return(0); }
public int Execute(Execution execution) { var archiveType = this.DetectPackageType(execution.PackagePushFile); if (archiveType == PackageManager.ARCHIVE_FORMAT_NUGET_ZIP) { if (execution.PackagePushVersion != ArgumentOmitted || execution.PackagePushPlatform != ArgumentOmitted) { RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine("You must omit the version and platform arguments when pushing packages in the NuGet format."); } } else { if (execution.PackagePushVersion == ArgumentOmitted || execution.PackagePushPlatform == ArgumentOmitted) { RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine("You must provide the version and platform arguments."); } } RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Detected package type as " + archiveType + "."); switch (archiveType) { case PackageManager.ARCHIVE_FORMAT_NUGET_ZIP: return(PushToNuGetRepository(execution)); case PackageManager.ARCHIVE_FORMAT_TAR_GZIP: case PackageManager.ARCHIVE_FORMAT_TAR_LZMA: default: return(PushToProtobuildRepository(execution, archiveType)); } }
public int Execute(Execution execution) { var package = _packageUrlParser.Parse(execution.PackageUrl); RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Installing " + package.Uri + "..."); this.m_PackageManager.Resolve(execution.WorkingDirectory, null, package, this.m_HostPlatformDetector.DetectPlatform(), null, false, true, false); return(0); }
private void PrintFilterMappings(FileFilter mappings) { RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("The filter mappings resulted in: "); foreach (var kv in mappings) { foreach (var v in kv.Value) { RedirectableConsole.WriteLine(" " + kv.Key + " -> " + v); } } }
private string FindNativeProgram(string program) { var search = _hostPlatformDetector.DetectPlatform() == "Windows" ? new[] { @"C:\Windows\System32\where.exe" } : new[] { "/usr/bin/which", "/bin/which" }; string searchFound = null; foreach (var s in search) { if (File.Exists(s)) { searchFound = s; break; } } if (searchFound == null) { throw new ApplicationException("ERROR: Could not find which or where on your system."); } RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("+ native-execute " + searchFound + " " + program); var searchProcess = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(searchFound, program) { UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true }); if (searchProcess == null) { throw new ApplicationException("ERROR: Process did not start when searching for " + program); } var path = searchProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().Split('\r', '\n').First(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) && _hostPlatformDetector.DetectPlatform() == "MacOS") { if (File.Exists("/usr/local/bin/" + program)) { // After upgrading to OSX El Capitan, the /usr/local/bin folder is no longer in // the system PATH. If we can't find Mono with the which tool, manually set the // path here in an attempt to find it. path = "/usr/local/bin/" + program; } } if (!File.Exists(path)) { throw new ApplicationException("ERROR: Located file '" + path + "' for " + program + " does not actually exist."); } return(path); }
public int Execute(Execution execution) { var scriptPath = execution.AutomatedBuildScriptPath ?? ""; if (!File.Exists(scriptPath)) { RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine("ERROR: Automated build script not found at " + scriptPath + "."); } return(_automatedBuildController.Execute(execution.WorkingDirectory, scriptPath)); }
public IPackageMetadata Lookup(string workingDirectory, ModuleInfo module, PackageRef reference, string platform, string templateName, bool?source, bool forceUpgrade, bool?safeResolve) { if (!_featureManager.IsFeatureEnabled(Feature.PackageManagement)) { return(null); } if (module != null && reference.Folder != null) { var existingPath = this.m_PackageLocator.DiscoverExistingPackagePath(module.Path, reference, platform); if (existingPath != null && Directory.Exists(existingPath)) { RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Found an existing working copy of this package at " + existingPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(workingDirectory, reference.Folder)); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(workingDirectory, reference.Folder, ".redirect"))) { writer.WriteLine(existingPath); } return(null); } else { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(workingDirectory, reference.Folder, ".redirect"))) { try { File.Delete(Path.Combine(workingDirectory, reference.Folder, ".redirect")); } catch { } } } } var request = new PackageRequestRef( reference.Uri, reference.GitRef, platform, forceUpgrade, reference.IsStaticReference); return(_packageLookup.Lookup(workingDirectory, request)); }
public string RedirectPackageUrl(string url) { foreach (var kv in this.m_LocalRedirects) { if (url == kv.Key) { RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Redirecting package from " + kv.Key + " to " + kv.Value + " due to command line options"); return(kv.Value); } } var redirects = this.m_PackageCacheConfiguration.GetRedirectsFile(); if (!File.Exists(redirects)) { return(url); } var redirectMappings = new Dictionary <string, string>(); using (var reader = new StreamReader(redirects)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var line = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); if (line.StartsWith("#")) { continue; } var components = line.Split(new[] { "->" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (components.Length >= 2) { var original = components[0].Trim(); var replace = components[1].Trim(); if (url == original) { RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Redirecting package from " + original + " to " + replace + " due to configuration in " + redirects); return(replace); } } } } return(url); }
private void InstallAssemblyIntoGAC(string gacPath) { try { var assembly = Assembly.Load("System.EnterpriseServices"); var type = assembly.GetType("System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish"); var constructor = type.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes); var publishObject = constructor.Invoke(null); var gacInstall = type.GetMethod("GacInstall"); gacInstall.Invoke(publishObject, new object[] { gacPath }); RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("GAC installation completed successfully for '" + gacPath + "'"); } catch (Exception ex) { RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Got an exception while performing GAC install for '" + gacPath + "': " + ex.Message); } }
public void ScanPackageForToolsAndInstall(string toolFolder) { var projectsPath = Path.Combine(toolFolder, "Build", "Projects"); var projectsInfo = new DirectoryInfo(projectsPath); foreach (var file in projectsInfo.GetFiles("*.definition")) { var document = XDocument.Load(file.FullName); var tools = document.XPathSelectElements("/ExternalProject/Tool"); foreach (var tool in tools) { var toolPath = Path.Combine(toolFolder, tool.Attribute(XName.Get("Path")).Value); var toolName = tool.Attribute(XName.Get("Name")).Value; if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\') { toolPath = toolPath.Replace("/", "\\"); } else if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '/') { toolPath = toolPath.Replace("\\", "/"); } using (var writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(this.GetToolsPath(), toolName + ".tool"))) { writer.WriteLine(toolPath); } RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Global tool '" + toolName + "' now points to '" + toolPath + "'"); if (_hostPlatformDetector.DetectPlatform() == "Windows") { this.InstallToolIntoWindowsStartMenu(toolName, toolPath); } else if (_hostPlatformDetector.DetectPlatform() == "MacOS") { this.InstallToolIntoUserApplicationFolder(toolName, toolPath); } else if (_hostPlatformDetector.DetectPlatform() == "Linux") { this.InstallToolIntoLinuxApplicationMenu(toolName, toolPath); } } } }
private Feature?LookupFeatureByID(string str) { foreach (var name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Feature))) { var field = typeof(Feature).GetField(name); var internalAttribute = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FeatureInternalAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as FeatureInternalAttribute; if (internalAttribute != null) { if (internalAttribute.InternalId == str) { return((Feature)field.GetValue(null)); } } } RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine("WARNING: Unable to find feature based on ID '" + str + "'"); return(null); }
private void PerformRetryableRequest(string message, Uri baseUri, Action <Uri> func) { var exceptions = new List <Exception>(); var backoff = 100; for (var i = 0; i < MaxRequests; i++) { try { RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("(" + (i + 1) + "/" + MaxRequests + ") " + message); func(baseUri); return; } catch (Exception ex) { RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Exception during web request: "); RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine(ex); exceptions.Add(ex); var webException = ex as WebException; if (webException != null) { switch (webException.Status) { case WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure: // This is a permanent failure. i = MaxRequests; backoff = 0; break; } } RedirectableConsole.WriteLine("Backing off web requests for " + backoff + "ms..."); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(backoff); backoff *= 2; if (backoff > 20000) { backoff = 20000; } } } throw new AggregateException(exceptions); }
public int Execute(string workingDirectory, string path) { IAutomatedBuildRuntime runtime = null; string script = null; using (var reader = new StreamReader(path)) { script = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (script.StartsWith("#version 1")) { script = script.Substring("#version 1".Length).TrimStart(); runtime = _automatedBuildRuntimeV1; } else { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Your automated build script must start with #version N, where " + "N is the number indicating the script runtime version for " + "automated builds."); } } object handle; try { handle = runtime.Parse(script); } catch (Exception ex) { RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine("ERROR: " + ex.Message); return(1); } try { return(runtime.Execute(workingDirectory, handle)); } catch (Exception ex) { RedirectableConsole.ErrorWriteLine("ERROR: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace); return(1); } }