public Substance(string name, SubstanceType type, string casNo, SubstanceFormula formula, double molarWeight, CriticalPropertiesAndAccentricFactor criticalProps) { = name; this.type = type; this.casRegistryNo = casNo; this.formula = formula; this.molarWeight = molarWeight; this.IsUserDefined = false; this.criticalProps = criticalProps; }
private void ExtractCoeffs() { FileStream fsRead = null; try { char[] separator1 = { '>' }; char[] separator2 = { '<' }; char[] emptySeparator = { ' ' }; char[] separators = { '>', '<' }; string[] subStrs; string[] subSubStrs; string formula; string name; string casRegestryNo; double a, b, c, d = 1, e = 1, f, g, bp = 1; double molarWeight, freezingPoint, boilingPoint, criticalT, criticalP, criticalV, criticalComp, accentricF; molarWeight = freezingPoint = boilingPoint = criticalT = criticalP = criticalV = criticalComp = accentricF = -2147483D; double minTemp = 1, maxTemp = 1; StringBuilder sb; CriticalPropertiesAndAccentricFactor criticalProps; Substance substance; YawsGasCpCorrelation gasCpCorrelation; YawsLiquidCpCorrelation liquidCpCorrelation; YawsGasThermalConductivityCorrelation gasKCorrelation; YawsLiquidThermalConductivityCorrelation liquidKCorrelation; YawsGasViscosityCorrelation gasViscCorrelation; YawsLiquidViscosityCorrelation liquidViscCorrelation; YawsLiquidDensityCorrelation liquidDensityCorrelation; YawsEvaporationHeatCorrelation evapHeatCorrelation; YawsVaporPressureCorrelation vapPressureCorrelation; YawsSurfaceTensionCorrelation surfaceTensionCorrelation; string line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8, line9, line10, line11, lineTemp; string tmpStrOld = ""; string tmpStr; int number; StreamReader reader; foreach (object fullFileName in listBoxFiles.Items) { fsRead = new FileStream((string)fullFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); reader = new StreamReader(fsRead); line1 = reader.ReadLine(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { line2 = reader.ReadLine(); if (line1.Contains("<TD class=BorderHelper>") && line2.Contains("<TD class=BorderHelper noWrap>")) { substanceFormula = new SubstanceFormula(); subStrs = line1.Split(separator1); sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i < subStrs.Length - 1; i++) { subSubStrs = subStrs[i].Split(separator2); sb.Append(subSubStrs[0]); tmpStr = subSubStrs[0]; if (char.IsDigit(tmpStr[0])) { number = int.Parse(tmpStr); substanceFormula.AddElement(tmpStrOld, number); } else { if (!tmpStr.Equals(" ")) { tmpStr = Parse(tmpStr.TrimEnd()); } if (i == (subStrs.Length - 2) && !tmpStr.Equals(" ") && !tmpStr.Equals("")) { substanceFormula.AddElement(tmpStr, 1); } } tmpStrOld = tmpStr; } formula = sb.ToString(); if (!line2.Contains("</TD>")) { lineTemp = reader.ReadLine(); line2 = line2 + lineTemp; } if (!line2.Contains("<I>")) { subStrs = line2.Split(separators); name = subStrs[2]; } else { subStrs = line2.Split(separators); sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 2; i < subStrs.Length; i++) { if (!(subStrs[i].Equals("") || subStrs[i].Equals("I") || subStrs[i].Equals("/I") || subStrs[i].Equals("/TD"))) { sb.Append(subStrs[i]); } } name = sb.ToString(); } name = name.TrimEnd(emptySeparator); line3 = reader.ReadLine(); subStrs = line3.Split(separators); if (subStrs[2].Contains("&")) { casRegestryNo = ""; } else { casRegestryNo = subStrs[2]; } line4 = reader.ReadLine(); subStrs = line4.Split(separators); a = double.Parse(subStrs[2]); if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp) { molarWeight = a; } line5 = reader.ReadLine(); subStrs = line5.Split(separators); if (subStrs[2].Contains("&")) { b = -2147483D; } else { b = double.Parse(subStrs[2]); } if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp) { freezingPoint = b; } line6 = reader.ReadLine(); subStrs = line6.Split(separators); if (subStrs[2].Contains("&")) { c = -2147483D;; } else { c = double.Parse(subStrs[2]); } if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp) { boilingPoint = c; } line7 = reader.ReadLine(); subStrs = line7.Split(separators); if (subStrs[2].Contains("&")) { d = -2147483D; } else { d = double.Parse(subStrs[2]); } if (thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat || thermProp == ThermProp.GasVisc || thermProp == ThermProp.GasK || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidK || thermProp == ThermProp.SurfaceTension) { minTemp = d; } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp) { criticalT = d; } line8 = reader.ReadLine(); subStrs = line8.Split(separators); if (subStrs[2].Contains("&")) { e = -2147483D; } else { e = double.Parse(subStrs[2]); } if (thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat || thermProp == ThermProp.GasVisc || thermProp == ThermProp.GasK || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidK || thermProp == ThermProp.SurfaceTension) { maxTemp = e; } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidCp || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidDensity || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidVisc) { minTemp = e; } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp) { criticalP = 1.0e5 * e;//convert from bar to Pa.sec } line9 = reader.ReadLine(); subStrs = line9.Split(separators); if (!subStrs[2].Contains("&")) { f = double.Parse(subStrs[2]); } else { f = -2147483D; } if (thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat) { bp = f; } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp) { criticalV = f * 1.0e-6; //convert from cm3/mol to m3/mol line9 = reader.ReadLine(); //skip critical density } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasCp || thermProp == ThermProp.VapPressure) { minTemp = f; } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidCp || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidDensity || thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidVisc) { maxTemp = f; } line10 = reader.ReadLine(); subStrs = line10.Split(separators); if (!subStrs[2].Contains("&")) { g = double.Parse(subStrs[2]); } else { g = -2147483D; } if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp) { criticalComp = g; } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasCp || thermProp == ThermProp.VapPressure) { maxTemp = g; } line11 = reader.ReadLine(); subStrs = line11.Split(separators); if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp) { if (!subStrs[2].Contains("&")) { accentricF = double.Parse(subStrs[2]); } else { accentricF = -2147483D; } } if (thermProp == ThermProp.CriticalProp) { criticalProps = new CriticalPropertiesAndAccentricFactor(freezingPoint, boilingPoint, criticalT, criticalP, criticalV, criticalComp, accentricF); substance = new Substance(name, substanceType, casRegestryNo, substanceFormula, molarWeight, criticalProps); substanceList.Add(substance); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasCp) { gasCpCorrelation = new YawsGasCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, e, minTemp, maxTemp); gasCpCorrList.Add(gasCpCorrelation); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidCp) { liquidCpCorrelation = new YawsLiquidCpCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp); liquidCpCorrList.Add(liquidCpCorrelation); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.EvapHeat) { evapHeatCorrelation = new YawsEvaporationHeatCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp, bp); evapHeatCorrList.Add(evapHeatCorrelation); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.VapPressure) { vapPressureCorrelation = new YawsVaporPressureCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, e, minTemp, maxTemp); vapPressureCorrList.Add(vapPressureCorrelation); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidDensity) { liquidDensityCorrelation = new YawsLiquidDensityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp); liquidDensityCorrList.Add(liquidDensityCorrelation); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasVisc) { gasViscCorrelation = new YawsGasViscosityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp); gasViscCorrList.Add(gasViscCorrelation); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidVisc) { liquidViscCorrelation = new YawsLiquidViscosityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, d, minTemp, maxTemp); liquidViscCorrList.Add(liquidViscCorrelation); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.GasK) { gasKCorrelation = new YawsGasThermalConductivityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp); gasKCorrList.Add(gasKCorrelation); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.LiquidK) { liquidKCorrelation = new YawsLiquidThermalConductivityCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp); liquidKCorrList.Add(liquidKCorrelation); } else if (thermProp == ThermProp.SurfaceTension) { surfaceTensionCorrelation = new YawsSurfaceTensionCorrelation(name, a, b, c, minTemp, maxTemp); surfaceTensionCorrList.Add(surfaceTensionCorrelation); } } line1 = line2; } reader.Close(); fsRead.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("The process failed: {0}", ex.ToString()); } finally { if (fsRead != null) { fsRead.Close(); } } }