public Plot2D(string name, PlotVariable xVar, PlotVariable yVar, PlotParameter parameter, bool includePVar) { = name; this.xVar = xVar; this.yVar = yVar; this.pVar = parameter; this.includePVar = includePVar; GeneratePlot(); }
public ErrorMessage FinishSpecifications(string name) { ErrorMessage errorMsg = null; if (catalog.IsInCatalog(name)) { errorMsg = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, "Inappropriate Specification", "The plot catalog has already got a plot named " + name); } // if (xVarMin > xVarMax) // { // errorMsg = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.Error, "Inappropriate Specification", "The minimum value of the independent variable must be smaller than its maximum value"); // } // else if (yVarMin > yVarMax) // { // errorMsg = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.Error, "Inappropriate Specification", "The minimum value of the dependent variable must be smaller than its maximum value"); // } // else if ((double)pVarValues[0] > (double)pVarValues[pVarValues.Count-1]) // { // errorMsg = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.Error, "Inappropriate Specification", "The minimum value of the parameter variable must be smaller than its maximum value"); // } // else if (xVar == null) // { // errorMsg = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.Error, "Inappropriate Specification", "The independent variable must be selected"); // } // else if (yVar == null) // { // errorMsg = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.Error, "Inappropriate Specification", "The dependent variable must be selected"); // } else if (includePVar && pVar == null) { errorMsg = new ErrorMessage(ErrorType.SimpleGeneric, "Inappropriate Specification", "The parameter variable must be selected"); } else { double xVarMin = 0.8 * xVar.Value; double xVarMax = 1.2 * xVar.Value; double yVarMin = 0.8 * yVar.Value; double yVarMax = 1.2 * yVar.Value; PlotVariable xV = new PlotVariable(xVar, xVarMin, xVarMax); PlotVariable yV = new PlotVariable(yVar, yVarMin, yVarMax); PlotParameter pV = null; if (pVar != null) { double[] values = { pVar.Value }; pV = new PlotParameter(pVar, values); } Plot2D plot = new Plot2D(name, xV, yV, pV, includePVar); catalog.AddPlot2D(plot); } return(errorMsg); }
public override void SetObjectData() { base.SetObjectData(); int persistedClassVersion = (int)info.GetValue("ClassPersistenceVersionPlot2D", typeof(int)); if (persistedClassVersion == 1) { = info.GetValue("Name", typeof(string)) as string; this.xVar = RecallStorableObject("XVar", typeof(PlotVariable)) as PlotVariable; this.yVar = RecallStorableObject("YVar", typeof(PlotVariable)) as PlotVariable; this.pVar = RecallStorableObject("PVar", typeof(PlotParameter)) as PlotParameter; this.includePVar = (bool)info.GetValue("IncludePVar", typeof(bool)); this.curveFamily = RecallStorableObject("CurveFamily", typeof(CurveFamilyF)) as CurveFamilyF; } }